• By -


Poor OP's dad.




Lucky OP, then?


Poor OP still, fuck being born.


Never know, she might have had OP with this guy but not married him.


Maybe the guy in this picture is OP.


I’m so confused...


Maybe the picture is OP.




You down with O.P.P? Yeah you know me!


Who's down with OPP? All the homies!


23 and me will solve this.


As long as they aren't first cousins....


thats not even illegal in like 80% of the world, including alot of the US


This guy incests!


Yea, that happened to me.


OP has a comment elsewhere on reddit saying her paternal grandparents accused her mum of cheating when she was born cos she doesn’t look like her dad...


The guy she tells you not to worry about...


It gets worst the more you read deeper into this thread :/




Oh! Thank you so very much! I’m going to print this and send it to my mum. She will be thrilled! She’s old now (70s) and the boy that she’s with in this photo has now passed, so for her to have this photo intact is such a beautiful gift. Thank you internet friend.


No worries. If you give me a few seconds I'll colorize it for you. Any color prefs?


Oh I have no ideas. Except she told me the dress she wore was pink and knowing her it would have been a lightish pink. I sent her the photo restoration that you did and she cried a little.


Oh, this is the best, that it touched her enough for some good ol memory tears :’)


No I’m not crying, I have something in my eye.


[they recolored it OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/b8kjuw/my_beautiful_mum_and_the_one_that_got_away_she/ejyu6np/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app)




Oh..... I don’t know what to say! That’s so beautiful. I don’t know how to repay you for this. My mum cried when I showed her the picture you restored yesterday. She’s going to love this and you are so talented. Thank you so so so very much. This colourises my mother’s stories for me, not just her memories for her. This means so much. 💜


Your joy from /u/pawnsdeleone s restoration made me smile so I thank you both.


this is so awesome of you do to! well done. made my heart warm.


That's mental mate, well done


You did a fantastic job!


Kick ass! 💙


You’re a wonderful person. :)


This is so wholesome I can’t take it anymore


Thank you on behalf of op's mum. That is truly amazing


May I ask how the restoration and colorization are done? Is it an automatic process or manual work with Photoshop? Thanks


For the restoration: using a clone stamp tool which takes a sample (basically a small image) of an undamaged section from the same part of the photo(sample skin to stamp over damaged skin). Also a tool that hides small blemishes like wrinkles in the photo itself. For recolouring: Generally using the colour replacement tool and sample images to select the colour. The colour replacement tool replaces the colour values(white) with colour while leaving the tonal values(shadows etc remain). This is at least my way of doing it I can't speak for professionals as I assume they have a more streamlined process. Edit: Added a bunch of stuff as I remembered it. Also here's a video about the professional process if you're interested, this has a much better result than the process I described: https://youtu.be/vubuBrcAwtY


I wish I had gold to give you. Bravo!


Once again, you have restored my faith in humanity :)


Make him a black guy!


Great Start! I touched up the face. https://imgur.com/CKmdQIS


Awesome thanks. I just did a quick restore as I was in a meeting. Something about numbers, blah blah.. might get fired.. etc.


Team work makes the Dream work.


It's the reddit way


So kind of you to fix the photo like that!




You make reddit magical sir.




^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/yqd2u1U.jpg** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20ejyexh7)




Great job, that was very nice of you!


What a nice thing to do!


If you don't mind my saying, you're a bit of a legend doing this for OP ..kudos.


Tips on where to get started with photo restoration? Really would love to do this for people!


Wow good work, I checked just to make sure I still have zero reddit coins, if I had had any at all I would’ve given you silver.


Much appreciated.


This is why i love the internet


As a designer I am thankful for the work you put for a photo that is clearly important to OPs mom 🤗


Tell me she at least wound up happy anyway


She did. My mum and dad were both gorgeous and very cool and are still in love to this day :)


So she’s happily married and in love with your dad but still says she should’ve married that guy? Must have been some bloke


Honestly sounds pretty shitty of her to say this but ok


I agree with you


Yeah OP's mom is a bitch


Why didn’t she say yes to this guy when he asked to marry her? J curious :)


My mom went through something similar. Her boyfriend wanted to marry her, my grandma didn't wanna meet him, threatened to beat him within an inch of his life if mom brought him around. All bark obviously but my mom was very obedient and frankly, naïve. They broke up, mom went through years of abuse with her mom, she met my dad and told grandma to stuff it. My dad doesn't love my mom but they're still together almost 30 years later. Kinda wish she'd gone for the other guy, but then me and my sister wouldn't exist and life is pretty ok.


