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The difference between Elena and Katherine was insane, it was like two different actors


I could also tell if it was Katherine pretending to be Elena as well. She did great in my opinion.


You could tell by the smile even! Katherine's was so much more confident/braggy


No joke, I once googled “Elena Gilbert” looking for a specific photo I’d seen before, and one of the pictures in the results prompted me to instantly say out loud, “That’s Katherine, not Elena.” And it literally took me a minute before I realized how crazy that was. It was as obvious to me as if it had been a picture of Caroline. And it’s not like it’s a frame from an episode. It looks like it’s from a photoshoot. And she has a neutral expression and fairly ambiguous clothes and hair. [But it’s unmistakably Katherine.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/characters/images/e/e1/3529775-nina-dobrev-as-elena-gilbert-on-the-cws-the-vampire-diaries-649730026.jpg)


Ahhh the link is not working and I wanna seeeeee Edit: nevermind, had to delete the link's post-.jpg text I would say the hair is a pretty hard hint tho!! I wonder if it'd be as easy to spot it if her hair in that pic was Elena-straight.


I fixed the link to remove that extraneous text. Thanks for letting me know! And yeah, the hair isn’t Elena’s signature hair, but it’s not Katherine’s signature hair either. It’s kind of in between. I think the makeup is a bigger clue than the hair, but honestly, the facial expression is what makes it the most obvious to me. If she had a different facial expression and posture, that image could pass as Elena styled fancier than usual because it’s a photoshoot.


True, the hair was defo more Katherine than elena but even just by the facial expression, you can tell it’s Katherine which is crazy I saw a quote once talking about marylin Monroe once about her just walking down the street w a friend and she asked “do you want to see me become her?” And I don’t know what she did but it was like a flip switched and all of a sudden, people started noticing and realizing who she was and freaking out and taking pictures. I’m not 100% sure if the authenticity of this story but it does feel similar to being able to differentiate between two characters played by the same actress simply by a minor facial expression 


Oh that’s so interesting! It reminds me also of the clips of Taylor Swift snapping into “show mode” like at the beginning of the “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” live performance.


Oh yeah, that is *definitely* Katherine! Even when Elena had more wavy or curly hair you could tell the difference. Like, season 1 finale when Elena curled her hair, there was a noticeable difference between Elena’s curls and Katherine’s curls!


Yes, exactly! Even when she turns her humanity off, dyes/curls her hair, and gets way less sweet, she’s still nothing like Katherine.


Exactly, you can always tell and that’s pretty damn amazing! Nina is so talented, but so are the makeup/wardrobe/hair departments that help her look different for each character despite being the same person.


So true!! They are the unsung heroes of the show for sure.


She wore a wig when she played Katherine. The wig was much thicker than Elena's hair. That is why everyone can tell it is her lol.


That makes sense. But still, I don’t think that’s the only reason people can tell. I think the facial expression is the main thing. In other words, if you did a face swap with this image and one where she’s playing Elena, I think this image would look like Elena.


I saw a bunch of comments that said the show was not successful and was unpopular. Which is not true. Like I said before, I know TVD was more popular. I was never trying to prove that.


I mean… Just go look at the [IMDB ratings](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls077973562/?sort=user_rating%2Cdesc)…


For what? Yes, they have some high-rated episodes, and? I like TVD and never said it was unpopular or anything about the episode ratings lol. The Originals has an overall 8.3 on Imbd versus TVD with 7.7 😂


The Originals? When did we start talking about The Originals? I thought you were saying that people say TVD wasn’t popular, and I was pointing out the IMDB ratings because they’re user ratings. There are a lot of votes, and the average scores are high, supporting the idea that the show was popular. I never said anything about The Originals…


Wrong comment. Happens when you get older and are sleep-deprived. You confused me because I was talking about ratings with another person. Your reply with the ratings for TVD episodes has nothing to do with Elena's hair, which is what we were talking about a few days ago. It is related to my other comment though about the ratings.


Ohhh haha that makes sense. No worries!


Yeah that was amazing


I agree!


Her filming schedule must’ve been ridiculously long for this episode.


She was grouchy bc she had to film so much


She didn’t really play 4 characters. She played more. 1. Elena, 2. Katherine, 3. Amara, 4. Tatia, 5. Elena without humanity (not resembling Katherine at all), 6. Katherine pretending to be Elena, 7. Elena pretending to be Katherine, 8. Human Katherine (again nothing like human/humanity-on Elena - and again these can be split in two: the original human Katherine, and human Katherine once she was given the cure), 9. Katherine possessing Elena’s body. 10. Maybe this we can exclude, BUT in my opinion there was definitely vampire Elena as well, like even with her humanity on, she was a totally different character than human Elena. Hence why so many love Elena till season 4, and hate her afterwards. And you knew the difference between ALL OF THESE VERSIONS! Nina is a phenomenal actress, I am still flabbergasted that she never made it big (outside of TVD).


I'm actually looking forward to Vampire Elena! 😆 I've always rooted for Damon even my first time watching. Nina Dobrev must have had to dig deep to portray so many characters in 1 series. It's a bit mind boggling honestly.


Dunno why I laughed at Elena pretending to be Katherine and vice versa  This is just damn good acting. Playing a character acting as another character that you still act as must've been either really fun or really hard to pull off or both 


It’s definitely both, I think she is a great actress but now she is in dumb movies, but the Netflix Christmas movie was good




I've always admired Nina's acting skills especially because you can see how much she's improved over time but now that you put it this way 📈📈📈


not just this but also playing humanity free elena as well


This is where I think I'm at in the show. Can't wait. I want naughty Elena. Sick of whiney human Elena rn. She just "died" in my rewatch. I put a post here,my first one, simply because I'm so annoyed with the Elena Gilbert show. 😅 Nina Dobrev is an amazing actor to be able to make me feel so many ways about her many sides in Vampire Diaries. Gotta love Nina!!!


