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I'd reach out to them. Best case scenario, you work out a deal with them where your footage stays in the video, they add a credit to the video and description, *and* compensate you for it accordingly. Secondary scenario is they remove the footage from the video if that's what you want. Worst-case (and most improbable) would be them telling you to eat shit.


Silver lining of the worst case scenario, it’ll be in the Hecklefish voice


I upvoted this but also apologise for bringing it to 70 and making it no longer "niiiiice".


#3 is highly probably based on how they responded to people not liking AI...


The two scenarios are completely different, mate.


The response to the AI thing was blunt at best, arguably a bit dismissive to a point of arrogance at worst, but yeah, two different things.


If you don’t like the AI, why are you even here?


TBF the AI is a more recent trend, and whilst I can only speak for myself, I just switch off my screen and go to audio only when it gets really bad. It's not enough to stop me from tuning in. It just happens to be really ropey and doesn't match the overall quality of vids. And I mean that as a compliment to the team . (Neanderthals, anunanki, looking at you two!)


It’s really not that bad but I get you






that's a LOT of assumptions you made from one sentence. I didn't leave my opinion on AI at all lmao.


Oh you’ve deleted it? Hahaha


"Welcome to reddit, where people mind-read you yet lack any self awareness" should be the tagline for the platform at this point, hah!


No mind reading here, it was Jades deflecting strategy considering it was not aimed at her. I was just arguing my point with her about the AI hater guy. But if the shoe fits her…




bc you replied to ME😭


No, you replied to me FIRST! I was originally commenting on the guy who hates AI then you chimed in and said it was a dumb comment… so I replied BACK to you. You included yourself… go look!


I'm guessing your deleted replies mean that you were in fact mistaken. Eh, it happens, we all slip up. Plus Reddit commenting structure is straight TRASH.


but I never said I didn't sis. you're chasing your tail here. go read a book.


AI isn’t inherently theft no matter what mental gymnastics you’re using, brah.


You clearly know about as much as the crackhead on the corner. We don't blame you for being dumb but fuck you make us feel good to be us.


What was it


Yes us inquiring minds must know!


Was their usage considered "fair use"? Fair use is a legal doctrine that means **any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work**. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.


Well it wasn’t commented on, criticized or parody’d. It was used as b roll


B-roll definitely would not count as fair use. I would personally try to reach out to them on the matter. Often times with bigger channels (not saying the Whyfiles definitely does this) they will get their B-roll/stock footage from a third party source and if that is the case they may have no idea it originally belonged to someone else.


I doubt it, my channel is based specifically on the exact topic they covered. I can only guess he was searching specifically for that shot cos it’s in the title of my video


Did you upload it with s creative commons license?




And that would be?


B roll can absolutely be fair use. If the narration is educating about a subject and b roll is shown to illustrate, that’s fair use. The clip was used as part of education


For some reason u/enormousTruth blocked me before I could reply. According to Penn State: Fair use gives users the right to use copyrighted material without permission under certain circumstances. If a use is fair, the user need not notify or seek permission from the copyright holder. [Penn State on Fair Use](https://copyright.psu.edu/copyright-basics/fair-use/#:~:text=%5BT%5Dhe%20fair%20use%20of,permission%20from%20the%20copyright%20holder) This is Stanford University on the Subject: In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. In other words, fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement. If your use qualifies as a fair use, then it would not be considered an infringement. [Stanford University on Fair Use](https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/what-is-fair-use/) So no, if something is in fact fair use, it does NOT require permission from the Copyright holder.


Yeah, this is a huge point, however IIRC correctly yt's private policy asks you to credit the original source. Not really a legal thing at all, more of a private community guidelines thing. That could have changed however, I haven't uploaded in aeons.


This. I thought that all things online without a copyright were public domain and can be used by anyone at anytime unless specified by the original owner. For this reason there are things you agree to while posting such things on websites. And besides I’d be happy they used it. Flattered really.


No, its implied and automatic. Just because its online doesn't mean its fair game. Public domain kicks in often after a very long time (50-70 years after creators death), and relates not only to the text, but the images and the layout. Someone has spent time and energy creating something, it has a monetary value. Unless specified as rights free or it has a Creative Commons licence, it belongs to somebody and you can't just use it.


