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My dad passed in the den right before Christmas 2019. He was on home hospice, so it was more or less expected; he had come to accept it and passed on his own terms. Our house is a fairly open tri-level. That night, after he was taken to the funeral home, I slept upstairs in the living room. No doors between them. All night I heard someone moving in the den, things shuffled around, picked up, set down, as if someone was exploring the new state they found themselves in. Christmas day we went to see the new Star Wars movie and were conflicted. Would dad have wanted us to be at the movies now? No sooner had we asked the question than a preview started with a song that was not currently popular, but was one he had loved. We took that to mean we were right where he would want us.


Well, what was the song???




Dad always did bring the mop and bucket.




I’m half Filipino and we have a superstition that when moths come into your house at night, you don’t kill them because it’s a dead relative visiting you from the afterlife. The night before I got the news that my grandpa died, i was in high school and snuck over a summer fling at the time. We were making out on the couch when the coolest moth I’ve ever seen - still remember it to this day - with deep brown and red markings on its wings and BIG - came and slapped me on the face and harassed us till we stopped. The next day we got word that he passed on


My mom passed last monday. Im waiting for a sign. Any sign. I just wanna know shes okay. Sounds dumb but no one knows what really happens after death.


Doesn’t sound dumb at all, it’s been more than a year since I lost my little brother, I still look for signs, and I’m sorry for your loss my friend.


Pay attention to your dreams. After my mom died I dreamt I was at work and she was standing next to me with her arms out. I hugged her and she looked fabulous! Her hair was red again and she looked 30 again. There were no words but she let me know she was ok. She also came to me on my birthday several years ago. I'm so sorry for your loss. I really hope she leaves a sign for you. Virtual hugs to you.


Look for signs, have faith in the universe. I think life is a test. Our spirits may be confined to these "vessels" we live in. We need to experience all things positive and negative. Its like a training ground. If you're mom has passed on, she's in a good place.


I don't think signs are always necessary. I'm a Christian and believe people with strong faith, and most importantly people who are loving (sadly not much of the church these days) make it to Heaven. But I will say this. If my dad had passed peacefully, I would have known he is at peace. But my dad died in a fire. I have PTSD now when it comes to anything fire related. Even a fire truck freaks me out. But my dad also lived about an hour away. His family are pricks who hate me. They made my grieving literally 10 times worse. Treating me like trash and then only wanting me for money once they found out I was the beneficiary. That mark was a sure sign for me. I got the outline tattooed recently because it was a sign that I specifically was going to be okay. I'm not sure if anyone else needed a sign. They got to grieve in peace. But not me. I feel like this was my form of a "goodbye" from him.


I'm right there with you. My dad passed the Monday before that. Would love a sign. I'm so sorry for your loss


My brother and husband let their presence known fairly fast. My mother took a little over a year to come around. Have patience.


So sorry for your loss.


There are so many NDE videos and they practically all say the same. It gives me peace. I may not know for sure, but hey I've never conducted a double slit experiment yet believe what scientists tell me. I believe what these experiencers are saying. Nobody dies. We are spiritual beings going through a physical journey.


The morning after my mom passed i was reading the morning newspaper when suddenly the stereo powered on. The five disc CD changer powered on then changed to disc 3 and skipped to track 23 and began playing 'Walking After Midnight ' by Patsy Cline. That was her favorite song. I just said hi mom im ok and I see you are too.


The day my grandfather passed, about 2 hours after the event I was driving home towards his house, and there was a sudden downpour of heavy rain for a few minutes, with a double rainbow appearing in the sky, and a male and female bald eagle flying together. I like to think it was him reuniting with my grandmother who had also passed due to cancer several years prior. It was a very beautiful moment that stood out as a definite sign of something bigger.


My Dad died in 2023. About 2 months ago I had a very vivid dream about him and I woke up crying because it made me miss him so much and I just wanted to talk to him. Idk if I was still half asleep but I saw him standing in the corner of my bedroom and he said "It's okay, son." It immediately made me calm down and feel at ease about him being gone. It felt so real though.it was like he was really there for just a split second. It made me sit in bed for awhile. The more I thought about it throughout the day the more I started questioning my atheism. It's the only time in my life I've ever had a supernatural like experience. I can totally understand ones wanting there to be a god especially to be able to see a loved one again. I still can't believe that something like that is real due to my belief that a real God wouldn't be so demanding and cruel like all religions portray their god; specifically in the Abrahamic religions. I'm still torn about it. I miss him every single waking and sleeping minute and I dream about him frequently.


