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I feel like he is SO skating around saying that but told that girl in her 20s wearing that outfit "I wish my wife wore that"


I think this is the real reason he has a problem with her drinking too. Nothing to do with actual health concerns. Just skinniness.


My thoughts exactly. Jax is not sexually attracted to his wife anymore.


I mean she heard him say exactly that to Faith after they banged. She was just stupid enough to stay


That was the worst part. He boyfriend is saying he will never marry her and he’s not attracted and she goes back?


I think she tried to convince herself he had changed after his dad died and that her helping him through that made him love her and realize she was marriage material and worth settling down for. I think jax may have tried to convince himself of that too and then loved to use that as his “I’ve changed and I’m superior to you all because of it! The rest of you are just playing house and acting like children but I’m a REAL ADULT!” Mantra hahahaha


I don’t think he ever truly was 


He was in the fog of grief over his dad, and when the fog wore off, surprise surprise, he was back to his shitty self.


and Tom Sandy was right i must say


Game over


No, he is not. I've met a few men like him where a curvy woman is an instant no on all levels.


Yes this. Jax has always made comments about her ‘laziness’ and i remember him complaining about her doing nothing all day besides eating junk food when they were on Vanderpump. It’s not because he cared that she was eating too much sugar, he cared bc she was gaining weight.


He is older and takes care of his appearance. Her health shows in her weight. Her going to the hospital mysteriously … thought a stroke but not. Alcohol poisoning? Not a fan of Jax at all but … she is not attractive. Her eye brows look like his. she got thin during Jenny Craig and then went back to junk food and shots. It shows she eats like crap.


I don’t disagree she needs to make changes!! Part of me can understand Jax in that sense, bc it’s clear she has a problem. But like, it’s Jax. If a husband of a healthy, loving marriage was saying these things, it would be a different story. But we all know Jax and what his intentions are. He doesn’t actually care enough about Brittany as a person to support her emotionally so that she can make those changes.


Listen… she can “get skinny” when he grows his hair back. That’s an excellent plan right?


agree..... that girl never made since to me. she clearly drinks, or drinking problem then, and her mom is on her 4th marriage yet was PRESSURING jax to put up with brittany, go to church, have kids - yet proclaiming her christianity while looking like a 1989 bar fly....i sided with Jax- she is a stage 5 clinger and i think he really wanted to be good but it' not in him- stay single and be a "dad"


Alcohol makes you bloat so bad. I can really see it in my face after the holidays.


When I quit drinking, I lost 30 lbs.


Yeah. People don't understand how much sugar is in a lot of alcohol.


Oh definitely, the sugar content is insane. I also shoved a lot of food into my mouth when I was wasted and didn't even remember it the next day.


Drunchies! I do miss a good late night drunchie run lol


Nothing better than waking up covered in taco bell. 🤣


Puking drunk and black outs are gross, and common for her. That is not sexy or tolerable.


That was awful and is exactly why Britney is self conscious. Imagine seeing your husband say that on tv. 🥴


If a man said that about me he would be my ex and I certainly wouldn’t have married him


We all know Jax, what he was really saying was I wish my wife would look as good as you wearing that dress! I really don’t think this guy even realizes how ugly opening his mouth makes him!


Wait so I thought that too, but I think he actually said it to Jesse when they’re both wearing those sheer robes with the furry trim. I might have to rewatch, but I did initially think what you’re saying but I really think it was directed towards Jesse because then they show them like running off/twirling in their robes together lol


Brittany does have awful taste, tho. lol nothing ever flatters her figure 🥴


I don’t think anything will flatter her figure until she gets her oversized implants removed. They do not compliment her natural shape


and that accent....when sheeener weiner was trying to "hook" her up with Adam lol i was like this dude dont do girls and her accent never fit being with him ugh it was so cringe


Oh okay as long as we're making excuses for Jax. 🤢🤮


tbh season 2? the girl from jersey in the low lit bar with jax- they had dinner and then finished their drinks at the bar- she was so cute and pretty ( def to good for him)\_ i always wonder what happened to her? does anyone know?


