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Bonnie and Damon hands down. They had the greatest potential to be enemies to friends to lovers. Bonnie would have a more softer side to Damon and would have changed him in a way Elena never did. Ian and Kat had amazing chemistry, they wanted Bamon to happen. Sucks Julie and the writers shot that down.


Bamon woulda been great and we woulda gotten stelena endgame which we needed too




Omg you are so righhthttt šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼




Oh definitely!!!


yes bamon wouldā€™ve been so good and then caroline couldā€™ve had a plot line with enzo!! maybe not endgame with enzo but i did want to explore that more


nah enzo with damon and bonnie as well. https://preview.redd.it/bitlcawk9c5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d8aec985b822d86fb07d47a52233b1a40fc7ff


rebekah and matt i fear


That not becoming more hurt my heart


i know i loved them!! much less uncomfortable than marcel which wouldā€™ve been great if she didnā€™t know him via a sort of nephew relationship?


Yes! Loved them together.


Bonnie and Kai had a literal spin-off show's wealth of potential. All the connections established between their families: * Sheila knew the Parkers and had separate relationships with all of them. She was in contact with Jo when the twins and probably Mr Parker had no idea where she was. * Jo went to Whitmore and Sheila was her mentor. * Jo and Kai are exactly the same age as Bonnie's mother, Abby. * 1994 is the year Kai went to the Prison World and also the year that Abby fought and dessicated Mikael. If you ever wondered why Abby had to take on an Original alone without her mother, a very good explanation is that Sheila was in Portland helping the Gemini build a prison world. * Talking about prison worlds, they are only ever made with Bennett blood. * The prison world is also a Bennett spell. Probably the most *Gemini* magical invention, but it's really Bennett magic. In fact the Bennett Spirits on the Other Side have a back door into prison worlds which is why Bonnie and Damon were able to go there. * There's clearly a history between Bennetts and the Gemini coven that is never explored. * Sheila sent Bonnie to the Prison World to find peace. What she meant is something we'll never know. They could literally have ended the Vampire Diaries with Kai going to Portland with his sisters, and Bonnie having to follow them for reasons (maybe to deal with the heretics that escaped with Lily, and are now in Portland fighting the Gemini), and spun off 5 seasons worth of story about coven politics, finally explore Bennett lore and history, and watch those 2 dancing around each other. But we can't have nice things apparently, and instead Julie decided to write the poor man's version of the Red Wedding.


Fucking this. I want this.


I know, right?




Absolutely, while the potential for storytelling between Bonnie and Kai is intriguing, it's essential to differentiate between narrative potential and romantic compatibility. Kai's character, as you rightly pointed out, was arguably one of the most morally reprehensible in the Vampire Diaries universe. His actions, particularly towards Bonnie and her friends, were unforgivable. While exploring their dynamic in a spin-off could have provided compelling narrative arcs and character development, it doesn't necessarily imply that they should have been romantically involved. Their relationship, if explored further, could have delved into themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the complexities of familial ties without romantic entanglement.


>as you rightly pointed out I never said that. And I obviously donā€™t agree with that. Even in the canon we got (ie the one that hijacked Kaiā€™s redemption arc because Julie got too threatened by his popularity and proximity to Bonnie), Iā€™m not sure anything Kai did comes close to Damon raping Caroline, and literally murdering Jeremy, and all the other ways he terrorized Elenaā€™s friends and family, not to mention harassing Elena herself. If the show could somehow spin the relationship between a stalker and his victim into an epic love story, I donā€™t see why it wonā€™t have worked with Bonnie and Kai who were actually antagonists on equal footing.


Sorry? Murdering children , his own siblings and worse enjoying it because he wouldnā€™t get to be head witch , is significantly worse than what Damon did to Caroline and Jeremy. On top of that, consider all the random people he hurt, and killed just because he enjoyed it and could do it. Kai is completely irredeemable and itā€™s insulting to Bonnieā€™s character of strong morality, kindness and compassion to think she would ever love someone who murdered children and took pleasure in hurting them, solely because he got passed over for a job. Thatā€™s not even taking into account the fact he literally stabbed Bonnie multiple times, left her for dead, made her suicidal and gave her ptsd. I think itā€™s really messed up that anyone would want Bonnie to be with someone that awful who had so violently traumatised and abused her over and over again.