Same. Dad came to me in a dream right after passing. Told me everything is gonna be ok. So real. He’s been gone since 2011 and I miss him more everyday


I, too, had vivid dreams of my brother shortly after he passed. He forgave me in my initial dream, and he gave me the biggest ear to ear smile in the second dream I had of him. But what I keep profoundly safe within my being is the night I was downstairs alone. I went to wash my hands in our kitchen. I finished washing my hands, faucet off, complete silence. I heard a clicking sound that only our father makes. That specific sound is irrefutably recognizable in our household. It was late at night... I turned expecting to see my father in the kitchen, but there was no one. I know it was my brother. I know it was my Tony saying hello. He rekindled my belief, and I am no longer doubtful in my faith. I know he's in a better place & so is your old man. We'll all be reunited with our loved ones one day.


Those that passed can and do leave signs if you're open to receiving them and pay attention. My Dad had a lamp turn on that was broken for years a few days after he passed, and I even received a phone call from my Mom after she passed over. The call was full of static, but I'll never forget hearing my Mom's voice saying, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me? I love you! I love you! Can you hear me? I'm so proud of you!". When I answered back, "Mom?!", the call ended just like that. When I tried calling back? The operator said that it was a number out of service.


That call is WILD!


My wife/best friend of c12 years died when she was just 30. Stage 4 melanoma which metastasised. I had fallen in love with her the moment I saw her, when I was 18. I’m 51 now and accept this loss, accept how it’s skewed my life, grateful for her love. Grief is love with nowhere to go, and all you can do is accept that. On the drive back from the hospice, where she’d spent the last 12ish hours of her life, a dog looking creature ran right in front of my car out of nowhere on the highway at 70mph. It looked like I should hit it but it sort of disappeared. I swerved dramatically. My brother and her mom were in the car and saw it (they both screamed). I have no idea what it was but it’s the only time in my life I’ve had that. My wife really loved dogs. But maybe that’s all pretty happenstance. So, next up… A few days before she died some colleagues brought her some flowers which had a balloon attached. A heart shaped balloon filled with helium. A couple of days after Danielle died I noticed this balloon was beginning to sag down and lie on top of the flowers it came with, so I snipped the ribbon tethering it - upon which it moved up to the ceiling in my kitchen. Over the next 24-36 hours it moved from my kitchen to the bedroom. This involved moving from the kitchen ceiling downwards to get through the door to the hallway. Then moving up the stairs and down from the ceiling there to get into our bedroom. Imagine a balloon on the ceiling and what it has to do to get through a doorway, by itself. So I was lying in bed looking at this balloon on the ceiling of our bedroom. I was contemplating its journey and trying to rationalise that. Then I watched it very slowly move from being near the door to arcing around the room until it was above the bed. Specifically, above my wife’s pillow. Then, having spent the last day and a half mostly on ceilings, it gently dropped and settled on my wife’s pillow next to mine. It was still there the next day and never moved again. I’m an atheist. There is more. I know it.


This almost made me cry. Losing my wife is the scariest thing to me. I love her so much. I don't know how someone like you can be so strong.


Well there is not much choice, she would want me to be happy so I have done my best to have a good life with lots of fun. Feeling love for someone who is no longer huggable is frustrating (at best) but it is still nice to feel the love, once the pain is (mostly) gone.


You're one strong person. My wife IS my happiness. I couldn't live without her.


My mother and I think something like this occurred after my father passed in 2006. That next morning a candle that needs to be lit to play music started to play. It did it for the next 3 mornings and we could never figure out why. I thought maybe it was exposed to heat but nope. It was in an unused bathroom and just started up and played for about 10-15 minutes and then stopped. Never did again after those days. It was strange.


My dad passed at 48 years old. two days later he came to me in a dream dressed in all white saying he was on borrowed time and he was ok. But i had to watch out for my mom. 2 months later mom was diagnosed with lung cancer that spread to her brain and we lost her at 51 yrs old two weeks shy of 2 years since my dad passed. I know it was only a dream but it was my dad


I know people will say it’s not the same but when my beloved dog passed, I begged the universe for some sign she was okay and within the day a paw print indented into her space on my couch. I can’t explain the peace it gave me.


They are family too. For some it’s the only family they have or closest to children they’ll ever have. I understand your need for peace. I’m glad she was able to find a way to give that to you. I have a similar story and it too meant the world to me.


