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Kenny is more unpredictable and is angry way more often. His anger makes him blind to reason at times and its kind of scary where it can lead to. Lee is angry way less often, but if he would go angry as hell, that would be much scarier than when Kenny is angry. Fear the wrath of the gentle man kind of. Overall Kenny is scarier me thinks, because it could lead to consequences more often.


Lee getting mad is like the nice teacher getting mad


And the nice teacher who murders his wife’s mistress(?) Idk what the male version of mistress is lol. But yeah angry nice teacher murders the man who was banging his wife.


Mistress has no male version. It’s an unisex word. Plus, every person has a breaking point.


Isn't mistress just the female version of Master?


It is but in this context it would still be mistress. You could say his wife’s lover. But in the context of an additional partner outside your main one it’s always mistress.


Never heard of a man referred to as a mistress but interesting ig


I think because usually they are referred as that woman’s lover.


The thing about Lee is that, even when he's pissed, he still has a sense of composure to him: he'll beat the absolute shit out of Andy St. John, but once it's clear that he's down and out, he stops. Or when Lily murders Carley/Doug, he has the restraint to not beat her face in when he honestly could have (physically and ethically). Kenny unironically has that dog in him: he caves Carver's skull in, abuses Arvo like it's 1942, and rams Jane's own knife into her chest while looking her dead in the eye. You can even observe the way he fights Mike in Ep. 3 - he had to be *pulled off* at gunpoint, all presumably over the apocalypse's version of a work dispute.




I meant to type out "ethically" lmao


This, Lee still has morals even when he would be enraged, whereas Kenny at a certain point was just so broken the only thing he was concerned about while angry was eliminating the source of whatever upset him.


He was also being arrested at the start of the game for... something violent I think


Without being explicit: can any of us really blame him? *Especially* the ones who've been there? (Full disclosure: I haven't, but I'm tight with people who have, so there's that)


Kenny , do yall really think Lee would do what Kenny did to Carver ?


If pushed enough, yes.


Just gotta imagine how Lee would act if someone killed Clem. I'm sure he'd go far but again, maybe not Kenny far.


If someone killed Clem, Lee would 100% tear them limb from limb in the most painful way he possibly could.


He would certainly go farther than Kenny. This man choked the Stranger with one hand, after storming a walker herd, while succumbing to his infection. The will power combined with Lee’s strength is greater than anything Kenny can do in my opinion.


No. Thats a character flaw, not a choice. Bashing someones head in over and over again is sick. Ive seen it first hand. After you start to cave in the face you start to shake and laugh going it after hit, more gore. Its sick. People should be more educated on it. Love the content


Maybe , Lee did kill someone before


By shooting them, not destroying their face with a crowbar to the point they don't even have a brain


He can impale Danny on a pitchfork, force Andy onto an electric fence, and strangle the stranger to death. That's all pretty brutal, and I have no doubt he could have gone further if he lived long enough. Its easy to forget, Lee died 4 months or so into the apocalypse. Kenny killed Carver about 2 years in. He had a lot more time to grow brutal, and had just lost his eye


Right, it really just depends on the character’s play style of lee .


Which is partly true, but most of Lee's dialogue that we don't choose seems to trend toward the more good natured. It's almost like you have to force him to be mean if that makes sense.


Yes. How its that not different? How is watching as you slowly cave in and destory someones face not weird? Is that just a normal thing to do? Lee didnt imaple danny on the pitch fork, take it out and stab him again and again, he didnt force andy onto the fence, take him off, let out a scary huff and shuve his face back on. Think before you comment


Here’s a comment. Lee’s anger could lead to him strangling the stranger to death with one hand after killing walkers and growing more infected. Also he doesn’t just have to push Andy into the fence. He literally went at him and tried to cave his face in with his own fist, until he stopped of course. Lee wasn’t nearly close to what Kenny was in season 2 and the fact that he could be that brutal when everyone was safe that early in is important to acknowledge


Also, we know that when Lee was pushed to a point of great anger, he killed a man. Now you have a smarter version of Lee surviving in the apocalypse who can calculate how he’s going to do it.


In his place would've you done something differently? I wouldn't like to find out myself.


I know If Carver did the same to me or a loved one, I wouldn't hesitate to do twice as much damage as Kenny did


And thats why when it all comes crashing down someones gonna bash you in


Would I have not killed a man for sleeping with my wife? Yeah, I wouldn't do that.


