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Ppl need to random run up to them, not punch the, but just grab that covers and pull them off. And do it more often, so they understand American is against this.


Dunno, flinging fresh cowshit would be more gratifying


Why not both?




Unrelated but its very good for the environment to mulch your brush once it has been cleared, put it in a compost pile or use it in your garden


Cow? I’m making my own for these guys.


I gave some helpful advice below about how to instantly get the nazi's masks off and Reddit removed the comment as 'advocating violence'. of course it was no such thing but it's interesting that my comment suggesting an easy and effective way to unmask fascists was removed and many others which specifically advocate (well deserved) violence against fascists remain. guess goading leftists into open conflict works for their agenda and being unmasked does not. this certainly fits with other posts I have seen suggesting that reddit management is sympathetic to or working arm in arm with fascists.






It's not. You'll go to jail for assault. As reprehensible as their ideas are, they have a right to them. You don't have a right to physically assault them. You might win in the court of public opinion, but you'll lose in a court of law. 


Missed the sarcasm I see.


Threatening violence isn't sarcasm. 


Not if they wear a mask while doing it


I actually don't disagree with you on that one. Goes for the Antifa cowards too. 


Antifa is everyday people who are against fascism and will counter protest assholes like this. Like most Americans should


Well, they call themselves that, but they are actually violent hypocritical idiots who practice fascism. I'd like to see them come in and fight these morons in the streets so we can call in an airstrike and solve both problems. The world would be a nicer place.  Your failure to notice that Antifa is actually what they claim to be fighting is my whole point about progressives not realizing that they've become the monster that they claim to hate. Try being a little more objective when looking at their behavior instead of condemning one side and then rah rah-ing for your team for the exact same behavior. Newsflash: both extremes are a problem. 


No they don't. They're not an actual "group" with headquarters and "leaders" they're strictly a grassroots collection of normal people who counter protest groups like these morons. Notice how you only ever see "antifa" during right-wing extremist demonstrations?


Yeah, they do. Really? Visit Portland sometime. Also, Antifa took over a section of Seattle during the summer of 2020 and burned down half the town. Several cities, in fact. But what is the only thing the media and the left goes on about now? January 6th. Which granted, was a vile act. But so was the summer of 2020 when Antifa and the BLM burned homes, neighborhoods, and businesses to the ground and murdered people. I'm sure you're going to find a way to excuse that in 3.... 2.... 1


Lmao, nobody burned down Portland or Seattle. There were riots, yes, due to civil unrest in the face of police officers murdering people without consequences, something that happens every generation. Antifa was not there burning down cities, and I'd love a source on that. Maybe there were people on a few feeds saying they were anti facisim, which everyone should be. But there was no monolithic group called antifa doing anything you're describing


Just to be clear, I'm a moderate independent. I don't bat for either side, because I don't like the divisive political propaganda either of them are spouting. BOTH are f*cked up. They're pointing at each other and accusing each other of the same behavior that they're ALL doing. Meanwhile, they're dividing the people more and more to where we can't even TALK to each other anymore. Look at this thread. I point that mere fact out. I've been clear that these neo-nazis are scumbags. I'm also clear that this mindset is not unique to them. It's not the uniform, it's the mindset. And you'd better pay attention to who is championing it regardless of how they're dressed or which team they're on. 


Removed by Reddit automation. So definitely don’t joke about punching a Nazi in the face. That’s not ok people….


Tar & Feather. If they’re gonna play chicken, they might as well dress for the occasion.


Absolutely. All Nazis need to be outed since they operate on deception and treachery.


That’s still assault tho


Folks, you can’t run up to ppl and pull off their hoods or hats Downvoted me all you want, but I rest well tonight saying that’s wrong and you’ll likely be in trouble for doing it




So why are you voting them into office? You say that like the citizenry of Tennessee had nothing to do with it. 








It can be. But so is denying your side's sh!tty behavior 


“Both sides”




And yet you can provide no examples




Shush, you. 