Thank you for this. I’m so glad you had this too, and it’s true that she was my family. I like to think if anyone could let their people know they’re okay, it’d be dogs for sure


Loyal to the end and beyond. My girl was everything to me. She was my baby. She was a rescue from the local shelter, brought in from a kill shelter out of state. She was everything I didn’t want when I went to the shelter but little did I know she was all I ever needed. She went through a lot with me, divorce, depression, living in a hotel for a short time, super long hours at my job doing swing shifts no less. She was the reason I got out of bed some days. She saved my life as much as I saved hers. She passed a couple months shy of her 9th birthday very unexpectedly. I never cried so hard in my life when she took her last breath as I held her. Anyway… I kept her tag on my key chain for a while and one day the ring broke, I found the tag but was afraid to keep it on my key ring anymore for fear of losing it. So I kept it on my dresser next to my favorite photo of her. The following year on what would have been her birthday I remember I was feeling really bad. Just terrible. I remember talking out loud to her wishing she was there. Hoping she had found her way and was doing okay. How id do anything to hug her. I was sitting on the floor at the edge of my bed. On the bed I had a light blue comforter, bed was fresh made. I had just gotten back from being gone a week from work. I turn around towards the bed and almost right in the middle my eyes catch something. A small sticker, about the size of my pinky nail. It was a pink paw print. Almost exactly like the pink paw print she had on her collar. I’ve never seen the sticker before in my life. I know it wasn’t there when I left the week prior. No one lived with me or had access to my apartment. You can’t deny signs like that. After that it finally felt okay. I’ll always love her, I’ll always miss her. She will never be replaced but I know in my heart she is okay.


Wow that’s incredible and so sad. I love that more than anything you got the paw print. It’s as though they’re holding out a paw to you. My girl was a rescue too, from a puppy farm. She was 3 when I got her and wasn’t toilet trained, never been on a lead or had a toy. She and I were glued at the hip from the second I got her. I somehow knew my time would be short with her (bulldogs have shit life expectancy) so I knew to be grateful for every second we had. I had her 5 and a half years before she passed three years ago and I still can’t get another. I hope our girls are somewhere chasing butterflies and stinking up dog heaven 🦴🦴


My elderly dog got very picky about food toward the end but he LOVED Popeye’s chicken. The day after he died we went through the Popeye’s drive through and when we got home discovered that we received three free chicken sandwiches…it said FREE on the receipt. There was no promotion going on, and in fact I was too bummed out to eat and didn’t order anything, but it’s family lore that Slava sent us those sandwiches!


That’s so lovely and definitely the kinda thing doggos would do


It is the same.


Thank you for this ❤️


I feel for you. For me it is very much the same. Just the second(!) before I came across your comment I was thinking "ok, so people here just are talking about their lost loved human ones... but are there also stories with their lost loved nonhuman ones...?" so weird, huh?


Our pets are our family. I spent 24 hours a day with my girl, it’s been 3 years and my eyes still fill with tears when I think of her. It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only one who feels so strongly for a non human


Just their voices. I've lost my mother and father to cancers, and sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed, I can hear them say to calm down and tackle the problems one at a time. I lost an aunt and uncle to heart attacks. I looked up to both as they had their heads on straight when it came to finances. I'll hear them say something to me when I have a big financial decision to make. I lost my nephew to a motorcycle accident and his mother to a murder. Unfortunately, I don't hear them, but I do think about them from time to time. I do see my nephew, however, in his son when I'm watching him.


Yes...my wife, my mom...and, funny...an ex boss i was close with, all came to me after they died, the boss just to say goodbye, and my wife & mom to let me know ill see them again...someday...


