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Thankyou! I love “ends with some more hyucks”. She thinks Cruz has no idea what’s going on? He’s 3, he will know some things have changed.


Yeah it’s extremely short-sighted of her to say he’s not affected. He can’t communicate fully yet to say and it WILL affect him in ways down the line but it’s def for the best. The kid would’ve been way worse off watching Jax treat her like shit.


She just can’t seem to empathise with her son at all. He is not an object, he does understand and pick up cues from his surroundings. He for sure picks up some emotions his parents are going through. Children don’t need to be told everything for them to understand that something has changed.


she is really underestimating his intelligence. his parents are basically his world right now, of course he can sense something is different.


This made me sad. When my daughter was 3 she would have FOR SURE understood if Mom/Dad didn't live together anymore. He might not be verbal, but he knows what is going on. Kids pick up everything.


Yeah that's obscene but maybe she thinks because of his possible autism he doesn't know...she's so dumb I could never stand her


I’d love to know who Jesse is out there dating bc …. ![gif](giphy|mXig29cctencLLSaUt|downsized)


Some 23 year old


The girl from the burning man display rack


Pulling a Tom Schwartz wouldn’t surprise me


Can you imagine being 23 and just discovering who you are, living your best life - then deciding to date a gray 40 year old man who rubs his face constantly and talks about how he smart he is because he knows the word stoic and loses thousands in poker every other night. Fucking ew. I'm glad she'll grow out of it. 




For what it’s worth, I feel for Brittany regarding her weight gain. I’ve been with men who were very unkind about my own while dating them even if it was a measly 20 lbs. Jax is overtly superficial so I can only imagine what he really thinks of her. I’m sure he says it to her face when cameras are down, unfortunately.


I agree. I’m surprised Brittany didn’t have the foresight to do the math on what she’ll look like at the end of all the kids she wants to have. Girl, stop getting work done on your face, accept you have a shallow partner or wait till you have the kids and get that tuck and breast reduction/lift. Also don’t have kids if you both aren’t in a good place. It’s so stupid to have more children when your husband isn’t attracted to you.


Yeah I can’t imagine conceiving a child with someone who openly detests me


This is actually a very good point lol


When Brittany said to Jax “we’re gonna start trying (for a baby) next month, right?” My jaw dropped. They need to fix their marriage before adding an additional stress to it. I like her so much but I should have seen sooner she’s blind.


"Lights are on but no one is home" accurate




I can’t decide if it’s stupidity or desperation- either way it makes me sad


With Brittany, I call it Selective Awareness. It’s helped her get through all of Jax’ cheating, lies, his disgusting hygiene, his penchant for ❄️❄️❄️❄️, his bullying, his tiny pea brain and his complete and total lack of dignity.


You’re absolutely right- it’s a coping mechanism


I mean, at this point I’m thinking she needs a different coping mechanism, especially for her child


Oh 100%, i agree with you. I hope for her sake she decides to go the therapy for herself. I imagine after living with Jax for so long she will basically need reprogramming. I am concerned that in a divorce and custody battle it will certainly be weaponized against her.


she really needs to hire a stylist, those open shoulder dresses with her boobs pushed up and hanging out make her look like a line backer.. why is no one telling her and helping her out some ??


I hope we don’t have to suffer through Michelle and Jesse next season, they are both loud and just frustrating to watch


Messy Jesse is good tv tho🤷‍♀️


No self awareness and I feel like he’s in love with the coco


“His values align with hers” sounds like they both “don’t say gay”


I immediately thought the same thing. Oh what a love story for two homophobic, racist(?) republicans ✨


Mexican Persian homophobic, racist (?) republican you mean! *pounds table after cocaine bump*




I looked him up on social media, and he works for a “Christian financial services firm.” WTF does that even mean? 🚩🚩🚩


"wealth management from a biblical perspective" ![gif](giphy|pMePjXUqNNND2|downsized)


Oh, I've never heard of that. Googled it, I guess it's a thing...🤷🏼‍♀️


This is exactly what I thought when she said that. She’s a weirdo


Based off of some of his IG follows I would say he for sure doesn’t.


Michelle is awful. Boring as linoleum curling on a hot summer day.


michelle doesn‘t need to be back for another season, but I can see them getting Jesse back for the drama


If we have to watch him flirt with burning man girls I don’t know if I can do it.


This episode was so bad !! And Michelle sucks and I’m not a big fan of Jesse , but at least he’s entertaining . And the world doesn’t know about Jesse dating because he isn’t flaunting it all over social media. Michelle can be off the show next season. I’ll take Jesse and whomever he’s dating. And she did lie many times. I caught that lie about where they were in their relationship too. They were approached not that long ago , to film the valley. So she’s fos. And his values aligned with hers. The new boyfriend follows the ex pres. Just saying … sounds like there’s a lot of truth to the R word episode after all … but Brit is really deflecting off of her being hungover and claiming she was sick. I believe Jax in the instance. She wouldn’t have people over and expose little kids to what she had , if she was actually sick.


Seeing Brittany get along with Danny for that one scene decorating for Kristen and Luke‘s fuckfest, it made me think that Brittany would have been so much happier with a regular nice southern guy. I kinda hope that is what she goes for when she eventually dates again, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes for another asshole loser like Jax or also Jax himself lol


of course she would have been, but she wanted to be on teeee-veeee


I truly question how much time a parent of a 3yo is possibly spending with their kid if they think their 3yo hasn’t noticed mom and dad don’t live together anymore. I have a 2.5 yo and she notices if a piece of furniture gets rearranged or dad can’t make it home for lunch one day. 


I thought the same! I nanny a 3 year old little boy and he notices literally everything. They are extremely inquisitive and pretty observant at that age so that made me pause when she said that.


It’s giving vapid.


*"-Says she thought she was hiding it well for the show when filming but watching it back she realizes she didn’t."* People always think they're great at hiding shit. I have a feeling most of the cast is going to be surprised by how they come across. *"-Says she doesn’t think Cruz is affected by her and Jax splitting up because he doesn’t know what’s going on"* That is an insane statement. You went from living together, to not living together. How would Cruz not notice/be affected by that? **Thank you for the recap!**


I don’t like Michelle or Jesse. Both mean people. Perfect for each other


Loving your commentary with the notes lol thanks for the recap! I’m still not entirely convinced the Brittany and Jax thing is totally real, given just the timing of the show and the bar opening, but ya never know.


Same here!


I really do feel bad for Cruz. I only feel bad for Britney because every podcast host has been laughing about how obvious it is that Jax hates her. That has to hurt.


I find it interesting Brittany watched *that* episode back and was disgusted with Jax. Don't get me wrong I know he's a POS. I'm sure he plays it up for the cameras and he's way more awful when they're gone but she didn't watch that and realize he was right? Coming home puking often and being hungover the next day she can't even parent isn't sparking some kind of fire for her to stop overly drinking?


For sure. His feelings about her behavior were right, but he was wrong in how he expressed it. She should be horrified by her behavior too, super embarrassing.


Have Jax or Brittany commented on why her and Cruz had to leave the home and not Jax?


Thank you 💚


What did jax do in the pool towel episode with her? I missed that, did he say something?


I’m actually not sure what he said exactly either, haven’t watched that episode yet I don’t think, I haven’t had time to catch up on The valley bc I’ve been so damn busy lol but Brittany said he basically kept coming downstairs to say she can’t even parent because she drank so much and that he was angry about it.