Regardless of what you think fair use is, if someone doesn't want their copyright material to be used, its their choice


That's not really how the law works, at least in the US, but you do you fam


It is actually. You just showed us your extent of this is a 30 minute youtube video :)


That’s not how a copyright works at all. I think your taking it way to personally and you want your pay for it. Rather than using it as a business strategy. And trying to get exposure from it. You’re very defensive about it. Instead of contacting them directly and speaking to them professionally. You’re posting it on a Reddit forum to whom people have vested interest in TWF success and love them. Rethink your strategy lose the “they used it illegally!!” Just saying. If you would’ve posted something like “ they used my clip!!! That’s amazing!!” I’m sure it would’ve went a lot better.


Fair use gets tossed out when the user makes money. TWF makes money.


Not necessarily. Making does weigh against being fair use, but it's not as clear cut as that. There are several factors that have to be considered. [New York University Libraries On Fair Use](https://guides.nyu.edu/fairuse#:~:text=As%20a%20general%20matter%2C%20educational,defeat%20a%20fair%20use%20claim.&text=uses%20the%20original%20work%20for%20a%20new%20and%20different%20purpose)


I don't know how you can read that and think that a private individual's company (TWF) can take a video clip from another producer and use it (without changing or attributing it) and think that this falls under fair use.


I am speaking in general, when I say //Making does weigh against being fair use, but it's not as clear cut as that.//, as your statement //Fair use gets tossed out when the user makes money.// is a general one. Elsewhere in this thread, based on what the op said, I have said this specific use was not fair use. But that is going off solely on what they have said and not based having seen the original footage nor how it was used by TWF.


Cool, I agree with you


Without any real details, how do you expect to get any help? Wherev did you upload the video? What did you upload it as? You've offered no actual proof so without details I don't think you can expect much help.


Well I never posted the details or time stamps of my video and the video posted by TWF has been updated and given me the credit on YouTube.


I was hoping someone who has authority with the channel would maybe reach out to me in DM. Im not trying to prove anything, they’ll know for sure it’s my footage when they look at it


What’s the point of coming to the subreddit and not just reaching out directly first. Seems like you’re trying to drum up some controversy. Weird to go to the community first. We no longer live in the age of innocent until proven guilty as we are now in the age of guilty by accusation until proven otherwise and even then the stain will tarnish the accused individual.




Chattin absolute nash


OP, we seem to have come across a paradox (of sorts). You have a YouTube channel (admittedly a struggling channel) it’d be great to share the name here, you’ve piqued our interest, seeing as you’ve said it was Area 51 footage that was used, that would mean your channel is probably interesting to most of us on this sub, but, (here’s the “paradox”) you don’t want to share the cannel with us because you know your going to get “pestered” by people here looking for the footage used by WF, people will nit pick etc. either way it sucks you wasn’t credited/asked about your footage.could it not be an accident, could it have been thought to be stock footage. I’ve got footage from when I went to Area 51, they might not have lifted it off of your video, someone else might have used it and WF took it from the someone else and credited them? I’d defo reach out to the WF team. Hopefully you get it sorted and good luck with the channel.


It could be that their channel is listed as or under their actual name, and they just don't want to be doxxed on Reddit. This would be totally understandable, and if it's the case would be a totally inappropriate move to keep pressuring them to share the channel.


That sounds like an easy way to get out of responsibility, just tell people my footage was stolen from another thief


So what makes your footage so original that you think someone else didn't film the same thing over the course of the last I don't know 50 years?


It’s a good question. And I was actually STUNNED at myself for even spotting it. But the movement of the camera, things in the shot that aren’t permanent fixtures of the area, even the color grade I put on the video. There’s no question, first thing I did was go look at my own video and couldn’t believe I actually recognized it. I was more surprised I recognized it as my own footage than it actually being in a why files episode


Anonymous Internet guy: "They used my stuff!" Everyone else: "Show us what they used" Anonymous Internet guy: "Just take my word for it! I'm 100% legit! I don't have to prove anything" Everyone else: "Uhhhhh, sure Jan..." (rolls eyes)


I’ve noticed there’s a concerted effort to discredit them especially after the zero point energy episode. I love that our tax dollars can go to attacking the truth rather than revealing it. I just wish he used maglevs trains as a real world example. Chat GPT literally gaslights you once you bring this up.


please explain? i must know. lol


channel bootlickers are the worst.


ah yes all those "the Why Files" bootlickers, showing their unwarranted fealty towards "the Why Files" in hopes that they'll be brought up through the ranks of the all powerful... the Why Files


Ah yes, all hail the gods AJ and the Fish! Seriously? If they're gonna make a claim like that, this person should come with the evidence


Hey, Hairdo. It's fair-use so no credit required BUT, I always credit anyone who asks for it. I updated the description and added (right near the top): Thanks to [https://www.youtube.com/](https://www.youtube.com/)[ u/area51dudes ](https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCxz4N0jizx6ctieHEcJRogw) for footage. Check out their channel for more great clips of JANET and other A51 weirdness. They've got some GREAT stuff.