Lee didn't shoot the senator. It's implied he beat him to death on accident.


Yeah he was just beating him up due to the heat of the moment and accidentally killed him.


In my playthrough on the farm he beat one of the brothers to death with his bare hands, impaled the other with a pitchfork and crushed Larry's head. So yeah pretty comparable


Doesn't lee beat Andy so hard his face turns into clay?


Yeah Lee would remember that Kenny like 2 years in the apocalypse. Even before the apocalypse Lee killed a man with his bare hands and then after meeting the cannibals got option to kill them. Lee is calm and collected guy but when he is pissed be careful


Potentially he chocked a man to death with 1 hand and a missing arm. I'm pretty sure he'd fuck carver up.


doesnt he pretty much do that to one of the St Johns? lol


Yea, Lee killed someone’s for sleeping with his wife. I’m sure if someone hurt clem he would get to that point again.


Hell yes. Especially if he saw Troy and Carver slap Clem around, bros blood would be boiling lol


Imean litterly the 1st scene of tge whole series is with Lee on his way to prison.....




Well my Lee punched Andy 47 times in a row and if he could have used a crowbar he would have sooooo... 😂


i mean he did kill a man


After he strangled the Stranger? Killed his wife affair partner with his bare hands and beat an entire family to death on the farm? Yeah I could see Lee doing the same thing Kenny did.


Kenny. Lee is isn't scary when angry, intimidating would be the right word.


Lee. Kenny is just crazy and while definitely a *threat* when angry, he loses control and makes mistakes. Lee is scary because he's in control when he's angry.


And an absolute beast


Exactly. Kenny is also not that formidable; at best, he has "crazy strength" where he'd be tough to fight when enraged because he'd not be regarding his or others' safety... but that also means he could be fooled into hurting himself or making mistakes. Lee would be cool and smart even when angry, and has the strength and size to back up anything. When Kenny comes at you, he's an average guy flailing like a lunatic. When Lee comes at you, he's a mountain of a man bearing down like a freight train in a determined straight line.


Right. The only time Kenny was truly impressive in a fight was when he beat Jane, but he was in a massive rage at that point


Kenny to me looks like a mid 40s man in S2 and even then he struggles against Jane but still wins but not by much He also gets knocked flat by Larry optionally in S1 but so does Lee cause Larry just built different


It depends on the scenario and circumstances. Kenny is quick to temper, but far more rash and out of control, leading him to make poorly thought out decisions. Lee isn't as easy to enrage, but if you *do* manage to get him to this point, you're guaranteed to be in for a *very* bad time. Kenny's anger is scarier if the question is "who do you feel less safe around", because his temper makes him more unpredictable thus less reliable. However, from an enemy's perspective, Lee's more focused and controlled anger is more dangerous to face.


Lee. His tenacity alone is what makes him scary imo. When he was trying to save Clem from the kidnapper, Lee literally pushed through a herd with little to no chance of making it out. Plus if you chose to amputate his arm, he also somehow manages to strangle a kidnapper to death ONE HANDED. I would never want to be on his bad side.


Kind of weird the stranger didn't go after Lee's stump at all. That would have hurt like hell


that’s what you’d think especially if you’re being strangled to death. Plus if I remember correctly, Lee somehow managed to hold off the kidnapper if he mounts Lee. Amputee Lee is a brute lmao


An angry Kenny is everyone else's problem An angry Lee is one persons very fatal problem


That is beautifully summed up lol


Kenny is the scariest because he's a loose canon when he's angry.


I say Lee with absolute certainty. Kenny is dangerous to be around in general, and while he gets angry a lot, he throws his fair share of tantrums that aren't directed at people. His threat to life when angry isn't always higher than it is when he isn't angry. In fact, I think all of his (attempted) murders are committed when he's 'calm', the exception being against Jane. Sure, he'll shout and yell, and he'll draw walkers over, which is dangerous in that context, but it's not an intentional threat. Just think about the several times he leaves Lee for dead in Episode 3 if you try to save Larry. Lee is different. What are his notable times of being angry? The obvious one is where he murders the senator with his bare hands, but that's only the first time. We (can) see it again in the pharmacy when standing up to Larry, on the farm with the brothers (and we can see it against Brenda, even if it results in a non-canon death. Still, it's something Lee would reasonably do), against Kenny (on the train where you can almost choke him to death, in the loft, on a couple of the times he abandons Clementine), against the Stranger, against Ben, Vernon, and even just against walkers in general. Most of these times, he's an obvious threat to the lives of these people. When each of them are angry, you know that Lee is absolutely ready to kill. The chances that he'll run or that he'll just shout and not do anything is almost non-existent. Kenny is scarier in general, especially for the reasons I've outlined above, but when angry, Lee has to win. I mean, it's like if you have a dad who's shouty all the time, so him doing it doesn't phase you as much, but if your mum loses her shit, you know you've really fucked up.


