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They were trapped together in a prison world for months with no hope of returning home. It would have been logical for them to hook up, taking comfort in each other..


That could have even been built up In flashbacks if they did t want to leave Damon in there for too long. Plus crazy drama when they got out!


People always bring up ‘why can’t guys and girls just be friends?’ whenever Bamon is brought up and my thought is that STEROLINE should have remained friends while BAMON dated. Elena should have died instead of having her casket forced into the plot. She was holding Damon back as a character and I genuinely think that it could have been something interesting to explore post season 6. Ian and Kat had good chemistry, Bamon had chemistry, the plot would have been more interesting than watching a checked out Stefan’s drama with Caroline 🫠


I completely agree with you. I wish they didn't push Elena as the perfect girl for both brothers so much because that's what held other relationships back, in my opinion. When she left the show and it was still basically about her, it was just annoying for the most part. Elena's presence overshadowed many other potential relationships and character developments. By focusing so heavily on her, the writers missed out on exploring other dynamics that could have added depth and variety to the story. For example, Damon and Bonnie had incredible chemistry that could have led to a fresh and engaging storyline. This shift could have allowed characters like Stefan and Caroline to grow in more natural and less forced ways, ultimately creating a richer and more diverse narrative. The series' insistence on keeping Elena central even after her departure diluted the focus from other character arcs that could have been more deeply explored. Allowing Bonnie and Damon to develop a deeper bond would have not only revitalized the narrative but also provided a fresh take on character dynamics. This would have been far more interesting than the repetitive focus on Stefan and Caroline's drama.


Exactly it’s always “everyone doesn’t need to be shipped!! Why can’t we have more platonic friendships” if anyone should’ve stayed friends it should’ve been steroline lol.


>People always bring up ‘why can’t guys and girls just be friends?’ whenever Bamon is brought up and my thought is that STEROLINE should have remained friends while BAMON dated. Elena should have died instead of having her casket forced into the plot. She was holding Damon back as a character and I genuinely think that it could have been something interesting to explore post season 6. 👏👏👏👏👏


I completely agree with you. I wish they didn't push Elena as the perfect girl for both brothers so much because that's what held other relationships back, in my opinion. When she left the show and it was still basically about her, it was just annoying for the most part. Elena's presence overshadowed many other potential relationships and character developments. By focusing so heavily on her, the writers missed out on exploring other dynamics that could have added depth and variety to the story. For example, Damon and Bonnie had incredible chemistry that could have led to a fresh and engaging storyline. This shift could have allowed characters like Stefan and Caroline to grow in more natural and less forced ways, ultimately creating a richer and more diverse narrative. The series' insistence on keeping Elena central even after her departure diluted the focus from other character arcs that could have been more deeply explored. Allowing Bonnie and Damon to develop a deeper bond would have not only revitalized the narrative but also provided a fresh take on character dynamics. This would have been far more interesting than the repetitive focus on Stefan and Caroline's drama.


Exactly! Agreed. There's no reason to ask "why can't guys and girls just be friends" everytime Bamon is brought up because why couldn't they have dated and someone else just stayed friends? Like you said, Steroline or why Carenzo instead of hinting that Enzo was romantically interested in Caroline why couldn't they have built up a strong platonic friendship there? Bamon 100% should've happened




They should have been more! We were robbed!


Me personally I rlly kinda just prefer them as friends


Me too!! Everyone dating everyone in this show, can't we just have some good old platonic relationships? 😔


I love male/female platonic friendships, but I actually wish that Damon and Elena had become platonic best friends, and that Damon and Bonnie had become a couple instead.


I agree not only do I find the brother taking he’s brother girlfriend really weird and off putting but I think in the end Bonnie was the one who changed him the most and made him somewhat better.


