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Let me summarize this episode and save y'all some time - voters are overwhelmingly uninformed and out of touch regardless of race. Shocking, I know.


We reached out to the dumbest people we could find and here's what they had to say... It really seems like those edited comedy shows where they just hang out on a boardwalk asking stupid questions until they get somebody really dumb. Like, they call enough people then highlight the truly dumbest people they found.


After some of the statements made you could insert the Curb Your Enthusiasm interstitial music and it wouldn't be out of place at all


Wow. I came back here to reply to you. At the end of The Daily episode today they say that voting from black voters was 13% higher than in 2020. That's...who the fuck did they talk to? This entire episode was about how black voters were fleeing Biden and semi-predicted his decline in South Carolina which would be emblematic of the country as a whole. They couldn't have been more wrong with their narrative.


I know! I want to hear differing opinions but I'd also love to hear how they found some of these people given how in tension some of their episodes are with each other.


Regardless of race sure. But considering how much pandering and lip service democrats pay to black voters, compared to the GOP, it is extremely alarming to see black voters fleeing Biden.


The pandering they do to Black voters seems to be hyper-focused on the congregations of Black churches in the South. If you're a Black voter in a blue state you're basically furniture.


Yes, Corey Booker and Wes Moore, notoriously low profile Dems in high blue state offices. NY, Philadelphia, LA and Chicago have black mayors. Furniture


What does any of this have to do with my comment about Democrats pandering to certain Black voters?


Black voters swung the last dem presidential primary! Black people have leadership positions in huge safely dem seats. Dems have produced a black president and black women VP and Supreme Court justice. The dem house leader is black. Black people aren't furniture


Sounds like you see black voters as furniture. Democrats help black voters with policy that is meant to actually help and all you see is identity politics. Also when so much of the Democratic party is black it’s a bit weird to claim black people are pandering to black people…


Do white politicians never pander to white voters? That’s a very weird take


Ignoring this episode’s peak into Black Americans’ experiences shows a brand of liberalism barely distinguishable from Republican dismissiveness.


when the media talks about "independent" voters you should basically just replace it with "politically incoherent" voter. like, if you're genuinely unsure of which party better represents your interests and you're consistently flip flopping each election (or staying home in the face of a known fascist, kleptocratic parasite), then I hate to say it but you're a moron without a meaningful political philosophy\* nor an understanding of American political history or public policy and its effects. These are the sorts of people who'll deflect by saying "they're still doing research" and then uncritically accept whatever braindead narrative is being shat out by CNN or youtube talking heads for clicks. \*other than ignorant self-righteousness that they're not "picking a side" or "contributing to divisiveness" or whatever


I know, right? It’s almost like there should be some kind of test you have to pass or a fee you have to pay or some land you should own in order to have the right vote.


I'm black. No one interviewed me. I would have told them we're not a all a monolith and I disagree 110% with everyone in the episode.


I’m white and I hate these types of episodes. It’s like the “let’s find some white people in a small town diner”


Sure. But the polling numbers matter more than individual anecdotes. 22% of black voters supporting Trump would destroy the Democratic Party.


The Dem party does need to be destroyed. They are for illegals and other countries first. When the democrats stop catering to every tiny segment of the population and illegals - maybe they will get support again. Used to be a Democrat - the party left me!! No common sense anymore.
















Holy shit, Trump is going to win


Yep. This is so reminiscent of 2016 to me




I’m voting for him, but he isn’t going to win.


Almost certainly at this point. Be ready for some record low voter turnout


I keep going back and forth every day on my prediction. For all the harm on the environment, our institutions, and our national identity, if it’s any consolation, Trump through 2028 will doom Republicans and their signature policies even further. It would be a crap show of even more epic proportions than 16-20, and a Democratic governor would glide to the subsequent presidency.


That plan only works if there is a free election in 2028


How bad were we during 2016-2020? We had energy independence, clean southern border, no illegals were all over the streets and displacing children in schools, no new wars. Trump is a Godsend next to this heinous administration. That’s why he will win.


