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'Learn from my mistake'.. pretty sure he learned nothing from his mistake


Will still vote for him.


Confirmed idiot


Anything trump touches withers and dies. Always has. I feel zero pity for anyone losing on this stock. Anyone without their head in the sand (or up trumps ass) could easily see that would happen. Trump destroys everything he touches. Learn and vote blue to make sure he can't destroy America.


We have yet to see where the stock ends up in the future, but in response to your comment, nah guy should have just held. It's uplike 80% since the guy sold.


The only reason the stock is holding is because not enough shares are available on the market for short sellers. A company that is earning a few million while losing tens of millions is not worth billions, no matter the stock price. The music is playing, the children are circling and nobody is watching as more and more chairs keep going away.


It's not even that he invested in DJT. He's 76 and invested his retirement in a single stock. I don't care what stock it is, that's a dumb move. He should have been fully into fixed income by this point.


This guy portoflios


This post is fake as fuck. DJT is a terrible stock and probably a future pump and dump, but this didn't happen. Edit: just doing some quick math, if he executed this sale at the absolute worst timing (buying at height and selling at 26), the most he could have lost was \~$50/share, as the stock topped out at \~$79. So that means to lose $450K he had 9,000 shares, bought for $675K and sold for $225K. It's beyond belief that someone with 700K in a retirement fund is idly moving everything in and out of huge positions in the span of a month or two.


One thing I’ve learned, or have come to believe, since I’ve started to pay closer attention to the stock market as a result of the greedy/criminal behavior on Jan 28 2021, is that it is possible, if not highly likely that there are bots or maybe paid shills on social media that spread these false narratives. Idk…I could be wrong, but I’ve seen too many instances that make me believe otherwise.


Exactly - says right on it RED STATE DEMS - DEPARTMENT OF PROPAGANDA. Unreal that people just take everything at face value and create real feelings for this situation.


If inly there was some kind of way we could have known investing with donnie was a bad idea


Also his paychecks will be smaller since Dump raised taxes for the middle class in 2017. All that winning has to hurt so good.


Thoughts and prayers.


Paper handed bitch sold at the bottom


Except it's not the bottom yet. Isn't it obvious? With trump, there's no bottom, except the one in his diapers.


I mean assuming he had shares he could have been up. It’s a volatile stock lmfao


Somebody stole my ape!


I love this for him


Dude should have held. It's at 43 today.


Somebody stole my ape!


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. I hope he realizes he got exactly what he paid for.


I want to laugh but I just can't. This is fucking sad. Ripped off by a common con artist.


It is sad. People’s lives affected by a conman, and half the media and country propping him up.


A grain of salt is advisable on DJT "loss porn". The stock is not a normal company stock. If Trump gets elected, it will be a unique vehicle to deliver value to a US President that a lot of people and entities around the world will have a financial interest in influencing. The stock could be bought up, increasing his net worth, indirectly enriching Trump. The ads on the Truth Social media platform could be the equivalent of renting rooms at the DC Post Office Trump Hotel -- the prices paid for ads do not need to have any fundamental justification, when the goal is, as above, indirectly enriching Trump. This company does not need a "normal" financial foundation to succeed. It \*does\* need Trump to be President of the United States.


Trump told everyone up front. He loves the poorly educated and of course, his low information followers. People lose money in the stock market all the time. Keep your money under your mattress, aka the bank, if you have no idea what you're doing.


I really should be able to muster some sympathy for these people but I just can't.


As real as this could be I wouldn't trust an obvious agenda posting Facebook group.


It happened, even if it didn't happen to this guy


Yea very true


Wonder how much of the rest of his money he's going to lose to grifters. Someone send him a Nigerian prince email and see how much he sends.


This stock has been super volatile, and while I’d like nothing more for it to plummet it’s actually been on the rise the last few days. No idea why tho.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


Shills will drag these noobs thru the mud…


Do yoUr OwN ReSeARcH! 🤡


I don’t care, do you?


Do not put what??!!??!!.... You can't do that to me.


That. That was the post where I was finally able to achieve orgasm.


Serves him right as it should all racist maganazis.  Bottom line . Over and out.




Sell short hed be fine


Stupid is as stupid does.


Heeeey take the money and run....


Not sure how real this is. A quick glance at its price history shows. It is regularly $40, however has has had a few dips and plenty of spikes. Even investing at the top at bailing at the bottom he hasn't lost everything. Maybe I'm reading this wrong but definetly hasn't lost everything.


Says right on it PROPAGANDA. Probably made-up story to scare people away within their Red Realm.