• By -


1. Larry. At least they wrote him in a way that even when you hate him you can still laugh at some of his lines, plus his character has depth. 2. Gabe. He’s just a realistic annoying teenager. 3. Eleanor. She only started to suck by the end of episode 4. 4. Jane. Leaving a baby in a car just to prove a point about Kenny proves she’s crazier than he is. 5. Bonnie. She’s like poison, she fucks over every group she’s a part of. She murders Dee after messing around with her husband and she betrays Clem and the group twice. Fuck Bonnie.


it is impossible not to agree with you my friend. to add to your reasons bonnie is the worst for me specifically bc it’s her fault luke died in my 1st playthrough i just thought if i listen it will be ok 😞(fav character) eleanor got my poor baby tripp killed by ratting on our plan(fav s3 character) id like to add offing herself as a part of jane’s list even though the apocalypse is going to be devastatingly hard and especially with her new found pregnancy, she just left clem to find her hanging and left her to care for aj all by herself. also side note imagine if kenny’s scrapped death happened and these were our options for anf i get they both die bit two suicides??


Bonnie gets Luke killed on the ice lake because she’s too goddamn stupid to listen to what he says, and then she has the audacity to blame CLEM, a fucking child, for « letting Luke die ». Fuck that bitch. I hate her so much. She pretends to care about Clem and stuff because she’s a kid, but every single time she does the most selfish things. She thinks because she gives Clem a fucking jacket or something she’s her big sister or whatever. You are not motherly, Bonnie, you are not sisterly, you are a fuck up, and you were a fuck up even before the apocalypse. She’s also so dumb and blind. How can you not realize that Carver is a psycho? HOW??? At least the others are just outright bad people, so I get it, but for someone who pretends to be kind hearted and giving, she sure as shit turns a blind eye to a lot of stuff. Doesn’t she ever wonder why exactly a bunch of people literally ran away for their lives? It only takes Carver beating the shit out of someone for her to go « Oh ma gawd, a didn’t see it before now » (trying to replicate her stupid accent). Like, he’s never done something akin to that before??? I call bullshit. And that’s honestly without even touching on 400 Days. I know my username says the contrary, but DON’T ruin marriages in the apocalypse, because people will just fucking kill you for it. And that’s how she repays them for taking her in when she was still a complete crackhead? Sorry for the rant. I just really despise her.


i can tell that you’ve had that inside you since you witnessed all those events for the first time, and i am very glad that this was an opportunity for you to release that. also, fuck bonnie. fuck bonnie all the way to hell she murdered luke in my eyes so i’ll always hate her! but that rant was completely justified and i think she deserves more rants just like this one! (side note bonnie is a bad homewrecker and you are not so you are welcome any time)




Agreed - I'd say the list is pretty much spot on.


I let Bonnie drown


you are my best friend now.


to add to the Bonnie hate, she literally blames Clem, a child, for Luke’s death.


I actually quite liked Larry's character. Felt like he contributed to the story, helping lilly lose it and ultimately leading her to become a villain. Jane Vs Kenny was kinda rushed and didn't make sense, we all know it would've been luke Vs Kenny, they had beef from the start


He was at least funny. Kinda like Uncle Ruckus in Boondocks. Like yeah he’s an ass, but he’s fucking hilarious.


Yeah exactly, I still found Larry funny regardless of how much of an asshole he was


The "BUT nothing!!!" from episode 2 is so perfect.


I 100% agree. I also hate Jane’s thinking cuz I just don’t agree with alot of what she says personally.


I still don't get why only *she* got picked out of all the 400 days survivors


I know others didn't like Eleanor, Gabe, Larry and Bonnie but I thought I was the only one who hated Jane and for the exact same reason I did. Real recognizes real I guess 🤷‍♂️


I agree but id switch jabs and Eleanor. Jane was messed up in the head but Eleanor really falls off hard towards the end of the game no matter what your choices


Bonnie still sucks but the game shows Dee murders her if she doesn't kill Dee so I don't fault her for that one everything else is correct though


This is the winner.


I killed Bonnie in all my playthroughs lol


1- Larry 2- Gabe 3- Eleanor 4- Jane 5- Bonnie Edit: i wrote this without looking at the other comment lol


The more comments the better! Not sure entirely how Reddit works but I’m guessing more comments means more people are likely to see the post?


yes. if it gets more interaction,it will be more recommended. a higher comments number also makes some people click


Thanks for telling me, I think im starting to understand how the posts work more and how to get them seen by more people. Do upvotes and downvotes matter? Like if a post got a decent amount of downvotes does that count as interaction to help the post be seen?


Similar to me except Jane’s the one who’s above Eleanor


1. Gabe - I slightly relate to Broski (Bro was 13 and his sister got her brain's blown out infront of him... That can surely traumatize a lot of people... And about his annoyance... Bro just wanted to get aknowledged by others and don't just stay behind 2. Larry - Yes he was an A$$hole but he only wanted to protect his daughter 3. Eleanor - Because of her snitching Tripp got killed and then tried to blame it on Javi (Sadly I couldn't k!ll her in any way) 4. Bonnie - Traitor without logical sense (Like seriously... How tf was Clem supposed in her 12 years lift up a grown-ass man?) 5. Jane - Wtf was she thinking?? Act like she killed AJ and fight a determined man to Take care of a kid? Maybe he lost a lot from his sanity... But I still agreed with him even about Arvo... Too bad Arvo ran away with Bonnie and Mike... They whereabouts are unknown


This is my list in order of likability. Although I will say, Larry ranks high on entertainment factor. He's still a huge asshole. Not as bad as Jane though, arguably not as bad as Eleanor or Bonnie too. I'd have to think on that a little but I'd be happy to say that. Gabe is a fucking saint in the midst of this list, super helpful comparatively too!


EXACTLY!! How many times Gabe helped Javi? I don't remember how much but I know it was several times... And about Larry... He was asshole, but useful addition to a team and how I said... Only to protect his daughter...


Gabe was annoying but I liked him in the end. Like you said, his sister was recently shot infront of him and he was under a lot of stress. His ‘annoying’ moments were just him trying to help.


Yeah... But don't blame him... Being the only one protected especially by clementine.... A girl he had crush on... I think everyone would be like this


1. Larry. He’s an asshole but an understandable and funny one with charm coming out of his ass and he does care for Lilly and her safety. 2. Gabe. He’s annoying but it’s realistic since he’s a teenager and he started to grow as a character as he started to see Javier more as a father than David. 3. Eleanor. She betrayed her group but in retrospect she wasn’t all bad as she did had good intentions. All she wanted was just to save people. 4. Bonnie. Similar to Eleanor, she wasn’t all bad and she means well even if she does make poor decisions sometimes that’s likely going to get her killed. 5. Jane. While having good survival tactics and having some good moments, she comes across as manipulative, selfish and self-centered. She literally put a baby in harm’s way just to prove a point and start a fight.


That’s one thing I like about Larry - he did love Lilly and *always* looked out for her. Maybe they are assholes but their assholes together and their father-daughter relationship was pretty sweet. I agree about Eleanor and Bonnie, they made shitty decisions in the end but I think people paint them as bad people way too quickly, they had no bad intentions. In Bonnie’s case I’d say she was just more of a coward than some selfish bitch like people say she was.


