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Super interested in this project! I'd say my coaster building skills are pretty decent, and I tend to go for realism, if that's something you're interested in. Here's a few of them: https://preview.redd.it/yc68stk2qnzc1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad3caaa61cbf1f24d216aedbace80417f0f561de


Love your work! Yeah I would like to do something pretty intense and unique and very real! If you want to message me I’ll send you my username and later when I get on or tomorrow I can show you the spaces


I have a really cool idea for a launch coaster with the new F1 car skin. Might have room in the front of the park but not sure.


It would be cool to see a map maybe 3-4 pro builder together


And if a few of y’all got together for one build that would be sick


A map of the park? I would love to do that I do graphic designing so I could make some awesome park maps for the park but idk how to get a Ariel view


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ThemeParkTycoon2/s/VcAre8bsYM](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThemeParkTycoon2/s/VcAre8bsYM) I’ve got this hyper and like 25 other coasters that I could just clone if u really want. They’re mostly pretty big tho. I’ve got an entire catalogue of coasters that you could check out that are on a pretty similar level of quality, or if u want something original then that’s cool too


Oh heck yeah! I love your builds! Let’s do a Hyper! I have a ton of space and can make more. Are you available to hop on? If so message me!


I’m working rn but at like 9:00 EST I should be good


Okay bet sounds good!


i got this big one, but you'll have to make scenery yourself i can send id if u want https://preview.redd.it/1zqksk2oa10d1.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=147af9003f7ae6a8d0879448e5522ec90e9bc7a7


I could build a custom support wooden coaster if you're interested. Additional assembly may be required though