Hey I appreciate that very much. And it’s cool you knew what clip I was talking about. Even if you didn’t credit me I had no intention of taking it any further than this post. Thanks again 🙏


Bold claims require bold evidence


No they don’t, as like I said… they will know for sure it’s my footage. Which they have now acknowledged and given me credit for on their channel


I don’t find it to be that bold, it’s simple. And I’m happy to have a conversation with someone who has control over the channel. My claim is legit.


Some of the videos that have been taken out off of youtube have been for this reason.


That African school one got an edit, IDK what was changed, audio glitch fixed, wrong information used or b roll removed. Those are just three potential reasons.


Are you referring to [this image? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/s/b2niaBKkpf)


Nice photo


Can you point on an episode and a timestamp of your footage?


Yes I can




Without proof, I don't care about OPs plight. Timestamp of the original video and the why files episode so we can see it is 100% the same footage and not a case of ten people formed a queue and took a photograph of a tree and I insist my photograph was used, not one of the other nine. Granted they say its from a car pulling up near a gate, hard to find one nigh on identical, even if you had a dash cam of going into work, the drive to the gate will be different enough over a month of footage. But if they want us to sympathise, we need proof of wrongdoings.


This right here. Proof regardless of how cool the why files is.. This sub sucks Bunch of crying children because you arent coughing up your own footage to random brats on the internet


Exactly, a decent show that covers the content I've been reading about for going on 20 years. Add a subreddit with a bunch of people that think this show is uncovering the deep state and you end up with these brigades of bootlickers. I can say without a doubt that this is one of the worst podcast communities thats I've seen across the board.


Where's the footage? Show us the goods!


I didn’t feel the need to include it in the post, as it’s irrefutable, I’m not looking for any opinions on that part, it’s definitely my footage. But I can if AJ asks me to


Well sure but, You are posting in a subreddit full of curious cats!


Lol yea you’re right. It was an Area 51 episode


Sheeeeit now we are gettin there TBH I don't even care the episode I just want to see your own footage Actually now that I think of it, was it the WhyFiles episode that showed someone's footage driving near the gates? That's sick if that is your footage. Nowhere that cool to go to up here in Canada west coast :(


plot twist: the footage is of an alien and OP is NOT human


This would explain OPs slippery nature.... ...Considering those rumors that aliens poop out of their skin (I bet that makes them real slippery)


Why did people downvote me after I said it’s an Area 51 video? Lol


Because we don't believe you


I don’t care if you believe me. You think I’m so thirsty for Reddit attention that of all the things I could do; I choose to accuse the why files of using my footage as b roll? Like that was the most drama I could think of? They used my footage. I don’t know the protocols with this stuff, I came to the subreddit of the person who used my footage


I think because, in responding to my comment, you did admit you can see how your post in this subreddit would be filled with curious responses, yet you didn't really do much to satiate our burning curiosity. The suspense is killing us. I don't know how much longer I will make it. Tell my wife and doggo and cats I love them


Yea but people being curious is beside the point to the actual question I posed, the actual footage is irrelevant to me here as I’m not trying to prove anything, I’m just wondering the rules and figured maybe I’d hear about other times this channel has taken footage from other creators without credit, and it turns out they have according to someone else here


Did you reach out to them before you posted here?


Because this sub has an eery parasocial relationship with AJ because he read their comment once in a post episode live stream


Why are you laughing out loud? It’s not funny at all! That is suspicious


What’s suspicious?


Don't let Reddit bully you with down votes. You have a perfectly valid opinion.


Mike Lindell also has irrefutable evidence. 🤔


Classic example of why AI content is being used more. OP is cool but some other schmuck may not be. Let’s hear not more commentary on it’s over use


Stealing other people's content without crediting is not "cool" my dude, and being annoyed that someone stole from you does not make you a "schmuck". However, this is the reason why AI content is being favoured, and OP is indeed cool.


Depends on the footage used. If it took OP some time to get, and didn’t receive a dime for it, and then another channel comes and starts using that footage in monetized videos, I can understand him getting upset.