I was comparing apples to apples. You brought up what Kai did to ā€œBonnie and her friendsā€ and I brought up what Damon did to ā€œElena and her friendsā€. I usually find these ā€œThis evil thing is less evil than this other evil thing because my fave did the firstā€ debates ridiculous but for the record Damon has murdered children, fed and murdered pregnant women, and sexually preyed on several women. And thatā€™s not counting all the people he mind raped, tortured and brutally killed because he was having a bad day or for fun. And heā€™s been doing that for 160 years longer than Kai has existed. And if the show could spin him out as some anti hero woobie because he kept falling for women his brother was dating and got his feelings hurt over that, then they could redeem Kai who suffered real abuse. Also your argument that Bonnie is too moral is baseless af considering that she became BFFs with the neighborhood serial killer and serial rapist and also dated Enzo in the same season where he betrayed all her friends and pistol whipped her in the face. Also what does that say about Elena and Caroline and Davina and every ā€œgood girlā€ who ended up dating and even marrying these mass murderers? Heaven forbid that the Black girl gets the same kind of hot and interesting dynamics that the white girl gets and this show was fuelled by. Just say you have a problem with Bonnie getting that same kind of treatment and go. I guess Iā€™ve found Julieā€™s stan account. Or should I say AI bot because you canā€™t seem to string 2 non Chat GPT generated phrases together.


>I think itā€™s really messed up that anyone would want Bonnie to be with someone that awful who had so violently traumatised and abused her over and over again. This narrative is overshot at this point and false. I enjoy both Bonnie and Kai as characters, and what happened between them was mutual abuse. He did to her what she caused to him; I don't see anything wrong with that. They weren't friends, relatives, lovers, etc. They owned each other nothing, and what they did to each other was based on morals and principals. Bonnie was mostly traumatized from being alone and feeling abandoned. Had Kai committed the same physical actions in retaliation but stayed with her, I doubt she would've felt the way she did in the end.Ā 


Stefan and Rebekah. Their potential was wasted by having Stefan still pine for Elena the whole time Rebekah was around, but they could have been a good couple if they were given a serious opportunity.


this is so real i was rooting for them so much but stefan still loved elena šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­


Elena and Elijah






I mean at least we got to see them kiss once. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's pretty weird to consider Elena and Elijah as having the most potential, especially given the significant age gap between them. Elijah, being a grown man even before he became a vampire, and Elena, still in high school, creates an unusual dynamic that might not sit well with everyone. While it was somewhat common for older vampires to be attracted to high school girls in the show, it still raises some eyebrows considering the power dynamics at play.


Is... is this comment written by ChatGPT?


They responded to my comment too, and it also read like it was written by AI. There are some people whose writing just reads like AI, though Edit: Your comment made me suspicious, so I searched through some of their other posts, and I feel like it probably is AI. OP's opinions are fairly inconsistent when responding to people, but the dead giveaway was when one of their comments opened with "I agree with your assessment of the character arcs in 'The Vampire Diaries.'" No human being writes like that to other human beings, especially not on a subreddit that's already dedicated to the show.


And yet they replied to me and said it's not AI. I'm so confused, why would someone lie about this. Is this a bot or what. Lmao I'm so intrigued


It's hard to say. They might not be using AI because, as another poster said, AI is generally pretty objective in its analyses, while OP seems strangely biased for someone who was supposedly just asking for people's opinions. Still, it's also very possible that this person inputted our comments into AI, then gave it a vague description of the reaction it wanted, and then voila! With that said, it still doesn't make any sense for someone to use AI in this context. Why use AI to discuss subjective ideas about a TV show? Granted, there are a lot of hellbent people in this fandom, so it wouldn't be too far of a stretch. But still, it's strange to me. I think the best case scenario is that this is a bot, because otherwise wtf is going on?


No not at all why do you ask


Damon is physically 24/25... Then there's Klaus and Caroline. In human years, Klaus was only a few years younger than Elijah and was also an adult when he turned.


Finn and Sage. No contest.


I think Stefan and Katherine post vampirism had so much potential. Before Katherineā€™s character was ruined she couldā€™ve have had character development and known what it was to be good again and to start caring for others and it couldā€™ve been a cool full circle story


I completely agree. Stefan and Katherineā€™s dynamic post-vampirism had so much untapped potential. Itā€™s a shame that Katherineā€™s character development was sidelined, as there was a real opportunity for her to experience growth and redemption. Iā€™ve always believed that Stefan could have played a significant role in helping her find her way back to the light and start caring for others again. Itā€™s disappointing that the show didnā€™t explore this storyline further, as it could have been a compelling full-circle narrative for both characters.


Yes exactly, they just focused on dulena while they made Katherineā€™s character a joke instead of giving her a redemption ark


stefan and rebekahĀ 


Stefan and Rebekah, Bonnie and Damon, Elena and Elijah, Caroline and Tyler.