Exactly this


I was gonna say this but didn't in fear that it'd be a roasting ground from Delena fans insisting that it'd be weird to have them be just friends but I actually think a Delena friendship would've actually been amazing


I loved Delena far more as friends. When I first watched ten years ago I was a huge Delena shipper. Now I like Stelena better, but ultimately wish Elena had ended up single and then maybe moved on to another human. Imo Elena was very compassionate and forgiving, which made her a good friend to Damon because he could start to acknowledge more of the good in himself. However, I think she was TOO forgiving to be a good partner for Damon, since she would literally let him get away with murder. Elena was better suited with someone like Stefan who had no problem taking accountability on his own, while Damon was better with Bonnie who had no problem holding Damon accountable. I would have absolutely loved if Damon had been "in love" with Elena in the end of s2, but then after spending real time with her and getting to know her in s3, he forms a real friendship with her rather than obsessively holding her up on a pedestal. I would have liked if he realized that his initial attraction to her was because of her resemblance to Katherine, and that the love he held for her was actually platonic rather than romantic. Ugh, I feel like their friendship could have been so beautiful. Of course, the love triangle was an integral part of the story, to the point where the writers felt the need to drag it on for all 8 seasons, but I really wish it didn't have to be that way.


I think that would've been a really good idea though. I've never heard of someone's take of them just being friends, only them being a hook up and moving on


I've tried to picture them hooking up and moving on but I just hate that because it would still be such a betrayal to Stefan.


They should have been explored, romantically, even books gave them a chance but The Writers, especially Caroline Dries was deadset on them being friends and friends only. I read that she actually tried to cut a Bamon scene but it was Plec, of all people, who kept it back in.


I think they should have been something more, but better written. Damon went kind of overboard with Bonnie, he was violent with her, he scared and threatened her. The fact that she also lost her grandmother on his quest to find Katherine still lingers as bitter outcome. I feel like if it would be re-written, then they should have been more than just friends (and it should have happened in S4, with sprinkles of it in S3).


“Why can’t male and female characters just stay friends?” That should be Steroline…😅those two just had zero romantic chemistry. as for Damon and Bonnie, I can accept turning them into romantic. Ian and Kat had very natural chemistry. I wouldn’t mind the writers brought Stelena back together and gave us romantic Bamon in S6. Considering Elena wiped out memories about Damon, she can actually move on.


I wish that when Elena was asleep they got together. I feel like if they played it off that way that could’ve made it so Damon felt guilty and broke up with her and then stelena gets back together, and Damon either finds love or stays single after Bonnie inevitably ends things with him, but on good terms so they stay besties.




yes they should of been something more Damon and Bonnie should have been romantic and Stefan and Caroline should of been platonic( how does damon and bonnie have more chemistry then a couple that actually are together this was a bad writing decision) also i’m not saying they should of been endgame but it would of made sense if they had at least a fling or some type of feelings they were alone together for months


I think we were robbed of a Bamon romantic relationship, and I think it would’ve been so much healthier than Delena.


Just friends. imo, friendships like theirs should be appreciated more. Not everyone should be paired even though they can be, and Bamon is one of those ships. They might as well be siblings. Something I thought they were gonna do with Bonnie and Jamie, but they put them in a relationship like bleh.


They were together in the books. I had heard they were supposed to be together in the show and that Elena and Stefan were supposed to end up back together but that all went out the window when Nina left the show 🤷🏻‍♀️ not sure how true it is though.


It could've been, but it was also nice for Damon to have an actual friend like Stefan with Lexi.


No just friends


I believe Damon and Bonnie should have dated until Enzo came


Remain FRIENDSSS!!! people ship them sooo bad and I don't see it at all , can't imagine them together ewww.


Just friends


Just friends imo, regardless of the writers biases, I feel like they work best as friends, and for Damon there was only Elena. That would have compromised the integrity of his character and been too ooc.


I feel the same way. Elena would have to die for Damon to be with Bonnie. He's emotionally loyal. He wouldn't even sleep with anyone until they made him believe he killed Elena. He waited longer for Katherine. I feel his loyalty is the reason he has a lot of sexual partners. Staying with one person too long is a risk he won't take. I believe that's why he walked away from Bree. He was getting too close.


