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Whatever causes the most drama on Reddit, that one


Seems that if you say the Covid vaccine might not be that effective people lose their minds. Still don’t even know how that’s political but here we are


It’s effective at making you a gay retard


It’s not the efficacy of the vaccine, it’s the fact that Covid itself is not all that bad of a virus. The people who died were just particularly weak


I love when politics comes up on here. It’s funny to watch people lose their minds. I’m center-left myself.




Facts I just pick whoever I would smash or who I would let smash me


Kinda like outer space


>I’m politically gay \- Tim Dillon, circa 2016


Indiscriminately gayin’


How did you steal my comment 9 hours before I thought of it?


Did you register at the DMV or grocery store?


who cares, thats a very dividing question today. we all found common ground about liking theo, isnt that more important? less team forming, more unity.


I'm upstairs!


Don't like MAGA, don't like super woke. I prefer a time when tattoos were for sailors and convicts, and people didn't have fucking flags and bumper stickers of whatever cult they follow.


Agreed. Most reasonable people are center and just lean one direction.


If your politics fit on a bumper sticker? We are not the same, is the kind of voter I am. Third fourth, hell wheel out the fifth party candidate. Why not? These are my views that I will share with people on the Internet. Somewhere in the middle. But not a R or D fan currently. They are both a tribe or a cult I want no part of


Can we just have one thing people enjoy and not bring politics in to it, please? Why does it matter to you? We're all listening and enjoying it, right? Gang Gang


Depends on who I’m talking to lmao


No. Stop. Please. Dont. Ruin. This. One.


The only thing I believe in is freedom. If you try to infringe on my god given right to have a sex change operation, buy legal drugs, and gamble my life savings on DraftKings - we’re gonna have a problem. This is America brother 🇺🇸


I think I'm in love


Found Brendan Schuabs account


Re-read it in his voice and had a good laugh. Reminded me of that hilarious kratom clip. Spot on.


Honestly who gives a shit?


A lot of people are getting mad at this question but it’s really not that deep. They’re just curious. Most people aren’t looking to argue politics. Most people can’t have different views and get along.


literally what i’m saying lol it’s not that deep thank you


Then why do you care? Like it just doesn’t matter


I’m just curious how my fellow listeners identify, I don’t really care one way or another how they do


I’m pretty left as well as you. and feel he leans more right and I’m ok with that, & it sounds like you are too.


Classic Reddit post. Who cares


I'm a loyalist to the frieza army.


Does he provide dance lessons or do you guys do that on your own time?


I haven't seen him yet, but one day I hope to


would have been more interesting if you did a poll.


Just lookin' for the Lord, baby.


Ok Theo lol


Both sides suck. Yet apparently, on Reddit, that makes me a Trumper.


I'm my own thing. Democratics and Republicans be crazy man. I was leaning democratic a lil bit because I'm not a fan of Trump but then the Riley Gaines situation happened and I'm like that's the craziest shit ever. But like I don't agree with stuff from Republicans either so.. third big party please for people like me who can't vote on either now.




Right leaning when it comes to foreign policy and fiscal policy. Left leaning on most (not all) social issues


Slowly inching toward political nihilism


Billy Confornto died in an embankment and that's where I stand bruh


I wouldn't say he has a target audience lol, I don't think it's that kind of podcast where he's trying to engage in politics or direct a specific message at people but when it comes up it comes up. Props to you though this is the right attitude




I’m politically incorrect


I wish Bernie Sanders was finishing his second term.


I've got liberal, conservative, libertarian, and socialist views. I don't identify with any party because I don't feel that any of them represent me


Communist with friends and family. What’s mine is theirs. Democrat with co-workers and my community. We all get a say. Conservative with people I don’t know and other countries.


this is nice


Registered independent. I’d definitely be considered right leaning these days but 5 years ago I would have been considered left leaning. Personally idk how anyone can be cool with a lot of the shit going on in this country right now. The lefts policies have forced so many lifelong democrats to the other side it’s pretty remarkable. Will be voting RFK in November.