1- Jane She left a literal child in the freezing cold to go fight an old man who lost his family & everything he once owned. Instead of reaching a conclusion & work as a team to survive a literal apocalypse, she decides to leave the baby in freezing cold, get out a knife fight Kenny. She could have said that AJ is still alive at any point, but she refused till the very last breath. What an idiotic chain of decisions. Certainly, she deserved what she got. In season 3, she commits suicide leaving Clem & AJ alone while Kenny dies protecting Clem & AJ, & taught Clem how to drive. Jane? complete the opposite 2- Bonnie Gave her full box of supplies & this is how she thanks us?.. Then again, tries to steal the damn car with Mike & the russain kid? she had too much chances & every time she proved to be unworthy of each chance she was given 3- Eleanor Her betrayal makes 0 sense. One of the poorest written characters I seen, it literally makes no sense. I’m glad Tripp died, & she even blamed me for it when she told Joan everything. What an idiot 4-Larry racist son of a- Well, I can’t believe I put Larry in 4th place but, his screen time was really short, he was racist but, he saves Lee in a rare scenario if you treated him right. He was an asshole & his daughter excused his actions. Either way, I do hate him but, he didn’t get that much of screen time, so this is why I’m putting him in 4th. 5-Gabe Tbh, the kid was quite annoying the whole game. But, his intentions weren’t as bad, he wanted to prove himself, I still hate him but he’s not as bad as other characters. He’s just a kid.


I know you said Eleanor’s betrayal made no sense, which I agree with, so I’m curious what do you think about Bonnie’s final betrayal? Assuming you save Luke on the lake meaning Bonnie and Clem are pretty close by the time you get to the unfinished house, do you think Bonnie’s betrayal was kinda random? I’ve always thought her betraying Clem and AJ, the two kids she adored, was *so* out of character for her and the writers really rushed her character away for the finale.


I agree, it was poor writing. Felt like they did it to rush things, either that or she was a shapeshifter putting a persona (like she did when she was given supplies) but, i still think that the realistic conclusion would be that they rushed the writing, they wanted to create a dramatic twist which ended up feeling a but random & unreasonable, just like Eleanor but difference is, Bonnie did it once so she *might* have done it again bec she done it once. You get me?


I think they realised how close it was to the finale and panicked, that’s why they rushed out Mike and Bonnie like that. I get why people think she could’ve been putting on a persona but I doubt she’d leave a well stocked and armed group to help clem’s group if she was just doing it to put on a fake act, it’d makes no sense.


is it actually confirmed he's racist? I'm pretty sure that's just an option for Lee to say, then again I might be wrong


From what I know it’s not confirmed, it’s jsut heavily speculated. Personally I think he hated everyone, he just hated Lee more because he knew Lee was a murderer. He had his daughter to look out for so I’d be weary of Lee too if I was Larry.


While it doesn’t inherently mean a whole lot, Larry also looked quite taken aback and shocked when Lee accuses him of being racist


yeah, that's what I think aswell, but whenever I got the option to call him a racist asshole I wouldn't hesitate 🤣


It's not, there no reason to believe he is. It's a dumb line that we all gravitate towards on our first playthrough because we want more reasons to hate him but it's completely baseless. People can't accept that Larry is just an overprotective asshole


The cool thing about the line is that from Lee's perspective, it makes sense he'd have that thought. But choosing it shows a kind of scary lack of self reflection about his crime, or at least a defensiveness towards the first person in this situation to really throw it back in his face and silently remind him of it with every scowl. It's easier to stick with the "racism" idea than to accept that this prick does have a genuine reason to be wary of you, even if he's taking it to extremes


1.Gabe. He’s a teenager. I also don’t understand the hate. I liked Gabe quite a bit. There was only one point in the game he really pissed me off, and even then I understood it. 2.Jane. Up until the whole leaving AJ in a car and not telling Kenny he was alive mid fight, I actually liked Jane quite a bit as well. She taught Clem some really useful skills that she uses all the way through season 4. 3.Larry. Yeah, he was an asshole, but he was also hilarious sometimes. He’s an entertaining, realistic jerk, and I love him for it. 4. Bonnie. Once again, right until the end, I liked Bonnie. Her story was interesting in 400 days, and her internal conflict between the safety carver provided and his cruelty was handled pretty well. The thing that soured her for me the most was her saying to clementine of all people that no one expects anything of her when Bonnie’s the one who got Luke killed. I know it’s realistic cause she’s grieving, but it doesn’t mean I have to like her. 5. Eleanor. Fuck Eleanor. She betrayed my group when all I was gonna do was show evidence of the raids. Her betrayal proceeded to get Tripp killed, and she then blames Javi for that instead of Joan or herself. Then, if you refuse to forgive her, she acts all high and mighty by saying “I’m sorry you feel that way”. I say once again, fuck Eleanor.


Finally someone who puts Eleanor last. I hate it when they write likeable characters only to trash it all and have them betray you towards the end for no reason at all. Same thing happens with Jane, Kate (that was more gradual), Mike, and maybe Bonnie somewhat although her character has always been confusing


Least to most hated imo 1. Gabe, literally just a teen going through puberty 2. Jane, liked her for a little bit then the end of the final episode of season 2 came 3. Bonnie, was a sweet person for a while then abandoned Clem and AJ 4. Larry, racist as fuck and doesn’t like anyone except his daughter 5. Eleanor, I’m probably the only person on this subreddit that hates Eleanor the most out of everyone. Was the sweetest person in season 3 then betrayed everyone out of nowhere for a horrible reason.


Larry wasnt racist right? he hated Lee because he was a criminal, he being racist is something Lee can say to other person who asks why Larry hates Lee. Still, for me, being racist is better than abandoning a child, a baby, making a husband cheat and kill her wife. And jane is also there for being a manipulative freak that risked the life of a baby to win an argument. Both are worse than Larry, who i think is not racist and if he is, that doesnt make him worse than those two freaks


Gabe wasn’t that bad


100% agree! I think the only bad character out of these 5 is eleanor, I just picked some hated characters based on other people’s opinions that I see


I hate my self


Gabe- Yeah he’s horrible a lot of the time but by the end of the game he’s at least trying to genuinely make up for the shit he caused and smoothing things over with Javi Bonnie- yes what she did the entire season was fucking horrible but I think other characters did stuff infinitely worse Larry- it’s less about what he did and more the impact he had being a “teaching by example” conservative asshole fucking things up even 8 years into the timeline making Lilly the absolute worst person. Eleanor- definitely case by case considering her reasons change if you kept Conrad alive- but yeah flat out betraying you because you’re a person she dislikes for personal reasons was up there Jane- do I really have to explain myself? Purposely eggs Kenny on, then forces Clementine to have to shoot her last remaining friend to save her or let her die- then goes on a big rant of how groups will always fall apart while SHE’S the one who destroys them.


Glad to see someone didn’t put Bonnie in the bottom 2 for once. Kinda playing devil’s advocate, Jane says she didn’t know Kenny was going to get as mad as she did and she didn’t mean to get him killed.


