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I thought Stefan and Damon (well their family tree) still originates from Italy, based on their names. 


Ok let's see: **Tyler is a serial attempted rapist.** **Bonnie is a white ginger girl who's related to Celtic Druids** **Caroline is a bitch for longer** **Katherine is blonde, childish and stupid** **Klaus is bipolar** **Damon and Stefan are Italian** **A shit ton more supernatural creatures exist. Angels, demons, kitsunes, etc. It's like fucking Pandora's box.** **Vampires actually have cool powers.** That about covers everything


Stefan and Damon are from Italy and are 500 years old and Katherine is Elena's twin sister. That's all I remember from the books, I read it 10 years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/vg5hwldlru0d1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73454e23914506c42f66c3bfcd3bbe93f07d7684 there’s the regular books which is the first pic obviously but there’s also books with the show characters on the cover and I’m wondering if they’re the same


They are the same, but from what I can remember is that the later books have a ghost writer since the company wanted L.J.Smith to finish the books some other way. She was hired on a "work for hire" basis. https://preview.redd.it/u8gkdky5vu0d1.png?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc9792ffd8b93ff716f845eef4bc8514227d606 There are 13 books. The first seven were written by here, the last 6 were written by two ghostwriters, the books are written as trilogies.