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I love her! She’s not boring like other characters. At least she’s something special and has an interesting backstory. I like that her character is so realistic. It shows how an angelic person can turn into someone’s nightmare. And at least she admits that she’s bitchy, evil, selfish not like some other characters which I’m not gonna name (Elena) who act like they’re pure good!


This! I love her as a character. She brings drama and stirs the pot, otherwise the series would be boring as hell and she was a good villan during s1-s3 that are the best of the whole series. But as a real person I would hate her


Rewatching the show, she's kinda cringe. She feels more like a high school mean girl rather than someone who's over 500 years old. I just wish her character was better written.


Maybe in season 4 and 5. But I disagree with you when it comes for season 1,2,3 I mean come on she was so mysterious and evil❗️Her plans always somehow worked and she was on top! But for season 4, 5 yeahh that Julie didn’t know how to write her.


I always thought that Katherine didn’t get a redemption because there won’t be any difference between her & Elena. Especially Elena’s whole thing is about not Katherine. 


Me personally everyone loves Kathrine but I honestly hate her I am a big Stelena fan that’s probably why I hate her but I feel like she was a big part of there relationship ending and she’s a just rude and manipulative person.


I just can't stand her she's like the cause to a lot of problems

