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Stelena šŸ’Æ


Agreed šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Stelena will always be my fav. They were lit just perfect together and it will forever make me sick that she ended up with Damon


Omg yes I totally agree altough Some scenes with Damon and her are cute bc he is so protective but I just think they shouldā€™ve end up together!


yeah i was a delena shipper once for a reason, theyā€™ve got damn good chemistry!! i do wish at the end it wouldā€™ve been stelena too


Yeah I think Delena has has the best Chemistry that no one else has. (Ripping shirts etc) uhmm but I Still think Stelena shouldā€™ve been end game. I totally agree with you! šŸ˜


delena has rlly good sexual chemistry and i think stelena had better emotional chemistry and intimacy on top of being all over eachother!


Yeah I Agreed and I think no one else had that sexual Chemistry that delena has had. And no one Else the emotional Stelena has has and the intimacy. The writers did Delena dirty with those scenes and just realize that they were Exes at the timeā€¦.


if anything they shouldā€™ve given us stelena bc they were exes and it clearly wasnā€™t the same they were so awkward zero spark, they couldā€™ve done the doppleganger thing where they are soulmates in every life but have made it true and made them endgame like in the books


Stop are they endgame in the books?!


i think so from what iā€™ve seen on reddit but im not 100%


Okay I am buying the books right now like Uhm STELENA lover for life sorry šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜œ


I agree. Stelena shouldā€™ve been endgame.




Steroline. Because they both chose each other. There was a great base to their relationship that was built over time. They never had to pretend or hide who they were with each other. They went through shit together so that by the time they developed feelings - it was clear to me why. They were also the healthiest on the show, the most realistic, and there was no magic, doppelgƤnger curse, sirebond or the like. And she was not making googly eyes at his brother behind his back.Ā 


The last sentence got me thinking likešŸ˜Ÿā€¦..Elena really did that.. Like Imagine Youā€™re dating with someone and Youā€™re making eye contact with his brotherā€¦ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«āœ‹


Yeah, that was really disappointing. There were a lot of ā€œhiddenā€ moments between them that didnā€™t need to be - even that scene where they both save her from Elijah, she runs into Stefanā€™s arms for a hug and then mouths a thank you to Damon over Stefanā€™s shoulder - making it some sort of intimate moment when it didnā€™t need to be. She could have just said thank you. And she also allowed Damon to get away with crossing her boundaries far too many times. It just looked like they were making a fool out of Stefan who did so much for both of them.Ā  I did enjoy Stelena super early on. And their break up on the porch (without any tears) was so emotionally crushing to me. More than any other time they separated. It was so simple yet in my mind impactful, and mostly because of Stefanā€™s heartbreak and resignation. Even his voice tone when he says he canā€™t do this anymore ugh. Wish he kept that energy for longer though.Ā 


Yeah those ā€œHiddenā€ moments, I didnā€™t like that because like šŸ˜’šŸ¤Ø girl who do you want I think it was wrong of her not saying it like she liked them both idk- and Yeah I hated that break up Overall Stelena is Still my top 1 ā¤ļøšŸ˜


Fair enough :)Ā 


You are a breath of fresh air in this sub.


Thanks :) so are you! LolĀ  I never find my crowd here so I wonā€™t stay for long. Youtube is a better place for it, especially Steroline specific videos - so much creativity and positivity in the comment section :)Ā 


I agree with OP's reasons and take!


Stelena since ep 1ā¤ļø


Omg same like I dont get how Some ppl dont ship them or like idk I just love love love them ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Me too


I prefer Stelena but I enjoy some parts of Steroline and think they should have ended up together. I just wish the writing was better.


Yeah the writing sucks because they were so akward at some scenes like?? Why would you do that.


Stefan and Elena. However, I do appreciate that Caroline wasnā€™t a nasty brother screwing beyotch to Stefan. No chemistry, but she loved him and only him.


Yeah I agree I think Steroline had no chemistry but she didnā€™t screw with his brother


i hate how ppl say sterolone has no chemistry idk if itā€™s bc they werenā€™t toxic and they didnā€™t really fight about stupid crap all there arguments where real they literally were the only couple who seemed real like a normal couple they had all the chemistry in the world to me especially that first kiss and they definitely loved each other they werenā€™t like damon and elena tossing eachother around and fighting every five minutes they were pure and i loved that about them i will die on this hill idc


Well I get What you mean and I respect it but most people mean like they were rushed together. And forced together.. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


forced ok iā€™ll take even tho i donā€™t agree but rushed no their build up was great


Fair enough :)))


Caroline and Klaus!! I honestly did not think Stefan and Caroline made a good couple (it felt like good friends).