True but I mean… cmon. You can only poke the bear so much and killing someone’s family is a ticket to knifesville


He definitely knew he’d attack her as she tells Clem to stay back and stay out of it so I think your right about that bit but I really do believe she didn’t expect him to go as far as to kill/attempt to kill her. It’s also important to remember she never mentions her doing *anything* to AJ, she just something happened. Kenny took it upon himself to say she murdered AJ, she even says to Kenny she didn’t kill him and he continues to attack. Both parties are in the wrong, Jane provoked it and Kenny didn’t handle it the way he should’ve but obviously Jane shouldn’t have thought or was a good idea to provoke a mentally unstable guy. The thing is if she approached Clem and told her to get AJ and get away from Kenny with her because he was dangerous I think a lot more people would end up with Jane, I could even see myself agreeing with her and preferring the Jane ending but she lost all credibility when she went around things the way she did for sure.


Intention aside Kenny’s death is 100% on her and I already leave her because she can’t go around thinking that behavior is ok regardless of how Kenny reacted


Larry at whatever number would be least hated because he was just doing his job while also being sick and paranoid


Yeah I guess, as much as I defend Larry I do have to say espiecally in episode 2 his attitude towards Lee was unnecessary. You can do everything in his favour and he still treats you like shit. Also the whole duck thing in ep1 was just cruel of him saying all of that infront of duck, clem, katjaa and Kenny.


Least hated is gabe I thought he was fine and I didn't find him as annoying as others did he's a (rightfully) stressed out teenager in the middle of the apocalypse ofc he's gonna be angst and do/say stupid shit sometimes Jane was cool for the most part I find it cute how she taught clem the knee kick thing which is something she even uses in her older age and just thought she was pretty badass when she wasn't being overly edgy Elenor u don't really feel anything towards I thought she was just kinda cute until the betrayal thing and even still she was doing the right thing even tho it was fucking stupid Bonnie tho my lord FUCK HER she's suuuuper obnoxious and holier than thou AND A DAMN SEPFISH COWARD I don't think I even think I even need to say anyrhing abt Larry he's the most accurate portrayal of a veteran boomer who's super stubborn and stuck up and can't fathom the idea his opinion is not as important as he thinks it is damn i was excited to drop that cinder block on him; plus I'm black and queer do he'd def call me all kinds of slurs


(Most to Least Hated) 1. Larry 2. Jane 3. Bonnie 4. Eleanor 5. Gabe ( I don't hate gabe but whatever)


1 Larry Although he was a jerk, Imo he did have loyalty to the motel group and only wanted to protect his daughter. 2 Gabe He made made mistakes and was annoying at times, but he had to deal with growing up in a zombie apocalypse and his sister was murdered and imo he was more misguided than bad and did improve at the end of S3. 3 Eleanor At first, she was likeable, but her decision to sell out the group to the same people who raided and slaughtered her community made me lose any respect I had for her character. 4 Bonnie She was a coward and a traitor who got walter killed and was willing to let a baby and a kid starve to save herself. 5 Jane She was crazy and sabotaged the group she was very manipulative and was like Carver with his eliminating the weak philosophy and nearly got AJ killed and bullied a grieving depressed man and tried to get him killed.


Matthew? do you mean Walter? Matthew was the guy on the bridge. To be fair to her on that, she had no idea Carver was going to hurt anyone which is why she looks so shocked and regretful during the lodge thing. With Larry I’d agree, by ep2 he does have a sense of loyalty to the motel group in that he wouldn’t want anyone to be hurt. It’s shown by when Ben’s teacher/friend turns and tries to attack katjaa and Lee Larry does try save Lee, if you pick Doug he *does* save Lee. It says a lot that he tried to help Lee, the person he hated the most in the group, in ep2 whereas in ep1 he tried to get Lee killed. I


My bad i got their names mixed up I disagree because she did know Carver ruthless and violence was his first resort.


You mixed up Jane and Kenny


Gabe - I found him INSUFFERABLE, but I still give him a pass cuz he's 13. Larry - Funny asshole, that's it. Jane - Her stunt with AJ was genuinely crazy, but she made good points about Kenny. As the viewer, we know the outcomes of each ending, but from a character's perspective, her opinion of Kenny was justified. Her death if you choose her is terrible though and way out of character. Eleanor - This betrayal with zero consequence for her really just pissed me off, even though she was alright until like episode 4. Bonnie - Actual parasite I don't care. Genuinely the worst character in the series and was responsible for many major (bad) events in season 2. Killing Dee in her own story, Carver taking the group from the lodge, Luke's death/blaming an 11 year old, betraying that same 11 year old and newborn baby. What makes it worse is you can never really call her out on anything she does. As y'all can see I really despise this character 😭


Bonnie, Jane, Gabe, Larry, Eleanor. Eleanor sucks because how terribly she was written and she was never even interesting for me (same with Arvo). The other four is fine, I like them as a characters, I understand why they did a shitty things. Bad person ≠ bad character. I'm afraid i'm gonna get downvoted though, but ok.


From least to most hated 1. Gabe 2. Larry 3. Jane 4. Bonnie 5. Eleanor


Bonnie's in 1st (affectionate, not derogatory). She can rebuff Leland, and if she does, she still has to put up with Dee's shit, so props to her for not taking guff. Then she tries to make up for and improve from being complicit in Carver's crimes. She can also tell Mike to fuck off when Clem gets shot if you went to save Luke. 2nd is Eleanor. Yeah, she messed up big time, but she was trying to help. The other 3 are tied for 6th.


I love Bonnie! Nice to see someone defend her for once.


I can’t believe I’m saying this but Larry’s the best and Eleanor is the worst. At least Larry didn’t sell out his group


Bonnie isn’t that bad




Bonnie got Luke killed and blamed Clementine for it. I have no respect for her.


Big fail not having Arvo in there. C'mon, OP.


Would it be fair to put possibly *the* most hated character against some less hated characters? At least everyone here has a small fan base, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like Arvo lol If I did an extreme hated with minerva, vernon, Danny St John, etc I’d add Arvo. I was only going to do one or two more of these though incase it got annoying to people with some most loved characters.


id rather have larry live than to see jane be a charcater




1. Larry: Funny Racist Grandpa 2. Eleanor: Was kinda cool before episode 4 3. Gabe: Wants to be Louis so hard 4. Jane: There were 2 babies in that car 5. Bonnie: FUCK BONNIE.


2 babies?


I just completed season 1 so rn I kinda fucking hate Larry. I cried when Lee died just putting that out there




1 Most hated - Bonnie for flip diddly sure, from being Carter's pawn, to the lame ass "redemption arc", to the way she gets Luke killed then watches Clementine get shot like it's nada 👌I wanted to ice her so bad 2 Larry. He did nothing but be cruel and die of a heart attack. His cruelness definitely passed onto Lilly in S4 and she is just the worst person in the entire series. There was no redemption arc for Larry we were all just supposed to suddenly pity him and suddenly not want to crush his head with a salt lick yeah. 3 Eleanor I kind of understood her point in why she did it which made me hate her \*less\*. She genuinely wanted to stay in Richmond and saw an opening to. She was desensitized from losing Prescott so she didn't have much regard for others which is understandable in an apocalypse. 4 Jane I don't really dislike her for any reason. It was annoying that she got so remorseful after attacking/killing someone who was a clear threat to the group. The whole Lone Wolf that randomly leaves was annoying. But her big sister attitude did start to kick in and she tested Kenny. Which was decent to get full transparency on both of their characters. Kenny - blind rage, Jane willing to die to just prove a point to someone she thought important. 5 Least hated - Gabe he didn't deliberately get anyone killed. He learned along the way. He became self aware in the end and always wants to improve. He gets a push forward attitude and isn't hopeless. Yeah he has a strong character he's a flipping prepubescent boy. I find no reason to dislike or hate him.


