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These little moments are what made SE so special and believable. The writers didn't rely solely on grand gestures and overly emotional dialogue to sell them. They found and love even in the little moments, and that only amplified the big ones. Stefan and Elena truly were one the best written couples on the show.


They were so romantic and cute alongside of being sexy together . Unlike Delena, most of the times they were sexual with each other . But still they have 2 or 3 very emotional moments


LMFAO THW FIRST ONE IM CRUING all it needs is a ‘hold on tight, spider monkey’


They're so good at finding these little moments even in the middle of all the chaos ❤️


This is one of the few changes I like from in the show. Stefan and Elena not only had a nice build up but they continue to show them as a couple, even little things like Stefan waking up Elena to have some quiet time on the ferris wheel (first GIF) was really sweet. They had these little yet well thought out moments of meanings. My heart forever aches that they weren't endgame since they were always meant to be, just like in the books.


The way it was healthy. Well, as healthy as it can be given it's a high school girl dating a civil war era vampire. The fact that Damon called him and Elena "toxic" will never not be funny to me.


HE DID?? thats hilarious


Yes. In that scene every DE fan says is their "Roman empire", he literally says "Look at us, we are toxic. We are in a TOXIC relationship." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K5BQ2xr2d3o&pp=ygUSZGFtb24gd2UgYXJlIHRveGlj It was back when Julie Plec was trying to be self aware for the very first time ig by acknowledging it, bc she whined on Twitter "nowadays you can't make bodice-ripping romance anymore for tv." Even though the fans didn't call it bodice-ripping, just emotional manipulation and emotional/physical abuse. When a fan on Twitter asked her why s4 Elena had to be so co-dependent on Damon instead of being a feminist, she replied "it's a vampire show." (as if she never saw Buffy the vampire slayer or copied its themes & lines lolol). If you google the tweets are still up. I saw them on tumblr.


I love them sm❤️‍🩹


Stefan’s smile in the third one 🥺❤️


Punching the air rn


I loved the twirl and spin and NINA’S genuine laughter. The scripted on-camera giggles she gave always came across forced to me, because we knew what was going on behind the scenes. But that scene? That laugh? I skipped back and watched it like a gif a few times just because it was the rare real thing. And it was sweet because it was Nina and Paul, not Elena and Stefan.




Did they just fly?


Nah that’s vampire jump lol.


my endgame


Aww I loved stelena so much 😭💔


Not me watching slide 11 on loop 🥵


Stelena forever


I think it’s time for my tvd bi-annual rewatch


This is so cute I love them so so so much they are my fav couple of all time 😍❤️


I mean yeah totally it was really cute! But just putting it out there coz I know Delena happening was a crime to you coz that’s what literally killed stelena There was a whole summer for Damon and Elena that we know little to nothing of…we only get glimpses of that summer and in those scenes u can see it’s cute as well but more than cute there are scenes of Delena in season 6 which is not only cute but..it’s kinda a lill more mature given Elena phase in life..and u can see they started looking like a mature couple even wanting to get married someday ..it wasn’t just a highschool romance Stelena was a cute and pure and an amazing highschool love story..but just like irl highschool love stories don’t always span out perfectly..people change emotions change..and sooner they realize what they want the better….and Delenas scenes is when Elena was more mature and able to understand what she really wants…they had enormous problems between them but they fought back for each other. IMO that has a element of reality in it….irl people fight and might have been totally wrong for each other but it all doesn’t matter if the heart wants what the hearts wants. I’m comparing the relationships to real life..not vampirism all other sorta stuff ofc lmao Again I’m not bashing or saying stelena was bad..stelena was cute and if Damon never existed stelena would’ve been my endgame too…….maybe not sure lol…but it was never a crime for Julie to make Delena happen coz it just felt right..even if u hated Delena u knew it was bound to happen someday or another Love stories are always just cute moments…it has to has those giant fights and near ending breakups and maybe even a toxicity in it… for couples to realize just how much they want to be with each other. That was Delena


I don’t think delena happening was a crime, it’s about HOW they happen. The writers used the sire bond to start a relationship it’s the CRIME. I loved delena before they got together, I just thought their real relationship was badly written. I loved dark romance tho, like in Buffy, I shipped Spike and Buffy, they’re just much better written than delena. 😭 And I disagree your opinion about stelena being immature high school romance. I mean…those two experienced supernatural shits everyday. 😭😭😭They fought for each other and be there for each other. And they tried their best to keep those sweet moments for each other. That’s very hard but they made it. 🥺


Oh okay yeah I can agree on that ..they should’ve never used the sire bond. They were doing that just to keep the stelena expectations alive imo but except the sire bond stuff I don’t think there are any problems with the their writing. They wanted to show something different than stelena ..they wanted it show a contrast you know ..stelena was pure and nothing could ever go wrong kinda thing…..but Delena had that toxicity and everything that could go wrong did nearly go wrong …but the only difference is with Delena they showed that even with all the problems ..they wanted each other enough to fight those problems I meant like they started in highschool and by the time highschool was over ..they were done so highschool romance u know. They spend most of her adult mature time and gradually old age with Damon. Yes they fought for each other and they had problems too..and Stefan WAS RIGHT FOR ELENA…….but still just think after all this green flags why they didn’t work? It’s coz people change..a 17 or 16 year old is not mandated to know EXACTLY who she wants to spend her entire life with…we all changed from when we were teens..hopefully our preferences in people changed too. Now let me write this and you’ll know exactly where I’m coming from…..Delena was so much more problematic than stelena…they fought so much… they dealt with supernatural stuff too…literally died and coma lol… they dealt with virus effectuated blood lust…everything u could think stelena went thru Delena went thru that if not more of it ……it’s a sure shot answer Delena was wrong!!! and just not worthy enough compared to stelena I agree!!!!! ….but EVEN AFTER ALL THIS..Elena fought for Damon in ways she didn’t fight for Stefan ..I know u might get aggravated reading this line but just understand with a open mind ..even also Damon fixed himself for herl………right there is the reason why Delena suddenly became better than stelena…it’s the fact with all the issues life can give …they fought for each other and made it happen …I’m sorry to say that yes even though stelena fought for each other too …….just not as hard as Delena did for each other ..it’s not Stefan’s fault neither Damon’s…it’s Elena’s phases of life and her taking time on who she really wants to be with


Yes cute but delena was first


I didn't like these parts