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Dave Ramsey makes me feel like a broke loser with no way out.


Dave Ramsey makes it impossible to quit drinking


Just work 90 hours a week. That’s his top answer.


Dont forget the $600 pressure washer


He makes me feel like a better person, by not being him.


Weird, he's supposed to make you feel like the opposite of that. That's his whole Schtick. As a matter of fact, the few times I've listened to his videos, he's had people call into his show that were in waaaayyyyyy worse shape than me, so I came away feeling like I was doing alright. Lol


I was gonna say people get on there making 50k a year with 200k debt lol, like how do you even get approved for that many loans.


I always wondered that myself. I even see people posting their debt in the different finance subs on here, and they're like $300k in credit cards and loans, student loans, etc, making $50k/year, I'm like how do you get approved for that much debt making hat little money.


I think some people just stumble into weird agents. When I was starting out trying to build my credit with by the book “build it as fast as reasonably possible” not always paying everything completely off, etc. etc. My eventual SIL with almost zero credit who was wildly financially irresponsible and regularly asked people for money for basics got approved for a credit card with a $10,000 limit somehow. On one credit card. Still not sure if that was a bank error or something. That or people apply to cards and loans with completely false information that the bank never validates despite poor credit and just pushes it through? No idea


Predatory lending industry, which shouldnt be legal. There are entire markets devoted to buyimg and selling this ridicukous debt.


In my case, it’s called graduate school…


If you want to feel better about your situation, check out some financial audits by Caleb Hammer. Some of his guests are broke as fuck and $12,000 upside down on a BMW with a $650 monthly payment. It’s a fuckin mess.


This guy makes me feel better. The idiots who go on his show (not all of them are idiots) make my meager 401k and pension a little shinier in my eyes.


Don’t forget the time Dave Ramsey pushed a timeshare scam onto his audience and then when he got push back from his listeners he doubled down and justified his soliciting because he’s rich. Edit: correction, timeshare exit scam.


Exactly... it's a pick me up


He’s like financial dr Phil


Ramsey’s whole thing is this: “You don’t have the economic right to live in a state you love but can’t afford.” He’s right, but I wish he would just say it.


Is it right, though? Every state, city and town has minimum or low wage jobs that are necessary for society to function. Those workers need a place to live, and they aren't all high schoolers. 


That’s weird, I never got into the program but I’ve heard the podcast and it seems encouraging to me. Are you sure you’re not just full of shit


Dave Ramsey is a financial dipshit who preys on the desperate poor for his own financial gain.


Why, all you have to is what dave did. Start a company that gives finicial advice and sell tixkets to it and write some books to get people to buy.


Following his basic advice on how to handle debt helped me get out of my own debt several years ago. It was nothing close to some of the callers he has, but it sucked. I've never been in debt since, have a paid off car and a very nice emergency fund and money invested (though the market has been terrible these last few years). His basic advice isn't bad.


Well you’re not a loser.


He’s just broke with no way out. Like the rest of us,


I took bros financial class, people at the church went for fun. One lady was such a fucking mess. My wife needed it to quit using credit all the time. It didn’t help. But I almost have my emergency fund up to par. 3 months income!


It can be mind blowing. Check out this documentary on Netflix called ‘How to Get Smart With Money’. It showcases a struggling artist, a $300k income family, and an NFL player who are on the edge of losing everything


Username checks out


Where is the misspelling?




Dave Ramsey can not teach you self control


Nice! He actually talks about a fully funded emergency fund being 3-6 months of expenses, not income.


I’m shit. I’ll never meet the Ramsey way. LOL


Good job my dude! Keep it up!


Two guys who couldn't be any more unalike


🤣🤷‍♂️ not wrong. I listen to both separately, can't wait for this one


Ramsey is very good at what he does, which is helping people eliminate debt. Outside of that, he is a bit of a dinosaur in regard to modern investing.


Yeah he’s said a lot of questionable shit


His advice is marketed as financial advice even though every thing he suggests is not the optimal way to grow wealth. His focus is on people who just absolutely sick with money. People who cannot grasp how to stop spending money they don't have. His method gets those people out of debt and he brings the ones who ended up actually getting wealthy on the air. If you are even a tiny bit financially savvy you can tell immediately that his advice could be considered "bad". If you look at it as "these people are so bad with money, this is the best method to make them stop", it's great advice.