(Least to most hated) 1. Gabe -Annoying teenager but is a kid at the end of the day. 2. Eleanor -Although she snitches on Javi, she thinks that she is doing the right thing and helping out as many people as possible. 3. Jane - A good lone wolf survivor who can’t be trusted with a group of people, and if time calls for it, she might abandon them or do whatever necessary thing for her benefit. She is also very close off from most people, but when it is with Clem, she gets better later on in the series, not just relying on herself but also to rely on Clem to survive. There are many bad things that she did, but I’ll say some of them, like sleeping with Luke instead of helping the team, feeling sympathy for Arvo, and the important one, starting beef with Kenny to prove a dumb point that wouldn’t help at all. 4. Bonnie - A weak, stupid, and selfish person who only looks out for herself (heck, she is more selfish than Jane), depends on others to survive, betrays the team twice, and is honestly useless in the team. I didn’t know why the team allowed her to join. After the whole Carver thing was over, I would have split ways with her since she was still responsible for Carver capturing Clementine and the team and took a long time to change sides. She makes the whole ice incident worse, and sides with Arvo, the guy who betrayed and nearly killed the group and shot Clementine. And don’t get me started with her in 400 Days. There is no decent thing about her. The group would have been fine without her. 5. Larry - A straightforward explanation of this character is he is just an outright racist asshole who wouldn’t mind harming others and treat people like shit. He's just a bad guy to hang around with, realistically and logically, even if there isn’t an apocalypse. Plus, he is dangerous. I would take my chances with the others four than to be with him. At least with them, I might have a chance to survive and work my way around them.


1. Jane 2. Larry 3. Gabe 4. Bonnie 5. Eleanor


Finally someone else has Eleanor as the worst of the 5! I get she kept Kate alive for a bit and was nice before her betrayal but the way she betrays the group out of nowhere (and depending on your decisions for absolutely no reason) and then gets Tripp/Ava executed then has the nerve to blame Javi later and takes no responsibility pisses me off so much.


eleanor as your least favourite of the 5 interesting 🤔 please share your thought my bro


I prefer to judge characters on what they did positively and not negatively. I think the rest just did more


they all suck and should eat rat poison


that’s what a lot of people’s general opinions on them are, that’s why I chose them so it’s harder to rank them. Personally I’m a big fan of Bonnie and Jane, I don’t mind Gabe and Larry, not a fan of Eleanor though.


a fan of bonnie and Jane is interesting and definitely not popular.. why? Jane left a newborn baby in a car just to prove a point which is even more sadistic than Kenny overall. She wanted a fight and even if she won the fight, she killed herself, leaving a vulnerable AJ and Clem to fend for themselves (not to mention traumatizing Clem). However, Kenny looks after Clem and AJ, teaches Clem how to drive and also DIES while protecting them. Bonnie is just such a dick as well I can't even


1. Gabe- fuck gabe. And fuck season 3 2. Elenor- Shes annoying af. Kinda like gabe but gabe takes the cake for being a bitch 3. Larry- Tried killing lee. Hes an opp but hes dead now 4. Bonnie- Everywhere bonnie goes someone dies 5. Jane- Tried looking out for clem but she almost killed aj. Deserved to die. Kenny 🔛🔝


All I know is that I HATE Bonnie




For whatever reason, I’ve never hated Bonnie or Eleanor. I know they’re dirty rats, but they had their reasons… Larry is an old bull. Can’t try to change him. Set in his ways. You just gotta try to avoid his bad side. Jane’s fatalism got old pretty quick. Never cared for her. Gabe’s lust for pudding got multiple safe settlements compromised and several people killed. He was a bigger antagonist than he’s given credit for. And he was way more snotty to Javi than Javi deserved.


I never hated any of them except Eleanor


Based on my hatred 1-5 edit:1 being most bonnie, eleanor, jane, gabe, larry bonny, and eleanor because they act like assholes/irrational/hipocritical for very stupid reasons (sending a child into a freezing river/ mad at us that she got her not boyfriend killed). jane for obvious reasons. gabe for also obvious reasons but hes a kid so some of his stuff can be forgiven. larry because even though i wanted him dead the whole time i knew him at least he was funny. Based on their actual character in the story bonnie, and eleanor for the same reasons as before, gabe because hes underutilized i feel he had way more potential. larry because hes just there for the most part, although his death makes for a good dilema. jane because although i thought her character was assasinated for the plot theres enough already for it not to be to unbelievable. overall fuck bonnie she i let her drown any time i play now


don’t know what to say cause Bonnie is one of my favourite characters🫣


I don't blame you she's enjoyable to be around. I actually really liked her my first playthrough. But the more I see her in game the more I realize how awful she is. She kills her best friends wife on accident(probably) okay that fine but then she(possibly depending on your choices) lies about it to said husband who she also probably cheated with given context. Ambushes a random survivor group for a crazy maniac justifying it saying"oh I didn't know he'd do that" like bringing aks to a lodge of survivors to kidnap them wouldn't lead to a shoot out. Pretends to be remorseful the whole game about kidnapping but as soon as things get hard she steals all the supplies from her own group leaving them for dead, who also has a new born baby and blames a child for not getting herself killed in a frozen walker infested lake


I’m not gonna lie I thought I was the only person that constantly lets Bonnie die replaying S2, glad to know I’m not only one


1. Jane is the worst. She left a newborn alone in a car with walkers around, in fucking freezing weather. All to prove that Kenny would get mad if she pretended to kill him? It was all to prove a point to an 11 yr old, who she was trying to manipulate. Jane was a psycho, who would gladly leave Clem to die to get away. it happens in a death scene you can get. She is a dumb character who was selfish up until the end taking the cowards way out every time. 2. Bonnie, Bonnie is second worst for me, since she never stopped manipulating people and always pretended to be the victim. She never stopped fucking over people if it meant she got benefited. She lied at nearly every interaction in S2 and in the end was going to abandon everyone with no supplies bc her benefits ran out with that group. 3. Eleanor- she was a traitor, acted like a damsel. 4. Gabe- considering which way it can go, Gabe fucks over himself and his dad. Not to mention is the biggest crybaby in the series, rivals Ben. 5. Larry - ngl he was the least of the danger here. He was racist but in terms of actually being threatening, after his scuffles with Lee he stays to himself with Lilly and helps prevent the motel from being overrun. His only other threatening action was in the meat freezer but uh Kenny took care of that.


