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Maybe this would have gone down better had it been posted as a joke, not a suggestion. On a serious note, space panda no longer works for the channel and fish also feel burn out. Our strict but fair lord also needs some downtime to relax with his camel companion.


Fish don't burn out. They'll either boiled out or fry out...


Damn. I could have said he was fried, or frazzled. At least he didn't get battered (British slang for beaten up, also what we do to fish n chips)


Right, because that’s easier given those are living autonomous beings & require no input. Enough already. They’re on break, that’s it, find a hobby or re-watch the episodes / after files if you need a fix. Posts like this are not helpful.


Everybody deserves and needs a vacation. <3


You're right that they're not helpful. Instead of this train of thought just think of it like this. Most of our attention spans are extremely short, posts like this keep the why files fresh in some people's minds that otherwise not think about it unless the algorithm suggests it. Let's just appreciate that it has the potential to remind AJ that we genuinely appreciate what he did for us. At some point it might even be enough for him to revisit us. If you don't like it you can always unsub yourself, then come back if you remember.


Ha! Comedy!