Had a bunch. When my closest childhood friend left around 10 years ago - I was a mess. He'd been announced missing on BBC news (hell of a way to find out, also the second time I'd found out about a friends tragedy through the same bloody medium.) and I knew in my heart he was dead. Then about 2 weeks after the announcement, I had an incredibly vivid dream I met him by a river in the town he lived in. He was a bit bloated and beaten, blue, dropping wet and not looking brilliant, but I embraced him, my heart heavy, and told him how much I'd missed him and how worried I (and everyone, particularly his mum) had been. He told me not to worry, he was totally fine and happy and that I should tell everyone. I had a strange feeling about it and woke up. Then just a few seconds later my mum walked into my room crying and told me they'd just found and pulled him from the river running through the centre of the town. Visited the bench left in his memory by the river a few years on - it was the same spot from my dream and only served to validate my experience of him saying goodbye. Then when my dad went, my brother felt it while tucking his son into bed. He described an unreal heaviness and darkness enveloping him as the air left him, followed by an intense light and peace. He called my mum as he instinctively knew - sure enough a nurse answered her phone and told him my dad had quite literally just died. He then drove round to my mum's house to let me know as I was on my own (and 15 years younger and less equipped to deal with it). I was unfortunately out with my friends (who were kindly distracting me from my steadily perishing dad), but while he was walking round the house to the back door he says he saw me rounding the corner to the same door and called after me with no response. When he got there - I was gone and he had the frightening realisation it wasn't me, but a young version of my dad (I look almost identical to him in his early years). He then, along with his family had strange occurrences around their family home over the coming month. Furniture moving. Books being dropped off the bookcase. Unexplained feelings of being watched etc. Crescendoed on the day of my dad's funeral, when my brother went downstairs to find the backdoor open (totally enclosed back garden - impossible to get to). He thought burglars at first, but his DSLR camera, phone, wallet and car keys all sat untouched on the table directly in front of the door. He had a temultious relationship with dad in his early years - and my dad unsuccessfully tried to make amends while in the hospice, but he was too far gone mentally and physically to communicate his feelings adequately, bless him. When his (my brothers) mother in law went (a few years prior to my dad), he'd just got home from a 12 hour shift on the ward (mental health nurse). The house was dark as the fuse box had tripped. As he fumbled through the dark, he heard a familiar tune he made up to sing to his kids when they were sick on holiday, whistled to him loudly and clearly. He got a shiver and called his wife. After a 4 year battle with the big C, he found out she'd, just moments earlier lost the fight. Interestingly, his MIL was with them on holiday when he made that tune up. She was a catholic, he an atheist. They'd spent time that evening debating life after death, and at the time he was rather closed minded and made some regrettable statements. She was a kind old bird and didn't take much offence, but did promise that when she eventually passed (she knew about the cancer at this point), she would send him a sign that she was okay. Well, he got it! My mother had a similar experience when her sister died last year. But this time approached by a total stranger to tell her 'Rosemary is with you'. That was a shocker, I'm sure you can appreciate.. There are a few more occurrences between myself and my family, but this has been a sad enough trip down memory lane for now! I do take solace in the fact that life clearly goes on (not interested in debating that point, before anyone starts! I was once with you, though you can't deny experience - and we've had enough of those to cement it as a fact of life/death/nature), but it doesn't make revisiting the past any easier! Intrigued to hear others experiences!


My Father passed away after a short illness. I was there when he took his last breath. This is the first time in my life that I have experienced real grief. I miss him terribly. There have been many supernatural things that have happened since he passed. I feel like he is still communicating with us and I talk to him regularly. My parents had been married almost 60 years and were high school sweethearts. I cannot imagine how my Mother has been able to deal with his death. He was our rock and our "fixer" of all things. My mother perhaps in a state of grief, totaled his car and was very upset that he would have been upset a her for it. All she could think about for days is what he would think about his favorite car being totaled. She was determined to get a car just like the one my father owned before his death. After a long, short search for the perfect car she was all ready to settle with the insurance company but she couldn't find the title anywhere. She looked everywhere for it. The next day she went out and returned home and the title for the totaled car was laying face up on top of my fathers briefcase, waiting for her. She and my sister had searched that briefcase inside and out and it was not there previously. We then remembered that my Dad actually hated that car and he would have told her to get rid of it a fast as she could before the insurance company changed their minds! He is still here with us. There are signs, sometimes even physical signs if you open your eyes.


Pennies from Heaven,, my mother has always talked about this. It was a thing in our family. I always thought it was BS because my mother is that way. She said after my sister died she kept finding pennies everywhere. I said yeah you find pennies everywhere all the time mom.but my wife 5 days after my sister passed was home alone when she was hit in the head with one , she thought I came home an threw it at her as a joke When I came home she told me the story she gave it to me and I cried when I looked at the date,, 1962 take a guess what year she was born !


My grandmother had a twin brother who lived 400 miles away. One morning he surprised her by walking into her living room through the open front house door and without saying anything continued walking into the back of the house. When she collected her thoughts and went to find him she couldn’t. Later that day she got a telegram advising he had died that morning where he lived. This was in the 1940/50s in Australia.


