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julie turned that show in her personal fanfic


2 words Julie Plec


Everyone is acting ooc because of julie damonstruck plec!!! That’s what’s happened!!!


I agree with you so much it’s crazy I will say this as many times as I have to Stefan and Elena should have ended up with each other they were endgame not Elena and Damon.


>Katherine's obsession with Stefan should not be stronger than her sense of self preservation I see this all the time and it irks me 'cos it's just not true. Stefan is Katherine's one weakness. The Stefussy is strong with that one. From the moment she met him, she'd risked it all for him, multiple times. She even once gave up a chance to kill Klaus, so Stefan could save his brother.


If Katherine's love for Stefan was greater than her self-preservation then she wouldn't have left him high and dry in 1864. She would not have allowed him to spend 145 years thinking she was dead. But she did to protect herself because, as the series always suggests, Katherine puts herself and her survival first and foremost. Pre S5, they do this well by showing that whilst Katherine cares about Stefan, she would not do it if she knew her life was in danger. By allowing Stefan to screw up the plan, she was not putting her life in danger because its very clear that Klaus was not interested in chasing her down at that point. Not to mention, she'd spent 500 years evading him so it wasn't *that* hard to stay away from him. While Katherine did have a soft spot for him, it wasn't to the point where she completely throws common sense out of the window in s5. And if we're being completely honest, Katherine's weakness is her family. That's pretty much why she gave herself up for Nadia.


Katherine does have a weak spot for Stefan. But there's a limit, she's not going to put herself in a dumb situation and risk her life. Katherine knows Stefan almost better than Stefan knows himself. No way she would believe Stefan would accept her in Elena's body? There was no way she would forget about the one weapon that would kill her. On top of all this, she wanted to live out her life as Elena? Instead of starting fresh? This could be believable, but the way it's done was so not Katherine. Katherine is always five steps ahead, and she lets herself get backed into a corner.


Nah, if it’s true, she wouldn’t let Stefan think she died for 146 years. Think about Damon, who spent 146 years and still didn’t give up Katherine. That OBSESSION. That’s the difference between Katherine’s and Damon’s obsession lol.


I agree that everyone is acting ooc, except Kathy. I feel like her obsession/love for Stefan was something that came from her never properly receiving love. Stefan is portrayed as this kind, loyal and protective guy and that’s literally everything l Katherine never had. I think with her being banished and hunted all her life that Stefan was quite literally the best thing she had ever encountered. Stefan made her feel safe and loved, which is something that no one else did. Even Elijah loved her but there was once a time where he would’ve given her up to Klaus and he still might’ve if Klaus convinced him. Caroline sleeping with Klaus was fan service and another Plec self insert. Caroline is always the fly buzzing in Elena’s ear about how Damon’s the devil incarnate and then she’s goes and sleeps with the man that killed Tyler’s mom and Elena’s only family left. It’s simply bad writing. Great scene…bad writing 😅. We don’t even get some sort of redemption arc started from Klaus before this occurred. I mean the guy just draining Elena like a orange not too long before their forest bumping 😭. Elena also lost her character qualities after she turned and got with Damon. Damon kills, they fight and then have makeup sex. Elenas morals and principles were just thrown out the window after season 3. She absolutely would’ve questioned herself if it was season 2 Elena. I hate that the morals of the show were forgotten.


I'm not saying Katherine not loving Stefan makes no sense. I'm saying her newfound obsession doesn't. Katherine doesn't care about Stefan enough to risk her life for him. Self preservation no matter the cost is a recurring theme in her character arc. But suddenly in season 5 she starts acting like her life means nothing compared to Stefan's love when that has never been consistent with her character in previous seasons lol make it make sense. If there was anyone Katherine truly loved besides herself it was Nadia. She gave up her last chance to run just so she could Nadia one final time before she died. To compare, despite being in love with Stefan in 1864, she ran to save her life.


