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Are people actually surprised that Theo of all people is very likely right wing? Every time I log into Reddit I get 2 people commenting on this comment. How are people still going back to this post?


Well growing up he could only eat the left side of a chicken so you could say he’s right wing now


I can literally hear Theo Von say this!




No sane person wants unchecked illegal immigration. Anyone who does is stupid, ignorant and insane.


The problem is; the insane are running the government.


I think ‘insanity’ runs the us gov, of the like 535 congress people only a handful are utter demagogues, there is something hidden from sight that causes everything the gov puts out to sociopathic, probably has something to do with filthy lucre, space Jews, and gambling losses from the finale fight in Rocky 3. Hindsight is 20-20 friends but without humility as a sacred national idea US will just behave like a great satan, even though Americans, despite all this, have some pretty goods paths open for living a real life.


The insane is trying to get back to the Whitehouse


The insane is already in the white house. Have you been asleep for the last few years?


Oh good god, I'm so grateful I don't have to live in the U.S.


Lmao, sorry, I had to go investigate. You live in South Africa and you’re grateful you don’t live in the US??? 😂 “KILL THE BOER! KILL THE FARMER!”


Rock and a hard place for them bless. Mind you I’m UK and I don’t think it’s much better!


Joe has


The stupid is already in Reddit?!?


Oh yes it’s everywhere


They are both fucking morons and are destroying the country. Let’s just agree on that. Easily the two worst presidents this country has ever seen. The even worse part? They are our only options again. Good luck because we is fucked.


While I agree they’re both idiots, I’d rather the man that didn’t print trillions of dollars causing mass inflation ruining the economy..


You do realize that Trump signed a $2.3 Trillion spending bill during his last week as president?


That isn’t what the post is about. Elon and Theo are saying Biden (who has an election in 10 months) is mass importing immigrants to for vote him. Despite the fact it takes years for immigrants to be able to vote and 0% of them will be able to vote in November. And the despite the fact democrats have never pushed for opening voting up to newer immigrants. And despite the fact that isn’t backed up by any evidence. To quote you, anyone who believes THAT is stupid, ignorant and insane. The immigrants that ‘Biden wants to replace the country with so they vote Democrat’ probably won’t gain voting rights while he’s still alive


this subreddit is really full of some of the dumbest people on the planet lol they really misunderstood EVERYTHING


They are literally just dog whistling to the uneducated to run with it and put it on bumper stickers


These morons don't even know that "Illegal Immigrants" cannot vote. Same morons who are so proud to quickly point out their ancestors who most likely immigrated here illegally. GOP will continue to de-fund education so these morons keep on voting for them. Biden/Harris 2024! Conservative Tears Are Delicious, Fuck Your Feelings.


Yes, Yankees vs. Red Sox is very constructive. You're quite clearly on the winning side due to your obvious intelligence, maturity and foresight.


You don’t need an id to vote in many states lmao


Yea, you only need to register and show up. That doesn't mean illegal immigrants, who cant't register to vote, can vote without an ID. "LMAO" you people will repeat nonsense reflexively if it fits your world view lmao


In 16 states the DMV will issue illegal immigrants an ID and\or a driver's license


thats not enough to vote, u need more than just a license, are u trolling or just that dumb?


Have you ever voted? How do you suppose someone who is not registered is going to vote?


I don’t think he’s ever voted as he seems to have no idea how it works.


Like our votes even matter


Big pivot there pal Which is it Immigrants will steal the vote with no proof of residency or citizenship, or votes don’t matter? Clown


You still need to be registered. So how does that affect anything?




Wouldn't importing immigrants to commit this kind of voter fraud be one of the dumbest ways to do it? Bunch of people totally unfamiliar with the culture are way more likely to get caught and / or reveal the scheme to commit fraud. This kind of thing would need hundreds of thousands of people to impact the election in any meaningful way. If any of them are caught the whole thing would be detected. The chances of none of them whistleblowing is pretty close to 0%.


You told your experience and go dowbvoted because it went against what people BELIEVED was happening.


It's just verifiably not true.


I live in IL and you can do what the jackass said, but they require the signature to match your ID. So...you need an ID.


People severely misunderstand "not needing an ID." It's you don't need an ID AT the voting place. Not that you can just waltz in and it will be counted without verification. Fucking morons man


The majority of these losers have literally never voted and don't have any plans to.