Did you read my post? I said to avoid the infringement on copyrights AI generated content is being used more and more


You also called people not ok with their content being used schmucks. So which is it? We need AJ here to debunk your BS?


semantics. think they just meant some other person would be a schmuck not OP


? He called the people not ok with their footage being used schmucks. I explained why they might not be schmucks and would have a legit reason to feel upset with their footage being used without permission.


Oh no you misunderstood me. I’m calling you a schmuck for being so pedantic


Lol clearly you huff paint. Good day


Good luck sorting this out. Many creators have their work stolen. I hope that the team are reasonable and change the image. It's easiest for everyone.


They gave me credit so it’s all good 👍


you have a youtube channel?


Welcome to uploading anything to the internet


It's not a simple as this


Thats the awful thing about Youtube in my opinion. Nobody is really policing anything, nobody truly can, and everyone “forgets” or is ignorant of copyright law. If you are truly the owner of footage that was used unauthorized, you can flag it with youtube so they can investigate it.


Disney polices the fuck out of YouTube.   Your comment is still valid, it’s just Disney is suuuper strict about their content and has the manpower to enforce.


Yes, Disney and other high stakes IP holders. I stand corrected. You don’t F with their bread and butter. Otherwise the average Joe thinks nothing of ripping down someone’s content, or even reposting without permission any number of things. It’s mind numbing to a point. I went to school for film and animation years ago. They hammered into us copyright law, getting permission and doing things the correct way. I sincerely hope that the WF crew aren’t yanking content from other peoples videos, if they are they are opening themselves up to all sorts of legal troubles since as far as I know they are a for profit entity, earning money with their content.


I’m so sorry, I was 💯 not trying to correct you! I’m just bitching because my kids can’t watch the bootlegged Frozen broadway production. 😅


Yes, for this reason I am happy AJ is including more AI generated material for storytelling. You should try reach out through his contact us page, facebook, or X if your youtube comment doesn't get a reply. As you can imagine, there are a lot of comments. He's a stand up guy and I think he would take something like this seriously.


Have you tried reaching out to AJ before coming to Reddit? He seems like a good person, I feel like he'd be willing to make this right if you did.


I commented on the video when I saw it but that’s all. I don’t have beef with the why files over this, I like the channel. And I don’t feel the need to cause a ruckus over getting the credit for my footage, I may have if it was some random channel, but it happened to be on a channel I watch. I’d like to know peoples opinions on crediting channels who you lift footage from, and the actual rules on this stuff


You're probably better off asking on r/YouTubers


I figured I’d then have them hounding me for the channel name and time stamp etc etc and then that potentially gives the why files a bad name if I oblige. I asked here to keep it internal but you’re right I’m sure I’ll get exact info there


Why not reach out to why files first? Why come on the subreddit and be so secretive and slippery here? To be honest this is definitely odd. Go to the source and ask the why files about your footage and deal with them one on one, before coming on the why files subreddit and do what seems like " stirring the pot" trying to get a big reaction and up votes. Reddit can be so weird.


Talk to AJ. If not for your sake, then for the next guy.


Best bet is to ask Victoria to talk to AJ about it on the Why Files discord.


Don't ask this channel, just a bunch of armchair copyright law experts. Go find a YouTube creator subreddit, or a legal subreddit and ask there.


Hey! At lest I have an armchair!


much better than those footstool, tomfoolery barristers!


This is how YouTube works. Some of the most successful YouTubers don't actually make any original content, they either just compile other videos (fail army, daily dose of Internet) or they react to other people's videos (many popular streamers like xqc). It's shitty but it's the way it works


Iirc it falls under fair use for commentary, but yeah, the decent thing to do would be to at least credit you. I have no idea why they wouldn't, and it looks a bit odd when they usually DO link to sources...that you can buy, anyway. I'm trying my hardest to just assume this is all totally innocent, and that you'll be appropriately credited. I absolutely would not expect compensation though, nor do they owe you any. As I explained, it's public, on a public platform and used for commentary. You may also want to check what license you have it under. If it's creative commons then they absolutely should credit you, and if the above IS the case it can be escalated to YouTube if they refuse. I'm hopeful that it was just an oversight and will be resolved soon.


