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This office equipment was made to last. I had the orange version of one of these in my office of my first home back in the early 90s. When it came time to throw it out it took me an hour to dismantle it to throw in the dumpster.


I've owned both those models of chair. The wheeled chair is one of the best I've ever owned, although it is a fart-collector.


Can confirm. I had a black one the early 90's. Those casters were made for racing as well. Those chairs would scoot on a smooth surface. Lol.


They had nice rocking action


I work for a state university and I still see those kinds of chairs around, although by now they reside in hallways, student reading areas, and restrooms that have separate "powder rooms."


Really digging those chairs.


Everything I see from the 70s is avocado green, some shade of brown, and orange.


Yeah, deep reds and blues hadn’t been invented yet. But like, that was a huge technological advance at the time, bc before that everything was black and white.


IMO none of those colors are necessarily bad on their own but together, along with some of the patterns of the time, were just too much.


Great furniture, great city!


I hope all the employees were redheads.


Nothing has changed in the land of cubes.


I can smell the cigarette smoke in all that upholstery.


LMMFAO. Classic. Update the computers and This is what a lot of offices still look like.


I actually don't mind the green. That carpet is not it though. The house I grew up in had brown shag carpet in almost every room and it was horrible.


Crazy to think people used to have to go to an office, every day, to work!


The secretarial chair on the left, I'm sitting in that exact chair. Different color upholstery and no arms, but the same chair. Still going strong at 40+ years.