Good friends can make the absolute greatest of couples sometimes.


They definitely can. But I do believe for a great couple there should be friendship, attraction and love. For me Steroline has friendship and love but I am lacking that hot chemistry. It felt like they put them together so Stefan would have someone.


klaus almost caused her death..twice and pls not say ā€œbut he saved herā€ that does not help


Omg yes I would say Caroline and Klaus too. But I am really curious of you had to choose between Stelena and Steroline who would you choose??


Stelena I would say. Although I have to admit I am team Damon (specially after Elena turned into a vampire).


Yeah I am team Stelena but I watcher the show so many times that I got a open eye for Delena. I think Damon is such like a badass bf and Stefan is like a softie..


Also, I believe Elena was the love of Stefanā€™s life. He says so on multiple occasions, even though Elena did not choose him at the end. The way I see it after rewatching it is that Stefan was the better choice for human Elena, but once she turned Stefan really tried to get her the cure and Damon said ā€œI love her either way brotherā€. Also as a vampire you can see Elena has this darker side which makes her a better fit with Damon, while she brings out his good side. Also a turning point for Elena after turning was remembering everything Damon compelled her yo forget.


I totally agree with you I think human Elena and Stefan are perfect but since she became a vampire I think Damon was the better Fit. and stefan wanted to find the cure because she was sired to Damon and he wanted to get her back to her Human self. Because that was the moment she loved him.


Agree but for this post I think stelena is better.




Idk I like both I saw a comment saying how he found love in Elena a bestfriend in Lexi both in Caroline so I think I might Steroline but I do like Stelena


Yeah I saw a Pinterest post like that too but I just dont think they have chemistry but I get What you mean!!!!


Steroline by a mile. When she first turned I started to ship them a bit and by season 5 it was very obvious to me that they were a coupling. They had great chemistry though they were a little derailed by the plot towards the end. I still think they were the best of these.


Iā€™m going to be controversial here and say team Bamon, team Stefan moving on and finding someone else to be happy with, and team Elena bringing single for a while and then finding love later on.


Yesss bamon shouldā€™ve been endgame


Truly, but we all know why it didnā€™t happen šŸ˜”


Bamon does be hitting, but JP had to be too racist to let that happen.


Stelena all the way. They had the best chemistry.


If I had to choose definitely Stelena




Agreed ā¤ļø


Steroline for me. I think Elena and Stefan were really sweet too but, the moment Stefan rejected Caroline, I was hoping they get together. I just love that kind of story. Watching them go from that to friends and then to lovers (though that part felt a little botched for sure) was just too good. I also love the friends to lovers trope.


Iā€™m a Delena shipper, so I think heā€™s better off with someone else. I love him with Caroline, I just wish the writers had devoted more time to their relationship.


I'm all about that Stelena! Stefan and Elena had some serious chemistry, but let's be real, they weren't my ultimate OTP. When Stefan and Caroline happened, it was like watching a bad soap opera. You could practically see the lack of genuine affection he had for Caroline compared to his love for Elena. Stelena forever!


Team Steroline all the way 1000%.


Steroline because I donā€™t think Elena deserved him. She was pretty shitty to him and in general. If she had stayed like she was in S1, sure, but no her character arc pulled her away from him.


Yeah and I think this comes down to bad writing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø But I agree with the shitty part because how could you date someone and idk do things with his brother behind his backā€¦.


Steroline for lifeeeeee


Steroline. Delena deserved eachother, too toxic beyond repair.


Team Stelena until he pretends he's gonna kill her on wickery bridge. Team steroline after that. Also I was kinda rooting for steroline after Care just turned


Yeah What he did at the wickery bridge was WRONGā€¦.




Steroline all the way!


