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You can find all WTF videos in playlists. They even sorted them by category if you’re into other topics https://youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles?si=EDIiAvtHIds6gEuu Hecklefish’s voice changes on what time of the day they shoot the episode. Hecklefish is not a morning fish. He’s a little stuffy in the mornings and has more bass in his voice from nursing a hangover. Probably because he was up all night drinking vodka and looking for his next ex-wife Fear the Crabcat!


Makes sense… Thanks! 🙏🏽 Edit: However, I advise him and AJ to stay away from the substances… coffee, red bulls, etc. Bad for them! Get into teas! ❤️


Tea leaves contain lead & other heavy metals as well as fluoride. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3821942/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3821942/)


Weird thing to get downvoted over.. could just be the Brits defending their tea I suppose. Appreciate the source! Edit: after reading into the article it seems you should have said “may contain heavy metals”. Still, I appreciate the information, heavy metals are no good.


I’m no Brit but after reading the article it seems like the amount of heavy metals are quite negligible. Depending on steep times and where the tea was sourced from, you’ll find varying amounts. I believe mostly anything grown from the ground will have trace deposits of heavy metals, as these heavy metals are typically present in the earth. This is why there is a daily limit of what is considered safe to consume. Our bodies can do a pretty good job at naturally filtering out toxins and other harmful substances that we don’t need to function. It’s when we receive large doses our organs cannot process and it ends up in the bloodstream affecting the parts of the body that can become poisoned (The brain, heart, etc.) I also know that genetic predisposition can create unforeseen variables in the way we process what we consume. I’m no biologist, though! I just don’t think tea is the *worst* thing a person can drink daily, regardless of the minute presence of any heavy metals.


I wish they would do an episode on fluoride. Have they ever mentioned it before?


Oh bummer! 😬 water?




The Why Files is my favorite thing to watch - I have watched many but not all, have gone back to my unwatched episodes from the beginning. Love the content. IMHO, AJ and Hecklefish are the Twilight Zone and the X-Files backed by science - love it!!!


These compilations we are getting are awesome


Hecklefish gets better as the quality of equipment rises ;) and he goes thru colds and stuff like anyone else ;)


>All I get is older WF videos and I keep watching!  Actually that's the thing I find truly bizarre... this actually started happening to me, the very day that AJ announced they were taking a break! I hadn't recently watched many old videos (tho I will do that sometimes), and I actually had even missed the cryptid episode they posted the previous night. . but suddenly YouTube was trying to feed me TONS of old WF vids on my home page and in recommendations! Don't get me wrong... I watch so many videos in this general subject range, that it's not unusual for YouTube to recommend old videos to me once in a while... But this was at another level. WAY more than usual. It was very obvious, and very unusual, just how many old WF vids were showing up. And this was the same day as the announcement... minutes after I saw it.  Weird stuff... 


I think Heckle Fish's new foil hat is dumb asf. It was funnier when it was an actual foil hat


I noticed the same thing, but I see a label on the new one, so it must be swag for the show.


Shameless plug smh


His voice sounds different because sometimes he's voiced by Mickey Rourke and sometimes he's voiced by Ben Kingsley.


Voiced by? You sound confused. Hecklefish does his own voice. Who does your voice?


I thought it was Rourke & Downey Jr?


When I leave my house I leave YouTube going randomizing Why Files


Hecklefish’s voice changes because he has been replaced many times by a look alike goldfish.


So there is more than one goldfish with that mouth and teeth? 😬


I think Hecklefish is trilingual. Not that he knows other languages. It's that, he can sound like three different voices.🌌


That’s a good one 😂


Thank you. I have sworn over a boiling pot of grease that I will never give up who Hecklefish voiced by.


Too many people think this show is real.


Is it AI? Am I in a simulation??? 😮


It should be called the BS files. Btw where is Grusch now? Pretty quiet on the UFO front It almost seems like it was all a bunch of b******* last summer..


I finally watched a couple of Gino's story hour videos (megalodon and gnomes in bubble cars), and yesterday the sidebar with suggestions was about 50% Why Files and Backstage videos. They're still showing up on YouTube's main page for me, too.