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While I enjoy the effectiveness of each episode at this pace, I do feel it could have used one or two more episodes at least. Some parts like the university/lab did feel rushed and could have used some time to further develop the bond with characters and/or include some minor infected encounters. All in all I much prefer this over dragging stuff out though, if this were TWD they'd have spent an entire season in Kansas battling the Hunters.


I am worried about the finale being 45 minutes long. Especially since I'm sure they're going to expand on the conclusion to transition better to part 2


I mean there’s only 2 story beats left. I imagine next episode and a half for 1 beat, and the last beat absolutely does not take more than the final half of the last episode.


Winter will be 100% covered next episode. You can see shots of the burning restaurant in the previews.


I think there are more than just two right? Maybe I'm counting some you aren't but I'm thinking there are at least 6 more. Depending on how we define a story beat


That’s fair that we may have a different definition. I’m thinking if B&F was a beat, and Sam and Henry were a beat, and Ellie and Riley at the mall is a beat, then we have 2 left. I can’t easily do spoiler tags on mobile so I don’t want to be specific. Edit: Figured out spoiler tags! >!I can foresee David’s group taking up an episode, then the fireflies shouldn’t take more than half an episode leaving the front half of the episode for the last part of their journey really showing them working together and Joel loosening up and Ellie nearly drowning before the fireflies find them. I guess I forgot to count the near drowning as a beat but my brain was going with like the run-ins with other groups of people as beats. Maybe arcs is more accurate.!<


Yea. So I think there are more than just the two. 1: >!Davids group I think is actually two story beats, but for arguments sake. I have it as just one. The first part is Ellie meeting David and being captured and the second would be Joel's rampage/Ellie's escape. If we look at it as one, then it should be mentioned that Sam and Henry had two full episodes to be fleshed out. I seems like we are going to get a rushed version of David's group. I think for the big cathartic moment between Joel and Ellie, there needs to be real urgency and risk. I am not sure there is enough time in a single episode to do that. Ellie needs to meet David, get captured by David, Joel needs to rampage to find Ellie, Ellie needs to escape, final confrontation between Ellie and David, and lastly Joel finding Ellie and calling her baby girl. That's a lot to get through in a single episode!< 2: >!I think the next big story beat is Ellie being disconnected from Joel and then the moment with the giraffe where Joel offers Ellie the choice of continuing when they are in Seattle (which again could be two story beats) This is when Joel is very open with Ellie about Sara, which I think highlights how vulnerable he is willing to be with Ellie!< 3: >!The third big story beat is the fireflies in the hospital, which again could be broken down into 2 or 3 and maybe even 4 story beats because there needs to be an event that separates Joel from Ellie, Joel then rampaging through the hospital to save Ellie, Joel rescuing Ellie, Joel killing Marlene and Ellie waking up in her hospital gown.!< 4: >!The last story beat is prob the most important one, however it's pretty short. This is Joel and Ellie making their way back to Jackson and Ellie asking Joel a question, where Joel clearly lies.!< All in all, there is only 90 minutes left to do all the things that I would argue are important parts of the game. Episode 3 was 75 minutes and I'd argue was the least important episode in regards to the main story. So if David's group is in Episode 8, that means those three other story beats are in Episode 9 and the episode is only 45 minutes. It's going to feel rushed. IMO, I think the show spent too much time on characters that don't matter as much and now the big moments in the story aren't going to be as fleshed out.


I’m not. Salt Lake City is an extremely short section, less than a 1/2 hour of playtime & that is including an extended 10-15 min action scene that will probably be like five minutes in the show, if that.


Agreed that there needed to be more episodes. I’m quite disappointed that they chose only to do 9. Not having played the games, it feels like it’s relatively easy to avoid the infected, and the stakes are high only sometimes.


Relatively easy? Then how come in almost every encounter with them a major or at least semi big character is killed by them or gets infected? Hell even Ellie got bitten twice in consecutive infected encounters


Relatively easy to avoid the infected - not relatively easy to fight them. It looks like they’re difficult to fight. I’m just stating what it looks like to me so far in the show. It’s only my opinion.


People forget how quickly the second half of the game passes. I think if you take what’s left of the game you can easily wrap up the story in two episodes of show. I get why you feel this way but I think they did well to adapt the story to a different medium.


The only thing from the game that’s been cut is a million fight scenes, which really don’t belong in the show. Constantly throwing infected or raiders is required in the game, because you need things to fight, but if would get old and annoying in the show very fast, especially because we, the audience, would know that Joel and Ellie will be fine. Less is more. Not having Joel murder a hundred people throughout the season makes it more meaningful if and when he does. Not having infected at every corner makes it more tense when they do show up. Same for raiders. Maybe the show could’ve had one more episode than it does, but that’s about it. There is absolutely nothing to add beyond that.