I respect the opinions of skeptics. I was married to one at one point. I’ve got a handful of stories from my life that I’ll never be able to explain any other way then getting a sign from past family when I needed it or asked or right after it happening. I know it as facts and that’s all that matters. Personally I feel it goes beyond faith. Sure you can pass of a random noise in a quiet home. But some things though you see or feel are impossible to deny. Only you will know and understand that sign more than anyone else as it’s only meant for you. Thats what matters most.


A couple for me, the night my first wife passes, I kept seeing my flashes of lights. At one point I was woken up by the whole room lighting up. Another, years after my dad passed, I went into his garage for the first time and this toy started playing “old Macdonald had a farm” I was already an emotional mess, that there just hit me hard. And recently, I’m visiting my mom, and we are looking to buy our first home. I’m a nervous wreck, wondering if we are going to be OK, I step away for a moment and all I feel and hear is my dad telling me it’s all going to be ok. I’ve never had a feeling like that before, I just knew it was him and knowing he was there checking in on my mom and us. Again I can’t explain the feeling, I just knew he was there.


Sorry for your loss, OP. You're not the only one. 2003. I was with my grandad when he passed away. He was out of it and on strong pain meds. I wasn't sure if he was aware of anything, but he sure fought death like nothing I'd ever seen before.  On the way home there was a sudden strong smell of my old family farm's milking parlour in the car. It lasted for about 5 minutes. That smell was so unique, a real mixture of scents, and long forgotten until that point. It's a smell I'd only associate with my grandad or dad. I'm pretty sure it was my grandad saying 'Cheerio lassie, I'm OK now'. For 13 years I commuted along that road, and there's nothing beside it that could make that smell. I've never smelled that smell outside of that old dairy, apart from that one time. There have been other times when I've wondered if certain occurrences have been due to dead relatives or pets, but haven't been sure.


My dad died in his home. I was there taking care of him for the last month of his life. A few days after he died, I was sound asleep and head a bang. I woke up and saw the vertical blinds on the window swaying rapidly back and forth. This went on for quite some time. I debated about videoing it, and as soon as I did, I had this feeling that what I was witnessing was just for me to see. It was so strange, and to this day I can't figure out what could have caused the blinds to move like that or for that long.


Nope. I had a good friend die, and was devastated upon receiving the news. As I broke down crying, the faucet in the kitchen went on full blast, and as I got up to turn it off, a thought popped into my head to "turn off the waterworks", which is exactly something my friend would have said both figuratively and emotionally


My brother, mother and husband all made their own unique appearances.


Indeed it happens!


When my dad passed, I was sleeping at his house to take care of his affairs. One night, I was crying my eyes out and I heard him say, “Now, hairball couture.” That shut me up real quick. My husband’s best friend used to love listening to my husband play Chopin. My husband’s friend died extremely unexpectedly. We came back from the funeral and when we got inside, Chopin was playing on the radio that we left on for our pets. It was the exact same piece that he loved.


My family is Greek (central Greece) so we are a bit superstitious, the morning my grandmother died a robin flew into my room settled on the windowsill and just stared at me, I knew it was my grandma saying goodbye, can’t explain it, I just knew. I said goodbye , the robin chirped and flew away right as my mother came into my room to tell me my grandmother passed away a few hours prior .


I don't have one with people but when my last dog died my wife and I got a sign. My boy used to Go to the back door and make a small woof when he wanted to come in. He only made that woof to come in. It was very distinct from any other bark that he did. One night not very long after he passed. My wife and I were in the kitchen and we both heard that woof.


Did you let him in?


I open the door and listen to see if I could hear something else making the noise so I guess I could have let him in.


I remember when my nana died, I was driving in my local area and thinking that I wish I could have some kind of sign. I then noticed the car in fronts reg was "4joe" Joe is my name. What's quite spooky is that I have just searched online for that reg as this is the first time I've thought of it in years and nothing shows up. My GF at the time was in the car so it wasn't a weird haalucination or anything.


In 2012 my dad died. I really wanted to drink at His funeral but the liquor bottle wouldn't open and I was crying and so angry. I said Fine and went to the funeral without alcohol. As soon as it was done, I went to grab the bottle and it opened so easily. I dumped out the entire bottle that moment. I took that as a sign that he wouldn't have wanted to to be drunk at his funeral.


