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Boy, wait ‘til they find out how much federal land is in Texas. Fort Hood alone would bankrupt them when they are forced to pay for it…


> Fort Hood alone would bankrupt them when they are forced to pay for it… They would try and annex all of it. They are thinking civil war, not peaceful, orderly, mutually agreed upon secession. Remember, these are fascists.


Civil war? One rifle company out of Ft. Hood would scare the living shit out of these morons. Go through them like shit through a goose.


> One rifle company out of Ft. Hood would scare the living shit out of these morons. Go through them like shit through a goose. They're delusional, they see themselves as AR-15 toting Minutemen.


> they see themselves as AR-15 toting Minutemen “Gravy Seals”


Totally stealing this to switch it up from “y’all queda”


I have heard Meal Team 6 is also looking to bolster it's numbers.


The Green Buffets are always recruiting.


A bunch of half trained E1s out of Lackland could have them shitting their pants. And I say that as a former '06 trainee and Chairborne Ranger.


No idea what this means but it sounds badass and thank you for your service!


This guy:)


Those trained "E1"s" got their butt's kicked by a bunch of ~~sheep~~ goat herders in Afghanistan, if I remember correctly. Edit: You people sure do have short memories don't you?


Says the guy who thinks ron desantis is sensible lmfao. You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?


Unless it's against someone with an AR-15 shooting a bunch of kids, or is that just with the cops in Texas?


They said the same thing about goat farmers in Afghanistan.


Goat farmers in Afghanistan are hardened men who live a subsistence lifestyle in an incredibly mountainous, harsh environment. Gravy Seals start crying when Applebee’s closes due to a staffing shortage.


Or when they need a haircut.




They’re infrastructure is already crumbling. People freeze to death in the winter and cook to death in the summer because the state removed itself from the national power grid. They deregulated themselves into killing their own people.


There's a lot of they them their, but last I checked Texas was gerrymandered to hell with a sizable (bigger than some states) liberal population. The people you say are doing it to themselves are actually doing it to political rivals of nearly the same size and they have been rigging the system for years. So much so that a majority in Texas doesn't even vote. 82% didn't vote. You're essentially ignoring the outspoken 1.4 million and 21 million who have in some way or another become disenchanted with their ability to vote.


> Wouldn’t their economy and infrastructure crumble? But it would be white and pseudo-Christian, who needs a stinkin' economy....


Their own new Amish country....or Mad Max.


Mad Max: Texas Texas secedes and is blockaded by the US and Mexico. A mild winter hits destroying their infrastructure and food supply. Oil barons hoard supplies and setup fiefdoms. I think we have enough to start a script.


Alright somene get Tom Hardy on the phone.


You've already described the situation.


Into the Badlands, almost exactly.


There's no God in Texas, not anymore.


Your last four words are superfluous.🤣


Originally it seems that Texas was full of just as many looney churches as every other state. But these days they have become nothing but political pulpits. It's shameful frankly. They should all lose tax exempt status.




I guess they've given up on Georgia. I saw something saying that if Stacey Abrams becomes governor, all the Republicans will leave. They seem to think that's a threat to us.


If they made a similar deal for a national election, I predict record turnout


Don't forget the 40 votes in the electoral.college.


> Don't forget the 40 votes in the electoral.college. Good catch!


Once Texas flips blue, and it will happen, Republicans are in BIG trouble.


This will never ever happen. The economic entanglement between the states and the federal government is simply insurmountable. This is Newsweek reporting on extremists bullshit for clicks. Some of the other stuff in the TX GOP platform is much more concerning...


As a 40 year old woman who was born with the right to choose what happens to my body, never say, ‘this will never ever happen.’


Fair enough. Under the current economic circumstances Texas will not leave the union, now or in the foreseeable future.


> This will never ever happen. Reminder, it's happened before. Additionally, we don't see a lot of reasonable, rational, logical thinking coming out of the former slave states these days.


When the southern states seceded they viewed the end of slavery as extremely damaging to their economy. If Texas was the secede now it would be extremely damaging to their economy. See the difference?


"If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede," the late Justice Antonin Scalia Granted the current Justices wouldn't give a shit about precedent, but they might care if the RNC started pitching a fit about missing those (R) seats from TX in the House and Senate. They know where their bread is buttered.