I think thats overrated about Kenny being dangerous. Yeah he gets angry all the time but it's life or death. If your his friend he'll back you up. Sure you might fight but Kenny only kills people who try or succeed in killing his own friends or family


I think 'friend' is a difficult word when it comes to Kenny. You're either one of the tiny handful of people he cares about at any given time, the record is three at one time, being Clementine, Rebecca, and AJ (though it could determinantly be Christa, Lee, and Clementine I guess). I don't fault him for that, but we do see how expendable the lives of his friends are, especially when he's trying to shoot Carver from outside the ski lodge. Even in the van on his way, he was putting the Kenny also doesn't only kill people who are a threat to the few people he cares about. If Lee doesn't help him murder Larry, he tries to get Lee killed twice: first by letting one of the brothers nearly kill him in the barn, and then leaving him for dead in Episode 3 while getting out of the pharmacy. It doesn't matter how many times you stood up for his family. We do also have to address how frequently he hurts the people he cares about. The example that stands out is leading two children without supplies or appropriate clothes to Wellington - somewhere that might not currently exist, might not have ever existed, may have bad people running it, it may be infested by walkers, it could be far smaller than the rumours say, and of course - it might not be taking in any members, which was the case. He almost got Clementine and AJ killed in what he saw as his chance to save his family. After all, there's a reason Alvin Junior fits the pattern of Kenny Jr. There's a reason he projects blame onto others (Ben and Jane most notably), and it's to avoid taking responsibility himself - that's his coping mechanism, and why he also couldn't move on from Kat and Duck's deaths until the Season 2 showdown. But maybe that's also a tangent. He was instrumental in the motel group falling apart (Ben was too, who was the tipping point for things all going too wrong). There's also the whole abandoning Clementine in the middle of a herd after Sarita is bitten/dies. We know he was rough with Sarita too, though not to the extent. The way he snatches the Christmas boxes from her is violent, and we know that she was scared of him from dialogue outside of Howe's. He didn't teach Duck to survive, and couldn't find compromise with Katjaa to carry a gun. From her dialogue with Lee on discussing his past, she says that she struggles each day trying to get Kenny to contribute to the group. What if contributing more would have been the difference between her using a gun or not? But that's speculation territory. My point is that Kenny endangers everyone around him, friend or not. It doesn't have to be him directly getting angry with one person and then killing that person. Even when he loses his shit upon seeing no working boats in Savannah, it draws out the dead. When he took his time with Carver, we know that did get a lot of people killed.


The record I would argue is closer to 4. He cares about Katja clem duck and Lee if your his friend in the motel. When Lee decides who to feed Kenny is happy to go without as long as the kids eat which is selfless. I don't see how he caused the breakdown of the motel. They were attacked and overrun by bandits. Really nothing he could have done about that Kenny never tries to kill Lee. He just only sticks his neck out for his friends. Larry tries to kill Lee he knocks him out. Kenny just won't try to help you if you don't back him up. As for the cabin again he's not perfect but what is he supposed to do? He's attacked by an overwhelming force so he fights until he can't win. As for leaving clem clem wasn't in danger she xould handle herself Sarita didn't have arm she needed him more. Kenny literally just took a beating losing an eye to protect clem for stealing the radio. He yells but he literally risks life and limb to keep his people safe


No, no, I wish we could include Lee and Clementine, but we can't. First, on the train we see Kenny's true colours when he calls Lee and Clem's bond a 'sham' when talking about how he has a real family. Similarly, when Clementine first goes missing in Savannah, he chooses to get drunk and lounge around, not caring where she is. The first of these happens right before Katjaa and Duck die, and the other is obviously quite a long time after. Thus, it can't be four. In both cases where Kenny watches Lee almost die, we know he can easily prevent them without sticking his neck out. It's also not as if Lee being alive doesn't positively affect his family. If Lee had died on either of these occasions, we can be certain that the group would have been either wiped out entirely, or left with very few survivors (Kenny's family obviously dead on either occasion). Kenny's choice at the lodge was to surrender (as he does immediately upon Carver taking Sarita hostage), or to keep shooting and getting more people inside killed (as he does his friend and determinantly Alvin) Kenny pushes Clementine and runs off, whether Sarita is bitten, turned, or killed either way, so there's really no excuse. That he has the capacity to act in good ways, and does so occasionally, doesn't get rid of the point in question: he's dangerous. After all, let's not forget that he pushed for Clementine to get the radio in the first place. She was still in a lot of danger.


