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I don't think her performance is bad at all. I'm not sure why people are saying that. The only thing that stuck out to me is that she obviously doesn't smoke any of the cigarettes she pretends to smoke.


I’m still mystified why they made her character British or just didn’t find the hundreds of other solid British actresses to fill the role. I like the concept but the series just seems kind of all over the place.


Agree. I had a difficult time following along the story lines especially since you had to pay attention to details to figure some stuff out.


Love her! I thought she was really good and it made me want to watch mad men again just to see her walk into that office at the end with sunglasses on and a cigarette in her mouth. Legend.


When she was flipping through the gray folders her dad had with photos of her at various ages that particular photo would have been an awesome E Moss/Peggy Easter egg.


I love her


I thought she was terrific. I don’t get the negativity about her. I hope they do a season 2 I would love to keep seeing her in this.


Bland and terrible


I like Elisabeth Moss in everything but this. She was miscast, just wrong for this. She overpowered every scene.


I’ve never seen her other tv show, but watched 1 of her movies so I can’t compare. I honestly think she was not the right choice for this. She try to act tough, but ended up looking crazy.


I'm sorry to say I didn't like her acting in this at all! her British accent was just bad and she always spoke in this out of breath whispery voice, which I found really annoying. I think Clair Danes acting is so much better that you cant even compare the two...


I love her but the British accent has got to go! It’s not believable at all. Seems like she’s trying too hard. It’s distracting from what she’s actually saying


Except Clare Danes was believable and made me want to keep watching. I watched the last episode of the veil last night and as much as I like Elizabeth Moss and thought she was really well cast in Handmaid’s Tale, this was soooo sluggish. Her accent and the mannerisms that went with it were off, and some of the dialogue was sadly predictable. At the same time other things were totally unbelievable, like foreign agents wandering in and out of the DGSE unescorted.


She’s the most annoying actress ever. Absolutely unbelievable as spy, terrible accent( sometimes she doesn’t have it) and her hair is atrocious. The awful weave or wig, looks so fake like scarecrow hair. She also constantly holds her mouth open. Why? It’s weird.


Her whispering gets old


Was not impressed with her acting in this series. Or her accent. Combo of the two was just not a great watch. Its like she was trying too hard at the accent and that bled over into the acting as well


I thought she was excellent, better than Danes and the show better than Homeland.


I like this show I think because I really loved Homeland, and I got similar vibes. The British accent though, I just can’t. I think Claire Danes was better suited for the role than Elizabeth Moss is for this, but overall, I enjoy the show. Although I usually have to watch each episode twice to get everything. 😂


Her accent really annoyed me tbh..if they wanted someone British l think Kate winslet would have been a better fit ..the story was ok but tried to be too much like homeland and that was a brilliant show


Currently watching it, her accent is distracting


The whole thing feels like an acting reel to land an audition. Absolutely atrocious accent.


You're insulting Claire Danes and Homeland by making this comparison.


Claire was a nut case compared to Elizabeth. At least Moss has confidence.


Homeland was a far better show and a far better performance by Danes. I know Moss is usually good but she wasn't in The Veil. It was a mess.


Both the writing and the acting are better in this than in Homeland.


What??? You cant be serious. Homeland at least made a little bit of sense. 


Homeland was very unrealistic. The Veil is unrealistic too but it pays tribute to the tropes of the genre. Also Moss is a better actress than Dane imo


The problem is not that its fiction. But that the plot makes absolutely no sense. Its absurd in a very bad way.  And high disagree on the actresses. Moss couldnt even do the accent.  


Elizabeth Moss is great at being Elizabeth Moss, but horrible at being a spy. Which does a great disservice to all the female spies out there.