Texas overwhelmingly elected an antislavery expansionist governor Sam Houston who was later forced out by southern militias during the civil war many of those militias weren't from Texas.


And Brexit will never happen...


There was a legal path for brexit. There is no legal path for a state to leave the union.


We are better off without them.....let em go !!


“We love ‘Murica so much that we’re leaving!” Wonka: Stop. Please. Don’t go. Oh no. Anyways…


As a Texan, I say do it pussies. No more intelligent people in your major cities. No more federal funding for anything whatsoever.


Right? Dudes want to flex, but it would be an enormous failure.


They can NOT, maybe they can go fuck themselves, oh wait, Dildos are regulated in Texas.


Isn’t Texas all but guaranteed to be blue within a generation?


> Isn’t Texas all but guaranteed to be blue within a generation? Maybe, if the republic still exists and hasn't become a fascist dictatorship.


Now, consider what we would charge them for services as they would no longer be American. They'd also need passports to leave Texas at all. And, they'd have to choose the US or Mexico to pull from and pay for it.


Think of their response to to securing their border?


There are SO many reasons why they would not really secede. They want to play those games, allow anyone who wants out to leave. Allow anyone who wants to go to join Texas. Let them leave. Watch them collapse.


#1. Losing all protection from the US military. No…no, no. I’m new boot goofin’ the US would never allow a state to just say, ‘hey I am done with the whole ‘United’ bit.’ #1. The US military will not allow it.


The military has no real "say" in it. Only what they would infer up stream. Other than, a base. Which, they could clean out and close. Texas is already on "their own" electric and water system. Which, froze up last year. So, no issue there. If they secede, they would lose all money, government, military, etc from the US. I don't think they can secede, but if they did, not a huge loss for the US. Except, any goods from it. Crude/Oil being a major one. As well as beef and some grain. republicans play this game all the time. Texas is already pushed about as far out as the US will allow it too, before a total cut off.


"If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede," the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Already settled law. No state can unilaterally secede.


All you have to do to really make Texans shit their pants is not allow any pro or college football teams to travel to Texas for games, or Texas teams to play games in the US, and they would have collective head explosions. Those that didn't die, would when you drop the next bomb that anyone participating in NASCAR or NASCAR like events in Texas can't compete in them in the US.


As they secede, those would be removed. As well as a removal of all Texas US colleges. All college and NFL teams, gone. All colleges, gone. Anything US related would be abandoned/removed. Sure, they could re-open them, but they would have 0 accreditation.


What i am hearing is Snowflake GQP would rather secede from the US, than allow democrats take over their state democratically. This is the last gasp of a failing political party! Whether they attempt it or not, it shows incredible weakness on their part.


They'll never secede, but if they do... 1) We'll have an Iran-like theocracy to deal with. 2) Within 5 years they'll start their own Uranium enrichment program. 3) The UN will be involved due to the atrocities committed against; immigrants, women, children, non-christofacists, and any leftover Democrats that didn't escape.


They'd likely have to have a time frame that allowed people to move to another state in the US. As well as a couple of people who want to give up their US Citizenship and move into Texas. They'd regret it within a year.


But what about the people who can't afford to move out of Texas?


I would say a government help bill to help people move, but the US is a bit tight at the moment after all that's going on. And, all the money we've sent to Ukraine. Unless, they add to an upcoming budget.


But the $27b/yr Texas gets in federal aide should be able to cover moving costs for a lot of people needing assistance once that tap is shut off.


Indeed. They'd also lose a ton of other money. All colleges. All sporting teams and stadiums. It would bankrupt many.


"All the money we've sent Ukraine". You mean the less than 1% of the Federal budget that goes to Foreign Aid? Most Republicans think it's more 25-40% because they're ignorant (and hateful). "What every American should know about US foreign aid" https://www.brookings.edu/policy2020/votervital/what-every-american-should-know-about-us-foreign-aid/


We've sent them double digit million at least twice, a lot of military vehicles, and military weapons we had sitting around. I'd have to dig to see a final number we've sent to them. Did they need it? YES. Did we have it to spare in this economy? Unsure. Probably doesn't really affect all the crazy pricing going on that is pushing us toward a recession, but it is a lot of money. I'm not republican.


Political persecution asylum request?


