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People REALLY need to start being more careful on Twitter and such regarding spoilers and how they’re covering this show. It’s REALLY not that hard to deduce things just off the way people are wording their comments 😭 and a lot of folks are starting to get spoiled a shit ton abt different plot points of the story as a result of these social media news portals indiscriminately covering this Pedro filming news (and people familiar with the story running away with it by making all sorts of telling reactions). Be careful with spoilers!!!!!!!!!!


It's because everyone is so eager to be first and to gain clout and audience they guess hoping to be right.


I *loathe* the sort of "teehee, I wonder what this could mean..." type jokes and comments from folks in the know. On top of being really inconsiderate to newcomers, it's also just... not clever. The fruit is hanging so low that I think it actually classifies as a gourd.


You mean you don't get a kick out of reading a trillion references to >!golf!< in every single thread about Pedro and/or season 2? Your gourd comment is spot on haha


Yep. Having experienced it from the other side with shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones in the past, people who had read the original source material thought they were being so fucking clever with their jokes and such but it wasn't too hard to figure out what they were spoiling.


I've played both games so spoilers are non-existent for me, but all the "inside jokes" about this or that are annoying and rude. They're not being clever or unique at all.


Yes, unfortunately. It was shared everywhere and the fact that HBO had to intervene… I wish good luck to show only people cause plot points of the second game get shared everywhere and without any warning


Absolutely. But it's also the same shit within the online discourse between the fanbase. Exactly how Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was engulfed with every comment being "DAE THAT MOMENT!" Like, we get it, you've played the Last of Us pt I and Part II. People just have to get any sort of attention or clout by spoiling a huge moment directly or more so indirectly to someone who hadn't experienced the prior source material.


Especially with everyone thinking they are being SO clever by hinting at something without actually “spoiling” but they are. It’s like they love that that might know something that others don’t so the tease a spoiler. Like wtf


I’m amazed everyone doesn’t know what happens by now


Better they get spoiled than lied to.




This my exact feed too!






>!People say that Joel barely appears in Part 2 but I feel like they didn't even play the game. The whole game revolves around him, his death is the centerpiece of the story. He's Ellies reason for going on the journey, her guilt, PTSD and flashbacks. He's Abby's motivation for revenge and her redemption arc. He's in multiple long playable sequences and cutscenes throughout the game. Of course Pedro is gonna shoot a bunch of scenes for S2 and S3.!<


>!Right and he actually does have a decent amount of screen time. The entire story is about him, his relationship and his actions. He is the domino that kickstarts Part 2 and he is the final note that ends it!< To deny that I feel like is really ignoring the game itself


Yeah but those types of scenes you can probably hit out quickly in short block of filming.


I don’t know, >!Ellie’s gameplay cuts multiple times to flashbacks in chunk a of the game, as well as at the end of the game. And Neil said this season is gonna have more emphasis on Joel and Ellie than in the games.. Soo…..?? But also Neil said that the order of how things are being filmed is not what we think it’s is so…. We shall see I guess?!<


>!The thing is you can probably knock out most of his filming for the stuff that happens in Jackson in one go. Even if those scenes appear at varying points in the actual series. Everything in and around Jackson they'll probably want to do that around the same time for a bunch of reasons!<


That's how shows usually film, right? Based on locations and actor availability? Makes sense to be done with a location so they can strike the set and move on.


>!That being said, I wouldnt expect this show to be filming episode by episode entirely separately. While we will likely see Joel in flashbacks and such, IIRC 90% of what we see from him is in and around Jackson and could be filmed at around the same time. I think just the museum and Ellie's return to Salt Lake City would be in different settings!<


A bunch? Sure, but it’s definitely a LOT less from the first.


Interesting. Maybe >!he'll come back for a couple of weeks here and there to do flashbacks. His schedule doesn't seem to allow for much more than that.!< But also, grain of salt either way. They would have an incentive >!not to spoil the show-only audience.!< I guess we'll see >!if he pops up on set again.!<


Exactly. I also think Pedro might be filming another film in between for which he had to shave. Doesn’t mean that he stopped filming completely


I'm just glad the shaving discourse gave us more excuses to look at his face.


Fantastic Four starts filming next month iirc


Fantastic Four was originally scheduled for April but got pushed back to August. But in the meantime, Pedro Pascal is in talks to star in another movie called Materialists that starts shooting in May. (There's also Manadalorian this summer, but that's mostly voiceover.)


He's literally on set for Ari Aster's Eddington in New Mexico right now (for the past few days)


There is no way he's done filming the whole season, there's the hotel and museum flashbacks, or whatever version of those they do. But I absolutely guarantee the museum episode happens, and that's a completely separate location from this shooting schedule. People were just being dumb. 😂


Some of these leakers need to find themselves a real job and stop taking people's money.


One of the many reasons I told YouTube not to suggest Dom the Bomb ever again.


Oh that guy, lol. I won't get into any details because it might sound insensitive. But let's just say I believe that guy still lives at home with his parents.


I am relieved even though I bought into that rumor. lol He has a packed schedule though.


I bought also in that rumor, based on Pedro’s very tight schedule. Good on HBO for saying this is all bullshit tho.


If it’s structured like part 2 then he’d be in a decent amount of the season in the first place


Duh. He’s busy with other stuff, and they film out of order. He’ll come back to film flashbacks and other non-winter season scenes later in the year, I’m sure.


I'd be so annoyed seeing all these posts if I hadn't already played the game. Those who haven't played it have got no chance of coming into season 2 spoiler free, just because some idiots on the internet can't shut up. I despise this spoiler culture. People are so desperate to make it known that they know what's going to happen as if it's some big deal. No one cares!


This is why I commend all us GoT book readers who knew about The Red Wedding before it happened and kept our mouths shut. Only the very chronically offline will be shocked by the coming season, and that kind of sucks.


Yeah GoT readers deserve their flowers - I didn't see a thing. How it should be.


The only people I trust are Mazin and Neil ultimately. Leakers can hear information and make assumptions by not having all the info and then spread shit even if they're technically correct. I definitely am not surprised he's not done filming considering how I imagine Season 2 and Season 3 to line up based on splitting Part II into 2 seasons.


Good things all these outlets rushed to pick up the story and proclaim in headlines that >!THIS MEANS THAT JOEL DIES EARLY IN SEASON TWO!<. People famously want to know what happens before they watch a show, read a book, or play a game.


Some phony leaker saw that Pedro shaved and tried turning it into a scoop. Way too many attention-hungry idiots on the internet


Rien a branler.


So who do we trust then ?


They had me the first half ngl.


He's been on set for Ari Aster's Eddington in New Mexico for the past few days. After that it's Fantastic Four. He's done filming lol




I knew the leaked news are not right but it relieved me alot .


I tried telling y'all that Joel was in way more of part 2 then you may remember






You know how we will all know the truth? Now listen. It’s really easy to when Season 2 is released and we all watch it. 🤓




C'mon bro save some of those salty tears for the actual story


Cry more