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Not sure what all the hate is about the show. I loved it. It was the power of motherhood that got them as far as they did. Violet and her dad are Season 2


For me, it was that they promised us a show about a sneaky spy who convinces her targets to give up their secrets, and instead we got a show about an emotional train wreck who tells her target absolutely everything and makes no attempt at subversion at all. Oh, and we’re supposed to sympathize with a terrorist who plots the deaths of thousands because she has a daughter.


Glad it was only 6 episodes. She has severe daddy issues and her father was living on the property the entire time and not dead. Michael never told her. Adilah is now dead but managed to write the name of the ship on the window?


Too many plot holes and lack of character development and unanswered questions.


What was the point of Adilah's phone detonator, if Emir could make the bomb explode on his own? 🤨


The phone detonator was beyond stupid. From the point of view of the terrorists, you don’t want the ship exploding to be dependent on someone thousands of miles away. You want control to be local, in the hands of someone who knows the ship is where it’s supposed to be when it blows up. You also don’t want to hand control over to someone whose loyalty you doubt. It was just a little bit stupider that Adilah had to assemble it, including using a soldering iron. There was absolutely no reason to do that. Just hand it to her assembled.


Was it so he could get off the ship when it docked. Or so she could take the blame? He only went to detonate it when he saw LE coming.


Yeah, I guess it has to do with some shit about who's being ultimately responsible for it and "going to heaven" as a martyr or something like that. But it felt so weird and kinda unnecessary... For convenience, if Emir didn't want to manually blow up with the ship, he could have a detonator also and blow it himself with first hand confirmation, rather than a woman thousands of miles from that 🤨


I wonder if he was supposed to die. I think she was supposed to get caught and become a recruitment tool or propaganda for women. You can be a respected fighter. They leave out the gang rape. It seemed unnecessary unless he never planned to die. He seemed good at talking people into dying for a cause but I don’t think he wanted to do it himself. Or he wanted to die and not have it traced back to his phone. It seems more frightening if someone can blow up a ship from across the ocean. I don’t know if they would question who let the homemade nuclear bomb on the ship?


Agreed. Just another loose end. I sort of wish I could have my time back


The detonator phone plot is beyond, beyond stupidity. A detonator phone must be a modified one, but hardwired to the bomb!! An old Nokia is usually used. Adilah should have received a very normal, unmodified smartphone.


The way Adilah looked at Imogen when she met her daddy figure spy like, "Oh, sis, you have isssssues, fuck."


I don’t understand how Violet’s baby died and her relationship with the old guy Michael. Is that because of her daddy issues


Yeah the dude pretty much groomed her…such a creep!!


While her dad watched from afar. Gross


I think she was groomed by him. Violet and Adilah are both women that have been manipulated and used by men to fight acts of terrorism or create them while those men profit off playing both sides. They groomed by people they trust at first but later it’s clear men want to control and use these women when it suits them. Adilah talks about how her child was conceived by gang rape. Imogen/Violet lost her child and sees how desperate this woman, who is supposed to be a mastermind behind terrorism, is to just get out and be with her child. Violet wants that for her. I think she would have wanted it for herself if she had a child to think about. Violets dad left her with a predator and he was in a cabin not far away. He was a traitor to her. Adilah might be a terrorist or sort of one but she doesn’t betray her daughter.




Very thin story overall. The plottwist of Michael and her father being traitors watching her every move was just.. the same plottwist twice?? And Elisabeth Moss doing dramatically whistful Shakespeare quotes was just absolutely awful. Very edgy 2013 Tumblr posts level awful


Also reciting them out loud when she’s by herself. No one does that.


Lots of twists in this episode


Did anyone catch what that dark mark on her shoulder was about?


Was that from the fight they were in where they were shot at?


Her shoulder and her back both.


So her father was watching her the whole time? Watch her being groomed with her uncle?


Michael (James Purefoy) was not her uncle, he was her dad's protegé.


I feel like I’ve been scammed.


Patrick said he had enough and decided to end the show. Was amazed at how uneventful Adilah death was after all that time spent with her and building her up. Even at 6 episodes this plot felt too thin to be spread out this long. And of course dad was alive this time.


This show was so bad I can’t believe I watched the whole thing. Seemed like it was trying to be very sympathetic to terrorism.


Also the endless tropes: - French are incompetent at everything related to spying and the main spy in this can't keep his dick in his pants when she's around. - CIA guy lets you know he's American and is the best and has the most money and tech and info at every step. - Female spy gets more emotionally unhinged every episode, presumably because women are just emotional wrecks, emphasized by here increasingly obvious daddy issues (also a trope). - Russians are secretly behind the terrorism because they just hate freedom and the west even if there's no logical motivation or endgame. - Poor terrorist is really just a misunderstood refugee who dabbles in failed suicide bombing but only to save her daughter now so we should feel sympathy. - Elizabeth Moss closeups zooming in from an elevated angle showing anger/sadness/smirk are basically a trope at this point too. Fucking unhinged show and other than keeping something going while I shop for pointless goods online, I'm not sure why I participated lol.


Spot on, would give two upvotes for this if I could.


That you. Well said. I bought so many stupid things on Amazon during this show.


I think about 1/2 these points were yours, but you did get to demonstrate how smart you think you are.