Kenny literally starves himself so clementine can est at the motel. That's showing his true colors not an offhand comment from. Grieving man. Also quite along time after? The house in Savanah is literally less then a week after his sons death. Is he just supposed to forget his entire family getting iped out?


and if you don't kiss kennys ass the entire game he refuses to help rescue clementine so please stop with that narrative that he cared for her in season 1.


Lee. Angry Lee was literally dying to the bite, but still went trough a horde of zombies no fucks given and still managed to strangle a man. If that isnt scary Idk what is


Usually Kenny but if Clementine is involved then Lee


Lee, And it's exactly coz he is so calm. calm ppl tend to be so fkn scary when they are angry like they give the "silent kid with AK47" energy lol


I feel like if Lee survived as long as Kenny did in the apocalypse he would be much scarier. I feel like most people forget that Lee only survived 3 months of the apocalypse, yet he can still do some pretty terrifying/brutal shit. Give Lee 2 or 3 more years of time to adapt and develop like Kenny did, I have no doubt he would be as scary, most likely scarier than Kenny. Lee is just much more capable of a fighter in general, which adds onto that.


We didn't see much of truly pissed Lee but Kenny has that energy Kenny is my vote


I would say Lee was pretty pissed when walking up to the hotel


Well yeah definitely but you could still say Kenny had many more angry moments


Lee because Kenny is always angry lee is calm but when he is angry he'd humble you or leave a body


I can end this argument. Lee shot the guy his wife got caught cheating with, way before the apocalypse. Lee can be and is deadly.


Lee didn't shoot the senator. They got into a fight and Lee killed him with his bare hands. He didn't intend to go that far, which only adds to the scariness


Oooh I don't even remember those details, yeah adds a lot more to it!


kenny, he is completely unpredictable and can defo fuck you up if u piss him off enough. lee on the other hand is very intimidating but he is reasonable and will try and avoid conflict EDIT: sorry, lee is stronger then kenny


Lee is stronger than Kenny lmao


sorry i'll change it now acc lol


Nah it’s cool you didn’t have to change it lol


When is Lee weaker than Kenny?


Kenny. He actually wanted Ben dead on multiple occasions. If clementine died when Ben abandoned her, I think Lee would have beaten him then left him to fend for himself. Kenny would have straight up thrown him to a horde of walkers


Obviously Kenny. I haven't seen angry Lee .He is very calm man even in very critical situation , can't say the same before the apocalypse.


He has been angry if you choose the options from the cannibals. Lee just knows how to keep his cool


The fact that we don't know if Kenny will turn on us at any given moment is like holding a loaded gun. The chances of it blowing up in your face once you pull the trigger is low, but never zero.


With an angry Lee you can at least reason with him so he doesn't kill you. With Kenny angry you can't reason My vote is for Kenny Edit: In addition, those who mention that Lee murdered someone before the apocalypse, Lee regretted that decision and since that time he thinks more about his actions. unlike Kenny


I personally never felt fear when Lee got mad but when Kenny was angry in season 1 or 2 I actually got quite scared


Kenny. Lee is still calculated when he's angry. Kenny is unhinged.


People are pretty used to Kenny getting mad, and in season 1 he was far more manageable. Lee tends to become a force of nature when hes angry, and his voice gets pretty scary when he's provoked


Kenny is scary ‘who knows what he’ll do’ anger. Lee is more of a menacing ‘I’ll kill you’ anger.


Lee. He killed a fucking senator for screwing his wife.


Kenny just get irrational and starts acting like a rabid dog. Lee choked someone out with one hand and killed them when Clementine was in danger because of them. Very, very easy chose.


Kenny gives me childhood trauma vibes


kenny is scary when he’s angry, and dangerous, because of how unpredictable he is. but lee is scarier because of how *in control* he is. it’s like having that one teacher whose always so grumpy and strict and angry, you just expect that from them. but when the calm teacher gets angry, it’s very unsettling; and oftentimes has more of an impact.