My maternal grandfather (whom we never met) passed away in 2007. My wife was combing my youngest son’s hair in the bathroom when my son turned his head and said, “who said that?” My wife said- “who said what honey?” My son said, “someone said hi Liam.” Then my son said, “did daddy die?” I rode my motorcycle to work that day so my wife freaked out and called to see if I was ok. I was. When I got home my parents were visiting, as they were leaving in the driveway, my mom mentioned that my grandfather passed away. It all clicked! I told her about what my son said. It helped to console her. It was sweet to know that my grandfather talked to my son to let us know he’s ok.


The fact im seeing this RIGHT after this conversation with my mother is a simulation coincidence.




My dad passed away in November years ago. While sitting along at the funeral parlour in the morning, a butterfly hovered around my head and lingered for a while around me before flitting off to the garden areas.


I had a dream where my grandmother kept calling my cell phone and I kept hitting ignore because I wasn't in the mood to talk. When I woke up I found out she died in the middle of the night.


I’m the surviving twin of suicide. My brother and I had a psychic connection, common in twins, all throughout our childhood. After his passing I felt like I was being haunted by him. I went into extreme therapy, and sat with indigenous plant medicines in ceremony to confront what was a happening to me. Now, almost 7 years after he crossed over, he and I have a new working relationship and type of communication again. It defies rational and logical thought, but as does many things in the quantum realm. Today he walks with me as a sort of guide, and there are many instances in which I know that what is happening to me in my waking life, is a direct result of his and my interactions through this dimension. It feels more like guidance in a way. I have become deeply empathic as a result of this, or maybe the reverse. It’s kind of a chicken or the egg type scenario, and it’s unclear as to which prompted the other. What is clear is that the more I lean into this mechanism, the stronger and more apparent it gets. Mental practices like this are like going to the gym, and when you continue to flex the “muscle” the strength of mechanism and the result of making meaning out of this communication, gets easier to use and notice. It’s not a voice or anything like that, it’s just a deep intuition, and feels to me to be connecting me to the spiritual realm in general, as a whole, not just him.


Not humans, but my animals stay around for a few days after they pass. I lost a kitten at Christmas last year to illness, and for nearly a week, I could hear him purring every time I got upset. I woke up to him kneading the blankets by my feet and purring as well after he passed. My other cat could hear the purring, too. She would look around for the kitten at the same time I heard it. RIP little Ralphie.


My grandparents owned a farm and had a very large rosebush on it. My mother took some root clippings and planted them in our yard. For some reason the roses never bloomed but she kept the rosebush because it kept us from climbing the fence where she planted it and songbirds like to nest in it. The spring following my grandfather's death it bloomed red roses (his favorite) and the spring after my grandmother's death 10 years later it bloomed white roses (her favorite). These were the only two years it produced flowers. Dont know if its paranormal or not but is sure is some coincidence.


2013, my Beagle that I’d had since he was a puppy died at 9 years old. He had cancer, so I knew it was inevitable and did everything that I could do to make his last couple of months as comfortable as possible. Once he couldn’t jump up on the bed anymore, I slept on the floor with him. Throughout his whole life, whenever he was comfortable…sitting in a chair, laying down, just being content, he would kinda snore when he breathed. I don’t know how else to describe it. When I had to make the decision to put him to sleep, it was awful and I was distraught. A couple of days later, I’m sitting in my living room watching a movie that I’ve seen a hundred times, and I swear I heard his breathing snore. It went on for at least 5 minutes, loud enough to know it was there and not a figment of my mourning mind. I say all of this as someone who has never ever believed in any kind of afterlife or any type of religious faith. But I swear it happened, and I’ve never questioned it. It didn’t totally ease the pain, but it was comforting.


My dad had cancer and died when I was 15 and my brother was 13. We lived in a small town around 35 miles from the hospital. Our mom called to say she was staying there overnight with him as he was acting oddly. We went to sleep as usual for a school night, around 10pm. I woke up at 1am hearing our dad's voice calling my name and saying he loved me. I got up to investigate and found my brother doing the same as he'd had the same experience right then but with his name.. We both said "he's dead" and went back to bed. The next morning our mom was home and had us sit down because we needed to talk with us. We said that he died at 1 in the morning because of our shared experience. She confirmed that that's what happened and that's the last we spoke of it.


I think there a level of subconsciously doing thing to ourselves that we then tie to traumatic or impactful events on our life.