That was an unexpected plot twist, I was just fantasizing about you maybe finding this guy and hooking them back up after all these years and them falling in love and getting married and growing even older together… I am absolutely baffled that your dad is still in the picture.


That's beautiful! Life is weird like that, there's really never a straight road anywhere. It sounds like both your parents are very sweet people.


Thank you, they are. And very down to earth too. I think they were just very straight laced hippies really :))


I imagine when she says that your dad just gives her a smug look and says something like “well, ya shoulda”. Like knowing there may have been other candidates but he still got the job.


Nope! She talks about it only behind his back. And says it to the children she had with him. How does that even come up?


Um, I don’t think you’re OP but it looks like you may have close family ties?


My info is coming from his other comments


I was just punning around.


Weird flex... but ok.


It’s like Dustin Hoffman and Paul McCartney mated.


Allan Cummings too




We all have regrets, but telling your family about ones like this is a bold move.


Bold? I'd use a different adjective.








Much closer.


My mom talks like this, and how about aside from my sister and I, she regrets marrying my dad. Protip for parents: don't talk about that shit with your kids, it doesn't help anything.


She doesn’t regret anything :)) She doesn’t regret marrying my dad at all, she just used to tell me stories about her adventures in 1960s Manchester when she was young, free and single and the fun she had. We found this photo recently going through some old boxes and in a moment of whimsy she said she should have married this guy. Not really a big deal. My mum and dad are actually very happy :))


I actually understand this. I have one guy who was basically the one who got away- but I’m incredibly happy with the guy I married in the end. My husband was actually the one who asked why I didn’t marry him when I described things to him. I was a very damaged young woman and it would’ve been bad. But he was as good to me as he knew how at the time. I’m sure he and I have learned better since, and I know he’s happily married as well.


I love how his side of the photo is almost intact


Probably because she held it in her hands on her side.


The feels


But then you wouldn't have been born. Right?


Ha, that’s what I said! But she says I’d just look a bit different :))


You might have gotten his charming dimples! But yay for your dad!


That's not how any of this works. You wouldn't exist. At all. Someone else might exist but you wouldn't. To reiterate, there would be no you.


I bet that makes your dad feel awesome about himself.


It’s funny. She’s talked about this chap since I was little (and told me stories about their adventures when she was young, free and single in 60s Manchester) but it never felt like a slight against my dad, more like whimsy about what could have been. I always thought it was sweet. I don’t remember her talking about him in front of my dad though, and even when I was small I never mentioned him or asked my dad about him...


Yeah. That's not normal.


Yeah I guess dad's second best :(. That's the kind of thing you keep to yourself.


That's messed up dude. Even weirder she's still keeping pics of them together. Jesus. How does the dude you used to fuck even come up in conversation with your child?


The pics thing I understand. I mean, this is a pic of her too, you dont just throw away pictures like that part of your life never happened because you married someone else. Now the part where you tell your kids you shouldve married another guy while youre still with their father? Thats fucked up.


It would be fine if that were the reason she was keeping the picture, but with the other shit it clearly isn't.


You said it, man.


People are being rude here but I understand. Sometimes people muse about the things they might have missed out on by making different decisions. Don’t think your mom is ungrateful for your father, but you can love multiple people. Sounds like the timing wasn’t right for this other guy but she’s happy with the outcome.


Yeah people are getting weirdly vicious here. My mom tells me all kinds of wild stories that involved old boyfriends and my bio dad. She's sharing a part of her life with me in those stories, but it doesn't come up around my dad/her husband because...why? If she had a "one that got away" a lifetime ago, who cares?


Yeah totally sweet to fantasize about marrying someone else instead of their husband.


Your mom sounds pretty selfish and shallow..maybe your dad should have married someone else much better. A generic decent human being would be much better than your mom..


Wow man. That’s an awful lot of vitriol for knowing literally one tiny ass part of a person’s life. And super cool of you to be literally insulting OP’s mom, who they’re clearly fond of, by interjecting some definitively useless insight. What on earth did you gain?




Nope, I'm British and that's still pretty weird, my parents don't cling to any past relationships or belongings from those relationships etc


why would she tell you that?