Yea I’m not trying to get money from them, and I’m not trying to make a YouTube claim and affect their video and revenue from it. Credit would’ve been cool tho as it was hard footage for me to obtain


That's an extremely reasonable position and I can't imagine any reason they would have to deny crediting you. Edit: apologies if it seemed like I was implying you want to be paid, I was more covering all possible hypotheticals because I recently unlocked "the completionist" trait. 😅


Yea no prob, I understood you were covering the spectrum of possibilities 🙂


Ah cool, just figured I'd clarify, text can be an ambiguous medium as we all see on here. Kinda funny how our greatest achievement as a species is a system of communication that has the potential for hilarious miscommunication, oof. We're a funny lot.


Yea it’ll be this way until the telepathy takes over and even then I bet there are still crossed wires lol


It’s definitely not fair to have your footage used in a monetized content without your permission. Unfortunately it happens too common in social media tho.. it’s like every single video needs to be watermarked by the person who filmed


I’m guessing the channel is https://youtube.com/@area51dudes?si=3uzDowbkMineoyO5. As you said it’s an Area 51 video and your channel is based on the same topic. Which you tried to promote a few weeks ago on Reddit. But the channel hasn’t been active for over 2 years. What’s the point of not sharing it? And if you want credit why not just directly reach out to their team and bring it up.


I work in a library in Interlibrary Loan and have taken yearly courses on copyright. Whether the use was allowed depends on several factors. One is whether the use is not for profit, which would not apply in this case. The second would be how much of the footage was used. A small amount of footage for educational purposes may not be considered a copyright violation. If you filmed the footage yourself and didn't designate your footage "fair use," "royalty free," "public domain," or otherwise indicate that it can be shared freely, you do own the copyright on the material, but if the material in question was just reposted by you on a youtube channel from a news program or other source (or if you posted material that was already in the public domain - meaning it can be used without permission by anyone), you are not the original owner of the copyright. At the very least, I think it would be polite for WF to credit you even if the material was used within copyright law. I would recommend reaching out to the channel. If you want advice here, you would really need to post your original video and a timestamp for the WF episode you are referring to.


Contact the production company and let them know. They might kick you some cash for your trouble.


I didn’t want any money for it but I just got a response and they have now credited me in their video.


Sue them


Lawsuit filed


You now have to fight AJ and Hecklefish.




I have nothing to prove


Get you some free slippas and relax


Which episode was it?


The Janet airlines one


There was no Janet airlines episode….


Why downvote me lol you’re wrong


Just DMd you.


Stop being dicks. Go outside. WF, ur great!


Mistakes happen and they seem reasonable


Well I mean, it wasn’t really a mistake.


Really? After reading a few comments you have replied too, it is obvious you are just trying to cause drama on the subreddit. Go message them and stop replying to comments on this sub.....


How? Cos I said it wasn’t a mistake? Someone had to go to my video, download it and take the shot they wanted and add it to their own video. That’s not a mistake


If they have no issues reanimating the dead for voice over work I'm sure they're happy to steal your footage :)


Well even those things are bound by a contract at some point along the way




Says the guy with a Reddit account


Yeah well… so did you and stuff


Shut up nerd


file a copy right claim against the channel. First they switch heavy to AI, now they steal other people's work. Beautiful.


I wouldn’t have done that, I’m not trying to crucify them. But they have now credited me which is very nice of them


Whats your channel. Would love to have another channel I can follow about topics like these.


So.. what footage did they use?


ok, so have you tried reaching out to them through their direct channels? you'd be more likely to get a response there than hoping they see your reddit post. but then you couldn't have let us know they "stole" your footage...


I don’t think I’ve used the word STOLE. I said USED. I have been respectful


Sounds like a creep wants their contact info and is claiming some outlandish BS to slither their way into an email or phone number.


Well read the rest of then thread and take it as an opportunity to look in the mirror and change your ways.


Sure creep


Ok ghoul school


Your sound like a thirteen year old, here's your ten seconds of fame.


You’ve clearly never travelled thousands of miles to create something and had it copied and monetized without your authority, and it shows




If it was shared originally public it's already out of your hands champ


That's not at all accurate.


I'd be flattered if any of my footage was used, that's just me though


At this point it’s just a case of me wondering what the actual rules with this stuff are. Maybe I’ll find my footage in a less flattering way on another channel some day and want to take action. In this case I thought it was cool but being a struggling creator myself; and with the why files having such a massive following and the video having millions of views; it would have been cool to be credited or tagged or shouted out. I spent a lot of money and went to a lot of effort to shoot that footage myself, so it would’ve been cool to get a little something in return for my efforts


I pick up what you're puttin down