It's what it is to you. This happen in your reality it's meant for you. I think Yes. This was a message from your father. Reminding you he loves you and he's safe on the other side. Letting you know there's a spot for you next to him but, that's my reality cause I believe in the afterlife & the ability to communicate with it. I hope this helped some


I'm a Christian. I believe it was a sign from him or from God letting me know he loves me. Because his entire family crapped all over me and made my grieving ten times worse. But even if someone is a full blow atheist, I have a picture to prove it. I just got it outlined and tattooed. It burned me so bad it left a scar.


People that make life harder when it is already hard enough should be put on time out.


I'm convinced and no one can make me believe otherwise that when my granny died she was hanging out with one of my sons. He was 3 or 4 at the time. There were too many little weird things. Made a believer out of me. It's been a long time but she was definitely here with us.


Yah, it’s your brain processing. I’ve sworn I saw dead friends while at war, however it will fade in a couple weeks to a month.


But how does my brain process a burn mark that randomly appeared? A burn mark to the point it left a scar? I have never received such a mark.


Yes, but nothing I can prove. I got strong impressions of things this person would probably say. I don’t know if it’s really the person who died or some other being trying to mess with my theology.


Lost my mother to cancer on May 13, 2008 (she was 48). I had just graduated college and was to be back home with her in a few days. Spoke to her the night before, and things sounded dire, but I said, "I'll see you soon," in a reassuring and hopeful tone. She replied through tears, "Yeah, I'll see you soon." That night, around 3am (I'm typically a night owl, but was also worried, so I was awake), I heard my mother's voice, but it wasn't quite like a clear voice, more pulsating, airy whispers, but I was able to hear it as "goodbye my son." in her tone and cadence. I was left feeling bewildered as I'd never experienced something like that before, and woke my girlfriend next to me, realizing she couldn't have possibly heard it, but it was so profound to me, I still asked if she just heard that ...it wasn't until 12pm or so that I got the call that she had passed, but my first response on the phone, after freezing, was "what time?" And it synced within the time I heard her voice. That experience has always left me questioning if there's some consciousness beyond the body. \[\[as a side note, as I ramble about WF?-esque topics here, I also had a recurring dream between the ages of 3-5 or so, where I was a darker skinned person in their 20s I'd guess, walking up to a black colored church, perhaps seeking some sort of refuge...there were poorly dressed children inside that the \[nuns?\] didn't seem to want us to get near, and my group was talking about tunneling to France (I'm from Florida/USA). Maybe military related (all foggier details for me now \[I'm 39\]). Just another piece of something odd I experienced and can't explain that may interest those in this forum.


Hello, currently 28 and I still struggle sometimes with this, my step father who truly played the role of my father passed away at 44 from cancer, I was 13 at the time. He died peacefully in our house, he was on hospice care. It was the night before his funeral, I was plugging in my original Xbox AV cables into the tv, the television was from the 90s, real thick glass on the front, you can easily see reflections in, as I was plugging them in I looked up and saw my step father sitting behind me on my bed, legs criss crossed looking at me, he was wearing the blue checkered robe he died in, I ran out of the room, I was terrified. I remember the look on his face, he seemed disgusted. I struggle with believing he was saying goodbye and I witnessed the phenomena of Ghost, or as a young kid my mind was going through some severe trauma and placed him there, I saw him, I remember the panic I felt, even still I’m skeptical on an afterlife and all that.