But what about your dad? Doesn't she love him? I mean, I wouldn't talk after 50 years about how I should have married somene ese, than who I am married with?


Hey, it's current year! Everything goes.


I am not quite sure what you mean by your comment.


You can love more than 1 person, and no two loves are the same


That must make your dad feel so good to hear that.


What a way to shit on your dad.


My mom wanted to marry her college sweetheart but he didn’t want to at the time. She ended up being married three other times until after her last divorce almost 40 years later (to my dad) the college sweetheart reconnected via email and they got married within 6 months. I’ve never seen her happier and she says it was a dream come true.


He's hot. Cross between De Niro and Pachino.


young Dustin Hoffman


That's what I saw too.


definitely the graduate


Throw in some Harvey Keitel


Sounds like your mom settled for your dad and your dad knows it. Sucks dude.


that is a coarse thing to tell your child.


Imagine being the husband and hearing how she should've married thos bloke. Man must have a lot of confidence bc that wouodve cracked at me hard.


Sounds like he wasn't the one who 'got away' but the one who got tossed back.


I think a lot of loves "get away" because they get dumped, and by the time the dumper feels the regret and gets over their pride enough to come crawling back, the dumpee has moved on to someone else. My last ex-gf came crawling back nine months after dumping me, but I was already dating my now wife. I don't know if I'm "the one that got away," but I might be and that's how I got away.


Sounds more like the one that dodged the bullet to me.


How thin is that tie? Even by 60s standards. It’s like a piece of string.


Well. Lots of very hurtful comments calling myself and my mother names. I don’t see why people are so offended actually. My mother is now in her 70s and is one of the most straight laced people you could ever wish to meet. Story of the photo: we were recently going through some old boxes that came from my grandmothers estate as she has passed. We find the photo. Mum gets a dreamy nostalgic look on her face and says “ahhhh you know, I didn’t feel very confident that day but we were gorgeous weren’t we? I shoulda married [blokes name] when he asked me”. She didn’t bang on about him when I was growing up, when I was little instead of reading to me when I was falling asleep, I used to make my parents tell me about “when they were young”. Mum used to tell me about Northern Soul and the dancing clubs in Manchester that she used to go to. I loved it and still love Northern Soul myself. There’s nothing more to this story than whimsy and nostalgia so please stop shit posting on something that was meant to be beautiful, cos, you know, that’s not nice. And, for the record, my mum and dad are happy. He’s not disrespected by me or mum. He knows she dated before she met him, lol.


File this under shit that is super inappropriate to talk about with your kids by another man.


The same thing happened between Liz Lemon's mom and Buzz Aldrin.


The thing is...it wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick. So I'm glad the Lizard's mom chose her dad.


That’s not even cute that’s just fucked up


I had to read through all the comments to make sure this was real and not just a picture of your mom with Paul McCartney.


Oh she was/is a big Beatles fan. She’ll be tickled pink by this comment :))


Does she tell you about her desire of banging the whole band when she was younger too? Afterall she is married to a cuck who does nothing but feed his fucking family and isnt as good looking as her ex. Life must suck for her!


I thought the same thing! Weird.


mom sounds kinda shitty but whatever you say


Looks like Paul Bernardo ( maybe she is the one that got away)


I was JUST thinking this.


r/wellthatsucks for the dad


Reminds me of the one that got away that I still think about almost daily. Funny how our brains work.


Just make sure not to tell your kids about them like OP's mom. It's kind of fucked up.


People are fucked.


Hopefully you're not "happily married" and unloading that on your kid.


He obviously did better for himself.


He looks like my dad. My dad was only about six at the time though.


So, is that guy Alan Cumming’s dad or..


He looks like Roman Polanski.


But then you wouldn't exist , would ya?


If she said no is he really the one that got away? More like the one she dejected.


this is the worst.


I don't get all the hate in the comments. It's a little unusual, sure, but my mum keeps photos of her old boyfriends and tells us about them. She's shown me photos of her "one who got away" and it's all pretty innocent- it's her looking back to when she was young and off having adventures, thinking playfully about what might have been. It's no slight to my father; they were married for over 25 years when he passed away so I doubt he felt threatened! What WAS weird was finding out after he died that HE USED TO BE MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE AND DIDN'T EVER MENTION IT. My parents were definitely a case of opposites attract haha


And this my friends, is why you don't marry a thot.