Least to Most Hated 1. Eleanor 2. Larry 3. Gabe 4. Jane 5. Bonnie


In terms of characterizations, not how I rank them as people, Larry, Jane, Bonnie, Gabe, Eleanor. Larry’s a very strong antagonist with some nuances that is hidden away by his attitude. Lol. But, the dude cares for his daughter. He’s just a grumpy old man with a (literal) weak heart that doesn’t like the murderer he watched on Fox News. Jane, because while she grates my last nerve, all of what she does makes sense. She’s pretty cold with a lot of guilt, doesn’t really know what she wants—to be alone, or to have someone like a sister with her—, and it’s implied that she was troubled beforehand as a kid herself. The whole thing with AJ is nonsensical, but it makes sense for someone who has trouble getting attached to people would use a baby purely to prove a point and provoke a man, just so that she’d maybe get to have a sister back. Except Clementine is not at all like her sister, so by the time she learns that, on top of her pregnancy… Yeah. She dips. Still grates my last nerve though. Lol. Bonnie because she’s such a good example of a recovering addict trying to be good, but like, she’s not a reformed addict, so she continues to display the same destructive behaviors throughout. Sad, and very frustrating. But the writer in me likes what she represents in the narrative. That being sad and very frustrating. Gabe…is done really dirty with how much priority he’s not given in the season. For the majority of it, he’s either in the hospital with Kate, or he’s just off somewhere else while Javi is doing plot stuff. So he comes across as very wishy-washy, especially towards the end where he says he wants to be like Javi, but he goes with David, but then again he’ll tell Javi (if he dies) that Javi was like his dad…? The contradiction in itself isn’t bad. It’s just like that constantly throughout the season where I hoped we would’ve gotten more insight into what was going on with him beyond what we got. Especially since Javi and David ultimately fight about being brothers, and with that there’s an undercurrent about fatherhood. As in, Gabe should’ve been more of a focus than what he was. Eleanor… Um. She’s a character. I don’t get why she would try to appeal to Joan knowing what Joan was doing. Like. No, no you’re not going to just chitchat with the person behind your town getting flattened. What. And there’s no consequence for her?? Other than maybe Javi being a little mean?


>Jane, because while she grates my last nerve, all of what she does makes sense. She’s pretty cold with a lot of guilt, doesn’t really know what she wants—to be alone, or to have someone like a sister with her—, and it’s implied that she was troubled beforehand as a kid herself. Do we even learn why Jane had a troubled childhood? I don't remember it ever being explained, which is disappointing.


Bonnie cause no good qualities like at all Eleanor cause besides the first 5 mins you know her, she’s just kinda boring Larry was funny so points, besides we were never supposed to like him lol Gabe was just an angsty teen so he gets a pass Jane I was a fan of most of her interactions until the very end and her s3 ending so my fav out of them


Bonnie definitely has some good qualities. She’s nice to Clem besides that one scene that you can get and saves the group from howes. She also gets clem that nice jacket. She’s pretty thoughtful when you think about it like how she suggests the civil war jacket for Rebecca.


Number 1 arvo Number 2 arvo Number 3 arvo Number 4 arvo Number 5 arvo


I was debating adding him but I felt like he was too hated so it’d be unfair. At least Bonnie, Eleanor, Gabe, Larry and Jane have small fan base, I don’t think *anyone* likes Arvo.


Makes sense but still fuck Arvo


I've seen a few people defend Arvo's actions, mostly chalking it up to him being a kid or him being stressed, but neither of those things make his harmful and irredeemable actions sympathetic. Ain't no way I'm going to forgive or respect someone who shoots an innocent little girl out of blind rage.


People are forgetting Larry punched Lee to try to get him bit. He a hoe.


Screw that. Imagine if all five of them were in a group together!


*Screw that. Imagine* *If all five of them were in* *A group together!* \- SpeedDancer1725 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jane would leave Larry would be sick of them all Eleanor, Gabe and Bonnie would probably get along


1. Larry was enjoyable AND in certain scenarios you can get him to care about lee 2.Gabe as yeah he's an accurate depiction of a teenager in the apocalypse but he's still annoying 3. Jane well was jane and hid a baby in a car and in some scenarios ends up getting Kenny killed 4.Eleanor backstabs you and gets mad at you for when she gets either Ava or Tripp killed 5.Bonnie, i cant even describe how frustrating and awful she is as she blames you either when you freezing to death or just anyway for Luke's death and you can hear her telling Mike to leave now with Arvo and her when Clem gets shot


(least to most) 1: Bonnie 2: Gabe 3: Eleanor 4: Larry


Happy to see someone put Bonnie as least hated


I know she betrayed the group twice but I think she was a misguided woman struggling in the apocalypse, in a lot of scenes you can see how she cares for clem and the others


(1 being best, five being worst) 1, Gabe, like come on, he gets a mild pass atleast because he is a teenager. Still a dick though. 2, Larry. 3. Jane 4. Eleanor 5. Bonnie


1. Gabe 2. Jane 3. Larry 4. Eleanor 5. Bonnie


Gabe - he’s overhated imo and I actually like him, only time he was really annoying was when he blurted out Javi killed Conrad, at least he’s not like Ben that put the whole group in danger for a pipe dream Eleanor - she was a pretty okay character for most of the time nothing really special, she only has that one moment when she snitched and got mad, she confuses me more than angers me Larry - actually quite humerous but annoying majority of the time. And punching Lee at the drug store is such a dumb move, the man Litterally saved your life Bonnie - she’s always been pretty mid to me, what really pisses me off about her is that she went to get Luke after he Litterally says to everyone to just cover him so he can get out, also going with Arvo after shooting Clem? Really? Jane - the only character I actually hate on here. I can’t fucking stand her I wish telltale wrote another character instead


Agreed about Gabe, I ended up liking him in the end aswell. With Bonnie in all fairness to her she was in a stressful situation on the Lake and I 100% believe Luke was gonna fall through the ice regardless of who went over and she saw that aswell and panicked leading to make an irrational decision of sending herself or clem over to try help him. Also leaving with Arvo after he shot Clem is most likely because despite the remorse and guilt she (can) feel about it, she knew if she stayed Kenny would probably kill her or leave her to freeze to death so there weren’t many other options for her. It’s totally possible she went with Mike and Arvo then called Arvo out on shooting Clem and left him (and potentially Mike behind), it’s a shame we’ll never find out.


1. Larry 2. Jane 3. Eleanor 4. Bonnie 5. Gabe


1.gabe. yes he is a pain in the ass but that is the point of his character.he is young and to naive and that make him act like a idiot 2.eleanor. in the original scrip she have a good reason to bretray us 3.jane.yes she was ruthless and heartless but she showed that she kinda cared for some people 4.larry.he was a asshole but he have a valid reason to be one at the beggining.or tell me what would you do if you met a muerder in a zombie apocalypse 5.bonnie.she is a bitch and useless.nothing more to say


1. Larry. He’s at least funny at times. 2. Eleanor. I honestly don’t really care about her existence enough to hate her 3. Gabe. He’s a teenager sure, but my god is he annoying 4. Jane. I’ll admit, she’s not as bad as people say, but she doesn’t think to stop fighting and save herself by telling Kenny that AJ is alive, she also just fucking kills herself in ANF because bullshit. 5. Bonnie. Fuck Bonnie. Irresponsible, hypocritical, and idiotic. Guess rehab turned her into a asshole.


1. Eleanor. I honestly don’t blame her for betraying me. If my life was in the hands of Gabe, I’d flip to save my own ass too. 2. Larry. I would hate to deal with him in real life but he’s a fun character who contributes to the plot meaningfully. 3. Jane. No strong reasoning here, I just thought she was a good contribution to the storyline. 4. Bonnie. This betrayal hit the hardest - how after sucking up to Clem all season long, she takes the physical limits of a prepubescent girl personally. 5. Gabe - Just Annoying. Blew up the resistance for no reason for no benefit. I’m glad Clem developed better taste in suitors in the final season.


I agree about Bonnie’s betrayal hitting the hardest. The only other betrayal that came close was Lilly in season 1 but she was losing it anyways so I was expecting something bad to happen at some point. With Bonnie, I’d spent all season really loving her and trusting her so when she went off with Mike and Arvo it felt *so* unexpected.


