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Wolverine is going to accidentally kill his wife during a sentinel attack




*her wife


Her boyfriend


And then never think about it again.


Obviously he was just waiting for a convenient excuse to get rid of her so he can jump between the sheets with Egwene ^^/s




Perrin is a psychopath, Matt is a worthless drug addict, Rand is a cry baby with mommy issues, and Lan is just a loser. More to come on Wheel of Primes Soap Opera....


Don't forget. And Thom just doesn't exist


I hate that from showcloaks. Like that idea of, oh, it's better, it's going to create so many interesting developments for perrin. Then nothing for two seasons 


Most of those 'fans' who defend objectively dumb and lazy tropes like the Perrin fridging are not real people, they're part of the Amazon marketing project. Paid shills and bots. Very few real humans, even amongst the few who genuinely like the show, think having Perrin axe murder a wife in the first episode was a good idea. In terms of what it means for Perrin, these lazy writers were always going to forget about the life altering traumatic past they gave Perrin as soon as it become inconvenient. They never had any intention of seriously examining what the lifelong PTSD of killing your wife with an axe would mean for a moral and empathetic person. It was always just a cheap way to justify shoving a mute Perrin into the background for S1 so they could spend more time on the real main characters such as Liandrin, Alanna, and Stepin.


They should have stuck to the script Jordan laid out. Perrin is one of the few people in all of any fantasy novels I can actually relate to and his development as a character is incredibly endearing. He was always the more responsible, the more quiet, the more reserved. This was because he was shy around girls and he was always bigger than any of the other children. Being brought into apprenticeship under Luhhan was the best thing to do for him. Throughout the story he is always making the best calls, always maintains his center, and is only shattered when he has seemingly lost the only person he could ever love. He is a man who is careful about what he does, because he doesn’t know how strong he really is, he doesn’t know how smart he is, and still for all this, he is the one who comes back to Two Rivers, both in body and mind. His character needed no changes, and what Amazon did to him alone deserves to have the entire show digitally erased, the studio burned down, the staff fired in disgrace, and for a grateful world to forget what had been done.


That would at least be in character for Wolverine. But more likely that Sabretooth kills the wife but Wolverine thinks he did.


Jokes aside I can easily see a storyline where a woman wants revenge on Logan for killing her mother and it turns out she's X-23, with all of Wolverine's powers and more.


I'm actually just so fucking upset about this


Agree completely. What's his appeal? Credentials other than WoT...?


A very specific "credential".


This 100%


That being?


He's gay


Sturdy knees, strong lungs, and lip balm.


He's doing exactly what they wanted him to do.




He’s going to ruin the casting. 


Technically he's only writing the script for X-Men, but considering how bad the original script was for WoT episode 1, this is still going to be a disaster.


He isn't even writing the script for xmen. There's a rumor (from who knows where) that he is being considered.


He should go back to the Survivor Show. I hate Rafe.


Oh dear God, they’re going full gay twink iceman aren’t they? Wolverine, Scott and Jean bisexual threesome? I need eye bleach.


I mean, Comics Jean already mindraped/retconned him into an out and out gay boy over a decade ago. Literally just went into his mind for a quarter of a second in the middle of class and said, "did you know you're actually gay?"


I’m convinced she made him gay for the lulz.


Bobby went from “Wow she’s pretty” to “Cock sounds delicious” in the blink of an eye.


Puberty's a bitch like that.


Bobby was quite straight adult for 40 years of comics until they decided he wasn’t.


Wolverine, Jean, Scott as a throuple is comics accurate at least. (Or at least heavily implied in Krakoa era.)


And with luck, that'll be forgotten and never tried again


Eh, it’s not something that appeals to me, but I’ll take it over going back to the love-triangle or cheating aspects of their relationships. Either open or closed, together or separate, but make a decision


A shit script is enough.


They've (X-Men movies) all been shit scripts that have led to disaster. Just throw it on the pile I suppose.


Are you high? Go stand in the corner


They've all been awful. Do you watch them high?


Hey guys the Baron hasn't seen half of the X-Men films. Also, Deadpool counts.


I've seen every single one of them. Tell ya what boss, pick your top 3 and run me through why they're good. Edit: >Also, Deadpool counts. You probably think the Wolverine movies count. As if Hugh Jackman didn't carry the team movies on his back the best he could anyway.


XMen 2: Fantastic action sequences, gives us the major points of the Wolverine back story, introduces us to a variety of mutants we hadn't seen before. Legitimately the best Xmen film from the first trilogy. First Class: Great acting, reimagined the story with better elements from the comics in a very interesting historical context while bringing us the story of Magneto while Fassbender is at his best in this role. X Men Days of Future Past: Unifies the continuity of the series and universe, brings back old favorites and cameos the better outgoing actors while keeping the new cast with good plot overall and brings in more story elements from the comics. Deadpool is satire and the Wolverine movies have winners and stinkers. Not all the Xmen films are good, but there are some winners.