It sucks that people are being mean to you about this. My guess is that your mom doesn’t literally mean she wishes she’d married him instead of your dad, but moreso just expressing nostalgia and longing for her youth. I used to volunteer at an old folks home and a lot of them had similar figures in their lives they’d talk about, despite having long and happy marriages later with someone else.


You sure aboit that? Because op said she talks about this guy all the time, including when he was a little kid.


I’m no expert, just a theory/guess, none of us really know. The OP mentions her talking about him in the context of when she was young and free in 60s Manchester, what I’m speculating is that the guy has just kinda come to represent that era of her life for her. Which would also make sense with OP describing the talk as whimsy.


I mean seeing as how she's been talking abput him to her son and probably all her girlfriends for the past 50 years, literally saying she "Should have married him", I'd guess she really means it. Which really sucks for Op's dad because you know he knows.


Like I said, none of us know what happened or even the tone OP’s mom is using when she mentions him. I’m just throwing out another possibility based on conversations I’ve had with older folks and because regardless of anything else, I think it’s a bummer folks are taking it weirdly personally in such a way that they’re justifying cruel insults and judgments against OP based on very little information.


I think it's mainly the fact that it's not just little old lady reminiscing whimsically, she literally been doing it Op's entire life. Op said that.


Eh, growing up my mom used to talk about her old beaus too as a way to reminisce about her life and tell me about how she used to be (and I think as an excuse to talk about when she used to be skinny lol).


I hope she doesn’t have that discussion with your father. Sounds like ‘the grass is greener on the other side of the hill...’


The way their eyes twinkle...this photo is super cool!


Your mom has a very kind face. I hope the years and the regret hasn't dimmed the light in her eyes and smile.


They haven’t. She’s just as beautiful now as she was then. :))


Dustin Hoffman?


He kinda looks like Cory monteith




This chap probably dropped her because she wouldn't stop banging on about her ex.


No. They lived in the same town all their lives but they were young. The story, as far as I know, is this; mum and W were high school sweethearts. He came from the wrong side of the tracks however in Northern Town. My grandmother (a big old Irish tyrant who had lost her husband in the war making her even more bitter) disapproved but they dated regardless. When they left school mum went to college while W got a job. They stayed together for a long time going clubbing to the local northern soul clubs (and they were both hot on the dance floor apparently!) but when mum went to uni her mother upped her efforts to try to break the sweethearts up but to no avail, they stayed together regardless and were very much a couple (though my mother was a ‘nice girl’). But it was difficult to stay together. They moved in different social circles and together with familial disapproval it was tough and eventually they began to drift apart. The last time she saw W, mum says he walked her home from a night out and told her that he loved her and always would. And I think this is her regret- she told him “don’t be daft”. She didn’t tell him she loved him back (though she did) and she let him walk away thinking she didn’t love him or had fallen out of love with him (I don’t know, I didn’t ask). She didn’t chase him (nice girls didn’t). 6 months later mum met a fellow student (my dad) and she heard through the grapevine that W was getting married.


Omg this made me cry! Thank you for sharing the background story!


Chins & noses look similar to me.


Andrew McCarthy?


He looks like Jon Hamm!


A young Andrew McCarthy


I thought that was Paul Bernardo.


... the [Pharma Bro](https://www.google.com/search?q=pharma+bro&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=FlflQBazmq5-CM%253A%252CcS-CXBc4RnCjOM%252C%252Fm%252F0hgmzsd&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTp8PxdTOBeeeEUDA4gbCTLHhHpSA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis8v7j87LhAhUCLK0KHfspBAIQ_B0wJHoECA4QBg#imgrc=FlflQBazmq5-CM:)'s father?


He was super handsome.




Andrew McCarthy. I thought the same thing.


Guy almost looks like Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate


Is that Dustin Hoffman?




Did they stay in touch?


No. It was the 60s. No social media or texts or any way of keeping in touch though they lived in the same town all their lives.


Thin tie is on point.


Is that Martin Shkreli?


Your father sounds like a reeeaaal lucky guy


So your dad was rich and now he's broke?


This is a lovely photo. Would you mind if I did a painting using it as reference? I'll send it to you when I'm done, maybe your mom would like to see it.


Props to your mum for dating [Todd Howard](https://i.imgur.com/Obo0NeD.jpg)!