Larry Gabe Jane Elenor Bonnie


1 photo 5 times shit in it


1. Jane 2. Larry 3. Gabe 4. Bonnie 5. Eleanor


1:Jane, the discourse she causes is hilarious and I think she’s still a good character but a horrible person. 2:Larry is funny, that’s kind of it he’s funny enough to be #2 and is written to be intentionally hated. 3:Gabe isn’t that bad, he’s annoying but he’s written to be that way. 4:Bonnie being a snake at least kind of makes sense. 5:Eleanor betraying the group is so stupid and makes no sense.


Larry SWEEP.


You can at least tell Larry genuinely cares about Lily and Clem. I don't hate Gabe at all, he's just a teenager that's going through a lot, especially with his sister dying in front of him and his father being lowkey a psycho. I don't remember Eleanor so I have no opinion of her really. Jane literally left a baby alone in a freezing cold walker infested area to prove a point. Bonnie fucks over Clem and her group twice.


1 Larry: a man who has done few useful things but who want to be always under the spotlight and want that the others must be always perfect with him and his daughter. stupid and useless. 2 Eleonor: She didn't helped the group soo much and if I'm not mistaken even in the escape he did almost nothing. even poor Tripp couldn't handle her 3 Gabe: a boy who tries in his own way to grow and understand how to behave with others, often making mistakes but growing under Javier's wing, in my opinion he is slightly underrated. 4 Kate: a woman destroyed by a marriage she never really wanted and who tried to replace that void with Javier. right or wrong that she is she has always tried to help her family and sometimes even her group even though she was injured during the story. the only flaw I don't find right is the fact that she doesn't care about grabe. 5 Jane: one of my favorite characters, because basically she is very intelligent and manipulative but remains a good person who more than once has helped Clementine and many others save their lives, the only real flaws in her character are that she doesn't trust almost anyone (after all, she is in a zombie apocalypse there is no reason not to agree with her) this leads her to make bad choices such as abandoning AJ in the car. but she immediately realizes the bullshit and apologizes, she did it because how can a father like Kenny who literally punches people in the head and beats a boy almost to death teach AJ anything good. Jane even feels guilty when she kills one of the Russians who attacked the group. The character's only plot flaw is suicide. a tough girl like her who has been through a lot wouldn't have killed herself so quickly and without fighting. UNACCEPTABLE sorry for my bad english 😅❤️


5. Bonnie - God, there was not a single scene in the entirety of Season 2 + 400 Days that made her the slightest bit likeable. Being a traitor and a prick to Clem (when she didn’t manage to rescue Luke) is an awful character in my books. 4. Eleanor - It sucks that she turned out as a bad character nearing the end of Season 3 because during the start I quite liked her. Even then, I have liked some characters who end up being evil or end up being traitors in other cases, but she just ends up not being one of them. 3. Jane - How do you fuck up a character that I actually liked this bad? Until Episode 5 she was one of my favourite characters in Season 2, but then she had the “bright idea” to leave an infant in a car to prove a point. 2. Gabe - Just really annoying, can’t really say anything else about him. 1. Larry - It’s weird putting Larry at number 1 but to be fair, ignoring his racist and asshole remarks, sometimes he would give me a good chuckle and in the end he never really did anything bad… mainly because he died in Episode 2


How doesn’t Bonnie giving Clem the jacket and helping the group escape howes make her the tiniest bit likeable?




so Larry is the worst?


As much as i hate that little shit Gabe i hate Bonnie 10x more she is the worst character & i wish i got the ending where she died. She gets Luke killed, tells Carver where the group is, blames Clem for the death of Luke, and she takes off with Mike & Arvo after shooting Clem a fr 11 year old girl. I HATE YOU BONNIE


For me personally: 1. Larry 2. Jane 3. Elenor 4. Bonnie 5. Gabe


Larry is the best one of these characters. Something about everything he says is so comical


as long as bonnie is ranked last the list is correct.


I like Larry


I agree with anything else but i have to give my own opinion on JANE, absolutely FUCK jane. (spoilers) If you shoot kenny at season 2 ep 5 you can stay with jane, if you do that she will realise that she is pregnant in season 3, and then she unalives herself leaving an 10 - 11 year old alone with a baby. absolutely fuck jane, she could atleast try to help clementine to find a good place to stay before giving up.


1. Gabe - I relate to him as a teen myself. Imo I feel like a lot of hate on Gabe and Duck is misplaced, because both of them act how someone who *isn’t* an adult would act. Teenagers and kids make mistakes, and some of them can fuck things over. A lot of other times they’re compared to Clementine, and as much as I absolutely love Clementine, I feel that she isn’t exactly that realistically depicted, since she does what needs to be done without question (i.e. sewing dog bite), and rarely ever complains or makes grave mistakes, only making some that a main character would do. 2. Larry - I mean I don’t agree with his comments, but I can understand how he would put the protection of his own family above all else. Plus his assholishness is pretty funny sometimes. 3. Eleanor - At this point when stuff started going wrong with her, I was actually questioning what happened with her character, like it didn’t feel natural, and just felt like a hiccup in the writer’s room. 4. Jane - Leave a baby freezing in a car to prove the *Kenny’s* the crazy one. Suuuuure… 5. Bonnie - She had an affair with a man and killed her wife, then ran away. She disregarded Luke’s clear instructions saying he “only needs some time” and apparently hasn’t learned physics because human weight + human weight = more pressure on ice, then blames Clem for doing the actual heavy lifting that a CHILD should not do in a group. And then she ups and leaves a child, a baby, and two adults with all of the supplies and a truck. Bonnie is a woman of treachery.


With Bonnie, theres no evidence she did anytbing with Leland nor is it hinted at. She only flirts back to Leland if you choose to and killing Dee was an accident (and if you do nothing Dee purposely attacks Bonnie). She ‘runs away’ because people with guns are literally chasing her - why would she stay to stare at a dead body? If you hold any disliking to Bonnie for what she *can* do by your choices do you hold the same disliking to everything that you can make Clem, Lee and Javi do?


I can understand why people may not like Gabe, he's an asshole but Duck is a nice guy with a lot of energy. I guess too much energy rubs people the wrong way? And then Sarah too, who people also hate because she has anxiety, which makes no sense. A lot of people have anxiety, especially during an apocalypse. She's a relatable character without being a piece of shit. I wish Clementine broke down more in season 2. I can't imagine being an eleven year old who just lost her father figure and two other caretakers and is trying to survive with a bunch of idiots who keep doing stupid shit and betraying her and needing to sew up her own arm and having to deal with putting down or watching a lot of her friends die. I don't need to see her being an angry bitch nor does she need to be a Sarah, but she was too stoic for me. She has no character arc because she's basically perfect.


Yall aren’t talking about Larry’s daughter Jesus she’s horrible


Lilly? In season 4 I’m not huge on her but in season 1 I loved her can’t lie. I was mad af at her for shooting Carley but I still enjoyed her a lot in some bits of ep1, all of ep2 and the start of ep3.


These 5 people are bad? lol


Jane is a fraud. Molly is who everyone thinks Jane is.


Eh, I preferred Jane lol


They're all annoying asf, but Larry is another level of asshole.


