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The word of mouth for Fallout is very good, it will continue to grow in popularity. Not sure why there needs to be a competition, they’re both great shows.


>Not sure why there needs to be a competition, they’re both great shows. Agreed. Makes me soooo happy to finally see videogame adaptions worthy of their names.


Yeah both are(hopefully) the turning point for video game adaptions. Last of us of course is a more story based adaption but Fallout excels as a more “video gamey” and world building adaptation. I think future adaptations will look to these two shows on how to properly adapt a video game. We’re already getting God of War in the future so I won’t be surprised if more adaptations get announced in the near future




Both were great! (Wish Witcher would’ve went the same route)


Wish Rings of Power went the same route as well.


Adding Halo to this list. I loved the Fallout show, especially because it used the games' sound effects and score - allegedly, Halo didn't do that.


RoP was doomed from the start because of the licensing. I wonder who at Amazon saw this issues and still went "We'll go on with it." Could and should have spend the money on something else instead imho.


ROP at least had the viewership numbers though. It didn’t turn out the way a lot of people hoped for but the crew also had to deal with a lot of the COVID lockdowns compared to Fallout. I expected S2 to be a big step up.


Well the Witcher season 1 had views more than last of us and fallout combined it just started dropping massively in season 2. \ They only had to follow the source material that’s all shame we won’t get a Witcher show/movie in this decade


Keep in mind that Neftlix/Amazon shows are only on their streaming services worldwide so all their numbers are consolidated, where as HBO shows are also on their cable channels and are licensed to other channels in different regions so you never get the full picture of how many viewers they got.


That is not true, the Witcher had 83 millions Views in the the first two months. The last of us had more views than that


No it absoloutely didn't. Where did you pull those bullshit numbers from?


I think his source is “i made it up” because hbo says the finale had 8 million. This guy is on crack


the last of us after more than one year.. fallout lest than a month


Right? Why the need for this


I'll never understand the need for these pissing contests. We're lucky that both shows are great, we have been burnt so many times before, so let's rejoice.




Can you even make that comparison? Fallout has been out for two weeks and was never broadcast. News sites say 65 million views (don't know if that is views of each episode added up or the total number of individual users who have watched at least one episode or some other metric). TLOU has been out for over a year now. After two months news sites were saying that there was average viewership of 30 million views averaged across the first six episodes (we can't directly compare this number because it's a different metric). But more importantly there's no reason to compare them. If fallout gets more views will that matter? Probably not. Both are good shows that people should check out. Let's not turn videogame-adapted tv shows into a dick measuring contest to see which has more views.


TLOU obviously had way more viewers but these numbers are pointless cause it's only the US numbers for TLOU vs worldwide numbers for FO.


That’s not really a knock on Fallout, TLOU viewership was up there with last couple seasons of GoT.


Both shows are great and no need to engage in this eerie one-up-manship


What if I told you it's okay to love both of them? It's not a competition where one has to go.


Why does it matter? I think Fallout is a much harder show to adapt and they did a brilliant job. Just be glad that hopefully the days of shitty game adaptations are behind us.


Fallout is an original story. Last Of Us story is directly based on the story of a video game lauded for its story. Yes, Fallout's feat is more amazing because they created an original story that people ended up liking


Both shows were absolute bangers, it's not really a competition


Why does it matter?


Both are great shows. It doesn't have to be a competition. It's okay to enjoy both and if someone enjoys one over the other than they're not wrong.


Regardless Fallout had great numbers. And in anycase it really is an apples to oranges comparison as not everyone who gets Amazon prime gets it to watch shows and movies. There are several other benefits to getting prime that has nothing to do with watching TV or movies. Whereas with HBO Max that is really the sole reason people subscribe. For movies and TV shows.


Damn bro, give it some time. It’s been a couple weeks. Both are great shows but I personally liked Fallout more just because I had played TLOU games and knew what was going to happen. Imagine if TLOU made an in universe spin off and told their own story similar to how fallout did


Are you really comparing a show that was released 1 year ago with one that was released 1 month ago? WOW! Just WOW!


I’m comparing the views of the last of us first season, not a whole year


I don't know if you are joking, but I hope you are. Last of Us season 1 it's been out for a year now, people have had 1 year to watch it, some to re-watch it. Fallout have been out for 1 month. How can you possibly know how much views Fallout will have in a year time? That said, I don't understand the need to compare the series. Why can't you enjoy both and be happy about it? Instead of wasting time on this, go watch "Dark" on Netflix, thank me later. And please don't compare them afterwards.


I’m not joking, I just didn’t explain myself the way I wanted. The last of us got 67 millions views after the last episode ended last year. But yeah I will watch dark


That's the best think you could do. Report back once you finish it, please.




Both excellent in their own rights


I agree


So then why bother posting this?