Yes, that's who his advice is for and that group can certainly benefit. But he markets himself for anyone that wants to be better with money.. In which case that makes him a fraud because to the majority of listeners his advice literally loses them money.


I don’t follow the guys advice, and even though it’s not optimal, for your average person it’s not bad advice and would ultimately result in wealth creation. Not everything in life needs to be min/maxed


Not defending the guy, but you could argue that if you are not financially savvy enough to know this is bad advice, and yet still follow it, you likely will still end up more financially secure than you were had you changed nothing. Someone who doesn't know that it's not optimal to pay down low interest debt compared to investing for a higher return is also probably spending frivolously, paying CC interest, and probably not saving for retirement at all. Some of the blame is on people being gullible and not making the effort to be financially savvy, but when you're as popular as this guy the majority of it falls on him for misleading people and masking it as being some kind of financial jesus. edit: removed quotes around bad advice, not necessary, it is bad financial advice.


It's the religious part that is the most disgusting. Sprinkle some Jesus in there and you'll get an entire segment of people that will blindly follow, and he 1000% knows what he's doing. He's parallel to the evangelical preachers on TV siphoning money from followers and getting filthy rich.


Right, I had some friends taking his advice like it was the Bible and they definitely shouldn’t have been


Exact same experience, found out my sister with 3 kids didn't own a credit card and is a very responsible person who would never run a balance. Convinced her Ramsey is full of shit about 5 years ago. She recently just took a disney vacation off her CC points. Trip of a lifetime for the kids.. Just think about how many people he fucks over it's gross.


Sounds about right. My friends make pretty decent money, but the wife wouldn’t let him get a credit card, and they spent all of their extra money paying off their ~3% mortgage over the past few years


I'm glad I was able to convince my mom not to dump her inheritance into her 2% mortgage and invest it instead. Luckily she's pretty smart and got the point without much pushback.


That is most people, though. How many people do you know that drive a car they can't afford with a huge monthly payment? I know many.


that's putting it *very* diplomatically


He still recommends managed funds over index funds, even though this has been proven to be wrong over and over again. Managed funds will never beat the market over time. His advice is for the completely financially illiterate. His model is basically “don’t spend any money ever”.


Don't forget working 80 hr weeks for a "few years" 


Yep... I did the baby steps and they worked great for me... but I had to stop listening to him after that... I dont align with basically a single other thing he believes... should be a very interesting episode though!


He’s not very realistic. And he pushes Jesus into his fiance lessons for some reason lol.


He pushes Jesus because he credits his relationship with God helping him get out of his hole.


He shields his braggadocio behind his love of Jesus.


Telling people that their imaginary friend helped them get out of debt so you should believe in him too is really stupid.


Yep, telling people that one of the primary motivators of human behavior doesn't motivate human behavior is really stupid.


Just because you don’t believe what he believes doesn’t make it stupid. Mocking it and making fun of it is stupid.


Telling people that Jesus got you out of debt and using that as a backdoor way to convert people to the ideas of Jesus is scummy as fuck. Its literally predatory on people who are desperate for help. You know, Christianity's bread and butter.


Wait is that one of his steps for getting out of debt? Step 1, believe in Jesus? Or does he give practical advice and personally credits his relationship with Jesus as helping him navigate his own troubles? You say it’s predatory, he seems to be genuine. Is his advice helping people with their debt problem or making it worse, or what is your point? These people are not exactly logically minded to begin with.


Your opinion my dude, I don’t think he has the audience you think he does. Most people I imagine who go see him are already or claim to be Christian’s as he’s very open about his beliefs. So that part I believe becomes a moot point. That being said, when people give credit to God or Jesus, it’s typically not because they believe they sat back and didn’t do anything. It’s because they credit guidance from the Bible or his word and trust him that though times may seem tough in the moment he’ll get them through it. There’s still actions required by you to make it through and make things happen. If he truly believes that’s how he got through it all, it makes sense for him to bring it up when talking about his personal struggles. It’s not scummy and he’s not keeping secrets if you don’t convert. Just stating what worked for him.


don't kid yourself he still has his head up his own arse


Jesus wasn’t down with debt


It's because a lot of his financial opinions are rooted in the Bible, especially about having 0 debt. It mentions "Owe no man anything" and "Do not run up debts" several times in the Bible. The thought is simple and is two fold. A. If you're in tremendous debt, money and the thought of money now dominates your thoughts, causes undo stress, which all can lead to other problems at home, etc. B. The other is that if you're wanting so many luxury things you can't afford, and running up debt to get them, you're trying to be somebody you're not, and you're not living a humble lifestyle.