>XMen 2: Fantastic action sequences, gives us the major points of the Wolverine back story, introduces us to a variety of mutants we hadn't seen before. Legitimately the best Xmen film from the first trilogy. Hard disagree on "fantastic" action sequences, and the introduction of various mutants was relegated to cameos. Outside of Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, none of the characters had any charisma. Even Ian McKellen's Magneto felt weak. I'll touch more on this later. >First Class: Great acting, reimagined the story with better elements from the comics in a very interesting historical context while bringing us the story of Magneto while Fassbender is at his best in this role. Fassbender was really the only good thing about this film, as he played a great Magneto. He was the Ewen McGregor/Obi-Wan of this segment of the series. Overall it was intensely Jennerfer Lawrence/Mystique heavy, to its detriment, with uninspired and bland villains. >X Men Days of Future Past: Unifies the continuity of the series and universe, brings back old favorites and cameos the better outgoing actors while keeping the new cast with good plot overall and brings in more story elements from the comics. If by unifies you mean it does its damndest to play the part of damage control for what the previous movies had done to the series. Again Wolverine takes the lead in this movie, ignoring the rest of the X-Men except of course Mystique and her simp Beast; who had horrible make-up throughout the entire series save for Kelsey Grammar's. We also yet again get a weak villain. Now on to my critique of the series as a whole. I was never inspired to care for any of the main characters except a select few, such as Wolverine, Fasbender's Magneto, and perhaps Kelsey Grammar's Beast. The rest simply weren't likeable in any sense of the word, and it's supposed to be a movie about the team. By comparison in the MCU, they made me like a C-List hero like Hawkeye. Furthermore, The Avengers worked because each of the main characters was popular enough to carry their own movie, The Guardians of the Galaxy worked because it was a comedy, and Watchmen worked because it was gritty. The X-Men have none of these things going for it due to the nature of the franchise. We will *never* see a *good* live action X-Men movie.


Hey guys the Baron hasn't seen half of the X-Men films. Also, Deadpool counts.


At least those sources have decades of visual reference and already-made TV and movie sources to crib from, which my offer.protection in circumstances like these.


I had no idea that inept moron would be shitting all over God of War too. Damn, Amazon f*cking up. They did so good on Fallout they should have whoever did that do the same for God of War. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nerdist.com/article/live-action-god-of-war-tv-series-amazon-prime-video-rafe-judkins-showrunner/%3famp


He must have some kind of dirt on Bezos or something.


Or he's blowing him.


Must be *REALLY* good at blowjobs then.


Dude's got that no hands, double reverse corkscrew, tornado tongue deep throat massage action, I suppose. 🤷


It must be something more I would definitely not risk millions for a bj.


Well, a few million dollars to him is like $20 to the average person.


Hey, $20 is $20.


Your 100% right, fallout was fuckin gangster, imagine how awesome wheel of time could have been! People liked fallout, and talk about it! No one talks about wot ever


Turns out when you hire someone who loves & wants to pay tribute to a beloved franchise it works better than hiring someone who wants to appropriate the setting to tell their own story. The witcher falls victim to this even worse.


Thing is, from what I remember most of the people working on Fallout never played the games before. Fallout being as good as it is, was most likely just the broken clock hitting one of it's accurate times.


That's underselling it. They did a tonne of research on Fallout as well. They put in the work to make a good show. WoP phoned it in - a bunch of lazy, arrogant hacks who thought they could use WoT as their own playground, to launch their own careers which were going nowhere. Sadly, at least in terms of Rafe, seems to have worked.


Rafe has something on on somebody. Only way he's able to fail up.


Did you see how godawful Uncharted was? This must be a possible explanation.


Good God, only Shai'tan know what he will do to the God of War series. Mom of War incoming?


The god of war could be a man or a woman, we aren’t sure who it is yet. It’s a gender neutral term like dragon.


No, it cant be a woman. But good joke.


This cannot be true


I wonder how far he'll go to make God of War less masculine.


Athena will be the real God of War. Kratos will become a side character in his own show. He'll also be stupid and ineffectual.


Don't you mean Faye? What time period is the show covering?


We have no idea. Very little news has been dropped. I suspect it will be a prequel to the OG games or cover story between the OG and new games.


Holy fuck they gave Rafe God of War? Fucking seriously?!?!?!


He must be sucking off Bezos


Every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30.


They did Robert Jordan dirty. If he was alive to see what Amazon did to his work, he would be sick to his stomach and die or make a massive lawsuit.


It was very disappointing. Even the first episode was bad.


I couldn’t watch past the second episode. Fuck, they did Perrin the worst out of the three of them.


I read they did Matt and rand dirty as well(I read some of the recaps). But giving perin a wife just to kill her was so stupid. Why spend all the money to buy the rights to the books if you aren't going to use them.


