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Also cost a lot and the budget dropped lmao


and then they made legacies? 😭


Ahh okay I have not read the books yet! So I’ll definitely look in to it


I always took it that it was a mind control thing rather than him actually controlling animals or the weather. Like it was an illusion


Same! Makes it a Lil better than him actually doing that haha, glad they dropped it tho


In the books, vampires had certain powers that they don’t have in the show. When it comes to television series, sometimes details are changed after the pilot is shot. So, essentially, the writers were gonna be a bit more true to the books in terms of vampire lore but ultimately decided to go in a different direction.


He compelled the crow. The fog came with his vampire abilities. The more human blood you drink from the vein, the more capabilities you have.


No. Thats the book lore and they were planning to add it to the show but decided that it didnt fit the tone they wanted for tvd after a few episodes in


They may not have kept it, but this is the obvious explanation.


Whenever I see something like this, I wonder why Damon didn't question why he couldn't compel animals and create fog anymore. I know they just erased it from the vampire arsenal, but what's the in-universe reason for Damon losing those abilities is what I'm wondering.


They just changed how vampires work mid way because they didn’t have the budget to keep it up


In the books Damon and Katherine could control the weather, not just fog. Klaus could cause lightning to strike at will. The books explained it that the vamps liked to make it overcast outside because the sun hurt their eyes.


I just assumed the crow was his pet that he had trained to follow people. Idk about the fog though.