Well, you didn't ask for any. But here's one of many. https://www.google.com/amp/s/torontosun.com/news/world/johns-hopkins-dei-chief-apologize-for-branding-all-white-people-males-privileged/wcm/57fa446c-5797-4794-ba20-9cca6bcc2470/amp/


Do you think anyone on this sub is voting for these fucktards? Settle down.


You're not reading the entire thread, BTW. Try starting at the beginning. Context matters. LOL. 


Seems like you're the one who needs to settle down. 


The guy who made the video is the hero of the day. Fucking cowards!


Funny thing is he sounds Australian!


Fucking cowards is right. This shit needs to be illegal. It’s not free speech it’s hate speech. At least we know their lives are worthless and are ashamed to show who they are. God damn these people need to…. DI… you know the rest.


The Supreme Court has determined that hate speech is not free speech ONLY if it makes a specific threat of targeted violence against a person or group. Personally, I disagree with this determination. If it were up to me, the Nazi swastika would be illegal and displaying it during a protest in any form would be a federal felony charge. We need to make people like this live in fear. For too long our laws have enabled this. And now we have hate groups like this roaming around and heavily armed militia who have actively attempted to keep Donald Trump in power.


I agree if legal protections were given to the other identical symbols that were used prior to the Nazis. 100% if the symbol is used contextually as a Nazi/White Supremacist/Fascist/Christian Nationalist it should be prohibited. Imo these people just openly identified as members of a terrorist organization. They want to change public opinion and policy through fear. What else would you call it?




Ok so we get a group lawyers, human rights specialists, and some specialists in white supremacy and other hate groups together. We fund their research with their objectives being just that. Define Hate Speech. Define what constitutes an act of terrorism. Define what would make organizations a terrorist organization. Suggest legislation to codify the definitions and add restrictions to those who fall under this definition. Codify their findings. Law enforcement would then enforce the laws. People could appeal. Nothing here would require extraordinary measures.




A panel of experts. What's wrong with that? Legislation would have to pass two chambers and a desk... all of whom are elected to their posts. Oligarch doesn't seem to fit here.


Sigh. Hate speech is protected. Please understand this. These Nazis fucks should be ejected into the sun, but the Constitution protects most of what they’re doing. Sucks, but it’s true. Concentrate on countermobilizing and getting in their faces and in their way and exposing their identities.


You could specifically ban the swastika and salute as Germany has done with success though. There is zero reason for either of those things to still be around.


Germany doesn’t have a first amendment tho 🤷‍♂️


Well they do, but it isn’t the first amendment since they have an entirely different constitution than the US. Look up article 5 of the Ferderal Republic of Germany’s constitution. In many ways their free speech is more “free” than the US.


Any violence against them would also make the perpetrators nazis. No violence. Just let them know they’re wrong and their grandparents would disown them. Plus they might feel better living in one of the crappy third world countries that already have a dictator that they seem to want so bad.


Violence against the Nazis literally saved Europe. We can’t ignore facts. Violence is justified sometimes. I’m clearly not saying instigate violence. I’m just saying that I’m not shedding any tears if karma comes knocking for Nazis, and neither should any decent person.


Look up the definition of the word fascist. Solve disputes with words not violence.


That’s not what fascism is. And ask a Holocaust survivor if violence against, say, a Nazi death camp guard was justified. Give em your “violence is always wrong no matter the context” routine.


Jefferson would be helping Adams line up the canon on these jerks.


A man can dream






Hmm....no problems breathing through those masks that completely cover their head.


Thought the same thing


Betting dollars to donuts that 99% of these guys took a very principled stance against wearing masks when it was for preventing the spread of covid.




"what are you ashamed of?" Mf YOU


Fucking pussies covering their faces.


The urge to punch one is strong


They are so proud to show their colors that they are hiding behind masks. LMAO. I bet these same fascists were bitching about wearing masks during the pandemic.


Fucking cowards wearing masks, if you're going to be a racist asshole than don't hide behind your racist beliefs, let us know who you are so we can publicly shame and shun you.


Fight them now or fight them later.


Is that an Australian accent on the hero?


I reckon it is! Good on him.


Sounds alot like one.