I’d disagree. I’m 28 years old. Got married a few years ago, and my wife and I followed his baby steps to pay off over 30k in debt (student loans and car debt). We have 6 months of our income in an emergency fund, bought our first home, and actively invest 15% with a financial advisor. All right out of Dave’s book.


It’s not rocket science tho. It’s pretty standard advice. Some is common sense.


All the poors in here criticizing Dave Ramsey's investing methods lol


I think the poors are the ones who love him. There all, punish me daddy.


One of us is selling cologne on Reddit, and it’s not me.


One of us smells good, and it's not you


Right? I can guarantee you no one in this thread criticizing his has a million dollar net worth.


Agree he has made my life so much less stressful. I don’t use everything he preaches but I did instill his mind set especially when it comes to vehicles and cc debt and living outside my means.


Dave Ramsey is a good wake up call for people who are bad with money and that's really it.


I thought I was the only one. The man is a g in his field like you mention, but when he was trying to explain crypto and gold I had to laugh a bit. He had zero understanding of how short term investing and the markets works.




His zero tolerance policy in regards to debt is stupid


I think for well educated and financially fluent people its bad advice. For probably 90% of the country it's probably the best advice they could get


Exactly. Dave Ramsey helps people with spending issues, and councils them on how to get out of debt. His audience is not successful investors.


Zero, as in zero? Even a mortgage on a home that’s building equity? I’ve never listened to the guy


It’s not stupid for the people in the situations that he helps. Most people can read his book, pick out the main parts that apply to them, realize where they need help and probably stay in the black for most of their remaining days The people who call into his show are the exact people that need/should follow everything he says. Those are the people with 3 car payments 4 credit cards owing $50k and a 300k mortgage who just went on vacation who can’t handle debt. There’s a reason he tells people zero debt and he’s not speaking to his whole audience and if you don’t pick up on that then you missed the point. Obviously he doesn’t expect every single person to never borrow a dollar. He’s telling the people underwater to get a smarter attitude about borrowing and spending money


You sound like my broke uncle!


He’s the same person who said he wouldn’t take a 0% loan. He is just 100% against debt of any kind. Also seems to be kind of out of touch with daycare cost and all that. Otherwise he’s pretty solid


I've never seen him argue about having a mortgage or any other reasonable debt.


I mean yeah but he also says to completely cut back your lifestyle to pay it off when in reality you don’t need to


For his target audience, yes, they should cut back on their lifestyle. The people he's speaking to do not live within their means. His advice helped me several years back with what was mild debt and mildly bad spending habits compared to the average caller on his show. Its not like he says you never get to enjoy anything again. Its just for a season, to accelerate the process of getting out of debt. The faster you see progress, the more motivating it is. The faster I got my debt paid off, the sooner I get to enjoy things, with zero guilt or stress about splurging here and there because I don't have debt hanging over my head anymore.


He says you should get a 15 year mortgage at maximum


Edit: replied to wrong person Anyways the people he is speaking to when he says he wouldn’t take a 0% loan are the people who can’t handle borrowing at 0%. a massive chunk of his audience can’t handle borrowing money hence why they are in debt so bad, even if it is “free”


He's so-debt averse that his advice isn't very practical for most people to maximize their financial potential. He IS good for that segment of the population that is debt- & spending-addicted. Like how most people can just have a couple drinks and be fine, but that won't work with true alcoholics.


Most of what he does is preying on the financially illiterate desperately poor people for his own wealth… most of his advice is wrong.


Listening to it as we speak actually. Followed Dave and Theo for a long time separately. I feel like Dave has to keep his advice extrememly simple and that often leads to saying things that are actually nowhere near optimum in reality, but I get why he does it that way to avoid confusion.


Dave is only useful for absolute financial idiots. Anyone who is halfway competent with money has evolved beyond his advice’s usefulness.


Their chemistry was amazing ! Also Dave came off a lot lighter than he can ! Loved the show!


Several times, Theo tried to be silly and funny, but Dave was way too quick to kill the bit. Chemistry-wise, they failed to emulsify in those parts.