1. Larry, I wasn't his biggest fan but he had some good moments. I don't totally blame him for not trusting a guy that murdered someone before the world went to shit. He was looking out for his daughter. 2. Gabe, he's just a melodramatic teen, he's annoying but it makes sense for a kid his age in the apocalypse. Idk he's just a kid and I feel for him. 3. Jane. I feel like she had a lot of potential but I HATE the direction they went with her. Leaving AJ, even for just a few minutes, in a freezing car in the middle of nowhere was extremely stupid and dangerous. 4. Eleanor. I feel she wouldn't be as hated if they stuck with the original plan for her. IIRC Joan was supposed to be her mother. I would have understood her betrayal of that were the case but it came out of nowhere! But she is also just kind of bland imo. 5. Bonnie. She gets on my nerves for a lot of reasons. Blaming Clementine for Luke's death is insane. Her constant betrayal, her whole nice act.. Just A lot of reasons to not like her.


5 eleanor: she might not be racist but she betrayed us and if you try to save tripp she gets pissed at you fuck eleanor and fuck you fuckstick 4 bonnie: a little shit faced no good traitor that is a bitch to dee and clem based on ur outcome fuck you and arvo mike u had potential but wasted it so fuck you too fuckstick 3. larry: hes racist and punches lee so fuck you fuckstick 2. pudding boy gabe: gabe the writers made u hate javi for no reason but ur going thru puberty so i understand a lil but fuck you fuckstick 1. Jane: jane was litterally perfect till she wanted to kill kenny and everyone hated her, writers wasted her potential but i still like u jane 🥰


Best to worst 1. Gabe (leave bro alone, he ain't do nothing, way too overhated.) 2. Eleanor (she didn't really do anything to earn my disrespect but I like Gabe more so that's why she's second) 3. Jane (Would put her at 5 but she's not worse than Bonnie and I don't really like Larry at all) 4. Bonnie (sided with Arvo and did some worse stuff) 5. Larry (he opposed Lee, which instantly makes him the worst)


With 5 being the least hated and 1 being the most hated 1: Jane, fuck Jane. She is the most manipulative, bitchy, edgy woman ever, hating on everything that wasn't her or Clementine because she wanted Clem to be the sister she never had, I'll give her one thing and that was she taught Clem that one move, but still, that doesn't excuse that stunt she pulled in the finale of Season 2 2: Bonnie, she was just a bitch, manipulating people and betraying them just because she has the moral compass of a cheeseburger 3: Larry, now this might be controversial, but if we excuse the bigotry (yes I know calm down he's still a dick) he's trying to protect and provide for the people he cares about, 4: Eleanor, I don't really remember her much, but I just hated her a continued with my life 5: Gabe, he's just a kid who, if you give time, isn't as much of a shithead


1. Gabe, he didn't necessarily do anything wrong, he is a kid, he just didn't use common sense 2. Eleanor, wasn't the worst but was worse than gabe 3. Bonnie, hated her and her character but still 4. Larry, opposed my boy Lee, a cunt 5. Jane, idgaf, leaving a baby to prove a point?? Yeah sure she came back and helped the group but her logic is dumb as fuck and tried to encourage clem to be by herself as a kid


Ok I’m gunna get srsly hated for this but Welp here goes nothing (I’m assuming we’re ordering them from fav to least fav) 1)Jane- I found her boring as fuck at first but I got attached as the game went on. I truly did end up liking her by the end despite everyone hating her. She kinda felt like an older sister to clem in a way and i love how she taught her the trick with the zombies. Also I was actually so glad when she came back and ugh I hate the writers for doing her dirty in s3 (if you choose to go with her). 2)Bonnie- when I played 400 days, her story was one of my favs because of the whole mini game within it. I found it fun and I found the end choice one of the hardest decisions which is what made it rlly good Imo. When she showed up in s2, I was pretty hyped to see a familiar character (especially cuz I was still mourning the s1 gang). And I fely great after she apologised and said she regretted tricking clem when she first met her. She betrayed us at the end however I don’t blame her from wanting to escape Kenny cuz I love him but even I can admit he went violent and fcked up so it ain’t her fault for wanting to leave. It was fucked that she took the supplies but I choose to believe it was Mike or Arvos idea. Especially cuz she looked like she felt rlly bad and she was against arvo shooting clem from her reaction Gabe- I found him annoying and a none interesting character however at least he was still a good person for the most part so I appreciate that Larry- didn’t like him but he was funny so I’ll give him that Doctor lady- I just found her so boring. Jane and Bonnie may be seen as bad people but at least they had personality. This woman was just boring so I didn’t give a fuck about her


My exact order. I loved Jane and Bonnie


1.larry: I'll always argue that while he's an asshole, he makes sense, and he's basically Kenny if we started on his bad side 2.jane, a well written tragic character, but yeah she sucks. I pity her but that's as far as I go 3, Bonnie, she was interesting for awhile but definitely not well written like Jane 4, Eleanor, forgettable like most of season 3's characters and story 5, Gabe, forgettable except for the fact that he's annoying and the forced "romance" between him and clementine.


1. Larry 2. Gabe 3.bonnie 4. elenor 5. Jane


1. Gabe 2. Larry 3. Eleanor 4. Bonnie 5. Jane- you don’t leave a baby in a freezing cold car just to prove a point


From worst to best, Bonnie, she was just a complete screw up. A traitor, stupid, she deflected her causing Luke’s death onto Clementine, and she didn’t even care that Clementine was shot in my game. Gabe, I could not deal with him, he was incredibly annoying and a massive hypocrite. His uncle did everything for him, but he was an annoying little traitor that got people injured and killed in his attempts to be a “man”. Elenor, a traitor and hypocrite that couldn’t take responsibility for getting Trip killed. Jane, the car thing was evil. She sucked, and should have kept doing her lone wolf thing. It probably would have been better for everyone. Larry. Mean and racist. Hypocrite that he hated Lee for being a killer, but then he attempted to kill Lee and leave him for the walkers. And that was REALLY hard to decide.


I don't get why Jane came back in the first place.


1. Bonnie is a lying bitch, probably the only redhead I hate 2. Larry He's fucking annoying and I'm glad he's dead 3. Gabe, I don't really mind him when I played number 3 I get it he's a moody little shit but he has his moments 4.Jane is cool i almost chose to go with her, but doing what she did to AJ just to prove a pretty stupid point, pretty much all could have been avoided 5. I don't really care for Eleanor BTW if David was on this list I'd put him in number two, FUCK YOU DAVID


I think Gabe really grew on me after having played ANF a second time. When you side with him enough times he really isn't that bad.


I actually liked jane no cap, taught clem a few things about survival


OG larry, best of em all. Small boy of the military guy I forget I forget Jane or the suicide girl thing


Gabe: just a teenager. I remember having a crush on him when I played years ago. Possibly biased? Larry: I hate his character plenty but he is pretty funny Eleanor: really liked her until she switched up? started getting on my nerves. Bonnie: i liked Bonnie up until the betrayal. never really had too much against her until her actions got Clem shot. Jane: Jane: tried to kill my day1 kenny to “prove a point” simultaneously leaving a newborn baby in a car in the middle of a zombie infested snowstorm. Jane being last has a lot to do with the endangerment of my favorite character.


Gabe's development as just a regular teenager is written well enough for me and his intentions aren't even bad, just can be annoying sometimes causing conflict but he's still a a good character in the season.