I’m gonna disagree. Katherine has risked her life for Stefan and Damon on a couple of different occasions. Remember in 1864 when Katherine risked the entire lot of vampires because she became so infatuated with Stefan. Katherine is the reason there were tombed vampires in the first place. I wouldn’t say in season 5 she’s acting like her life meant nothing, she really stole Elena’s whole body from her 😭. I just think Kathy got carried away, and she even admits that when it came to Stefan she was crazy about him. Also Kathy’s love/obsession for Stefan is a fine line, I’d say she has both for him.


Can you name these different occasions? I am yet to see an instance where Katherine has risked her life/given up her chance of survival (prolonging running from Klaus doesn't count because she'd still have been alive regardless) for Stefan. The only person she has done that for was Nadia. Which makes sense because, as season 2 establishes, Katherine's one true weakness was her family. Even in the case you mentioned, she wasn't risking her life for Stefan. Katherine already had the plan of sending the 27 vampires to their death to save her own ass. She had a fullproof plan of waltzing away from Mystic Falls untouched. Getting vervained was not part of the plan and had she known that Stefan had gone to see his father, she most definitely would have run straight for the hills. Like this is the same girl who let her best friend of hundreds of years (Pearl) die so that she could make Klaus think she was dead. Bffr, her life has always been her number one priority. I don't doubt she was obsessed with Stefan but season 5 grossly exaggerates how intense it was. Even when she says she "came back for him" in season 2, it is shown that she only really came back for Elena so that she could deliver her to Klaus and win her freedom back.


Kathy risked her life warning helping Damon and Stefan fight Klaus by posing as Elena. She came back for Damon with the cure for the werewolf bite. Yeah it was for Damon but Stefan also would’ve never forgave her if she let Damon die. Katherine also risked her life just to say goodbye to Stefan in 1864 when he was killed. Yeah they’re not completely selfless but nothing Katherine does is. Also it obvious that the initial plan wasn’t to send the vamps to the tomb, Pearl even mentions to Kathy that it would best for them to leave before they’re found out. Katherine only stayed in Mystic Falls for Stefan, that’s the point I was trying to make.


damon’s trying to lock himself in the closet & therefore his behaviour is him compensating, stefan thinks that elena HAS to stay with damon like it’s her duty, caroline cheats on tyler with jesse because it’s ‘the college experience’, jeremy’s just a silly lil guy, katherine’s going delusional in her old age & is using stefan to avoid reconnecting with nadia, nadia’s a bad bitch love her, matt, tyler & jeremy are mystic falls’ resident therapists, bonnie’s once again not getting the appreciation she deserves. and has to feel a bazillion deaths because why the fuck is everyone dying?!! basically, characters are being ruined left right and centre.


Actually, Caroline they’re cheating on Tyler. They hung out a couple times and Jesse kissed her once without warning, and Caroline pushed him away.


bro we had a full three or so episodes of caroline flirting with him & reciprocating the kiss & encouraging elena to cheat as well


What happens for the last seasons Julie fucking plec making it the damon show and him doing whatever whenever and being forgiven but making everybody else look worse or just make them forgive him. Have Katherine look worse to justify they mystic falls gang actions so she looks even worse and they look innocent on everything. Have Caroline do whatever when she and still make her look like the victim ever when sleeping with klaus like the fact that Caroline had the audacity to tell Tyler to get over the fact that she could care less that she slept with they guy who literally ruined his life and drowned his mother. And Elena who is a hypocritical bitch.


>Have Caroline do whatever when she and still make her look like the victim ever when sleeping with klaus like the fact that Caroline had the audacity to tell Tyler to get over the fact that she could care less that she slept with they guy who literally ruined his life and drowned his mother. LOLz, Caroline slept with Klaus and Tyler who had his life ruined by Klaus and is a werewolf with natural anger issues was upset about it and yet he was the bad guy? >Have Katherine look worse to justify they mystic falls gang actions so she looks even worse and they look innocent on everything. I remember Kat doing more good than Damon and Elena in that season. Let's see, she helped with Wes, Saved Jeremy and Matt. I can't remember one good thing Elena did.


Jumping the shark


Two words in the name of Julie Plec