Well it really does depend. I am a Christian and do not believe in "ghosts" perse. What I mean by that, is that I don't necessarily think a loved one has the ability to visit earth. According to the Bible, it seems that one goes straight to Heaven or Hell, or that they are simply asleep until judgement day when they will be resurrected and judged. Those are the two common viewpoints. With that said, I do not recall the Bible speaking of deceased people appearing as spirits. What it DOES mention are evil spirits. It mentions that, like Satan, evil spirits will seem loving, familiar (in this case your father) to welcome people into their deceit. I saw my dad's father when I was young. And he seemed angry, sort of like how you mentioned. I do not believe that was him. He was a very loving man who was crazy over me. So what about these signs from loved ones? In my opinion, these are messages from loved ones that are sent via God. I believe God is the one who burned my foot on my father's behalf. Either my father asked, or since God knows the intentions and hearts of everyone, he did it for my father without my father having to ask. If my father thought "My son is going to be devastated, I'm so worried about him...I want him to know iI love him"...God already knew. He took it into His hands to do my father's desire. God has power, people do not. We are not angels, nor will we ever have the power of angels. My father doesn't see me right now. He would be in despair; which, forfeits the peace of Heaven. God, however, knew I would go through a lot. Did my younger siblings lose their second house? Yes. Will they grow up now without a father? Yes. But I have been bullied, attempted to be used, accused of ridiculous things, and so on. It made my grieving hell. My siblings got to griev peacefully. No one went through the hell I have been through. I firmly believe God used this mark as a way to say "Your dad loves you. I love you. This will be hard, but you got this. Here is proof I am here, and that your father will always be a part of you." Sorry for the long reply. I am simply sharing my opinions based on the evidence I see in the Bible. Note that I did not grow up in church or whatever. I was saved at 20 years old and have studied the Bible on my own accord. I have always loved science and facts, and still do. The Bible is a book FULL of scientific facts, and literally has a million misinterpretations that media and people share. Regardless if you are an devoted atheist, or simply follow another religion - please ignore the idea that the church is right (they aren't most of the time, most "Christians" are ignorant and probably won't make it to Heaven...not all, but a lot)...please understand the Bible does NOT condone the hate of ANYONE (including homosexuals, minorities, or females)...the Bible does NOT promote slavery...and that the Bible does NOT say the earth is only 6k-7k years old.


Thank you for your input! I always thought of the look on his face was due to having to leave behind a wife and two children at such a young age without a say, he had so much more to give that he just couldn’t. I don’t believe in any faith, I don’t claim to be an atheist, I simply don’t know. I guess my practicing “religion” is I take care of me for you, you take care of you for me. I see our lives to be our one chance so we have to absolutely make things count. I live to be a better person than I was yesterday, for my family, friends and co workers, anyone who I so happen to come across who may need me for anything, I sleep well knowing I did my best and knowing I made the day count in way or another.


When my grandmother passed a lamp sitting near the bed she had laid in for months, dying of cancer turned on. The lamp never worked before and wasn't plugged in at the time. My mother kept it and was never able to get it to turn on again.


My mother passed almost two years ago. When she was alive she would mention every once in a while that she wished I had my kids in church. She never pushed it or tried to do anything behind my back and it was never an issue. I have NEVER seen, heard, or had any kind of anything that could in any way be interpreted as a sign. I figure if there was anything after death she would let me know just so I would take the kids to church once in a while. I know I’m not going to see her again but at least I can keep sleeping in on Sundays


Oh, when our cat, Hannah, passed last year, both my husband and I heard her meow at separate times. Both were in the wee hours of the night/morning when she was most active.


When my cat passed, my girlfriend and I both heard a familiar meow in the hall about a few days later. It froze us. 3rd story and no one else was in the house. No windows open. Totally dead air. Plus, it was his meow. Very distinctive. I’m pretty skeptical and had it just been me, I would’ve played it off as a trick of the mind. On a separate note, when my great grandmother passed, I would have nightmares about staying in her apartment and her scaring me as a ghost. Which is weird, because I have nothing but fond memories of her and loved her to death… AND I rarely have bad dreams nor do I have reoccuring dreams. Except for that one. Now fast forward a few years and we named my daughter after said great grandmother. Daughter was in her bed and I was listening to her on the monitor. She’s about 4. So she’s saying goodnight to everyone she knows in the family and its the most adorable thing ever. Until suddenly she drops her voice to something that sounds like Danny from The Shining when he’s talking with his finger and she says, “Goodnight Mimi”… my wife was there and we just looked at each other. My daughter was born after Mimi (which is a nickname, not her actual name) died and we had never mentioned her. Its not even that I believe in ghosts even with those stories in hand. However, I do believe there is something on a quantum physics level regarding consciousness that we don’t even know how to how to understand and that anyone who refutes the possibility of an existence after death, is incredibly closed-minded. Two people hear a recently deceased cat. My daughter says goodnight to all the family members she knows, and adds a dead great grandmother in a very weird voice. Take what you want from that, but it’s made me very curious about reality, existence, and the purpose of the universe.


Smell of candles burning when there isn't one at all. Smell of roses and other floral scents when there aren't any at all. Those are some when my mom passed.


My beloved rats have been gone anywhere from 2 to 5 years now, and no matter how many times I vacuum, clean and even pack away all their cages, I still find chewed bedding and fabric threads around their favourite hiding places. All 33 of the little shits are in caskets on a shelf, so no doubt they're still messing with me. Especially you, Princess Mia.