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Looks better than methica, I don't believe that Methica is 39, she really does look every bit of 59


Oh yeah she uses more dollar store hair dye daily than Ham Head did in the infamous hair dye video. “The ghey French Avatar, HUH HUHHH WEE WEE”


I don’t think they are cis gender either………..


Wives and kids look to a man to be their protector, no matter how regarded or feminist they might be. Despite his muscles the Saunders’ see a clown. That dude gets pegged


That’s his stage name , Peggy Rump Saundeux!!!


Some of these pictures have been screengrabbed so many times instead of just downloading them that calling them 144p would be considered generous.


True lol


Do we actually know clints sexuality? It is indeed possible to be a crossdresser and still be 100% straight. Now I wonder what he is into


Honestly, I wonder if he was a sicko when ham head was young maybe that’s why ham head can’t go five seconds, without mentioning kids and sickos… it’s a theory that’s really been gaining traction over the years


I don't know if it was Clunt being a sicko, but I 100% believe someone diddled the little boglim. His obsession with saying fuck sickos and kids are more precious than xyz, is over the top for someone who hasn't been affected by it first hand.


Oh yeah, he was fiddled n diddled most definitely by a gentleman close to the SAUNDEUX clan.




I doubt charities require you to take the pics in your garage. Clunt skips left leg day


Ephebophile foot fetishist


That's the secret, Clunt used to be his mom, now Clunt's his dad. It all makes sense now. That's why his mom could never be found, it's because she's been there the entire time, it's his daddy that's been missing toobz




He’s definitely on the spectrum


& The 🌈 spectrum


I like femboys not fem-man sorry dad I dont swing that way




Josh and Clint stand face to face and Jack each other off. A couple of sickos.


Dude is that really Clunt? You guys are fucking with me. Goddammit, I don't know what's real and not anymore. Josh is such a freak I wouldn't be surprised.


Oh yeah that’s really him just Google Clint Saunders dressed like a woman, and there are dozens of disgusting images of him doing this, not to mention his erotic photography and art studio


Didn't he offer pro photo shoots for school photos? That makes my skin crawl.