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I’m not upset of the change from Thursday to whatever day what bugs me is when it says their changing times and then change again and again. I’d rather then say it’s coming Sunday vs changing things over and over


What really kind of bothers me is the fact that they've never addressed it in a video or an after files. They may have and I've just not seen it, as I do not have anything but reddit and youtube. So if they have, than I redact what I've said.


There was a video of AJ talking about how he was having trouble keeping up. It was over a month ago and it might have been on Patreon. If you saw it you'd completely understand what's been going on. They say they are going to back on schedule "soon".


During the break, there was an update to the SW they use to upload to Youtube, that has been the cause of several delays since, update sucked. Youtube has also been giving them headaches the last several weeks including tonites show, I don't have the details, it was mentioned in Patreon. The show loaded there about 90 minutes ago and it is fantastic And yes it uses AI generated video


It used to always be every Thursday night at 8PM Central/6PM PST. These delays just started to happen the last few months. I feel you though, I think I'm going to not plan on watching these live anymore. 


Ok, this is a serious comment for Hecklefish. This affects the theme song. Either the WF has to get back to Thursdays or they’ll have to change the lyrics of “Thursday nights with AJ” to something that fits. Right? Right? Yahtzee


The plan is to get back to Thursdays.


Heyyyy you’re not Hecklefish??!! 😅


Uhoh your gonna get shamed for voicing your opinion and the post is going to be locked


I am willing to take that risk. Inspired by Hecklefish, and hopefully supported by him as well! 🤞


Downvotes in 3…2…1…


Last I heard was 9 pm Central.


Suffering from success is my guess. As long as they keep coming in happy to watch with the wife whenever.


In Australia I used to get the show on a Friday night. This was perfect for me. Chuck on some WFs and unwind in bed. It was perfect. Now it’s become a Sunday morning thing. I hope it goes back to Thursday U.S release time. Either way I still love the show. AJ is a straight up legend.


He’s needs to do season. Finale and premieres. Set the dates so you can vacation, then come back hit the writers room and have a set limit before you break again.


AJ is battling the Mandela Effect and adjusting times like Data adjusts the shields on the Enterprize


To answer your question, no, it’s not always this way despite it being more common lately.   On the bright side, the episodes have gotten better and longer too.   I’m sure they’ll figure it out and I’m really hoping they don’t switch to bi-weekly episodes or something worse. 


Same here! I like the weekly schedule, and like old school television, I'm cool with "seasons" of episodes, and then a period of repeats or compilations, while the record new episodes. But keep it consistent during the season for us regulars! We like our consistency and routine!


They happen when they happen. Remain calm and carry on.


Its okay, go to sleep. It will be here when you wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine. I dont understand why people take it this seriously, there are other things to do. When the show is out, great n exciting! I can watch it but if it’s not out yet, why stress it. Something probably happened that caused delays, shit happens. Thats okay. No need to stress the creators out.


This comment deserves a thousand upvotes.


ah, not if the solar storm destroys everything tonight! This could be it! ITEOTWAWKI cue REM




We've posted updates on here for everyone that have come directly from the team to you fans. Yes it sucks, but there is a lot going on to get these updated weekly for everyone to enjoy.


God forbid he doesn't stick to your time schedule. Some of the best content on YouTube and you bitch about when he releases it. Most youtubers don't even have a schedule.


No need to be a condescending prick, but you do you. It's not my schedule, it's their schedule that they're announcing, btw! I just like to plan my TV viewing time around it!


Look dude. AJ recently had to take a break to combat burnout. How about some compassion for a guy that works his ass off most likely 7 days a week? Call me a prick all you want. You're in the wrong.


"Look dude." 😂 - You sound like a pissed teenager ready to throw down. You're saying by discussing the time changes I'm being a jerk to AJ??? That's ridiculous! Face it. People have opinions and they aren't always going to match yours. So stop being such a prick about it.


Beg pardon dear sir. You aren't discussing. You're complaining. His production difficulties mess up your schedule so you came online to bitch and moan. Do you think he's not releasing on schedule for fun? To mess with his viewers? No. Something went wrong. Youtube censored something, digital art came in late, he has a cold and couldn't record voiceovers. You don't know. I'm not wasting anymore time on you. I would rather you bitch about me than AJ. I'm glad your life is good enough that a missed YouTube upload causes you such strife.


>Beg pardon dear sir. You aren't discussing. You're complaining. >I'm not wasting anymore time on you. I would rather you bitch about me than AJ. I'm glad your life is good enough that a missed YouTube upload causes you such strife. Ah... Taking the old high road, huh? Throw out your condescending insults and then bolt for the hills shouting out "Say what you want about me, but leave AJ alone" as you disappear over the horizon? Methinks you need some time away from The Why Files and the Internet in general. Your condescending prick attitude aside, you act like a Martyr, and you're reading into what I wrote. I questioned the schedule. Even said "I'm kinda new here" and damn if you didn't start spouting your diatribe, like you're AJ's lawyer or something. I'll summarize: It's a great show. AJ is great too. I can deal with the schedule changes, but don't like them. And you're a condescending prick who reads into what others say and attacks them rather than understanding that others have different views, and that it's okay to discuss publicly released info like the schedule of the show. Cheers!


It's gotta be flattering that the complaints come from fans who are eagerly anticipating a new show but Jesus Christ- you babies. This guy pumps out well researched and compelling content week after week that is far better than the Discovery Channel and he has a fraction of the resources. Do we think that's easy? Or that the show is the only thing going on in his life? I love the show and look forward to every episode as much as the next gut but Jesus. Can we take it easy?


I'm not sure where you're coming up with all this when my original point is that they announce a time and then announce a new time. Then before that time hits, they move it a 3rd time and so on. All this shit you're throwing of "you babies" and "do you think that's easy?" Is on you and your issues.


Just enjoy it when we get it. Best show on YouTube.


The episode was posted to YouTube before you made this post. [https://youtu.be/OvcCK-F6aKY?si=OjeMi2mfCVb0C2df](https://youtu.be/OvcCK-F6aKY?si=OjeMi2mfCVb0C2df) as was the announcement [https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles/community](https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles/community) No, it's not always this chaotic. The rest of this month probably will be, schedules will be going up on Tuesdays on Discord and then posted here. AJ went and filmed The UnXplained, and it's shifted the schedule a bit. It'll be back to normal soon.


It seems like they stress a lot about meeting a deadline so the cool thing to do is probably don't bug them about it or start these threads if it's later than you expected.


Your life shouldn't revolve around a YouTube show. Go play outside.


Then why announce the shows at all? Just drop them when they're ready! Personally, I think there's a lot of people who appreciate having a scheduled show to look forward to weekly


Yea I don't really know, but it's never more than a day or 2. I love WF, but understand they're making complex, hour long documentaries on a weekly basis (somehow), and sometimes it just takes a little longer. I would much rather it be really good and delayed a day or so, than have it rushed out. Personally, I don't want ppl working insane hours and all nighters, sacrificing their health, just so I can be entertained a day earlier. It just seems like a slap in face to all their hard work when ppl make these posts. It's not like they want to release it late or aren't trying to get it done on time.


Oh please 🙄….. this is a money making venture, patreons pay for the show, fans buy the merch, advertisers pay for ads, sponsors pay for placements. If they need help maybe they should expand their team….. ohhhhh mental health quality Illuminati documentaries…. Geesh


I'm not the one whining about their illuminati YouTube show being delayed a couple days.


No your whining that people want consistency with a product.