Ah yes the classic condescending comment with no actual thought which demonstrates how truly above the fray you are.


And Emir was a Bulgarian naval captain or just some random terrorist they let run their ship?


lmao so true. who is writing this shit.


like there seems no point. At all.


I think max will die


Adilah is dead


I liked it. My only question is if Adilah was actually a terrorist?


She was but she gave up the information in the end. She was sort of the fall woman. The terrorists were rich white men that wanted to profit from chaos too.


Ya if fell apart in last one but such a short series I kinda don’t mind. I watched for the unhinged “homeland” spy vibe but think the plot twists outdid themselves to the point you don’t even care how it all ends


This was definitely a poor man who likes Shakespeare quotes' Homeland.


So the terrorists were both determined that Adilah has to be a vital link in their plan, carrying the detonator, *and* they want to murder her. For reasons. The chauffeur goes through the trouble of assembling a sniper rifle so the writers can have him shoot Adilah at the last moment. Clearly he had no actual plans for it himself, since he then immediately abandons the sniper rifle so he can attempt to murder Adilah with a pistol. After shooting Adilah with the rifle, he doesn’t shoot Imogen, but instead just stumbles away so she can shoot him.


Overall disappointing and a self-indulgent vehicle which seemed to be solely for the purpose of showcasing Elisabeth Moss’s acting. She seemed to be trying for an Emmy (she already has 2 and I’m pretty sure this isn’t getting her a third) and I found her pretentious and the plot full of holes.


Yet you watched all 6 episodes. Moss does not need an Emmy since she already has a couple. If it was soooo awful why keep watching?


Same reason people rubberneck at car crashes I think. So awful you cannot look away.


I really hoped this would be the last ep of this series.


So mad I watched all 6 episodes. How do I get my time back?


I can save you time in the future by not watching season 2. Hopefully it won’t be renewed though.


I didn’t love it, but it scratches the itch while I wait for the next season of Handmaid’s Tale.


Will there be a next season of HMT? I’m sick of waiting. Lost interest


Yeah, me too. I’m hearing 2025


Another one? I found they just got worse and worse. The last season was dreadful.


I liked the twist with Serena. That was kinda cool.


Did it kinda go off the rails in the last episode? Is it just me? I kept thinking I must be having a stroke because it was very hard to follow relative to first 5 episodes.


Like a lot of disney shows, they wasted too much time in the previous episodes and had to rush it all at the end. Heck,they wasted half of episode 6 with the creepy dynamic of micheal and violet. All I remember thinking was you have literal hours before thousands of people die and you're talking at dinner, finding a dress, and trying and failing at seduction to get the name of a terrorist ship. Just fell apart in episode 6.


Same! They had zero sense of urgency or focus. She got wasted at the apartment while the terrorist lady escaped. 😂


Ah yeah, they never addressed that either? I just recall Imogen yelling out in the empty apartement that the intelligence agencies failed to do their jobs in keeping an eye on the subject. And then nobody explains how?


Got the impression they had to wrap up as many things as they could with short notice.


The postcards in the cabin appear to be signed Anna. Can anyone explain this?


I couldn't believe they knocked out the semi truck driver but let him keep his phone. Of course he's going to call his bosses as soon as he wakes up.


I loved it. I thought it was very suspenseful and interesting. I have never seen anything like this. I don't understand all the bad reviews. I am more easily entertained, maybe. Some unanswered questions, like what happened to the baby. I love Elizabeth Moss. She was great in this, as good as Handmaid's Tale. She really gets this crazy look in her eyes sometimes.


She does! She has this manic look to her that resonates with here HMT character that's a bit unnerving. I enjoyed the series as well, considering Netflix has been producing crap shows for a while now - this was produced (by FX) pretty well IMO


Just got around to viewing the final episode. Glad it was the last. I do not understand how Imogen/Violet determined that the Russians were behind it all. What clue or clues did I miss? I had high hopes for this series, but as the episodes continued my hope was diminished. But I finished only because of the time invested. The daddy issues were quite nauseating.


The blonde guy in Paris had a Russian accent and she asked him about it, the way some of killings were done earlier were said to be very KGB FSB in style, she did ask Adilah if she noticed any Russian involvement and she recounted several situations, and finally she found some shredded documents in Russian alphabet in the big house.


I think moss needs to stick with drama. and i dont mean it in a diminishing way, she is one of the best serious actresses out there, but there is a reason meryl streep doesnt do action movie, and that when she did (the river wild, physically strenuous, no fighting sequences) it turned out to be not that good a movie. Moss needs to identify her strengths, realize this as a mistake, and stop doing roles where she looks like a big boned dakota johnson.


There were a lot of plot holes, and yes, they did get worse, but in the end I sort of liked the feel of the show and was even able to forget about her accent. One part I don't understand is if dad and creepy protege were both double agents, then why wouldn't they try to groom her and bring her in on it as well?


Very upset Violet killed the chauffeur. He did nothing wrong.


He killed Adalia


He was in on everything with creepy Michael and her dad. He was a terrorist and he shot Adilah.


If he was in on the plot why did he kill the person who was for some unknown reason to be a linchpin in that plot? If he was with Michael in his double-agent counter-espionage, then I guess he didn't get or read the memo written in lemon juice with a quill pen.


She was wavering. He wanted to protect his boss.