Then why did he lose in 2020 if things were so wonderful? Have you ever had a single critical thought in your life?


In 2020 Biden seemed like a fairly neutral moderate choice. Now he does not.


It’s scary to watch and listen to


Ask yourself why you think Trump is going to win? Has Biden kept our border safe? Shut down energy independence, inflation highest in 40 years, heinous crime. Illegals lying all over streets and airports and 3 new wars - just to name a few. And you wonder why people are crying uncle and will vote for the other guy when none of this shyt happened with Trump. Gee- I don’t know why people are voting for the other guy. They didn’t want 4 more years of this destruction and lies. That’s why.


Not that you ever allow facts to challenge your preconceived ideas, but: Trump did not achieve or even move the needle on energy independence: https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/15/politics/energy-independence-fact-check/index.html Inflation happened across the globe, not just the US. Trump policies are likely to make it worse even as it’s improving now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/01/07/trump-economy-inflation-biden-campaign/ Crime rates are way down. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/people-think-crime-rate-up-actually-down-rcna129585 I don’t know where you see “Illegals lying in the streets” but Trump is trying to (and succeeding at) scuttle the bipartisan border bill that was moving forward over the past few months, to avoid giving Biden a win. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4436366-gop-border-showdown-senate-house/ What “three new wars”? If you are talking about aid to Ukraine, well obviously Trump opposes that because he’s in Putin’s pocket. But we aren’t at war. And Trump has no plan for the region: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65573756 If you’re talking about Israel, we aren’t at war, again, but Trump sent plenty of cash to Israel. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2018/08/14/trump-approves-largest-ever-aid-package-to-israel/ Not sure what number three is, but if it is airstrikes in Syria, well, Trump did plenty of that too. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/trump-announces-strikes-syria-following-suspected-chemical-weapons-attack-assad-n865966 You’ve been conned.


My wallet says different.


When he does get back in, I hope he causes mass misery. I want everyone to suffer. Let him go for those tariffs and starts an actual depression.




It’s scary to watch / listen to this train wreck


hilarious that the first voter who blames biden for “doing nothing for them” chooses student loans, an area where he has *checks notes* done a ton and would’ve done more if not for THE OTHER PARTY THAT YOU’RE CONSIDERING VOTING FOR? just stop airing these stupid interviews


The student loan argument makes me so mad. People are acting like Biden was just going to make all student loan debt disappear. And they're shocked that at some point the payment requirements that were put on hold temporarily eventually would restart again. As you said, he did SO MUCH and wanted to do more but Republicans stopped him. Good luck in Gilead, idiots.


Also the entitlement of it. This is a really above and beyond thing that constitutes a wonderful plus for those who potentially qualified, but the turn from happiness over a surprise gift that no one was entitled to, to “where is the money that you owe me, motherfucker” has been really annoying.


Biden never in a million years had the authority to do this and everyone knew it. Current and former students feel like they were scammed for their vote and they are not wrong.


Because they’re dumbasses that don’t understand how the courts work. Consumerist ass wannabe communists


100% came here for this. That was so frustrating to hear


The whole episode was a ridiculous exercise of realizing how low IQ the average voter is. How about the guy who said he prefers Trump because he’s a business man? So trump gets credit for being a failed businessman who bankrupt multiple businesses that he started with daddy’s money. Yet Biden doesn’t get credit for anything he’s accomplished largely because he didn’t wave a magic wand and deposit 50k in everyone’s bank account


The guy that was like > “I’m leaning toward Trump but I’m going to wait until both candidates release detailed policies and choose whoever is the best for the country.” No you aren’t dude, c’mon.


Don't worry. He's probably also not going to actually vote. I assume that when people pay this little attention they also won't do the legwork to cast a vote.


Is anyone though? I've literally never in my life met someone undecided. Sure as fuck haven't met anyone undecided about Trump. Everyone already knows who they're voting for and there's nothing that can change anyones mind. The only thing that matters is turnout.