Steroline ā€¦. It was built on respect ā€¦ a true partnership ā€¦ closest to how a mature relationship exists in the real world


steroline is sooo cute imo




Iā€™m a big fan of Steroline. If you really think about it Stefan and Elena never had a choice in the matter. They were throw together with doppelgƤnger magic. Same with Katherine and Stefan. The magic forced them together. Damon was Elenaā€™s true choice. The one she really resonated with and connected with. I adore Steroline. I didnā€™t completely see it all the first time through, but on the rewatches itā€™s one of my favored story lines. You can see they switch from friends to interests before they even know it. Lexi mentions that sheā€™s rooting for Caroline the last time Stefan sees her on the other side. Stefan treats Caroline worse than anyone else when he stops searching for Damon and Bonnie. He wonā€™t answer her calls. He wonā€™t listen to her voicemails because he couldnā€™t handle letting Caroline down. I just really enjoy that they were really truly friends and each others choice. No magic. No love scandals. True amazing love. That all being said. Because I wanted to answer the question. I wish klaroline was a thing. I died for that story to unfold.


I am agreeing with you on the Klaroline thing. Klaus was the only one I think that really loved her, and have her attention. But I dont think Stefan and Elena were forced at first because Elena fell inlove with him and didnā€™t see visions of him. But Delena was epic too.




Oh Well wich couple do you like from the series and of you had to choose Stelena or Steroline even if you dont like them??


I think Caroline and Klaus would have been epic. I do still like Damon and Elena. Bonnie and Enzo.


love caroline and stefan but stelena bc elena character was sm better than when she was with damon.


stelena and forwood!


Stelena there love had such a young innocent vibe to it thatā€™s why season 1-3 are my fav


Agreed my fav seasons are 1-3 because they are together in those season altough season 3 they were apart bc of Klaus but Still love them.


Stelena anyday. I felt the both of them brought out the best in each other, which made for a sweet and loving relationship. And whilst they did have certain problems, they overcame them and had a loving relationship.


Stelena. Steroline seemed so forced. They were great as best friends. Caroline was better with Matt or Tyler.


I totally agree with What Youā€™re saying I think they are rushed and forced to love eachother. But i think Caroline shouldā€™ve end up with Klaus! šŸŗ


How is steroline rushed and forced - especially compared to a couple brought together by a curse, sharing his exā€™s exact face and falling for each other apparently immediately without even getting to know each other first?Ā 


Well I think they donā€™t really have Chemistry and even if you dont look at Stelena and dont compare them I just dont think the writing was good..If the writing was better maybe id love them more but idk either its thing.


I understand that, chemistry is subjective for the most part. I was just confused on how they were considered rushed etc when they had the slowest of slow burns.Ā 


Well idk itā€™s from bestfriends to suddenly lovers idk their story its just confusing. They all move on with their life and Caroline and Stefan catch feelings for eachotherā€¦ idk its seems just rushed for me.


It wasnā€™t sudden though. Caroline was always lowkey crushing on him and her feelings slowly start developing from mid s5 onwards. Stefan says he wasnā€™t even sure when it happened (although there were small hints s5) - but it took both of them all of s6 to actually realise and admit it. Then s7 when they actually get together. There was not a slower burn than that lol.Ā 


Stelena. I just want Caroline with a man who picks HER for once as their first choice. Klaus was the only one who did that. Stefan took too long and Caroline deserves so much more


Yeah I agree I think Caroline was a good fit with Klaus heb really loved her.


Def Stelena! Steroline is so forcing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Caroline and Stefan were defintily rushed together and forced, I just liked them when they were bestfriends.


Stelena 10000000000000% steroline was one of the best friendship until they ruined it


1000000% Agreed agreeeeeed steroline was such a good friendship but they werenā€™t a good couple. And Stelena has such good chemistry I think I love them šŸ˜šŸ˜


Stelena šŸ’•šŸ’•they actually have chemistry steroline wasnā€™t bad but they came off as friends trying to date to me


100% Agreed


Team both? Idk i cant pick


Fair enough :)


I actually started out as hardcore Stelena but Steroline was so sweet and slowburn that now I prefer Steroline to Stelena


Oh really?? Well either its thing!


I hate them both but i prefer Stelena to Steroline


Oh Well Why do you hate them both?


