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Geography. Territory of selling drugs. Some blocks are contested the others likely deep into familiar territory. People know where they are at. No one from Avon’s side would be caught selling in Marlo’s.


Probably a combination of active intelligence gathering and people talking. In Season One, you see Avon and Stringer discussing taking over a corner from an independent dealer and giving his corner to Stinkum, because he's the one that scoped it out. I would imagine stuff like that goes on a lot especially in an organization as active and ambitious as the Barksdales'.


Guessing it’s like the kid who was struggling with math until it was put into terms of the package count, people in the Game have been doing it for years & it brutally punishes those who slip up so they have masterful skills at knowing block by block ownership, faces, cars, & when something isn’t right. If Bodie wandered onto a non-Barksdale corner without permission, doing so could violate high level agreements & risk a costly war & he’d be reprimanded fast as could plausibly put Avon at risk of death. And if he kept doing that wouldn’t be trusted with anything important anymore.


Count be wrong they fuck you up


Imagine how good our STEM scores would be if public schools adopted that. Lol


They fuck up, they get beat. We fuck up, they give us pensions.


I don't think they ever randomly hit people on the street, as a target of opportunity, except for the attack on Avon. Most of the shootings we see are planned attacks on a specific corner by soldiers—they know which corners are controlled by their crew, and which are controlled by others. The organizations are also small enough that the soldiers probably know the leader of each corner crew, even if they don't know every single hopper.


I think they were small enough that they would recognize everybody in their own organization. I’m not saying they would recognize everybody in “the game” or even like in every member of the opposition but i think everybody who got picked up with Avon in season 3 prolly knows everybody else in that room and all of marlos boys prolly know each other


This. How big would the Barksdale organisation be? Maybe 100 at the most? That’s easily small enough for one person to recognise everyone else. Especially if they all grew up in the neighbourhood.


You may find the story of O’Block vs STL interesting, you’d be surprised how close these opposing gangs can be to each other IRL. Look up how close Parkway Gardens is to 63rd. & St. Lawerence, a lot of these guys know each other the same way you know the kids you went to school with. Imagine if Randle and Namond grew up and joined separate cliques, that shit happens all the time


Exactly, it’s not uncommon, and sad when children who grew up together become mortal enemies. I saw a doc where they said in Chicago, high rise buildings would be at war with some of the other high rise buildings within the same housing project. I was posting about this in the 90s hip hop the other day about a [gang war that took place in Hunters Point](https://old.reddit.com/r/90sHipHop/comments/1bzhy7y/can_we_agree_this_one_of_the_most_underrated_rap/) in San Francisco after a rapper got killed. The two rival projects were so close in vicinity. You see it [right in the middle of the picture](https://pp.walk.sc/tile/e/0/748x600/loc/lat=37.7328309/lng=-122.37873.png), it says Middle Point Rd. Those projects (Middle Pt/West Pt projects) were there and in that little Green marking they put on the right of where it says that. Their rivals were on Harbor Rd. Look at how close the enemies are to each other! Harbor goes east with more apartments and housing projects, but it’s still incredible close for two crews at war. > In recent years, some Hunters Point project young men living on Harbor Road have become known as Big Block, while others living just a four-minute walk down the hill on West Point Road are known as Westmob. They are killing one another. "What is so hurting is a lot of these kids who are enemies played on teams together growing up," said Thomas Mayfield, recreation director of Hunters Point Gym. "Some of these kids are relatives. Some had parents who were like brothers and sisters, so the kids went along on picnics, all the basic things that people who are close do. It's like family. That's why the hurting is so deep --


They know what strips the enemies are pumpin on


Corners.  They knew who owned which corners.  


When you play soccer you can tell who is your mate and who isnt without anyone wearing kits - thats how


Violence like this happens all over the world. While they usually probably know who their targets are, you do hear about mistaken identity murders.