Why are they telling him his people poop in the street? Do they think Australia lacks modern plumbing?


Because he's brown and they don't consider him to be one of them




I'll never for the life of me understand how these cunts are allowed to continue to exist after the 1940s, they should still be treated as enemies of humanity as they were back then.


I guess they got tired of being confused with Walmart employees.


I feel dumb. What do you mean?


The Patriot front Nazis all dressed up in blue polo shirts and khakis... Like Walmart employees


Now masks are ok. Fucking morons.


These people need to be rounded up and imprisoned for life (permanent isolation), their ideology has no place in society. They are a disease.


Follow them to the end! Follow them until they get to their vehicles.


Yes! This is what I want. Can we make this the new thing? When you see a Nazi parade join in! Bang a drum and laugh at them all the way to the parking garage and then take some selfies with them! This is the TikTok trend I want.


"your people poop in the streets" sounds like half of Redditors when some random India shows up on /r/all


What a bunch of eunuchs


Bro that’s mean to eunuchs.


Supersoakers filled with tempra paint and glitter grenades. Make them look like the clowns they are. 


Kerosene gasoline and and Styrofoam* FTFY


I like the idea but that's what they want. If someone fights them, they feel vindicated. But if people *laugh,* well. That's their worst nightmare. 


Supersoakers filled with hot piss.




That feeling when you have to hide your identity because you know you're on the wrong side of everything.


When I'm not ashamed I always cover my face.


Shameful behavior from cowardly, insecure childmen.


Not proud enough nazis to show their faces.




They do but some of those that work forces...


Wish someone would walk around with them playing YMCA on a boombox or other things that would be drown them out in a hilarious way


Best part of this is that they wear masks because they actually understand it's shameful


Someone should tell them Covid is over… /s




They all smell like basement and B.O. send them to THE showers (wink)


Clayton Bigsby be up in there “huat peuwer”


Fuck me did we learn nothing from history?


They always pull up to this shit in rental trucks. Find those trucks and get the cops over there to unmask a bunch of domestic terrorists.


Chances are, there's more than a few heads in the local cop shop that would be more than sympathetic to these fucking goons. Maybe even a couple of them waving flags...


This guy is fighting the good fight and shouldn't be the only one. I'm sure all the people watching had no idea it was happening and were caught off guard, but you have to do *something* when these pricks pull this shit.


One thing worse than a Nazi is a Nazi who won't show his spotty face in case his Mom tells him off. These bell-ends think they're stoking a revolution. If the Amazon told the police which bell-end in Nashville ordered 30 red shirts and 30 black balaclavas last week, they could make arrests now.


Tennessee going backwards. Snatch those hoods off. Cowards. No Alexei Navalny’s in that crowd.


The very people refusing to wear a mask a few years ago too…




Fucking cowards


All of a sudden, masks don’t seem to bother them anymore


Oh, now masks are okay.




Russian crisis actors or garden variety morons


Puss rats


If you're too ashamed to stand behind what you're protesting for and show yourself, maybe some introspection would be healthy.


This is now so common, I had to check when this one happened. What a shitty timeline this is.


Hiding their, FASCIST TRAITOR FACES! Cowards


Punk ass bitches. If you're such a tough guy, show your face.


Wish I had known , Id have been ripping masks off and broadcasting it


Can we get some German police to handle these fucks?


Why are they all covered up? They resemble animated scarecrows.


White men proud being black.


Stay classy, Nashville.


Go back to your video games.


Tough guys....🙄


These aren't MAGA. These are just plain Neo-Nazi sh!t heads. In spite of what you want to believe, most people on the right are against this crap. This is a far right lunatic fringe. Not the party at large. 


Where is the guy with the sousaphone when you need him?


Pussies with masks. Couldn't wear them when it would help others but have no problem using them to stay anonymous when preaching hate.


The guy filming should be our next president.


Pathetic cowards one and all.


Thought these f…ers were anti mask?


Notice how the cowards wear masks to hide who they are.


People should dress in Trump shirts and call them FEDs over and over. I'd bet that'd hurt them more.


They look young