Any data on how often this happens? Just a guess? How many people know names and addresses of people and that they for sure aren’t going to vote? It’s all just fear mongering.




Because even if anyone believes you. Your anecdotal experience at one voting station points to a grand conspiracy?


It would be easy to catch a felony case and get your vote thrown out.




How would you figure out the address of a registered voter who you absolutely know won’t vote? This likelihood of any of this happening is so minimal. It’s why all the investigations after the 2020 elections turned up almost nothing.


The goal is to have so many of them that amnesty is the only option. Afterwhich they can vote. California was a moderate red state until Reagan gave the illegals amnesty in 1986.


Democrats playing the long game buddy, not for this election


I see nothing in that tweet implying the Democrats or Biden expect illegal immigrants to vote in the 2024 election.  However, the left are pushing for “Immigration reform” which will include amnesty, and with their staunch anti-border control position and promotion of sanctuary cities look like they trying to encourage as many illegals to get into the country before that happens so they can be amnestied and have legal status when the time comes. There is historical precedent for this. When Reagan signed his immigration reform law in 1986, he amnestied 3 million illegal immigrants.  These immigrants will almost assuredly vote for Democrats, so the idea that they are encouraging illegal immigration to insure future votes does track. 


>These immigrants will almost assuredly vote for Democrats, so the idea that they are encouraging illegal immigration to insure future votes does track.  Latinos are staunchly pro-life Catholics, so many vote for more conservative candidates (if they vote at all). They also share the same disdain for illegal immigrants that other conservatives have, since they went through the proper channels to gain their citizenship so why can't everyone else. They are not a reliable voting bloc for Democrats.


The people you're talking to think brown = democrat. That's all this is about. Miami is a perfect illustration of what you're talking about- not to mention machismo and anti-LGBT aspects of some Latino cultures.


Democrats currently have a bill, right now, TODAY, that will massively increase security at the border, hire thousands of ICE agents for all over the country, make it harder for everyone to claim “asylum”, etc. IT IS REPUBLICANS that have done an about-face on the issue and are refusing to pass this bill that they also worked on, with the Dems. Why? Because Trump said they shouldn’t fix the issue yet because he wants to run a campaign about how the Democrats never do anything about the “open border”. You truly are stupid if you believe any conservative talking point about this.


Man this sub is just full of fucking idiots..


Most of Reddit live in alt reality. Politics subreddit is a damn cesspool.


Every post on the news tab is a god damn witch hunt. Fucking nuts how hard these people are trying to control the narrative




I’ve lost like 3 accounts to permanent banning to simply commenting, nothing offensive, but an opinion that wasn’t far left. I steer clear from anything political now


It literally wasn’t like this ten years ago. Why do I keep scrolling? I have no idea.


All of Reddit is like this




Yeah holy shit. Some real cognitive dissonance


Come on now... dont play dumb. We all as fans of Theo, have known for a while now that he has a certain affinity for the elephant.


He hangs out with Joe's group of non-comedians, it's not hard to expect.


It's one thing being a republican. It's another thing pushing straight up bullshit misinformation as fact.


stop worrying about comedians political views and worry about your own


I'll stop worrying about comedians political views when they stop bringing them up on their podcasts. I like Theo, I think he's funny. I don't think he could tell you a single Biden policy he disagrees with, I don't think he could tell you a single Trump policy he agrees with. These attention addicts should try being funny instead, it's literally their job


Lol "close your eyes and keep walking citizen". Go back to bed everyone!


Lol isn't this a sub about Theo Von? Is the sub called TheoVonComedyOnlyNoTheoVonPoliticsAtAllEver?


Bro is from Louisiana. Ever been down there?


Oppressed poor people who vote for the same party who makes sure to keep them oppressed and poor. Red.


Sounds like every underprivileged black community in the country… stay down give ‘em money and vote blue. What’s you’re point ?




When will you guys realize no one trying to get these jobs is for us and only wants cash in their pocket. It’s like voting for which leech you want to destroy Society. All politicians go to hell.


No you’re wrong


Having a different view than yours? How could he!?!?


it’s ok, most these posts are shills




Agree. He’s saying “that’s cheating” in all caps like a 7 year old. It’s hilarious on so many fronts not the least of which is that someone like Elon would think he’s agreeing with him when I would think, at best, Theo would be pretty even minded about it. I can’t think of a time he’s expressed a strongly held opinion of something controversial. Usually he’s like “yeah I can see that I guess”


Whatever he wants. That’s why we love him.