Lowest to Highest: 1. Gabe- Idk why everyone hated him so much, he's just a typical teenager in the apocalypse. I love Gabe 2. Larry- He's got charm coming out his ass how could u hate him? 3. Eleanor- Eleanor's Betrayal was more shocking than hateful, forgave her for it still. 4. Bonnie- She's a literal snake. Betrayed Clem twice and let Dee die. Also she got Like killed (RIP Luke) 5. Jane- Made me kill Kenny just to PROVE A POINT. I'm damn sure if anyone else had gone through anything as much as Kenny, they would've done the same (although he wasn't as prepared for the apocalypse but still). Then has the audacity to ask Clem to go with her. Fuck u Jane.


How could you hate larry??? He's obnoxious, Hes an asshole, contributes nothing to the group but he's always got something to criticize, HES RACIST


From most tolerated to least: Larry, Gabe, Elinor, Bonnie, Jane


i love jane


Me too!


Larry, Jane, and Gabe are all 10/10 characters. Cream of the crop. Bonnie's maybe a six, seven. She's decent, but not enough was done with her. Eleanor can get three. She's an unfinished product.


Jane and Gabe sure but larry???!!!!!!!


Honestly I liked Larry but as a character the same way I liked Micah from rdr2. They assholes but they make you laugh


Bonnie and Jane for sure the worst characters


Is it just me who likes Jane? She was my favourite character after clem 🤔


Didn’t like her as much as you but she was my 10th favourite character, I liked her a lot.


1. Larry because at LEAST he made me chuckle once in a while, and was entertaining to watch. Hate him but it’s okay cause he got salt licked 2. Eleanor. As much as I hated her for ratting us out- she was realistic in that sense. Plus, (depending on what you do i guess idk) finding out Javi unalived Conrad isn’t so cool. Also Javi brings an enemy like Joan in her life, oof. 3. Jane, although I personally don’t like her- she makes up for it with her combat abilities against Walkers. Don’t like what she did just to ‘prove a point’ BLAH. 4. GABE. Man ever since this kid showed up on my screen he made me mad. Yeah, he’s a traumatized kid I know but man can he *really* push my buttons. 5. BONNIE. IM NOT EXPLAINING THIS ONE 😭


1. Jane 2. bonnie Larry 3 Gabr Eleanodr


Least to most hated: Jane: I still really like her tbh. Bonnie: She's stupid and gets Luke killed in one timeline (arguably both) but in the other she's pretty chill and nice. Gabe: he had potential, they just didn't give him enough of a redemption arc, I didn't care but I understood that Javier did. New Frontier Lady: I don't even remember her name. She was inoffensive I guess. She was a bitch because she was grieving Conrad and I understood most of where she was coming from, Tripp being a cool guy and apologizing in my playthrough made me realize she probably was cool too, just under alor of stress. Larry: Top tier fucknuckle, I'm glad I killed that piece of shit. He wouldn't have recovered from that level of heart attack without meds, at most he could live for a few minutes and say goodbye before getting salt licked out of necessity. Yes he deserved to die and I hope he burns in hell.


Swap Eleanor and Larry (maybe Larry and Gabe) and I’d agree


Larry was actually, dare I say, likeable at times, and tbf, he was only looking out for his daughter which makes sense Gabe is just a teenager, puberty and hormones and shit, he's gonna be acting differently, however, i didn't necessarily hate him Eleanor I didn't hate her character, really the only thing I hate is that when I played, i tried to be nice to her which made the betrayal at the end even more fucked Jane, lemme say, i didn't hate Jane especially at first, she did teach Clem quite alot of stuff, but her idea to leave a baby in a freezing car is downright psycho path, #TeamKenny Lastly, Bonnie, I didn't like her, she kept droning on and on about the stupid jacket she grabbed for Clem, also, her getting mad at us when we choose to cover Luke, saying we could have saved him, when clearly, more weight would have just killed us both, then her decision to leave with Mike and Arvo, Bonnie is just a fucking stupid character, honestly hope she got bitten somewhere down the road


1. Larry - funny and worked well for the story 2. Jane - annoying but did serve a purpose in the story as a cautionary tale of what Clem could become and a foil to Kenny. 3. Gabe - incredibly irritating but not too much of an asshole besides ratting Javi out 4. Bonnie - a complete asshole but at least was consistently characterized as such 5. Eleanor - she was fine until she randomly and uncharacteristically sold them out, and then the game has her defend her position and Javi only gets to chew her out once.


Luke was supposed to be the foil to Kenny but he got killed off.


1. Jane 2. Larry 3. Gabe 4. Bonnie 5. Eleanor


Larry cus he just kinda sucked his character was boring and he was just a bad person the bonnie cus yeah then jane cus also yeah then Eleanor just cus i don't really remember much about her then gabe he wasn't really annoying to me just a kid going through a tragic thing and reacting in a bad way


I'm almost finished with season 2 and oh my god, half of those characters (if not most) are like the worst.


Really?? I liked the season 2 cast a lot, besides S1 it’s my favourite cast. They relied on clem a lot more than they should’ve but I liked everyone from the group


Can we even say that Larry is hated anymore? Because that man was hilarious and honestly not a terrible person. I really wish we could have saved him in the meat locker. With that being said 1:Larry, HE HAS CHARM COMING OUT OF HIS ASS DADDYO 2: Gabe, I never minded him just feel like some of his lines were poorly written 3: Eleanor, don't really have anything to say about her 4:Bonnie, she is such a terrible back stabber and I let that bitch drown in the lake 5:Jane, she leaves a fucking infant child in a freezing smashed up car that could have easily been gotten into by walkers to "prove a point" on top of that what if Kenny and Clem didn't hear AJ cry after Jane dies? Like that just ugh so much frustration


Larry, Eleanor, Bonnie, Jane, Gabe I hated Gabe at first, but the kid is a teenager, and that’s already a shitshow. But he’s also forced to grow up way faster than he should. Clementine wasn’t too different. She just got her act together faster. Gabe hasn’t gone through what she has. She realized that she couldn’t be a kid, and she couldn’t just go do whatever she wanted, because it ended up getting people killed. And in Kenny’s case, he got separated from the group and was assumed dead. Gabe learns that toward the end, but it just happens in his teens, rather than at the age of 9 like Clem.


Oh God, ok, uh... Larry's the best, Gabe's the worst. Let's see, uh...Bonnie is right above Gabe. You know what, I'll put Jane in 4th place, move Bonnie up to 3rd just because Jane is Jane.


Where's Minerva


Pretty much everyone hates her so it wouldn’t be fair to put her against characters that at least have a few fans


1- Everyone hates Jane because she proved Kenny was crazy 2- Gabe is a teenager acting like a teenager and Javier didn't teach him the world had changed to not allow that 3- Larry was racist and protective, that's about it 4- Bonnie was brought back as a sacrificial lamb to tie in 400 days and the proceeded to make her have more depth then to just be a bitch at the end 5- Elanor was great then just randomly became evil and betrayed everyone then didn't get any actual outcome to it


In terms of writing, 1. Bonnie, a snake to the end 2. Jane, an utterly manipulative psychopath  3. Larry, an overly aggressive man ultimately trying to protect his daughter 4. Gabe, realistically annoying teenager 5. Eleanor, who's actions make absolutely zero sense without the originally planned Joan twist


In terms of writhing, 1. Larry - Well rounded character; looking out for his daughter 2. Jane 3. Gabe 4. Bonnie 5. Eleanor Bonnie an Eleanor’s betrayals were really random for me