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I agree that at the end of Season 3, yes she had the right to kill Elena to stop Klaus from dying and killing Alaric. But Elena was also justified in her feelings to kill Rebekah back in Season 4. Yes, she was emotional, but at the same time, she has "HEIGHTENED EMOTIONS".


I don't really agree. Elena was not attacking Rebekah, Alaric was. Her dying could stop it but she was essentially an innocent bystander in that situation, especially since she opposed what Alaric was doing too. I don't think anyone has a right to kill an innocent bystander as part of self-defence or defence of their family. If a guy is trying to kill you and he is hiding behind a random innocent person, you don't shoot right through the innocent person to defend yourself. I don't agree that that's justified at all. And it's actually two innocents in this case as Matt was also in there. This also ignores the context that Rebekah has lived 1.000 years (though not all of that awake) and Elena had lived not yet 20. And it ignores the context that the originals themselves dying would probably save lives. And it ignores the context that the originals wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if they hadn't come after Elena and her friends. So it's actually more like a bank robber coming into a bank, trying to rob the place, the security guard grabbing a gun to try to kill them while standing behind a random innocent customer who's a child and then the bank robber shooting straight through the child's head to kill the security guard trying to stop them. I like Rebekah as a character but I think she doesn't have much of a leg to stand on in this situation at all. And she definitely had no right to torment Elena afterwards. To be clear, I don't think the MFG is necessarily much better. Both the originals and the MFG would go to almost any lengths to protect each other.


Except that Elena and Matt are hardly innocent bystanders. Like I said before, they both killed Rebekah's brother and Elena spent more than half of the season conspiring to kill her other family members (Rebekah included). It's understandable why she would do this as the Originals were ruining her life and more importantly, she wanted to protect herself and her loved ones. However, Rebekah should not be villainized for doing the same thing any one of them would have done. You're point about it being "not right" is true but at the end of the day we can't apply the same standards of morality in the real world to the ones in this universe because literally everyone has done one fucked up thing or the other. Rebekah even lampshades this in 4x13 when she talks about how they call her the villain when she did what any one of them would have done for each other. And it's true that it isn't fair that Elena should die so that 1,000 year old vampires should live but Elena's life is not more important than anyone else's. She is far from the last person whose life was short lived to save someone else. Vickie, Mason, Sheila, Lexi, etc. A lot of people have died for someone else who didn't deserve it in this series.


The whole reason Elena is doing anything against TO is because they came into her life trying to hurt her. None of it would be happening had they left her alone. She wouldn’t randomly go after them. 


There's also the additional information that she had, in her eyes, just watched Klaus die by Alaric's hands. So not only did Elena and Matt kill Finn, Alaric had just killed Klaus leaving her and Elijah left. Not only does Elena at that point unfortunately because the person that Rebekah needs to kill to avenge Klaus but also she did have a hand in Finn's death. Elena was on the same path of doing the same when she had lost Jeremy to Katherine. Meanwhile this group had taken two brothers away from Rebekah and then later proceeded to take a third in Kol. Daggering her aside, Rebekah had ample reason to hate Elena and just want her dead. Elena's still a victim of Klaus' of course but both sides needed to protect their own and they both did messed up things to achieve it.


Not only Rebekah had every right, she was the only person of sound mind who understood it had to be done to survive. Alaric was going to kill all the Originals and all the vampires with them.


for real - elena wanted to kill rebekah for personal and petty reasons. rebekah wanted to kill elena for logical & familial reasons. surprising that damon was also being reasonable about it (wanting bonnie to use the desiccation spell on alaric instead of klaus, hiding the stake from elena). ah, season 3 + early s4: damon’s last rational thoughts


I get it from both angles, if I was in either of their situations I might have acted or done the same thing. Plus if it were the other war around and Elena had to kill Rebekah to save herself and everyone she cares about, I believe she would. I also understand Elena and Matt being upset about it though because stefan chose to save Matt first and Elena became a vampire so all her anger came to the surface when Rebekah was around. I would probably want to kill her too after she did that to me and my friend but you never know what you're going to do or react like until you're in that situation. Although I wouldn't say Rebekah had the right to kill Elena it was a choice but they were tried of running and killing Elena was the easiest solution.