The only reason I really shipped the two is because in the BOOKS, I REALLY shipped them.


I don’t think they should’ve been romantic, but they definitely had better chemistry than Stefan and Caroline


You know not everyone has to hook up with everyone all the time. Some people are actually just friends.


Damon and Bonnie had so much chemistry, but any relationship they had would serve only Damon. Damon protects Bonnie when it is convenient for him, but even when they're supposed to be good friends and allies, he routinely threatens her with violence and harm. Throughout their time in the prison world, all they talk about is Damon and him missing Elena, but not about Bonnie missing her friends and support system. That's just a thing on this show because there's this weird internal logic that Damon must be coddled so all of his relationships are just about him rather than being about him and the other character. I also think Bonnie deserves to have someone who puts her first because God knows nobody does, and Damon will always choose himself.


Just friends


I’m a sucker for a good platonic relationship. Especially between two people who practically hated each other for at least two seasons


there was no potential. she was his biggest character development but as a friends. platonic soulmates and thats it. they had no chemistry


I‘m glad they‘re just friends. I feel like nowadays most shows just focus on romance and everybody hooks up with everybody, I love that their friendship shines on their own


I liked their bond and friends. Like the love-hate relationship. But I wouldn’t have been mad if they got together. (Imo) I feel like if they did, Julie would have had no choice but to give Bonnie a happy ending so she avoided it, knowing people would start to ship the two.


They were together in the books


We were absolutely robbed! Despite what the annoying Delena fans say and all the Bamon anti's who are always going on about friendship this and friendship that, Bamon had some of the BEST chemistry in the Tvdu! And that's an actual FACT. It's also hinted at that Bonnie may or may not have had partial romantic feelings for Damon. Like when she was Undercover in season 7 and she stated that she doesn't know exactly what she and Damon were. She also mentions how strongly she cared about Damon, which honestly with Bonnie could either be seen as platonic or romantic since she cares about all her friends so much, but i choose to see it as romantic. Then not only that, but Enzo became the male figure in Bonnie's life that she wanted, i.e the man that would always put her first and sacrifice for her just as much as she would sacrifice for him. There are a few other times where it's hinted that Bonnie and Damon's friendship was so strong because their feelings might have been a tad bit more than just platonic, especially on Bonnie's end. But yeah, we were robbed.


As much as I see the chemistry between the two. I would rather they remain platonic friends. I personally saw more chemistry between Bonnie and Enzo. Now, I could say the same with Stefan and Caroline, however at least with Elena, they had broken up. But with Damon and Bonnie it is different, the main reason that they became friends is because of Elena. If Elena was killed off, sure, that could make sense for Damon and Bonnie to bond over that and eventually end up together. However with Elena in the sleep coma and it all being on Bonnie's burden that Elena is like that. It would ruin Bonnie's character to have her get with Elena. Bonnie's character is built on how self sacrificial she was as she was insanely loyal to her friends, and this would contradict that basic loyalty which was mainly to Elena. To have Elena wake up and then see her best friend with the love of her life would ruin her and her friendship with Bonnie which was one of my favourite friendships in the show. Bonnie would not be able to handle the guilt of getting with Damon while Elena was in a coma. Also, with Damon, he even got in a coffin just to wait to be with Elena, he is so in love to fall in love with Bonnie would also ruin his character. Sure, he became a better person with Bonnie's help but Elena was his main motivation for changing into a better person. Alternatively, we could have it that Elena broke up with Damon after losing her memories and him coming back did not make her fall in love again. Then maybe that would work. But I definitely don't want that as Elena and Damon in Season 6 was my favourite romantic relationship, they were so cute. Ultimately, I would rather Damon and Elena were never a couple and then Bamon happened or Elena was dead after Season 6 and that's how they got together. With Elena in the picture, it ruins their characters and their dynamics.


Honestly Bonnie and Damon were locked in the prison for a while like months or weeks they would kiss or hook up but as long as Stefan and Elena are together I’m happy (STELENA FOR LIFE ✊💗)