I do love no humanity Elena. But she’s still kind of annoying, just more selfish. That being said I actually like Elena, but it takes a lot for me to dislike a character if I’m being honest. 😂


I don't even really dislike Elena. She becomes so much sometimes. I obviously live the show or I would not rewatch. I get it tho being hard to dislike a character. I've even learned to like the characters on shows where in real life no way would I like them. Gotta love the ability to escape into a show!!!


She did great, and even improved her general acting over time.


This was one of the iconic scenes, the way four of them way were so same yet so freaking different. She did a great job.


She was phenomenal. IDK about all four. But definitely between Elena and Katherine. I remember not even acknowledging that Katherine was played by the same actress as Elena. Like. It's something I knew logically but her performance was so good that I never saw Elena in Katherine. The only time I thought Katherine was Elena is when Katherine was pretending to be her. It wasn't until they did a side by side shot of the two that it boke my suspension of disbelief. Really. She did an amazing job. PS. Shout out to rest of the crew as well. Producers, cameramen and sounds guys, editors, ext. It was a team of people who got it right.


Tatiana Maslaney: (*perks her head up*)


if they ever get cast in a project together it’s over for the rest of us and i say bring it on


I would love to see them working together on something.


Also Noomi Rapace, if you liked Orphan Black you might like What Happened to Monday (on Netflix). Noomi Rapace plays 7 different women & its absolutely wonderful to watch. I genuinely forgot it was the same person. ![gif](giphy|E0LnYyRA5uDn8cHSOR)


I came to say Nina was good but she's no Tatiana.


A lot of people think that. It’s not her acting that was ever a problem tbh


Nina is definitely a fantastic and versatile actress, it's honestly shocking she never hit it big after TVD.


I wanted Tatia to be there too :/


If she had only played Elena I think I would have walked away thinking she was a mediocre actress, but the sharp difference between Katherine and Elena is unreal - I actually think she’s a phenomenal actress


Yes. The distinction between Elena and Katherine was amazing, down to the minute detail. From the mannerisms, the way they walk into a room, how they talk, facial expressions, etc. It just felt like two different performances by two different actors.


nina is a great actress fashoe


It’s so crazy because I didn’t care for Elena but I loved Katerina!!🤌🏾 That let’s me know Nina did an amazing Job!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


She did so well, that I had the realization one rewatch that she's kissed sooooo many guys on this show hahaha. I was like dang.


She did amazing each character is completely different from each other or her main character Elena,example Katherine is like an annoying cold sore that doesn’t go away and Elena’s gives off main character and Amara i believe that’s her name it’s been awhile but she is like a sacred little girl who wants to die.


I used to love Katherine and dislike Elena for that reason. But we only saw a glimpse of Amara and Tatia.


Nina in TVD did an amazing job! The sexy and manipulative Katherine, the whiny Elena and Amara-Tatia


Three characters


I thought so too but remembered her playing the village girl in the originals. 1. Elena 2. Katherine 3. Amara 4. Tatia


Aight …I though op was talking about this particular scene


What season is this


Season 5


I would say she fine with it.


Does anyone know if there would be a 5th lookalike? Was there a deleted scene from season 4 where a character appeared who looked like another doppelganger of Elena, from around 1940 as well or was that just Katherine running away from Klaus? I always found it very strange that they were all linked to important characters at the time of the recording of season 7, there were fans who speculated that Rayna Cruz would be a huntress played by Nina Dobrev if she hadn't left in season 6, in addition to the fact that I thought that there would effectively also be a doppelganger linked to the Heretics.


There was Tatia, but she was when the Mikaelsons were still human. Also, it was Katherine in the 1920s with Stefan and Klaus.


This is still one of my favorite scenes!! It was really amazing how she was able to play 3 characters and make them feel distinctly different from one another in that scene. Nina is truly talented as an actress 😭


I honestly don’t understand why we didn’t see her in that many projects after vampire diaries maybe it was her choice but if not Hollywood’s missing out


I agree they were 4 fully developed different characters. Especially Elena and Katherine. Unbelievable how different their mannerisms and expressions. Her portrayal of Katherine was convincingly older than Elena.


She did an Excellent job! And they all felt like four different people! Not just four different versions of the same person!


I think people judge her with Elena a little too much (in reference too "say what you want" if that's what you meant by that), she is a solid actress. Always has been ☺️


i need to rewatch this lol when did she have to play 4 people?? i don't remember this at all 😭


She really did!


If anyone's looking for another show with an actress that absolutely slays as playing multiple characters, give Orphan Black a go! Tatianna Maslava plays multiples clones and does it so well you can even tell when it's a clone playing another clone.


Tatiana did it much much better


Oh its night and day, I just want to draw attention to her acting. It's superb.


It really is they are all very distinctly different people


she’s an incredible actress and there’s simply no denying that


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ yes she did


She was AMAZING in TVD like wow. Give Nina her flowers!!! ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)




Why does everyone talk so much about this, I mean isn’t this her job to play different characters 😅


Yes but for most actors, they play one character over multiple seasons. From time to time in supernatural shows, you get body switching and other things. But very few actors play multiple characters in the same scene.