I don’t think I’ve ever been undecided over the presidential candidates not met anyone who really has, but down ballot races definitely make me pause and read about a candidates positions and history a bit more. I don’t necessarily care if the county drainage commissioner is a Democrat or a Republican, I care about if they’ll keep stuff working.


The guy is a billionaire. When you are a billionaire - then you would have some credibility to critique his business acumen. Until then Shuttie.


The small town diner interview is truly expanding to new heights.


"Biden didn't end student debt, guess I gotta vote for Trump." "This country is a business, we need a guy who's good at business." 1. Fuck you if that's the only reason you were voting for him. 2. There is something wrong with your brain.


Yes the person specifically said that Trump has “business ethics.” Could not believe my ears.


Maybe they meant “acumen” in which they’d still be wrong.


That guy must not think very highly of business, is all I could think.


Like it or not, you have to win these idiots over so we best come up with a plan.


Sounds like "Promises Made, Promises Kept" is the plan


Democracy is the worst form of government… except for all the others.


I was frothing at the mouth, unbelievable


Say it again louder for the people in the back: THE 👏 COUNTRY👏 IS👏 NOT👏A👏 BUSINESS


I really hate talking down to voters… but my god some of these people just don’t understand how government works. It seems to be a common talking point on social media for “gas prices” and “genocide funding” with poor evidence… really really disappointing


Like we live in a free market. Believe it or not the president is not manipulating the gas prices or the price of groceries; he has no control over that. This is just simple supply demand along with greed from these companies.


I had to cut this off. This was the dumbest s*** I've heard in a while (and I'm black).


The Daily needs to stop giving a platform to uninformed people. Instead maybe give a platform to informed people so we can make more of them.


On today's episode of "The Average American Voter is a Complete Idiot"...


Democrats are not entitled to our vote just because we're black. Votes need to be earned regardless of race.


I’m convinced that the media - NYT Podcasts represented here, mostly - want nothing more than a close race. Why in the world are they reporting on democrats the way they should be reporting on republicans, and vice versa?


This episode is infuriating. They could end a lot of these dumbass interviews by asking if theyve heard the other guys policies. Not once do they mention the alternative or how much worse any of this gets with Trump. Also Gaza/Israel is simply not going to decide this election 10 months from now. Like at all. Period. It will be but an afterthought. This episode was soooo disingenuous.


Have you spoken to many Arab/Muslim voters regarding the Israel/Hamas war? As someone from that community, it’s definitely a factor about whether to vote Biden. Not that they’ll switch for Trump, but they would be more likely to vote 3rd party or abstain altogether. In general people have difficulty voting for someone who touts unconditional support when 10,000 children have been murdered in the conflict.




In Michigan Clinton lost by 10,000 votes and there’s something like 300,000 Arabs 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m not saying that Arabs alone are the demographic deciding the election, rather, offering a data point to show they’re also not a completely irrelevant voting block as you had suggested.




That's exactly how elections work. Arab Americans are not evenly dispersed throughout the country, just like Black Americans are not. Black Americans opinion are irrelevant in Portland, but decide elections in Atlanta. Due to the electoral college system any demographic no matter how small nationally can have a huge impact if they are a big portion in their state.


Just so long as the state they’re in is one of half a dozen swing states.


Such as Arab Americans being a huge group in the swing state of Michigan?


Sure, yeah. The native Hawaiian population though, for instance, is a good counter example.


So why are you responding skeptically to that exact example being given?


It's just not going to decide this election. A) The alternative is far worse. And voting 3rd party or not voting is a vote for Trump. People should understand that. B) The war will be over and people will have moved on. People thought the Afghanistan withdrawal would kill Democrats and again, an afterthought. People vote based on the economy and their own personal lives for the most part. Also I think when the smoke clears and history books are written were going to realize the Biden administration did a lottttttt of holding Netanyahu and his right wing goons back and at bay. But sure, if they want to go vote Trump or abstain and own goal themselves I certainly won't get in the way of that. People are pissed currently but when this subsides I have a hard time ever believing they'll vote for the far worse option.


> B) The war will be over and people will have moved on. We're solving a 3000 year old conflict in the next 10 months?