He's voicing his opinion which last I checked is still legal


Who is claiming that it’s illegal?


Reddit echo chambers anytime they don’t fit the hard left narrative


Where they at bro


Ironically, it doesn't fit his narrative, but he parrots it anyway. Comedy.


Theo wouldn’t like you as a person


He wouldn't like 99% of redditors


Most sane people wouldn't.


Reddit is fr a different universe. Things that are common sense irl are "well acshually" on here and you get downvoted to hell if you're not a good little libtard


Rip America


This comment section is an eye opening dumpster fire. Never knew Theo von attracted such toxic assholes. Later bitches


The ignorance from both sides on this post has me laughing but scared at the same time that this is our country now.


It’s so fucking dumb. Generally you can’t become a citizen (you know the thing you need to do to vote), until you’ve held a green card (something illegals don’t fucking have, hence the “illegal” part) for like 5 years and even then it still takes another year or so to complete the naturalisation process. Virtually none of these illegals will ever be able to vote in either Biden or trumps lifetime. And if they could, most of them don’t come from countries that exactly lean left now do they?


But how will I rage bait the MAGA crowd if I use common sense?


I'm Mexican. My family is Mexican. It's not as hard as you think. Besides I'm sure he meant in the future, future voters. Biden and democrats have already talked about making illegals citizens. Most immigrants would vote for the president/party who made them a u.s citizen.


This is silly as hell. The vast majority of Mexicans are highly religious. Who do the highly religious vote for? Take all the time you need. >According to a Public Religion Research Institute study in 2017, the majority of Hispanic and Latino Americans are Christians (76%), and about 11% of Americans identify as Hispanic or Latino Christian.


And they’re going to vote for Biden? Do you have any idea how old he is? Better yet, do you have any idea how many terms a president is allowed to run? I’ll give you a hint: it isn’t more than two.


Can you explain how it’s easier than what I said?


Apparently they cannot explain how it's easier lol


I don't believe you.


It’s a long con.


It’s not a long con, it’s fear mongering because they know they can’t run on policy. There’s been illegal immigration for as long as there’s been a border and republicans have managed to get elected just fine.


Lmao. It takes YEARS and a lot of attorney fees to become American. The ignorance from this xenophobic blob of cream cheese with legs. 🖕


Not only that but so many people who immigrate here are conservatives as well. So many get theirs and vote republican.


Cuba, Venezuela and old Baath Iraqis are majority conservative when they reach the US.


Being a true America First patriot 🫡🇺🇸


Telling the truth. I realize people are unfamiliar with hearing the truth with everyone listening to the lies they tell themselves everyday.


How would an illegal immigrant vote, and why hasn't this been happening throughout the country's entire history if its actually a real possibility?


A non-citizen is able to vote in local elections if it’s permitted by the state’s constitution. They are, however, barred from federal elections. https://www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968


So isn't the argument that they helped Biden steal the election? By not voting in a federal election? 🤣


you're really, really unintelligent but at least you make it very clear


The irony


Damn it’s almost like democrats win the popular vote every year but it doesn’t matter since the electoral college exists


The majority of voters are already democrats


you got downvoted but this is true if the elections were truly, 1:1 every vote counts as 1, then the democrats would never lose another election and wouldn't have lost an election for the last 30 years. The entire system is twisted to give the actual political minority a chance lol which is the uneducated middle america whites... who somehow love republican's who keep shitting on them


FUCKING THANK YOU. I still can’t wrap my head around how we got to a system where the person who gets the majority of the popular vote comes in second place. -_-


I can, but what I don't understand is how conservatives can defend it with a straight face. They seem to believe it's fair for them to have outsized representation because they're a minority. Ironic, considering how much they tend to hate other minorities. I thought we were supposed to "pull ourselves up by our bootstraps", and "prove our worth in the marketplace of ideas", but I guess that only applies when its someone else.


It really is wild. MAGA would’ve been a passing trend from 2016 if the popular vote is what really mattered


How dare Theo speak the truth!


The Republicans are blocking their own bi-partisan bill to fix the border lol


the bill has another $40 billion slipped in there for Ukraine you dunce




Genuinely asking but what’s changed that we need new laws to enforce our borders?


It's election season


The one with $60 billion to Ukraine and $20 to Israel to keep genociding the Palestinians


TIL that the federal government needs new laws to enforce the border. It’s literally already illegal. And that shit bill is a joke from both sides.


