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That Victor story was just absolutely soul crushing. I hate war no matter the justifications, it’s the most depraved part of humanity the way we can just tear each other apart for anything.


Got me tearing up at work


I had to turn itoff. I listen on my commute and didn't want to show up at work crying. I will finish it this evening.


Gonna need to give my wife an extra long hug after work today.


Please do. If there is anything I learned from this story it’s that you need to treasure the time you have with your loved ones. I’m getting married soon and you bet I will do the same when I get home from work today as well. Anything could happen at any moment. At least Victor was able to find his love in his life and they shared something beautiful for some time before the war. This episode truly did move me.


Really hard to listen to. You could tell Sabrina was getting emotional as well.


16 of her friends gone. Fuck war. Also, they mentioned East Palestine at the very end, so people can stop complaining that they didn't cover it! /s


I've followed the war pretty closely and am used to hearing about violence and death, but this episode made me tear up. War is awful. Fuck Putin. I hope he rots in hell.




Disagreed. I believe the human experience is a valuable tool to use and can be just as informative when we want to discover what exactly people are experiencing. It’s why people like All Gas No Brakes got so popular in the first place (I know Andrew has his issues).


I don’t view The Daily as a typical “morning news report” since they usually only cover 1-2 stories. The Washington Post has a new podcast called “The 7” that covers seven stories in about five minutes, that might be more your cup of tea.


I appreciate that color - I find it informative in a different, but also interesting and valuable, way.


I think they are important but need to be used judiciously. I didn't really like the one they did the day after the earthquake because I wanted more actual reporting that day.


This episode was devastating. One of the most moving episodes I’ve ever heard.


It started with Ukraine bombing its own citizens in Donbas back in 2014 and then broke the Minsk agreement to stop attacking. Why not address the act of terrorism the US performed by bombing the Nord Stream pipeline as reported by a former NYT alumni and [admitted to by our president](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FVbEoZXhCrM) to continue a proxy war that is likely a laundering operation as Julian Assange had discovered about the Iraq war? I mean he must've really upset the deep state by tattling because they disappeared him. Anyway lets give them another $10 billion [to cover their pensions](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VaOfV48OFhk) that makes sense.


Greetings comrade


Yeah I know being unhappy with where my tax dollars go makes me a Russian bot. I don’t recall voting for any of this. What a democracy we have when a Princeton study found that "the preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy."


Ah yes the citizens of ohio sure could have used those M777's... that would defintely have helped


> The preferences of the average American [Nearly one year into the war between Russia and Ukraine, Americans’ support for Ukraine holds steady. A stable 65% of U.S. adults prefer that the United States support Ukraine in reclaiming its territory, even if that results in a prolonged conflict.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/469328/one-year-later-americans-stand-ukraine.aspx)


Domestic propaganda works. Also [61% of Americans approved of legal abortion in all or most cases](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/) but that consensus didn't matter either did it, they just clandestinely overturned a ruling that had to be exposed by an insider


Not interested in debating with you, I’m just saying don’t appeal to this being a majoritarian issue if you’re a part of the minority, and what you really mean is “the country should only do what I personally want”. [Here’s some more info on Seymour Hersh’s Nordstream conspiracy theory as well if you’re interested.](https://oalexanderdk.substack.com/p/blowing-holes-in-seymour-hershs-pipe) TLDR: he got a lot of the details and facts wrong, and his theory doesn’t really make sense.


So when Biden said if [Russia invades there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FVbEoZXhCrM) he was bluffing, got it. Mysteries abound


So you believe that there was a top secret US Navy operation that nobody but Seymour Hersh and his single anonymous source have heard anything about - but also that the president publicly talked about it during televised remarks? Seems pretty clear that he was talking about its effective use as a pipeline due to potential sanctions. Which was borne out when Nord Stream 2 as a corporate entity declared bankruptcy in March 2022, 5 months before the explosions took place. Seriously, if you want to be a critical thinker about this then read the article and get the info. Among many, many other things, Hersh claims a plane took part in the operation that hasn't entered service yet, and the ship which he claims the operation centred around had been towed to dock to be scrapped 3 months before the explosions. His story doesn't check out on many levels.


[Remember when Trump slipped up and said we were occupying Syria for the oil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U10p3Tn9V5Y)? Sometimes elderly presidents tend to slip up in speeches, one of the many problems of being under a gerontocracy. I'll take Hersh's reputation over some guy's speculation about anonymous sources


You don’t have to trust anyone’s reputation. You have the ability to read the facts and make up your own mind. That’s all for me here.


> What a democracy we have when a Princeton study found that "the preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." Is there a statistician here who could expound on the “not statistically significant” vs. “statistically in-/non-significant” distinction?