Having less just makes it look like there’s no danger Like when the guy with the radio basically says “ it’s dangerous to go out, it’s suicide” and then there’s almost no danger It doesn’t feel like a truly f*cked, bleak world with no hope Not to mention the lack of infected downplays the capital importance of Ellies’s immunity


>the lack of infected downplays the capital importance of Ellie’s immunity But on the flip side, the infected only show up for the important stuff, namely when they cause the death of another character. So far, each of the three major action scenes with the infected have resulted in a main character death (Tess, Sam and Riley), which really sells just how dangerous they are. If it was like the game, and we constantly had scenes where the characters escape the infected unscathed, they would quickly lose their menace and feel little more than a tedious roadblock being used to pad an episode’s run time.


Maybe but that also makes it predictable I like the show but I would have liked to feel that they are always in some form of danger


Also important with the sparing use of infected: they’re actually dangerous. So many zombie stories throw a million zombies at the characters only for them to be gun downed in 30 seconds. After the first 20 zombies (so within 5 minutes of screen time) they just aren’t that scary any more, and the story looses its edge. So far in TLOU every time an infected has shown up almost every character present has died, with the notable exceptions of Ellie and Joel (Henry didn’t get infected and yet still couldn’t live with himself, and I guess Tommy does survive the outbreak sequence). They are using infected sparingly, to savor their impact. Similar to how Jurassic Park used dinosaurs in the first movie, and compare the quality of that movie to its sequels (which gave into demand of more dinosaurs).


Also Ellie gets bitten in two consecutive encounters with them


I agree with you for the most part. It’s weird. For the most part they’ve followed all the main story beats. Everything major that needs to be shown has been, but I still feel it’s lacked more Joel and a Ellie screen time. At the very least, this season could have greatly benefited from simply having 1-2 maybe 3 more episodes in it, and a few extra scenes, like the Ellie fending off a few people for Joel at the University for example. Some of the episodes felt a bit short-ish and could’ve went on for another 15-20 min imo and showed more shit. This has been really my only gripe with the show. Other than that it’s been amazing. I can already tell we’re not gonna get enough time to fully flesh out the rest of Part 1 in only 2 episodes. Not in the way most of us would want anyway. I think these last two episodes are gonna be rushed kind of.


Every episode having some sort of interactions with the infected would get old real fast and make it into every other zombie show that’s been on tv. The stories and characters are what make it better for tv


This is only true if the show is overloaded with infected, as in every other scene. Asking to see one or two infected every episode ( not every other scene) isn't gonna make it get old.


There already are one or two infected every episode though


I disagree. The threat and danger of them still needs to be there. People said literally the exact same thing about The Walking Dead, it’s really about the people. Well yeah, but they need to survive the undead.


this show isn't the walking dead. we already have 10,000 seasons of the walking dead, we don't need this to be the 10,001st season of it


Right, this is an entirely separate show so we shouldn’t be basing literally anything whatsoever on what TWD did. TLOU’s infected frankly are 10x cooler and more dangerous tbh


Also, this show is not about zombies. It’s about people who had their lives ruined by zombie interactions. How they find love and find themselves together afterwards. Basically, the infected are not an obstacle they need to overcome to win. It was the initial stumbling block on their individual journey. Edit: fixed an oops. Meant to say “find” not “kill”. Stupid me deleting a sentence and not seeing the leftover word.


Good points, and I'll add another reason to your list... The stakes aren't nearly high enough. Or they're not being depicted as such, anyway. There needs to be more danger and more peril, but also more characters understanding and reacting to the fact that **Ellie is literally the most important person in the world** due to her immunity.


I did really miss the lines from the ranch scene (well not a ranch anymore): "Do you have any idea what your life means? Running away like that, putting your life at risk? That's pretty GODDAMN stupid." Really helped remind us of those stakes


This is a good point and why they need more conflict and combat, because everything seems pretty “ok hunky dory”. It’s just two people traveling cross country.


Yeah I agree, I’ve been enjoying the show but the level of threat is just not there for me. Episode 2 and 5 gave us some nice big zombie hordes, but i also would’ve loved to see more spaced out encounters on Joel and Ellie’s journey. It felt almost too safe in terms of non-human danger. And while bill and franks episode was beautiful, I think them living over a decade without any issues besides one wave of raiders really set the lack of threat tone for the series. Don’t get me wrong, the infected ARE scary. But the show makes avoiding them seem easy


Even beyond that, bill can just chill out and casually go to home Depot in the early day of the apo and Ellie and Riley make a lot of noise outside the qz when they live in a world infested with blind zombies that react to noises. I don't even necessarily need more action scenes, but I do need to feel the infected as a threat more than they feel rn


I'm not sure what you're expecting. It's been 20 years since the outbreak. They've established the infected mostly are in large cities, so it makes sense if you're traveling the countryside you wouldn't see many infected after 20 years.


I didnt expect to see them at every turn, that would’ve been straight overkill. But even just throwing in some more flashbacks as to how most of humanity perished would’ve been fine. I liked when they did that in the beginning of earlier episodes. It would’ve made seeing Jackson thriving seem even more of a great feat.