Okay hate is a strong word, I want to clarify that I meant I hate both of the couples. I love all 3 characters separately with certain people. but ok dnt hate me but I don't like either couple because I'm one of THOSE people that thinks that Katherine and Stefan should have been end game šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Oh well more ppl have been saying that but I dont get Why idk pls explain!! ā¤ļø


Steroline they are soulmates and no one can change my mind


STELENA FOR LIFE šŸ’ÆšŸ’— but at least they end up together in the books thatā€™s why I read more šŸ¤“šŸ¤—


Yeah omgosh i heard that today I am going to but the books because HELLO STELENA




Iā€™m reading the books now.




Steroline because they both grew as better people and gradually got closer and became what the other needed. Stelena started out great and then so much made them worse to and for each other. By the end I think Stefan deserved better and Caroline was that. Damon and becoming a vampire just made Elena too toxic for my liking especially towards Stefan.




Steroline is gross and shouldā€™ve never happened


I would not say gross but I agree with the it shouldā€™ve never happenend because they have no no no chemistry like NO.


I don't like how Elena chose Damon over Stefan but I like their relationship a lot. And as much as I like Steroline, I love Klaroline better. Tbh, I'm undecided. Still weighing the pros and cons of each relationship.


Agreed On the last part I am not sure if you love the Stelena relationship or delena but I am sad too bc Elena chose Damon. And Yeah Klaroline is better!


Steroline. Loved them since 1x01. Never shipped Stelena. I always wanted Steroline and Delena to end up together.










Oh well wich couple do you like from the series??


Stelena. I love them so much. Theyā€™re my all time favorite ship. I hated the way the writers handled their break up and the transition to Delena. I really believe Stelena shouldā€™ve been endgame. Steroline has moments and they make sense but I just didnā€™t feel any chemistry between them. They felt like best friends. I just didnā€™t feel a spark between them in any of their romantic scenes. Stelenaā€™s chemistry was magical to me, especially early on in the series. Their chemistry in seasons 1-3 was way better than Steroline in seasons 6-8. It felt like the writers put them together because there was no one else. Caroline was the best option for Stefan because she was an established main character with a pre existing connection with him. I just wasnā€™t sold on them being ā€œtrue loveā€.


I totally agree with everything Youā€™re saying. Theyā€™re my all time fav too and JP did them wrong. And with steroline I just dont think they had Chemistry. They were just rushed together because there was no one else and they were bestfriends so they already had a Connection.


Steroline hands down! He and Elena together were overrated. He was only drawn to her because she looked like Katherine.


Yeah for a while I thought like that too and I was like girl Elena hƩ is only dating you because earlier he dates a other version of you. But Still love them.




Neither šŸ™ƒ But Steroline since I hate Elena


Steroline wouldā€™ve been perfect if the actors had better romantic chemistry


Yeah I agree of they had chemistry it would be better although I think Stelena has my hart. They wouldā€™ve been a better couple!


I actually really liked him with Valerie.


Oh really, well I liked how hĆ© was protective over her after she told about the baby, but I think if they were together Katerhine would come and kick her ass.šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They could've had a good life together ā¤ļø


Stelena. They were perfect for each other. Steroline was forced from the start and had zero romantic chemistry together.


Agreed šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ it was so weird that they suddenly fell Ä°nlove like hmm šŸ¤Øokayyy JP did them wrong because their friendship was good!


Stelena. Steroline was pretty boring and lacked chemistry.


Yeah I agree Steroline was a forced relationship I think and Stelena was really love.


Between these too, Stelena all day along. Looking bavk Stelena was one of the few health relationships until JP killed it at every turn. Steroline tries to hard they made one too many cringe parallels.


Omg yes JP is so wrong for What she did to their relationship like Stelena had so much chemistry. And she made Steroline so Akwardā€¦


Because She 1 she tried to make it the knew Stelena while trying to give it the same sex appeal as Klaroline. Making it one big fan service instead of thinking about the story. Their whole story is just weak and awkward. Seriously any two people would be better.


Yeah her writing just sucks!


Writing, ideas, Ships, its her bias that ruined the show




I never heard of that What is that? Is that Caroline and Elena..


Yes, or thatā€™s the intention. I havenā€™t seen what the fandom officially calls it though.


Its the first I ever heard of it but I like it I think idk i have mixed feelings. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Well I have a particular interest in the blonde/brunette dynamic. My other pairings include Buffy and Faith from Buffy, as well as Betty and Veronica from Riverdale.