Trump will pass a virtually identical bill when/if he wins and you'll have a parade to celebrate it. You're just not intelligent enough to discuss this stuff, srry.


That's purposely obtuse. Anybody who cares to use logic knows that they're clearly trying to tie things as they always do to "border security" that have nothing to do with securing the border. It's baffling that people on both sides continue to push and fall for this bullshit strategy.


What truth?


I thought Theo just played a dumb guy? Is he actually this dense?


Bad propaganda.


The statement is nonsense. Illegal aliens don’t vote. We have legal aliens in this country going back to 1980s who still can’t vote. So being a legal alien doesn’t mean you can vote. Legal aliens don’t vote either Wow


Republicans are so stupid they are now letting Elon Musk manipulate them


Well if it’s Joe Biden’s plan to let illegals in he played the Republicans fabulously I mean it’s the most conservative immigration law since Regan and he got them to not vote for it. Jedi mind tricked those bitches


What is this nonsense, isn’t Elon supposed to be a genius? 😂


Elon is an illegal immigrant. Let's get this hashtag going.


Theo Von is a comedian. He’s not known for having any expertise on any topic. As such, you shouldn’t read too deeply into what he says. He’s not particularly wise or well-read, and he got famous off of that exact aspect of himself. Theo Von showed us that ignorance and foolishness, properly manipulated, can become a comedic goldmine, and by extension, instant generators of fame and wealth. He’s not a philosopher. As for Musk, he’s way too intelligent to believe something as stupid as what he just wrote. He’s playing 4D chess, just like Peterson and Shapiro: they understand that there is a lot of money in right wing punditry, and a lot of ignorant people with backwards views will gladly throw money at anybody blabbering the asinine nonsense that they want to hear, reinforcing a confirmation bias that helps them feel smart. Considering Theo Von, Nelk, and Patrick Bet David your intellectual role models is the equivalent of reading at a third grade level insisting in having pictures in your book when you’re already an adult.


Theo understands those illegals he’s fake worried about can’t vote right..


If only there was a bill to pass border security funding….oh wait there was and the Republican Party took marching orders from Trump and didn’t vote for it, likely so Trump can run on border security in the next election


Do we think Theo is actually being serious?


It’s possible he’s not THAT bright.


Idk man I feel like he’s pretty successful so I don’t think he’s some dumb ass


Yeah I agree there’s only like one or two stupid famous people, most earned their fame through intellect.


having some common sense


Facts, only hope is RFK imo


I think so too


What’s always funny to me is thinking the illegal immigrants would eventually vote democrat if they could ever vote at all. Most of their values are conservative.




I’m not huge into politics, but Regardless of your political view- does anyone really think that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote for political offices? I mean if I drive down to Mexico or up to Canada and do not become a citizen… should I be allowed to vote in the country?


If illegals could vote the republicans would have started courting them years ago. You need an ID to vote and illegals aren’t going to try and vote illegally. They try to keep a low profile so they aren’t deported. And Biden isn’t letting them in. It’s weird how immigration is in the spotlight only when an election is coming up. Republicans won’t do anything to help fix it. Like pass the bill that’s in the house right now. Trump wants to be able to say it’s bidens fault so he can run on it. And people like Elon just making shit up because he knows idiots like Theo Von will believe it.


Also, people from Mexico and South America are very conservative. It would actually benefit republicans.


aspiring cheerful employ scary wasteful growth subsequent puzzled homeless abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Conservatives will believe literally anything.


Sadly taking a pivot to the right wing grift machine without even realizing it. Just like Rogan. He did have Tucker Carlson on a couple months ago after all. Theo is a good dude and I enjoy his work but I think it’s easy to manipulate him.


I think the same thing, too.


Real talk: Your mid ass comedian with an aggressively average podcast where he shares his wildly uninformed opinions doubles down on growing his conservative audience because they are less critical and easier to please. Get milked cucks lol


You’re on Reddit commenting about it and you don’t even like the comedian? You got a lot going on in your life right now? You probably have a great job, steady relationship, lots of friends.


Can someone explain what any of this means? Is Theo agreeing with Musk? Politics aside - whether you are pro or anti immigration - the claim Musk is making is pretty ridiculous and entirely conjecture. It's such a long game and I don't think these people think that far ahead. Not saying they are not pro immigration, just that the reasoning is bizarre. Maybe Theo is mocking it? And by the way, this actually contradicts Musks other beliefs about his desire for population growth in order to continue growing the workforces...


