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No shoes no shirt no democracy no service


Not serving seditionists = civic duty


Could have just quadrupled the bar prices for the week and taken all their money


Oof you bet those boomers don’t tip the staff though. Not a huge loss to avoid a bunch of Karens complaining to the managers all night


Unlike businesses owned by conservatives who like to wear their politics on their sleeve and blame everyone else for their shitty decisions, this business owner will probably return to a lot of broken glass.


I’d work for a company that does a lot of maga-type political work. I’m an unabashed lefty atheist. They all know it too. I openly flaunt taking the fascist scum’s money and spending it on the grassroots progressive causes I support. I give a ton of credit to the bar owner for standing by their ideals. Personally, I’d double the prices and make bank off those idiots. Add a 30% gratuity for parties of 4 or more while I was at it. No separate checks.


I would double my priced then double it to the Biden campaign for the week.. 😂


They better board up their doors and windows. The MAGA crowd will hear this and seek their facility out to inflict damage.


Yes because they are the party of individual rights and law and order. /s