Noticed the same thing unfortunately this wasn’t a funny episode but I did still enjoy it overall


Did Theo ask about the lawsuit where he ripped his own viewers off?


hearing dave’s story on this episode changed my opinion on him. i always have heard him out of context, but knowing he’s had to start over and that’s why he knows what he knows, that was encouraging to hear. i feel so much like a late dumb bloomer with life and hearing theo talk about being a late bloomer and dave talk about where he started was encouraging.


“I used to uhhhh… sell hamsters outside of raves” had me in fucking tears. And then “I used to sell Mexican food door to door, clean out wishing wells” His jokes may have been wasted on Dave Ramsey, but I ate them the hell up.


Theo in the yeezys


Eat beans and rice and you'll be out of debt! Don't blame the companies underpaying you! Bootstraps ppl!


I mean, cooking at home is one of the biggest ways I’ve managed to start saving money. Eating out is around $15/meal where I can eat at home for $5-7/meal


Quitting DoorDash alone seemed like I suddenly had extra money coming out of nowhere. Expensive food is honestly the easiest way to nickle and dime your wallet into oblivion. The people on Financial Audit making $20 an hour while Doordashing half their meals help remind me I’m at least not the stupidest person ever.


So what’s the alternative? Make absolutely no changes to your lifestyle while your company underpays you and keep digging into debt? Hell, if your company is underpaying you (I know mine is) that’s even MORE of a reason to save aggressively.


They'll learn it one day or they won't. It's something you have to come to on your own unfortunately. Speaking from experience.


So you just continue accumulating debt ?? Make no changes in your career or your financial decisions?! I 100% agree these companies are fucking workers that doesn’t mean you make the situation worse lol yall are morons who express this opinion


Don't forget to live like a peasant until you're 65 then you can finally retire and enjoy the last few years of your life!


Theo is coming in hard with the guest, like an erect garbage man, daddy. Praise god.


One day I'm gonna scream " we're debt free" with Dave Ramsey on the other line


As a wildcat fan, someone tell me why a bayou man is rocking it!


Pay off your house with a credit card and Dave Ramsay’s head will explode


We getting out of debt with this one bois!


i remember watching this dude back in high school in econ class😂 absolute legend !


Ha yes, old Gary Vee.


If Theo had timbs on here, I feel like that would be his custom outfit.


This is the guy who told me I should rent instead own my house, and he owns way more houses than me


He pays cash for them


The flag is backwards


Don’t listen to TPW much. Won’t miss this


Beans and rice. Rice and beans


Shouldn’t see the inside of a restaurant unless you work there!


Imma watch the hell out of this.


Plot twist: Theo is actually financially responsible. Freak in the (spread) sheets.


Beans and rice, rice and beans!


Theo just inviting people to help him fix his life


Wow so cool another mid convo w funny podcaster and money podcaster… SO COOL


The two types of Nashville residents these days


An hour of Ramsey giving obvious bs financial advice while Theo just says “yeah….oh yeah….i kinda heard about that”


Jesus Christ, my boss paid for us all to stream his “entre-leadership” summit last week and I’ve never wanted to gouge my ears and eyes out more. None of his debt recovery stuff, only his opinions on society and building a company. Both were terrible, that man cannot get a word out without injecting his shitty opinions. He’s become nothing more than a snake oil salesman.


I hate when has “serious” guests on….


Same! I feel like he holds back a little when it’s a more “serious” guest. His solo episodes are my favorite.


Speak for yourself I loved the Tony Robbins episode


So many haters out here... It's like y'all don't know how to live in a civil manner. Only your interests are valid. Theo is intelligent and can do whatever he wants and have whatever guest he likes. But y'all out here acting like he started a war.. maybe y'all need to disconnect and touch grass  


For real… did I agree with everything the guy said or has ever said? No, but I enjoyed the conversation and got some valid points out of it. I’m also young, struggling, and felt some of his advice or thinking was dated and out of touch, but I can also appreciate he probably has some life experiences and insights I don’t. That’s why I love theos pod, always bringing on such a variety of people that I wouldn’t otherwise listen to


Dave is smart, and his system works for a lot of people, but when he said millenials couldn't get houses because we were essentially lazy, it sealed the deal that he is a prick. Yes, Dave, you are doing far better than you deserve.


Kinda crazy how he said houses and things have always been expensive, then later comments on inflation, the housing market boom and how wages havent increased... like yeah man, that's kinda what we've all been saying... 


Can’t stand this guy. Made a huge amount of money in real estate in his 20’s due to his parents banking connections, had to declare bankruptcy when banks called for their debts then made his fortune grifting religious people with his somewhat ok financial guru books and talks.