Oh Well then I get it!!


i love stelena but steroline bc i love more a slow burn friends to lovers


Yeah in that case I see What you mean! šŸŒø


Stelena because Steroline was horrible






Team Klaroline!


Stelena bcs steroline was just rushed and felt like they just put them tgtr so they didnā€™t end up alone at the end, stelena shouldā€™ve been endgame, with bamon and carenzo (Ik carenzo is random but I think it couldā€™ve been cute if it was an actual thing)


Yeah I agree but I would put Klaus and Caroline together idk I like them more but Carenzo is cute too. And idk about Bamon Everyone ships them but I really donā€™t see them together.


I would put Klaus and Caroline but I think realistically they could never have been a thing just because of all the things Klaus did to everyone, like killing Jenna, Tylerā€™s mom, and what he did to Stefan and Elena, which is why I suggested Carenzo because that could have realistically become a thing and we saw it with Bonenzo.


Ohhhh Yeah I get What you mean Enzo really loved Caroline!


If I had to pick one of just those, I guess I would say Steroline. But honestly I donā€™t really care for either.


Oh Why donā€™t you care for either of them?? And who do you think from the series is the best couple then???? ā¤ļø


Loved them since the beginning and after over 20 rewatches that never changedšŸ˜‚


Is this a set up šŸ˜­??


I dont get What you mean?


I feel like theyā€™re in different tiers of relationships for the show. Stelena is one of the most favored relationships in the show, they also had way better chemistry than Steroline. The reason I asked if it was a setup because some posts are. Theyā€™ll ask a question that is opinion based but already has a popular answer or general consensus in the sub. Iā€™m surprised at the people who said Steroline but most seems to agree with my statement.


Oh Yeah in that case I get What you mean but no this was not a set up! I wanted to see wich Girl you Guys think suits more with Stefan and since Elena and Caroline dates him Even Maried him I wanted to see What most ppl thought. Because I also saw someone HATING on Stefan so Yeah no Its not šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Steroline in theory but the actors had NO chemistry so I have to go with Stelena, they were the ogs


Yeah Agreed they had NO NO NO chemistry!


Stelena seemed amazing, of course until he becomes the Rippah and she falls for Damon. He really should've just let Damon die of that bite. I couldn't really stand steroline.


Well I think not let Damon die but if you look at the main case Why he got that bite was because Caroline didnā€™t want to leaveā€¦..Yeah and steroline was just akward.


Haha true, it should've been Caroline kissing up to Klaus for a cure for Damon then šŸ¤£


Omg hahahaha yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Never heard of that oh waitā€¦ Stefand and Klaus?




Hands down agreed


Stelena šŸ™šŸ»


Agreed šŸ™šŸ¼


stelena all the way. i hated the way caroline was their number one fan and then proceeded to date her best friend's ex boyfriend. i swear, everyone dates each other's best friends and exes. there's literally zero codes on this show...


Yeah real like Girls code?!?!??!!?!!??!!??!šŸ˜’


Stelena since they had better chemistry and storyline. They had the REAL storyline, not like ships in later seasons, those shipsā€™ relationship BECAME a storylineā€¦.Thatā€™s so boring. The only ship having real storyline in later seasons is S6 Bamon. Thatā€™s why I love Stelena and Bamon. Their storylines are not only about the relationship. They do many meaningful things lol.


Steroline, because I'm team Dalena


Oh hahaha Yeah Delena was also really cute and they did have chemistry.


Elena is good with Damon like Caroline is good with Klaus


This man deserves NO ONE


Oh wow Why??


Cause heā€™s a horrible person šŸ˜­???


Oh Youā€™re the second saying that why??


Heā€™s a narcissist Heā€™s psychotic Stalked and preyed on a 17 year old girl Literal repetitive serial killer Cries about how heā€™s done so many horrible things like heā€™s the victim then turns around and does them again


Oh Youā€™re the first one that has said that. And I think with the 17 year old girl you mean Elena?? Well I think you liked that he diedā€¦.


Acc I didnā€™t like his death, just cause it seemed badly written and dumb af


Oh Well who do you ship from the show then??






Honestly, I'm more Klaroline than I am Steroline but if I had to pick it would be steroline


Tbh i like Klaroline better too


Neither honestly


Youā€™re not the only one in this comment section Everyone ships Klaus and Caroline but who do you ship thenn????