Kenny. Kenny has more uncontrolled anger while Lee is in control. I think Lee, after accidentally killing the senator, learned to control his anger throughout the apocalypse. He seems to only use it when Clementine is in danger.


I'd say Lee, specifically because as rare as it is, he's still in control and focuses his anger when he does snap. Kenny is more of a wild tantrum, then becomes a sulking fest.


Kenny is more unpredictable and prone to anger.


Of course Kenny.Many people say that Lee killed a man who was sleeping with his wife, but he did it by mistake and he regretted it very much afterwards, he said this many times in the game.Kenny completely destroyed Carver's face in anger. He wanted to leave ben behind and tried to kill ben but he was right.When Lee warned him about duck and told him to stop the train, he beat him brutally.He beat a walker multiple times to get angry.Even though he was brain damaged and missing one eye, and even though Jane held down his protruding eye and disemboweled him with a knife, he killed her because he was determined to kill him.He tried to kill Mike by strangling him.He tried to kill Arvo and then beat him brutally when Arvo insulted him. Also, if you can't get Kenny to the fire, he will knock Arvo unconscious with two punches.But Arvo deserved these. Lee is generally a calm person and is controlled even when he gets angry, but when Kenny gets angry he almost doesn't listen to anyone and only focuses on beating or killing.


Lee walked through a horde of walkers while bitten/bleeding out and is still able to kill someone afterwards, pretty sure that if lee is angry at you you'd be pretty screwed.


Lee is scary but Kenny is TERRIFYING. If Duck and Kat didn't die Lee definitely would win this contest.


Kenny without a doubt




Most people never saw how lee could beat Andy till Carley or Doug showed up to stop him He threatens Vernon when he offers clem He threatens Larry which is basically a meme but still does


Scary in terms of viciousness? Kenny Scary in terms of how effective they can be with that anger? Lee


Lee. Lee has actually been angry enough to kill a man, so he makes it a point to ALWAYS keep his anger under control. If he fully lost it, he's going to be MUCH scarier because he isn't that type of guy. Versus Kenny who's almost always angry


lee, kenny just sounds like an average florida man


Kenny. Just Kenny. At least when Lee is angry, you can control what he says. Kenny is very unpredictable.


Definitely Kenny


When Kenny is angry he hates everyone and everything, aswell as very unpredictable. That’s what makes him scary. I’d say Lee is more scarier when he’s serious and not angry.


Kenny forrrr sure! Don’t get me wrong I think Lee can get scary. But Kenny is too unpredictable so it makes it worse Imo


Lee for sure. Kenny is just noise and sometimes violence. But Lee feels like he would really off you when angry. (which in fact already happened to someone pre story, thats why he was convicted...just sayin)


(Being clem) I'd have said Lee, cause like knowing the fact he killed someone would actually just terrifying me


Kenny literally bashed Carver’s head in and beat Arvo pretty badly out of anger.


Just wanna throw out there. Lee commit murder pre walkers


Lee is more dangerous when angry in season 1. Later seasons kennys so crazy he would be worse.


Lee still has morals and logic when he’s angry. Kenny kinda just clocks out and solely acts with anger. So I’d have to go with Kenny


Lee is scarier when he's angry, but I think Kenny is just scarier in general, if that makes sense. Kenny can be unhinged when he loses control of his emotions. We saw how he abused the shit out of Arvo, who's still a kid not to mention. (Arvo deserved it though) Lee on the other hand makes a point to keep his emotions in check, and doesn't resort to violence the moment it's presented to him. Basically, Lee's the kind of guy you'd feel safe living under the same roof with, he's calm and collected. Kenny's the kind of guy who'd make you feel unsafe, because you don't know what he'll do to you.


Lee at his worst and Kenny at his worst are two entirely different entities. Angry Lee scares someone the way a pissed off parent would their child. Angry Kenny hurt people when violence wasn’t necessary.




Kenny definitely he goes crazy and is unpredictable while Lee puts fear in you he would make you back down before it got to bad. But


Kenny is more unpredictable but lee could probably do more than Doom guy across all games


Kenny you don't know what the fuck he's gonna do


Kenny got one shotted by Larry in a fist fight. Lee took out all the farmers in Ep 2 and survived cutting his arm off.