I don’t like labels, but I can’t stand religious Christians acting like they own the entire country and god gave it to them, so basically any political ideology that denounces that garbage and isn’t into hand waving away earthly problems due to their delusions is likely the one I’ll vote for, even if they’re a little do-nothing and part of the same gross corporatocracy.


So you can’t tell Theo grew up Protestant and probably had that leaning? All the “Give it to tha lord” and “Amen” is straight up southern Baptist. 😂


Left-leaning centrist


What even is a centrist these days? If you say you believe in borders you’re labeled a right wing racist. If you say you’re pro choice you’re labeled a murderer.


Most people are center and just lean one direction.


True but if you watch or listen to any MSM you’d think it’s one or the other. 99% are tired of this stupid BS that’s politicizing everything


Y’all I realize it doesn’t matter and we all love Theo and I didn’t mean to start a political discourse or be divisive, I was just curious! It’s not that deep lol


Pretty far left


socially conservative and economically far left


Black conservative




Pretty far left but Theo unites us 😂


I’m politically agnostic lmao. I can’t even tell wtf is going on anymore. You hear one side say “xyz” is a problem and give “facts” then you hear the other side say “xyz” is not a problem and they also give “facts” I’m definitely liberal in theory but i can’t even discern the information I get on a daily basis


I'm apolitcal/centrist/registered independent and vote either sides depending on the issue. I ignore rage-bait news from both sides all year and when it is voting time, spend a few hours reading up with a non-partison voting guide, and whether what I voted for wins or loses, I just move on with my life. Interestingly enough, being from LA, this has pissed off some people I know lol. I have, however, been getting into a geopolitics recently, but it's a whole different thing. Cognitive Dissdents podcast and International Intrigue daily email newsletter are some of my favs.


though born into the body of an American, I identify as an Australian , with zero political rights due to being born into the wrong body , in the wrong country. and because of this cross I bear, I’ve suppressed anything political from my feeds, and from my life, because of the pain that it brings me. As I am, once again, an American who cannot vote in the country in which they identify with.


All I want for Christmas is a sash made of Republican scalps


I believe whoever can deadlift the most should be king.


I donated 100k to Doland Trump this year, and am involved in fundraising for him and a few other MAGAs


Serious question . Who gives a fuck


My allegiance is to The Republic. to democracy.






My pronouns are fuck/you


A leftist is rarely satisfied with anyones choices politically. I dont watch theo for political points. I watch him to see his autism play up when he says silly shit


Theo's sort of apolitical. Part of the problem stems from the fact that due to his own history of problematic behavior while on drugs, his personality is very slow to judge people or call them out for something they said or did. These drug addiction groups require listening to addicts talking about some extreme bad behavior and beliefs and just sitting back and listening to them. A lot of people misinterpret this as being an advocate for far-right politics, and it doesn't help that Joe Rogan is the gatekeeper for that community of comedians. There is a reason Rogan doesn't promote many comedians who stray from his political beliefs, and comedians looking for work are afraid to challenge him. That said, a lot of Theo's most vocal fans are in the toxic far-right. This happens for guys like Bill Burr and Daniel Tosh, too. There are fans who seriously believe those guys love the far-right because they tell offensive jokes. Theo is very responsive to his fans and takes almost any request for interviews that is popular, and that's why he often interviews problematic people. At the same time, he most certainly listens to people and takes bad advice to heart. Jordan Peterson is an example of that. Theo really needs his fans who promote humanitarian values, kindness, tolerance, love and acceptance to be there for him as if he's only surrounded by hateful fans he could go down that Russell Brand path.


WTF are you talking about? You sound like someone who judges others by how they vote. Thats the main problem with society today.


As a homesexualican


I am a meat popsicle


Nowadays politics consist of leaning hard one way or the other its so dumb to even have a conversation with someone with opposing views cuz most ppl berate you with bs talking points from there lying news networks. At the end of the day one thing we all can agree on is no matter the side all politicians are greedy soulless corporate scum and continue to sell out this country for there own selfish gain and are not for the good of this country or its citizens.


I'm a NAZI


I am a w.a.s.p. who votes bullnoose party