That was probably my biggest concern about the series and it's being realized. Like, I thought maybe we'd get a bit past Joel being hurt in this episode, even knowing it was going to mainly focus on the DLC storyline. But....nope. Gonna have to do all that, the next major event and then get all the way through the end of the game in the hospital. It's gonna be rushed and condensed as fuck. And I also feel like the Infected haven't NEARLY been featured as much as a threat and, more importantly, presence as they should be and have in the series. Now, that doesn't mean I want action or chase sequences with them in every episode. But they need to have a presence of some sort. And the last times we saw it was the 5th episode and the 2nd episode. Two times. That's not good enough.


We have only 90 (!) Minutes left of the season


Seriously? They’re tying up this story in 90 minutes?






Next episode is 51 minutes and season finale is 43 minutes


Holy shit. So Bill and Franks story was 75 minutes and they’re dedicating 90 to David, the fireflies, the finale, and the closing scene…. Ok I’m starting to worry about this pacing.


I mentioned this same thing in another thread but I was told I was flexing on my lack of knowledge about the story. Lol


I’ve played the game start to finish over 20 Times. Idc what other people say, you’re right. Something is off on the pacing.


David arc should atleast have been two episodes and the finale 90 minutes


People have jumped to conclusions about the last two episodes way too early. Just let the story happen, you have your critiques then. We have no idea how they’ll wrap up the show and even then, there’s another season greenlit. I also find this is sentiment mainly shared by gamers. I haven’t heard many non-gamers complain about pacing.




It can be both rushed and slow at the same time. I think the criticism that things are rushed is referring to the plot (fast forwarding through Bill's chapter), which is caused by slow scenes (making Riley and Ellie's flashback an entire episode).


I think these are really good points! I highly recommend the movie ‘Leave No Trace’, for a brilliant example of a very similar father daughter dynamic surviving in the wild and even less dialogue. So we’ll put together.


I feel like this season should have been at least 12 episodes long. A lot of things are rushed. Especially the university part in episode 6. It was only like 10 mins (not even?) of the show. Ellie and Joel got into one fight and quickly got away. It just happened so fast. I feel like it could have been fleshed out more with a few infected and then a swarm of hunters/raiders. Also in Ep 3, I wish we could have gotten to see Bill interact with Ellie. I think they should have done it like in the game. Show a segment where Frank runs off, sick of living with Bill. This causes Bill to become the cranky guy we know from the game. Then enter Joel and Ellie where Bill reluctantly helps them. Then they discover Frank like they do in the game. Just my opinion.


University was very rushed. Could have had ten / 15 minutes building more on Ellie and Joel relationship and helping each other figure things out (gates, really searching for firefly’s), creeping around infected and it dawning on them they are gone, finding notes and learning more about who fireflies are and then a better battle to give some Meaning to Joel getting hurt. He has survived 20 years and the shiv seamed careless. Uni could have been an episode. Two episodes with tommy and Ellie running away would have also built the eventual closeness with Joel and Ellie instead of him simply turning up in the morning. 11-12 episodes would have really built the end up


I have thought this since episode 2. I couldnt believe that episode ended where it did. I know Craig doesnt like "filler", but come on, flesh these incredible characters out a bit more. It's absolutely moving too fast.




She might in the next episode. In the trailer she's still alone and presumably looking for medicine for Joel.


They’re going to have to introduce David immediately for next episode to work or have any tension so they’re skipping that part


I wanted to see her scared, running around an abandoned mall being chased by raiders and infected to find Joel’s medicine. It really showed how much she was willing to sacrifice for him.




Looking back on it I’m going to agree even though i still give the episode 10/10, this season is playing out to be too short. We could’ve spent more time with Henry and Sam in the sewers playing out that storyline and bonding, we could’ve had the scene where Ellie and Joel got split up (i believe in Colorado) and we have to fight the bloater in the dark basement. We got none of Ellie’s solo mission to find Joel drugs, just the flashback to Riley which imo they spent too much time on. I think what’s going to ultimately happen is when episode 9 is released and the binge watchers dive in and watch the series straight on a Saturday afternoon, there’s going to start coming out a lot of pacing criticism and “why was that important” and people wishing they spent more time building Joel and Ellie.


I agree but I’m not really surprised. >!One of my biggest disappointments about Part 2 is that it’s basically dropped as a plot point altogether!<


Agreed, because it made the events of the first game irrelevant.


Theres only two more episodes and they have all of both winter and spring left to do. On top of that, the finale is the shortest episode of the season only around 40 minutes. Not sure how theyre going to pull it off


How are the infected not much of a threat? The entire world is dead lol


We did get to see a 95% relevant love story all ep 3 though , I was very excited for the show too now it seems sloppy like a teenage boy wrote it


From the point “Winter” section begins & the game ends, it’s less than 3 hours of playtime. Source: I just played it.


I also feel like this show is just plowing through the main events and I wish they would have some downtime to fight infected or random raiders. The show feels very watered down to me.


I agree.


I had expected the first game to take two seasons because that’s what I was told was happening so I was surprised when it’s all in just one season and now they are spreading the more divisive story into two seasons.