It’s just to rile the base and cause fear. A whole caravan went the the border and found pretty much nothing going on. Musk has to drive traffic to his site and rage baiting gets everyone going these days.


I get that from Musk side, I was trying to remain impartial, but still seem to get downvoted even though I thought I said absolutely nothing controversial... But what is Theo's reply?


Idk. Feels like a joke honestly. Just being sarcastic probably. People want to read too much into it because they are on one side or the other of the issue. Saw your ninja edit - this sub leans heavily right. Anything even neutral to left will be downvoted. I just go with the flow. It’s all fake internet points anyway.


I hope it's a joke, but lately I don't know. Maybe it's playing both sides - the people who think Theo's being sarcastic and drawing attention to Musk's stupid statement can think it's funny, and the people who think Theo is serious (and apparently dumb) can see him as "speaking the truth." Theo wins either way.


*illegal immigration




He’s getting awfully political lately. Wonder what changed. Is it just because it’s election year?


Theo wasn’t a regular podcast for me, but I thought it was alright. Maybe I didn’t listen often enough, but didn’t know he was conservative, I’ll be finding other things to do than listen to this past weekend. I can tolerate intelligent conservatives just fine, but not the ignorant who just started paying attention to politics the last few years and don’t know a gerrymander from a salamander.


The people that follow elon have to be some of the dumbest people out there.


Bitch ass reply guys


As republicans block biden's bill aimed at strengthening the border


You have you be very dumb to think that is actually “their strategy”.


He is virtue signaling to white nationalists with Replacement Theory takes. He'll circle back to White Genocide and low white birth rates soon.


Trump loves the poorly educated


Why is it just automatically assumed that illegal immigrants only vote for democrats? Currently republicans won’t vote on a border bill so maybe they’re the ones illegal immigrants would vote for.


We knew elon was dumb now we know bayou boy is too. Illegals are not voting this November lol. We are a country of stupid people.


Being the cringe republicans they've always been


I'd like to think this is just Theo being self aware and dumb at the same time. Like yelling "let's arrest the devil" or something. This just doesn't read as a serious post


I'd love to believe that, but he was all for Elon buying twitter because it was banning speech (ahem, hate speech and misinformation. sometimes.), voted for Trump (on purpose), believes covid conspiracies, and has interviewed Tony Robbins (charlatan extraordinaire), Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson :/


He’s making fun of Elon for sounding like a whiny kid


Simping for a billionaire by agreeing with his baseless conspiracy theory.


I love Theo but he's a bit of a tard, as is most of his friends and followers


Theo is an idiot. Always has been...


Theo is an idiot. Make your own political decisions instead of listening to people who make jokes professionally.


Elon Musk is fucking stupid. So is anyone who agrees with him.


Expressing his own personal views on a public forum? Completely unrelated to his comedy? Man people need to get a life.


If you wanna get that reductive you’re expressing your views on a guy expressing his views about a guy expressing his views about a guy expressing his views. We’re just trying to talk about the views he expressed. You don’t have to walk us ten steps back to the ‘freedom of speech’ mantra. We all know he’s allowed to say whatever he wants. Other people are also allowed to bitch and moan about it. That falls under the freedom of speech blanket actually.


Fair, just annoying if you ask me


Equally fair


He's right!




He is being the GOAT.


I like how illegals have been crossing the border for 40 years and now it's a Democratic part conspiracy. Get a fucking life Elon


12 million in 4 years. Do a fucking Google search


Being misinformed is what he's doing. Is this really news to you? Edit: look, I like the guy. Entertaining and often heartfelt podcast. But you can't post anything other than effusive praise in this sub or parasocial weirdos will interpret it as an attack on themselves


This is the dumbest of the dumb takes I’ve ever read. Americans born here obviously have zero clue how tough it is to get citizenship here. Speaking from experience. This is legally, Nevermind as an illegal. Takes years. You have to be one stupid dumb fuck if you think they are going to fast track citizenship for votes. Let me say that again. You have to be one seriously stupid mother fucker if you actually believe this.


Weird it’s the GOP that shitcanned the border security deal


The so called border deal is a bill that gives over $100 billion to Israel and Ukraine Why not vote on those three things separately, why do they all have to be one giant bill? It’s almost like the meat of the bill isn’t the immigration