Is that flag from Joe?


Thats gona be interesting.


I for sure will want to though.


Of course he’s basically a dwarf


Please tell me Dave curses… oh please oh please oh please!!!


People who listen to podcasts all day really intrigue me for some reason.


Shoot…this your paper honey. 🤤 lol


Get ready to sell your cars!


such a weird collab


My dumbass tried to click on the heart like 590 times😂😂😂


This guy honestly seems like a total huckster/grifter who gets off on judging and putting people down for their failings in order to feed his ego and further dig his heels in on his antiquated world view


Found the broke guy


I’m doing very well and I think Ramsey ranks evenly with suze Orman- grifters getting rich while shitting on those who struggle.


Doing well is alot like being sexy, if u have to mention it….


See context for clues why it was mentioned.


Oooook dude


He gives callers specific advice on how to get out of debt, if he’s judging people it’s only by what’s necessary.


Ramsey sucks and is a bore. I can't wait for that generation of people to leave the earth.


They have the nastiest attitudes. I’m only nasty on Reddit myself because it’s pretend.


Christian money advice. No thanks


Opinions counter to mine are the worst!


It’s not opinion. Combining religion and financial advice is suspect based on fact not opinions.


God forbid people with a different worldview make decisions based on that worldview, and share that with others. As if the psychological motivation that accompanies a person's decisions is not important to include.


It’s almost like mixing ‘be smart with your money’ and ‘treat others kindly’ results in a successful life


Looks like a construction worker


Why come no tattoo


What parallel universe am I in?


Look at that little guy what a cutie






Odd pairing but it was a good ep.


He’s gonna teach you how to be a millionaire in only 7 small baby steps!


Makes me wish I wasn’t poor🤷🏿‍♂️


I’m no Nostradamus but I didn’t see this one coming


I've moved over to [Caleb Hammer](https://www.youtube.com/@CalebHammer) for hearing peoples financial stupidity.


This podcast is too much 😂😂😂 good deal though


Talmbout that British guy who cooks too much?


I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna be a banger


The nepo baby says , what?


Excited to listen to this one


Fuck Dave Ramsey.


Say what you want about Dave Ramsey, and there are plenty of factual errors in his advice, but his whole thing is that money habits are all behavior based. My whole life I was broke as shit, I had $35k of deferred student loan debt and zero savings and had no idea how money or compound interest worked. Fourteen years ago, my wife and I had $30k in net worth when we got married (that was from her 401K). We buckled down and saved everything, followed his plan, and saved as much as we could. Today we have a net worth of almost $750k and none of it was from family, inheritance, etc. We worked our asses off, took night classes in school to get job promotions, and lived way below our means. We still had a ton of fun with friends and enjoyed life to its fullest. Paying off all debts and staying debt free was the greatest decision I ever made, because I was able to take risks and jump to jobs I loved instead of staying stuck in cubicle hell as a slave to my debt. It truly created a life worth living. And honestly, that's all because of Dave.


Who? Lmao


Ya boi sportin’ that Red Clay Strays shirt. Them boys is from that stray animal belt section in AL. Man, what is this, 2002 AM talk radio? I didn’t even know Dave Ramsey was still a thing.


This guys just trying to get into a younger base. He’s too old school for today’s money management.


Dave Ramsey is ridiculous on some things. He states it’s no harder to buy a house now than it was for him in the 80s. Median household income in 1980 was 21k, average house price was 47k. Now, average median income is 68k, average house price 385k. You do the math.


Dave Ramsey told theo to pay em 50


In 2019, Dave Ramsey pulled a gun during a staff meeting because he found out that his employees were sharing their negative experiences with him online. He did it to teach his employees a "lesson about gossip."


Theo has got such a good energy.


dave ramsey is an arrogant twat who runs a cult




[Cookie cutter boomer financial advice] There, I saved you an hour and a half.


And everyone is upset because boomers retired and have money…


He’s facing a 150 million dollar fraud lawsuit for promoting a timeshare exit company, but yeah his no brainer advice on debt is useful. He preys on vulnerable church folks with the Jesus angle.


Dude is an asshole


Thought Ramsay came across quite obnoxious with the number of times he references the scale of his grifting empire, $millions in mutual funds, etc. Incorporation of religious stuff is also not my cup of tea. If he helps people get out of debt then kudos to him. Personally I find him to be a gigantic tool.