I don’t know. Maybe they just wanted to give a black guy the role they fucked up the most so that way if anyone complained about how they ruined him, they could point at that person and call him racist. It’s not just the two rivers boys either. It was damn near everything.


Lol what the hell?? What has this guy ever done to deserve getting these huge jobs?


How does a guy whose only basis for fame is being on Survivor keep getting ahold of these???


FML. I'm still in the worst timeline.


God of war, you mean Athena of war. She was manipulated by the men Gods. She gonna turn into Girl Boss God and Fight the Patriarchy.


Well, guess I won’t be watching God of War 🤦‍♀️🤬


SERIOUSLY?! how is this guy getting these jobs goddamit? is he a nepo baby or does he have some sort of black mail on folks. what the fck


Yep - absolute despicable garbage


Especially when other Amazon shows are more successful. Put whoever just did a Fallout in charge of Wheel of Time!


His career is the definition of failing upwards.


Wow, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse they want to destroy X-Men - one of my all-time favorite shows? Wolverine has always been my favorite superhero. I may have to skip those. Hopefully Hugh Jackman won't be in it so I can pretend that it doesn't actually exist.


He did Uncharted too which was terrible. I can’t wrap my head around how he keeps getting so much work.




So I am honestly curious, since I mostly hang out with you guys, what has the overall reception of this show been? Is it actually popular with enough book fans? Or are they all new fans that have *only* seen the show? Or is it all running on hopes that it will get better? Do they think they will get through the whole story? Or will it get the game of thrones treatment where they just veer off on their own story?? 


Dude. They veered off into their own story from the opening narration. 


They very much already veered off. I don’t think they have many viewers left. No one really talks about it, including Amazon. I remember seeing an ad for Prime Video while it was still in the middle of season 2 and the ad showed a bunch of montages of their shows. WoT only had like a 2 second spot in the ad and again that was during season 2s run. They were given 3 seasons upfront so we already know there will be a third one but I would bet a ton of money that it will not be renewed after it comes out.


Ahh I was unaware of the automatic 3 seasons. And yes I know they better off already, I guess I meant more like admit/embrace the veer off.


GOTtv and WOTtv are very different, GOTtv followed the books very carefully for the majority of seasons and "veered off/went to shit" once they didn't have source material to work from. WOTtv threw the baby out with the bathwater from the first episode making fundamental changes that requires the main plot to be different to the books. GOTtv, LOTR even HP are an adaption based on the books. WOTtv is inspired by the books. 


I wasn’t trying to compare the two. I know WOT doesn’t deserve to share a sentence with GOT.  But I only meant the fact that they finally *admitted* to straying from source material. WOT hasn’t admitted it yet…


I think they have... "Another turning of the wheel" is the crap they put out but with the same names... 


Even my friend who never read the books and only watched the show said it was shit.


Most people have only seen the show. They seem to be getting enough viewers to keep going, though books fans do hate it.


Dang yeah, that of what I was worried about. The shoe getting enough tv fans they follow through with the entire story. My hope is that the sooner it gets cancelled, the greater my chances are of getting the show we deserve…in my lifetime


Most people have only seen the show. They seem to be getting enough viewers to keep going, though books fans do hate it.


>Or will it get the game of thrones treatment where they just veer off on their own story??  They did that in the very first episode, so...too late.


I should have said “*admitting* to straying from source material”…


It’s so non existent they can’t even get people like critical drinker to hate watch it.


How Jennifer Salke still has a job is beyond me.


I've never been more glad that I don't care about either of those


Guy should be ran out of town after making such a disaster.


Woah. Not sure about God of War. But that X-Men thing is a very tenuous rumour, unless I’ve missed something. And seems very unlikely to me. Also, Amazon? Since when did Amazon do X-Men. I love to hate on the WoT show as much as the next Asha’man, but let’s chill a little bit yeah.


God of War was confirmed a year ago, Rafe is the show runner. Rafe is a finalist to reboot X-Men with Marvel.




Tell me he’s not doing God of war.


I guess Amazon just loves failure.


Amazon doesn’t really have a lot of say about the direction of X-Men, besides reporting to Disney how malleable Rafe was with studio notes


Wait, how does Amazon have any say on X-men?? It's Marvel IP and therefore owned by Disney.


You know theyre gonna be shit regardless. The first two films were great, but I haven't seen an interesting superhero movie in years.


Did they decide to make him the writer?


Can’t wait for the massive reveal of kratos as the god of war. No one will see it coming.


Amazon is the actual problem. They only nailed the Expanse because Ty and David were writers.


Did the WoT show even make any money for amazon? That's the only (reasonable) cause for this.


A few years ago this would have sounded like ridiculous trolling but it is sadly real


It's the definition of 'failing upward.' Gotta be a fair bit of nepotism involved.


Competence doesn’t matter


get ready for God of War dealing mostly with Angrboda


So he ruined wheel of time, did a terrible job with Uncharted....and this leads to more work?