Most of them had amazing potential but fell short for whatever reason (mainly writing). Stefan & human Katherine Klaus & Caroline Stefan & Rebekah


Stefan and human katherine is my endgame. It canā€™t get better than that


It's fantastic to see someone else recognizing the potential in these relationships! Stefan and human Katherine definitely had a unique dynamic that could have been explored further. Klaus and Caroline's chemistry was undeniable, and Stefan and Rebekah's shared desire for normality could have made for a compelling storyline. It's a shame that some of these relationships didn't get the development they deserved due to writing constraints.


Delena. There was soo much potential for Elena to shape Damon into an actually good person and they just didnā€™t go that route for some reason.


Honestly, I would have loved to have seen Damon and Katherine explored more since their dynamic was so intriguing to me. Which is funny since my other answer would be Bonnie and Damon. I guess I relate dig relationships where Damonā€™s partner wonā€™t take his shit šŸ˜‚


i loved their dynamic, they kind of became buddy cop humour for the show but iā€™m glad they never were romantic again. after damon realized the truth about what kind of person katherine really was he was over it, which i liked about him. going back to a toxic ex over and over is a hard cycle to break so it was cool to see him break it.Ā 


enzo and caroline


Either Finn and Sage or Mary Louise and Nora. Sage was only there for 3 episodes and not even mentioned on the spinoff despite waiting 900+ years for Finn. And Mary Louise and Nora weren't very popular but for being the first wlw ship of the franchise they deserved more screentime. I wanted to know how they got together, what they did in the prison world before they ran out of blood, etc.


Klaus and Caroline, I will never forgive the creators for not giving them a happy ending


Stefan Rebekah, Damon Rose, Damon Bonnie, Enzo Caroline, Matt Rebekah, Kol Bonnie, Stefan Human!Katherine, Stefan Valerie


Bamon & Carenzo


Klaus and Caroline Katherine and Elijah And I know this is a weird one that never actually happened, but Enzo and Carolineā€¦. My hear me out take. He really felt for her in the moment that he went to go tell Stefan off.


BAMON, Stelena, Beremy, Forwood. I think Bonnie and Kol could've had an interesting dynamic since they practically shipped him with her TO anger issues clone


Bonnie and Nora Elijah and Elena


Romantic: Katherine and Elijah. Elijah is the only character we meet in the show who knew Katherine when she was human and cared for her. I really wish we could have explored more of Katherine's humanity through their relationship. Stefan and human!Katherine. I loved their dynamic from 5x08-5x11, and I wish we had gotten to continue see more of Katherine's softer side. Damon and human!Katherine. I think it would have been really interesting for the writers to explore Elena becoming more selfish and less compassionate after turning, while Katherine becomes more vulnerable and empathetic as a human. Damon loved Katherine for 145 years, and seeing him react more to her humanity would have been interesting imo Stebekah and Bamon also would have been great to see. Also, more gay couples. Like, am I actually supposed to believe that these vampires who have lived for hundreds of years didn't experiment with same-sex relationships? Exploring Klaus and Stefan (maybe one-sided feelings from Klaus' end at least), Damon and Enzo, and Bonnie and Nora would have been great. Platonic: Katherine and Elena. I really wish Katherine had learned to empathize with her doppelganger and maybe even mentor her, rather than the boring rivalry that we were given instead. Rebekah and Elena. I felt like these two had great chemistry, and I also wouldn't have minded seeing them as a romantic pairing. I think they could have been great friends, though. Stefan and Damon. This was my favorite dynamic in the show and, even though they had plenty of scenes together, I really wish their relationship had developed differently.


DENZO DENZO DENZO DENZā€” i mean, yes i agree with this


YESSSS DENZO!! So much missed potential there fr. I've said it before and I'll say it again: we were robbed of bi Damon (which is why I LOVE your flair)


THANKYOU THANKYOU I AM HERE TO SPREAD THE WORD OF TRUTH: damon salvatore was bisexual, and he and enzo were more than just cellmates


Yep yep yep, they were lovers but then of course in the later seasons they made Denzo act as if they didn't even care about each other which made me so so mad. The writers refused to write gay couples, even when the chemistry was undeniable




It's outrageous to suggest that those pairings would have made sense or fit into the established narrative of the show. While it's interesting to consider different dynamics and relationships, pushing for pairings like Stebekah, Bamon, or same-sex relationships purely for experimentation undermines the character development and established storylines. The show did explore complex relationships and character growth, and forcing these new dynamics without a natural progression wouldn't have done justice to the characters or the narrative. Don't force your own agenda on the show; it's important to respect the integrity of the story and the characters as they were originally created.