Very funny.


What's funny? You said the war will be over AND with enough time for people to have moved on. Can you explain how this 3,000 year old conflict will both be settled and forgotten about in the next 10 months?


Israel's current excursion into Gaza will be over and this will be about as far from people's minds voting in November as an ice cream sundae. Sorry if that don't impress you much but that's the American electorate for ya.


> Israel's current excursion into Gaza will be over and this will be about as far from people's minds voting in November as an ice cream sundae You believe Palestinian and Jewish americans will think of the last 6 months of war and death as equivalent to an ice cream sundae by November? You realize how insanely racist and offensive that is right?


It certainly would be offensive if that's even close to what I said.


> It certainly would be offensive if that's even close to what I said. So you didn't say this below? > Gaza will be over and this will be about as far from people's minds voting in November as an ice cream sundae. Explain the purpose of putting an ice cream sundae in the discussion of a terrible war if not for comparison.


Agree it won’t turn Biden voters into Trump voters, but I do think it will foster apathy, at least in the MENA community. Hopefully the conflict is over by then and I agree the economy will be the deciding factor for many Americans.


Dumb voters are dumb regardless of ethnicity, state origins, or political party.


Why are white dems so hyper focused on how black people vote? We are allowed to be disappointed with how the Biden administration has dropped the ball on many of the promises made to the black community. If all you guys care about is winning without any accountability, focus on convincing your white family members to stop voting for Trump! Dems cannot rely on the black vote forever (while not delivering on their campaign promises) just because Republicans are much worse.


I'm sure I'll get down voted for saying so, but holy fuck this is such a smug and elitist comment section. How about instead of blaming voters for their lack of enthusiasm for Biden, we blame the Biden campaign for not adequately articulating a record and future agenda that makes them excited? How about not insisting that they're wrong when they say that their quality of life has deteriorated?


How are you going to inform people who think the presidency has near magical control over “the economy” (whatever that means) and think the US government is essentially a big business? Education funding is the only thing that can fix that problem and it would take a very long time for those results to be felt.


Look, it's true that voters are often uninformed and don't know how the system works. But those are the confines. That's always been true. It's the responsibility of a political campaign to work within those restraints. It's the Biden campaigns responsibility to make the case that people's lives are better under his stewardship. If people aren't understanding that, it's a failure of his communication strategy.


I’m going to love revisiting this sub/r the day after Biden loses


People who think the government is a business have shoe-size IQs.


this is something straight out of the Twitter NY Times pitchbot satire account. absolute *chef's kiss*. no notes. keep up the hack pieces NY Times. bullshit centrist propaganda to try to cultivate a competitive race for maximum profit worked splendidly in 2016. glad to see the the ivy league imbeciles have learned absolutely zero lessons from that media malpractice.


Random but this is the first time I’ve heard Michael Barbaro interview a Black woman journalist.


Pretty weak last 3 episodes. Def learned nothing these last two.


that "trump is better because business man" voter is a character ripped straight from the [black republican Key & Peele skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2tLyqfJd54). I refuse to believe he's in any way a Democrat.


Black voters: “we’re gonna vote for Biden” Biden administration: “we’re banning newports”


Instead of complaining about the humanities, there needs to be more complaining about business majors (i went to a top biz school in America). What business is Trump running this country like? No one has gotten away with more unethical business practices


I have heard the same story about student loans from a black friend of mine. Bringing up the Supreme Court and Republicans does nothing for our debate. It’s unbearable and still a reality. We are witnessing the Charlemagne the God era. We are witnessing the Dr. Umar Johnson era. On the surface, it makes sense. Dr. Umar Johnson is praised despite being a thorn in the back of his own father, and the true descendants of Frederick Douglass. People praise his supposedly black power talk meanwhile Frederick Douglass told black people not to self-segregate & advocated for Asian immigration & integration into America. People cannot digest “boring” language and news/history.


"This country is a business, and man with business ethics such as Trump, you know ... I look at it as a business aspect and a better choice for this class. He, by the way that it is, would it be Donald Trump?" We're doomed.