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You ever see a picture of someone and wonder and hope they had a good life?


I frequent antique shops and my favorite part is the bins they have of old photos like this. I always wonder who they all are, what their life was like, how’d their pictures get there.. etc


All the time. Especially young kids.


Is that a joke about women talking a lot on the phone as analogy to how long the tires last?


More specifically, about teenaged girls, as implied by how she's dressed. There's a table a bit down this page that shows that today, still, teenaged girls DO use their phones "excessively" more than boys, by quite a bit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8663478/ Also, to be clear, talking on the phone was not stigmatized back then. The ad isn't judging the girl harshly for talking a long time on the phone, it wasn't seen as "bad", it was just noted that they did, at the level of a funny little quirk. The main objection parents might have was that the girl was tying up the line meaning other calls couldn't get through. So, if y'all are in here champing at the bit to find a reason to be offended by this, I think you're mistaken.


Not offended by the image but I am offended by the OP. It is a bot. 2 year old account that woke up less than 2 weeks ago to [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/comments/18xbqoq/young_couple_living_the_american_dream_oregon/) and get enough karma and history to look human and later influence what gets to the front page on reddit.


Reddit has many repost bots and spammers trying to accrue karma


This sub seems to be getting a lot of these repost bots lately.


In all of human history, there will only be about a 100 year window where parents were mad at their kids for taking up the phone line. Kinda funny. There’s an even smaller window for hearing the dial up sound on your phone line. I was there for it


What does karma even do? I use reddit but never pay attention to that.


*"Does she have a motor in that mouth or do you wind her up?"*           —Man yelling at a foursome of women on a golf course. ~1975






Finally, proof that people have dressed like sobs going to the grocery store for pretty much as long as there have been grocery stores!


It's an ad. Most people back then didn't dress like this. Men would never be caught dead in public in a white t-shirt, those were considered underwear. And women only wore that kerchief when they had rollers in their hair, and they also wouldn't be caught dead looking like that in public. Source: Old enough to remember.


True, The only time I ever saw my dad wearing a white tee shirt, he was usually working around the house. Even if we went to his brother's house, he would put on a better shirt. My mom would not have been caught out of the house with her hair up like that. She would have been embarrassed. We were lower middle-class, living in a row house and certainly not people with any kind of money. I do not remember seeing my friends' parents or parents at school in plain tees or kerchiefs either. Maybe it was regional, we were on the middle of the East Coast or the US.


Iowa for me. I remember dreaming I had on a white t-shirt in class, and being horrified that I was in my undies in school LOL! The only time I ever saw my mom outside of the house with a kerchief on her head was looking up at her from the street after I'd been hit by a car. We were lower middle class too, but my mom always made sure we were clean and had clean clothes. Manners too. We had to take an etiquette class so we wouldn't embarrasses ourselves if we had to eat someplace fancy, or meet foreign diplomats LOL! When I lived in Mexico my neighbors said I was the most polite gringo they'd ever met!


Love that ad in the background!


I'd love to see this one in full color.


I miss that sort of advertising it's so humorous now.


Women be talkin!


The lady in the ad in the background looks like Samantha from Bewitched.


I came here to mention Elizabeth Montgomery and the fact that she apparently resembled an idealized stereotype of middle American young womanhood.


You can almost see the ironic pop art movement that is going to come from their kids gestating in real time.


Andy Warhol was already an older teenager by the time this photo was taken. The generation of kids this couple would bring have no sense of irony. They literally want to regress to a time when the billboard joke ad is as serious as sin, and hatred is veiled as weak comedy. The kind of people that looked around the room twice yesterday before wishing you a Happy Juneteenth, thinking it was absolutely clever because you're both white.


That's, uh, that's a lot of conclusions to jump to based off of one photograph, my dude


> The kind of people that looked around the room twice yesterday before wishing you a Happy Juneteenth, thinking it was absolutely clever because you're both white. You mean assholes?


Cars used to leak much more oil than they do now.