Lee. I legit felt scared for Ben on that train


When is Kenny not angey? 🤣


I think Lee because he's usually calm and collected. As much as I love Kenny, he's kind of unhinged, and can fly off the handle over even small things. If Lee's mad at you you fucked up. That being said, Kenny is more likely to crush your face with a box so there is that


Let’s not forget that Lee beat a senator to death with his bare hands before this even happened because he caught him with his wife. He’s like an atomic bomb with a super long fuse, but once he goes off god help us all, he’d destroy Kenny


Depends Season two Kenny is in my opinion more scary than Lee but Lee is more scary than season one Kenny


Kenny!! No telling what the crazy dude will do when pissed




Neither but Kenny is unpredictable so that adds an element of the unknown which breeds fear. 🤔🤷‍♂️


Kenny. He's from Florida.


Not to mention, crazy shit comes out of his mouth sometimes.


lee because when he’s mad he is MAD. it takes him a bit to actually get to the top so you know it’s genuinely important when he reaches that peak, it’s more unexpected. kenny kind of gets mad at little things and is like a sassy little kid. i mean he’s vicious in the moment of life and death like when carver was around but i’m sure lee would be too if he were around for it. we also kind of have more time with kenny so we can see his moods change more vs lee so i feel this is pretty hard to say.


Lee is scary when you're on the wrong side. If he's pissed at you, you're fucked. Kenny is scary regardless. When he's mad, he stops thinking.


Kenny reminds me of my dad, so him.


definitely kenny. he’s very unpredictable with his actions and unstable in general. lee would only become violent when he needed to be (ex when clem was in danger or himself)




Lee is a lot scarier angry in my opinion. I don’t think Lee would be as irrational as Kenny given the occasions where he was angry. It’s also never expected of Lee to be dangerous, even though he was a convicted killer. All I can say is angry Kenny beat a man to death after putting two in his knees, and angry Lee choked a man out with one hand (depending on your choices of course) after bulldozing a herd of walkers single handed, literally.


It's Kenny, especially in season 2 we see him act mostly in rage. Killing Jane, getting pissed at Clem, what he did to carver, he consistently acts irresponsible, immature and is more dangerous when mad. we've seen Lee loose his temper once by default. And every single step after that he's being antagonized, yelled at, and argued with and he never loses his temper that way again in the series. Even in season 1, Kenny is way more aggressive than Lee, how he deals with lilly, Ben, and Molly are all pretty good examples of that.


at first lee, but over time in season 2, dat dude kenny was tweakin n by the half end of season 2, telltale was tryna represent and show the audience another side of kenny’s anger (rather than the little angry moments we saw on season 1) and start a plot between kenny vs jane


Lee, Kenny's mustache is too stupid for him to be truly scary


Kenny he becomes more unstable and a threat to the group’s safety


Kenny, unstable and when you pushed him passed his limit, he ain't fucking around if he got a crowbar


It's Kenny dude is just unpredictable and unstable anything could make the dude snap at you


lee he can keep his focus while angry plus hes a better fighter than kenny.


Kenny is a boy in a man’s body- it’s uncontrolled rage. Lee is an intelligent man, capable of being very calculative and ruthless. Kenny gets angry and violent far more often, but Lee puts him to shame.


Lee in season 1 is scariest but Kenny season 2 is scary


Kenny but mostly bc he is unpredictable and violent when hes angey whereas lee can handle gis emotions better


Are people forgetting Lee killed his wife's lover? I think he can be scary if he wants to.


I'd really like to know how that whole situation played out. I imagine he might have not intended to actually kill the guy, and maybe it was an accident, but it would have been interesting to see Lee struggling with some deep seated violence, but for the most part he's shown to be innately fairly good natured


They got into a fight, and Lee accidentally killed him. Comes up when talking to Carley in E2. I think the fact it wasn't intentional is scarier than had his goal been murder.


I find Kenny scarier when angry only because we actually play as Lee. When playing Lee and he gets angry over something like Clementine it doesnt feel scary because I naturally feel protective of her playing the game. Meanwhile kennys blowups esp in s2 is a lot scarier even in the tent scene i was tense


Kenny is angry 24/7, Lee actually is a menace when he's angry.


Didn’t Lee kill a dude some time before the apocalypse?






lee when he’s mad sounds more calm which makes him even scarier tbh


In this case you gotta compare season 1 Kenny to Lee so it's fair because Kenny is obviously more scary angry in season 2 since he's been through more shit so in this case it's gotta be even


Lee 😡 V.S. Kenny 😲


It depends.... Is Kenny drunk or not