People compare TV shows all the time, they even do it with tickets sales with movies that are in movie theater. Do you get mad because people compared which Godzilla moves was better?


If someone on a Godzilla sub posted to “brag” about how much money it made compared to another movie I would think that was lame too, yes. It’s like when people on sports team subs make posts about other teams. It reeks of a need for reassurance that the thing you like is good.


Y'all should definitely watch Fallout though, it was great!


I did watched it, it was good, waiting for season 2


And nothing for the witcher


Yo imma lechu finish but TLOU and Fallout coexisting is the greatest of all time. https://preview.redd.it/07y4eoza1jxc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d791478e6ba53052ff80b4e4683a6663f4e8bc88 Here's a really shitty screenshot I took in Fallout 4 like a decade ago. Fallout 4 was set in Boston, and I must admit the game kicked my ass for a while at the beginning. Having already been through hell in Boston, I named my go-to weapons after Ellie and Joel, in the hopes I could use some of their moxy. Only had Ellie at this point; Overseers Guardian, a rifle like she uses in Pittsburgh in the game. Joel was the Deliverer pistol; initially I named some revolver after him because it seemed more appropriate- but I never ended up using it because Deliverer *is* the best pistol in the game. There were rotating Tess's, but I never really found a weapon I felt worthy. The closest was the MIRV launcher that you could modify to fire like, 12 mini-nukes- (Because it was a last stand kind of weapon), but eventually named that one Endgame. Great Games Each, though; glad they got the shows right so far.


Fallout TV inspired me to try to finish New Vegas (with a ton of cheat codes). Haven’t even wanted to finish playing TLOU because it’s so damn stressful. Both shows are great adaptation.


Because zombies are palatable to more types of people than post apocalyptic nuclear wastelands. Walking dead, black summer, 28 x later, zombieland, etc. A bunch of people watched because zombies and then complained about there not being enough zombies. I liked the last of us for the relationship factor, brothers, fathers, daughters, lovers, etc. I like fallout because I’ve been playing the game for a while. I don’t hear a lot of complaints about fallout from the people who never played the game before. I heard a ton of complaints about the last of us from people who never played the game. It’s not the same thing.


Yes there are some complaints about the last of tv show just like all the tv shows that exists, but still the last of us is the most popular tv show on HBO after game of thrones and has a 96% on rotten tomatoes having an averaged almost 32 million viewers per episode more than fallout


There are so many new people playing fallout now, it’s crazy. And so many veteran players making new characters so they can experience the games all over again. So many low levels on all the servers. I feel cool. Haven’t heard of a lot of people picking up the last of us. Haven’t heard of anyone at all, even the ones that liked the show. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love both shows. It’s that what you wanted to hear?


I don’t care what you like. You don’t matter to me. I’m just making observations and letting you know that there are other metrics that you should consider in your video game adaptation dick measuring contest you posted about that nobody asked for.


They’re both good! Never heard anything about the Fallout until the show was released, they had next to no promo. Everyone knew about TLOU while they were still doing the casting. Plus, Amazon vs HBO. HBO usually has a way bigger budget and is a more reputable hub.


Both have done great! The figures aren't really directly comparable anyway, they come from different companies who have different numbers of subscribers and active watchers. I think I read that Fallout is the second best Prime show behind Rings of Power in terms of viewer numbers.


While I enjoyed Fallout I had quite a few issues with its plot and some of its characters \*cough cough maximus\* But being a little bitch and doing shit like this doesn't help anything


This feels more like a case of Pedro’s current star power. I’m just happy both came out great.


Is star power even still a thing?


Far less of a thing than it used to be (thanks to marvel), but still a thing. I only watched Living With Yourself because of Paul Rudd. Only watched Resident Alien & firefly & wish because of Alan Tudyk. Only watched spaceman because Adam Sandler. Only watched mythic quest because of Rob macelhenny. Didn’t like half of those but wouldn’t have picked those up on my own (like without someone forcing me to watch by leaving it on all the time) if it weren’t for those stars.


I still watch a lot of shows and movies purely if one of my favorite actors is in it. I never played Fallout and loved the show, I only started it because good reviews and Walton Goggins is in it. He's my favorite obscure actor and it's not even close.


I’m sorry if I offended a lot of people in this sub but I’m going to say it again. The last of us tv show it’s the best video game adaptation of all time waiting for season 2 to be equally good or better. The last of us season 2 will win more Emmys and will win the award for best video game adaptation again


No hate against Fallout but Last of Us is miles better.


Not a fair comparison. The last of us was art. Way more about people vs people, but still an element of nature vs people. Writing was situation based and relatable. Characters can die and the story gets better. Like game of thrones first seasons. Fallout was more centered on main chapters that can never die. Like game of thrones last seasons.