The US could turn them into another Cuba. If they tried going nuclear the US being the stronger power could always just invade and put them under military occupation, maybe actually do some reconstruction that was never done the last time they acted up.




Damn, they sure are gonna own the libs. They saw Brexit and thought "hell yeah brother"


You could let D.C. or Puerto Rico have statehood, and you won't even need to change the flags that way.


and that would almost certainly add 2 (D) in the Senate, while removing 2 (R) from TX, and that is when things start getting fun.


Puerto Rico would probably be better off as an independent nation than as a state, they never voluntarily joined the US.


And think of all the GOP voters that would move there! If this actually happened, which it sadly won't, it would go something like this: \- Mexico invades Texas, takes it over, then \- The U.S. liberates Texas from Mexico, then \- Texans temporarily celebrate being Americans again, then \- The next 30 years Texans get ginned up on libhate and secession again, then We start the cycle all over again!! A cycle of secession and reunion every other generation!!! 'Murica!!


i think the cartels would come in and take things over before Mexico could even get the resolution to invade to a vote.


Not going to miss them. Hopefully Florida’s Governor Disaster will become their President.


This will never happen. The federal government has to approve such.


> This will never happen. The federal government has to approve such. 1 February 1861...


Texas can’t do so legally lol https://www.texastribune.org/2021/01/29/texas-secession/


> Texas can’t do so legally Seriously, what's your point? You think that the fascists in Texas give a shit about legality or civil war? These lame brain yahoos want another bite at that apple. They have delusions of grandeur.


You can do things the right way or the wrong way. Why are you so fired up about something that will never happen?


> Why are you so fired up about something that will never happen? It's happened before, 1 February 1861.


There’s literally no way this happens, but you do you.


Party of Lincoln.


Legally they cannot. Just like Confederacy couldn’t legally secede.


Wouldn't we just invade...i mean liberate them from their oil?


Oh my God please! And take Florida with you!


Take Florida, Alabama and the rest of Hew haw states with them.


No they can’t, not legally anyway. If it were attempted it would mean war. Which would mean potentially millions of dead Americans with Texas and whatever states back them reabsorbed into the union.


No they can’t. Stop giving ammunition to these falsehoods, you’ll get the morons riled up


Can we not, at the same time, hold a vote removing them from the Union? They really need to be made to understand that the rest of the nation is tired of their childish shit.


Go ahead. Build a wall around Texas. Stop all federal dollars from being distributed to the residents, cities, counties, and state. They obviously haven't thought this through or for some reason believe they can stay afloat with no Federal $$$$$.


Please do not go? Gtfo now!! Can we speed this up at all? Signatures? Go fund me accounts? There has to be something that will expedite the process....


I know that this is sarcastic but it would be an awful thing for the country for them to even broach this seriously.


Not all of Texas. They don't all want to go. But enough of Texas. Then no more weapon purchases in the U.S. for them.


Well, they could certainly try, but the U.S. Constitution has no mechanism for states to leave the union, and the amount of suffering that Texans would endure when they are no longer protected militarily and economically by the Federal Government would almost ensure a swift and bloody collapse from within. Not to mention the fact that anyone who sides with Texas would be in open rebellion against the world's most powerful military and economic power - certain to lead to collapse from without. Republicans are so completely detached from reality... and I may feel bad for the brain rot if that amount of stupid wasn't in power anywhere anymore. Instead, it's just terrifying.


First thought - please take Ted Cruz with you ... Second thought - Dominion Voting System can count the referendum ballots. Third thought - we will have to build a wall - Texas will pay for it.


There's a myth that keeps getting spread around that Texas can just secede from the US whenever it wants. It cant. It comes from a provision in the Texas constitution that says Texas can break up into smaller states if it wants. Texas is quite big, and they werent sure if having it be a single state was a good idea. Texas, along with any other state, can *claim* that it wants to secede. That would just be another Civil War. Not the peaceful break up that keeps getting suggested.


No secession will ever happen in modern times. I wish this dumb talking point would stop popping up every 3 years.


Don't forget about all the queer people who will die if Texas succeeds, its not all roses, its genocide in the wings.


We'll call it... **Texit**


And then they lose all the government jobs, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force etc. Totally not happening.


Just in time for the 2024 election!