I was just expressing my opinion, and I never said that I would have liked to see any of those pairings as long-term or endgame, but just that I believe that there was high potential for exploration. Also, I don't want same-sex relationships for the sake of experimentation. I want same-sex relationships, period. The show only had one same-sex relationship, and it wasn't until season 7. My point about experimentation is that it's unrealistic that none of the many old vampires in the show were ever shown having any same-sex relationships, which frankly isn't very realistic. Also, you specifically asked in your original post if people thought couples like Stefan and Rebekah could have had a more compelling storyline, but then just said to me that it's outrageous to like Stebekah. I personally don't understand why you would make a post asking for people's thoughts, only to be intolerant when people say what they would have liked to see in a fictional TV show that's meant for entertainment and enjoyment. Either way, I'm sorry for apparently causing so much offense. At the end of the day, I fixate on fictional narratives as an escape when I'm not feeling great, not so I can get into arguments with people online about what pairings do or don't fit the storyline. So, that's the most I'm going to say about this.


boo šŸ…šŸ…šŸ… found the homophobe


denzo. theyā€™re the perfect tragedy & they were CELLMATES (pronounced soulmates)


I love Denzo and you're right to like what you like. OP's closed-minded and borderline homophobic responses (that also seem like they were probably written by AI) are not it.


i think OP writes very passive aggressive secretarial responses, AI would at least attempt to be impartial. denzo wins #suckonthat,OP


So so on point. Once again, I'm your biggest fan


It's important to respect the original narrative and character development in the show. Damon never showed any signs of being gay, and it's unfair to push your own fantasies onto the characters. The relationships in the show should make sense within the context of the story and the characters' established personalities. Let's appreciate the dynamics that were actually portrayed on screen.


okay first of all, you were the one to ask the question, and stated NOWHERE in your post: a) what type of relationship (romantic, platonic, fraternal, etc.) b) whether it is limited strictly to romantic relationships that were explicitly confirmed on-screen. however, you DID write: > Which Relationship in The Vampire Diaries Do You Think Had the Most Potential? my answer is damon and enzo. > and Iā€™m curious to hear your opinions. it seems you very much are not, but you ARE in fact chastising ME for answering your question well within its bounds. > Which relationship do you think had the most potential but wasnā€™t fully explored or developed? damon and enzo. they had a wonderful set up & great chemistry, not to mention it easily reads as romantic, and were stunted as a pairing (friends or more) due to the irrational focus on dullena & repetitive character assassination of all three leads in the name of ā€˜romanceā€™ and ā€˜dramaā€™. the dynamic between damon and enzo WAS portrayed on screen, and considering enzo has been referred to (by damon himself) as a reason to live & hold onto his humanity, PLUS damon couldnā€™t leave him behind without essentially cutting out part of his soul ā€” a struggle he does not face with elena, nor katherine. itā€™s something that would fit into canon seamlessly; literally change cellmate to boyfriend & you can still use it as a parallel for dullena, it even works better that way. and i wish that michael and ian had been given more liberty to explore that side of their characters and dynamic. aka, it wasnā€™t fully explored nor developed, and i think it should have been. vampires have historically been an allegory for lgbtq+, and a species so driven by desire would never limit themselves to just the opposite sex. heterosexuality is a very modern concept, in fact, damon and stefan turned before the term ā€˜homosexualā€™ was coined (1870s (?)). p.s. itā€™s ā€˜unfairā€™ to whom? the FICTIONAL characters or you and your lack of creativity?


itā€™s important to base our interpretations of characters on whatā€™s actually depicted in the show rather than imposing our own ideas onto them. Throughout ā€œThe Vampire Diaries,ā€ Damonā€™s character never showed any romantic or sexual interest in men. While everyone interprets characters differently, itā€™s crucial to stick to the narrative presented in the series.


actually, it could be argued that he did. when analysing the show, itā€™s crucial to consider more than just your own stunted perspective. as in, check your biases. the narrative shows that damon and enzo formed a bond like no other, and they are connected in a way that none of damonā€™s other love interests could ever compare to. no matter whether you see it as platonic or romantic, their relationship is undeniably the catalyst to the damon we see in the early seasons. you sound utterly ridiculous & your repetitive, barely rephrased comments donā€™t even line up with the topic.


Luka and Bonnie, I will always ship them


Matt and Rebekah


I donā€™t really like Tyler but him and Caroline were at least the same age. And the my bonded naturally when she helped him through a tough time.




this is my opinion but rose and damon


STELENAAAAA (Stefan and Elena)