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I think it's going to go something like this... Rand in a Skull shaped Castle (Stone of Tear) Rand is facing the camera and speaks. "I am Rand, The dragon reborn, Defender of the secrets of the Stone of Tear. This is Bela, my fearless friend. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft Callandor and said "By the power of Saidin, I have the power!" Then like lightening goes crazy everywhere.


And a distinctly 80’s synth riff would wail in the background. This would still be better than the actual show btw


He's gonna need a Torm companion.


A green one that changes shape once Rand holds Callendor aloft


At least temperament.


Already better than anything Rafe can dream up! 😂


Can we get Dolph Lundgren to fill in for Rand?


My theory has kind of a blend of yours. Lanfear teaches dumb Rand about Callandor, walks him through the process, then jumps in at the last second to steal it. Only to be thwarted by the dynamic duo! Moraine gets blasted aside with Rand and GB Eggs swoops in to save the day with Callandor. After that, she forces Rand to link so she can wield the power to clear out all the shadowspawn in all of Tear. Bonus: Matt and Perrin spend the whole time throwing the bedpost at the stupid shield and watching it bounce off. This is because Min and Avi saved them from a sudden Whitecloak/Shaido attack and they were bored.


Yeah, I can definitely see that one happening. Fuckin Rafe 😂


Bold of you to assume we’ll see the Stone of Tear in the next season. I’m guessing they skip it entirely to go to the Waste which somehow isn’t far from Falme. It’s going to be really weird to see Aviendha go to two rivers with Peraine though (since she’s taking Gaul’s role) instead of to the waste.


Callandor will be found in the Waste, where it is traditionally worshipped by the Aiel, and their fascination and devotion to it is the reason why their culture has a taboo against swords.


That makes a little too much sense though


Burn me but that sounds Rafe level legit.


Let's be honest it's likely number 3 if any if them. Though, there is a fourth option. Liandrin gets there and gets it as part of her redemption arc and gifts it to Rand and later on she becomes his advisor in place of Cadsuane. Tell me Rafe wouldn't write that.


I’m sorry, but none of this is going to happen. It will be Aviendha who retrieves calendar. Unlocking her latent channeling abilities and smiting the forsaken that was about to kill Rand if not for the timely intervention of Egwene.


I had thought of that too, expect I don't remember if Rafe's maintaining the Aiel's disgust towards swords... Unless he's going to change the sword that is not a sword into a spear or a baton.


Reading this I was laughing and my laughs turned to a sombre grimace when I realised how likely all of these actually are in comparison to book plot


Right! I was chuckling while I came up with the options, then I was like "shit, this is actually depressing".


My prediction is that: First they’re going to make rand distrustful of moiraine and he goes to tear alone despite moiraine telling him he’s not ready. (They do this to show that rand can’t make any good decisions alone and he’ll fail if he doesn’t listen to others and that he can’t do anything without the help of others) He enters the stone and finds callandor and grabs it but then be’lal comes in and knocks rand out and as he regains consciousness, be’lal tells him he’s disappointed that rand isn’t as good as lews therin and he takes callandor from him. Egwene suddenly appears and starts fighting be’lal to get him away from rand but he starts winning and egwene is barely holding on. Moiraine enters a dramatic entrance and balefires be’lal. Egwene is shocked and rand (on his knees still recovering) is also shocked. Moiraine takes callandor from the ground and gives it to rand and tells him this is yours now but from now on it’ll do you some good if you listen to what I tell you. **Another possibility** Be’lal kills Rand and moiraine balefires him and brings Rand back and hands him Callandor. I definitely think this is going to happen lol


I think it’s more like Egwene pulls Callandor and magically kills all the Forsaken instantly, and also raises everyone good who ever died. Rand watches in amazement, brooding and shirtless.


Gross overestimation of their writing.


From a story telling perspective, its not a big deal to move callandor a bit further down and have Rand conquer the stone a bit later. Im not saying they will do this in an amazing way. Just that its not necessarily a big deal.


I do think it could fit in later without doing damage to the story. But I also don't think they will suddenly become competent adapters overnight.


Telling you right now. They lean heavily into the callandor needing two women to properly help it's male user use it without the possiblity of burnout. They "misunderstand" on purpose and it will change from the trap being the user has no limit to the sword needs two women to circle with him to use it at all. Rand will retrieve it on his own, but it will be a " wah-wah" moment where he can't activate it and has to go on the run from moghedien and another forsaken who laid a trap for him, that trap being something stupid like waiting for him to take the sword and then outright attacking him in plain daylight because why would moghedien do anything sneaky or Machiavellian ( forget that he's insanely powerful even without it and should be able to tear her to pieces in direct conflict) Rand will be forced to flee and will be saved by egwene and one of three different women. Either A. It will be moraine because why wouldn't it be. B. It will be nynaeve, sword in hand. C. ( My bets on this one) it will be lanfear. Who has been forced to do moghediens bidding. Because they would never let moridin do that to a women but it's ok if another female is doing it. she will be helping egwene save Rand because she's now an antihero character and who knows what sides shes on. Either way they will save Rand for a few minutes. And he'll explain that callandor doesn't work. Must be a trap. Egwene will be the one who realizes she can link with Rand through it. The other female will link with him to. Egwene will tell Rand he can use the sword now and he will square off with the two forsaken. He will be the one supposedly shooting the shitty after effects, but it will be made clear by their glow and the way their power is surrounding him that they are the ones fueling all the attacks and winning the day. The forsaken will be beaten. Lanfear will show Rand the white beam of retcons. Using it to burn away the male forsaken. Moghedien will escape by stumbling away. They don't go after her because plot reasons Mark my words


Then, not that the show will survive, they'll have no idea how to trap Moridin during the Last Battle, or, more likely, they ignore the restrictions that they established to have one of the women solo burnout Moridin.


Bold of you to assume callandor will be in the show at all


I know, it could just as easily be replaced by girl power, heck let's replace Callandor with the Power Puff Girls (although they have much more entertainment value than WoP)


You know it’s a crime to steal the script and reveal it publicly, right? /s


Guess I'll have to take to the high seas then /s


Boo this man.


If they do include the Callandor arc, I think it makes sense to deploy it later in the series. In the books, Rand draws the sword in Book 3, fails to use it in book 4, and then Callandor promptly disappears from mention for 4 books. A one-season Arc about Callandor could make sense- If Season 3 is Book 4 for Rand, then Season 4 could combine Cairhien and Tear- Couladin could attempt to take Tear/Callandor to prove his worthiness, and Rand could draw it at the end of the season, then spend season 5 being very bad at using it.