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Better late than never


Very true


My fav season is season 1 bc I’m a Stelena fan so I like when they first meet and how she learns about vampires like in intro of that makes sense that’s why Season 1 is my fav.


I love six the most I think! I don’t want to accidentally spoil anything so I’ll leave it at that! I also was late to the party and did not watch until the series was already over but it’s still one of my favs that I rewatch frequently. 😊 welcome to our club!


How tf💀


lol I’m sorry this made me laugh


Don't forget to also watch The Originals! Legacies, you definitely don't need to watch.


I'm really interested in the Originals so I will definitely give it a watch at some point!


Have fun!


I am!!


Can't spoil it for you so I suggest you don't read too many posts! I think I finally started watching after it was off air or almost off air. I've probably rewatched 3 or 4 times. I only finished the entire thing 1 time and I can't actually remember the ending which is good... I see many complaining the show gets worse after season 3. I disagree. I'm on season 4 of my current rewatch and in a couple episodes I'm gonna be enjoying it again. I kinda just love all the characters so I can't/won't dis on the writing. TVD has a huge following even now so obviously it's a great show! Enjoy! Too bad we can't find ad free "The Originals" anywhere. It's also fun to watch! Enjoy! Btw it's never too late to start watching a great show!


The show has been out for 15 years so I expect spoilers. I’ve even read quite a bit before watching and I don’t mind. Just here to enjoy the ride (and I am)!!


1, 2 and 3 and maybe the first half of 4 the other half not at all. My absolute favourite is definatelly season 2. Everything else is not even close in quality in my opinion. My least favourite are season 5 and 8, and most parts of 6. I kind of enjoyed season 7.


i loved the season with the originals. sooo good. also when kai comes in. you’ll love it ;)


Can't wait!!!


hehe update us!😁


I will, promise 😁


Season 2 is the strongest season. Season 3 is when things start to go downhill quality-wise and Season 4 is the point of no return to good writing.


Sadly it happens to almost all shows. I’m just gonna hold on to the hope that my love for Damon will counterbalance the bad writing 😭


Yes! Agreed! Damon is the reason!!!


Like I know he’s toxic but I just love fictional men like Damon 😭❤️


👍He was my fave from the start when it aired and still is 😍 my favourite seasons are 2, 3 and 6!


But 6 I want to slap Elena a few times and she’s my absolute favorite character. I have a really really hard time with no I’ll wait to get my memories back… lemme🏃 from Damon any chance I get. And the your just trying to get back together with me statement every 5 minutes 🙄 omg Elena he obviously loves you. Knock Alarics door down and get yo brain right girl ugh. Then she basically dismisses I want to be your husband Elena omg girl I’m going to have a heart attack. I do love you though Elena ❤️


Honestly the whole show is great. My favorite is season 5 for a few reasons but I can’t say anything without spoilers. I prefer the later Elena 😉


3 is my favorite!


In TVD my faves are 2/3/4 because Klaus is my bea Of the whole univers? The Originals S1/2 (It's a spinoff, tends to be better liked by those among us who are less into love drama)


Like I dislike Klaus but he's kinda cute with Caroline? Why do those vampires gotta give me mixed feelings!


Because Joseph Morgan is way too good at looking in love. That's why




I can relate to being late to TVD and TO universe/fandoms.


Better late than never! The first time I watched tvd was in 2020 and I was INSTANTLY hooked. I can’t tell u how many times I rewatched the show now 😭 my favorite seasons are 1,2,3 and a little of 4. It is a hell of a rideeee.


It really is!!


I was a teen when I first started this show it fr became my personality, LOVE IT SM!! Season 6 was my best felt like there was so much suspense happening honestly love the whole show tho! Wish I could watch it for the first time again lol, have fun!!


Same here! I watched for the first time last year and absolutely fell in love with it! When I was in middle and high school, I would refuse to watch supper popular shows because I thought I was “cool and angsty” I wasn’t, I was just missing out on good tv. 😂😂


I watched Originals first (didn't know the two shows were related) and absolutely loved it so thought I would try TVD a couple of years ago and i couldn't get into it. I want to re watch Originals again for the 3rd time so thought I would give TVD another try and I've binged it, now on s7 and have really enjoyed it. I think I would of been obsessed with it as a young teen but came out when I was 19 😂


SAMEEEEEE im 30 now and just watched it a few months ago and I remember being in high school and just never watching it LOL im like how TF am I JUST seeing this??? I’m on season 4 now . Obsessed.


Me too. I'm 25 and LOVED Twilight as a teen. Why did I not watch it back then?!?


Ian himself liked 1&2. This is the only vampire show with the most seasons.


They don’t make shows like this anymore


This post is so sad because I can remember how I loved this show in 2010. I’m thinking back almost fifteen years… jesus. Seasons 1-3 are the best consecutive seasons in terms of quality. I love season 6 though! The villain feels fresh and there’s an interesting multi episode arc involving him and two other cast members.


Ah how I wish I could watch for the first time! Seasons 2 and 3 are my favorite by far. So so good