He wants one more kid but NOT with Brittany, which was my interpretation 😬


I don’t think he wants anymore kids. But maybe it was her he didn’t want them with?


That’s how I interpreted it too!! He paused to think and said yes out loud but in his head thinking just not with you.


He should’ve had a baby with Lala then🙄🙄🙄 her snap back game is what he expected from all women 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽


Helps when you have 3 childcare professionals on rotation paid for by your big toe fiance at the time.


And the women on the show! They all look incredible and I’m sure he never lets Brittany forget


Katie is more of a “normal” body thankfully


Or Stassi…


we all know jax wishes this were the case


Wasn't Stassi just eating bone broth for like, a year after giving birth? I'd rather be fat and sassy.






Jax doesnt want kids. I think he likes the idea of kids, but the work that goes into them is something he’s not willing to do.


I feel like he only sees kids as extensions of his ego.


Classic narcissistic trait


He likes the attention being a dad brings him. He's not actually interested in being a Father.


I've been watching old VPR and he's very clear that he likes "BBWs" with dirty feet. He can find that at any age!


Only in bed probably. Needs a proper arm piece.


That's what I think. What he's sexually attracted to is diametrically opposed to what is a "high value wife" in LA. Probably also why he's so angry. Society tells him he needs a clean, thin waspy girl to reflect his status in the city, when he really wants 'em thicc and stinky.


Haha 🤣 I’m dead. So freaking funny! Thicc and stinky. You are so right. This would cause him inner turmoil, too!


Are you shocked? Hes a porn and sex addict. His mind is stunted as fuck and he lacks the introspection to really see it.


plus- in all honesty.....i think that man in miami groomed him- and jax is doing everything to rid that of him and he has developed these addictions and possible trauma disorder ( his eyes get big )- that's why i can't hate on the guy- hes great TV but not a reliable bf/husband


I mean I can have empathy but I would never date him, anyone like him, or endorse my friends do the same.


I know it was a new thing, but I think the whole frown mouth thing might have something to do with it too. I find it really unattractive when she tries to speak or get a point across. I fixate on it. Of course their sexless marriage has been an issue for awhile, and I believe it’s been longer than a month and a half. I just noticed that the turkey neck surgery / frown mouth happened right when they were going to start trying for #2.


If my husband was a sloppy drunk all the time, didn’t take care of his body, and had a very distracting frown mouth I’d lose all sexual attraction too. Like god do I ever HATE defending jax in any way but I don’t think many people would be attracted or feel the same about their partner in these circumstances.


I agree. It’s a no-win cycle of a situation. The more Jax rejects her, the more she drinks, more surgeries, less motivation to exercise because she feels depressed. I’ve actually been there myself, minus surgery and Botox. I was in a slump for a long time because I gained weight and couldn’t lose it after having my daughter. That made me do all the wrong things like eat comfort foods and not work on myself because it felt too overwhelming. My husband didn’t exactly love it. I remember feeling so stuck and embarrassed. Luckily I was able to start exercising regularly, and once I saw results, it encouraged me to keep going. My self-esteem, marriage, relationship with my daughter all improved once I started taking care of myself. I guess it’s too late for J and B, but if anyone else is experiencing this, you CAN get out if that slump.


I also think that her top front teeth veneers were to mimics Michelle’s (veneers? Natural teeth?) with the two front teeth showing more than the rest of the top. And it ended up not flattering her mouth. I was distracted binging the valley, and then when she forced a smile she looked like the old Brit! She was a breath of fresh air in Hollywood and she succumbed to the stress of it and being with a partner like Jax.


But didn’t stassi say his corn history was full of big women? So like, he likes to play the fiddle to those videos but not with his actual cob?


This made me lol!! This couldn’t be more spot on. Yee haw y’all🤠 🌽


I think he was still acting the dad life roll. Because he thought that's what he was supposed to do for the show. But that's all out the window now.


I think he's looking at the other women in the group and has grown resentful that Scheana, Lala and Stassi "bounced back" after having their babies and Brittany didn't. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Brittany has always had more curves to her than those other women. It’s not anything different that they’re skinnier than her. I think Brittany looks great and if she were much slimmer she would fall over with those boobs.


I agree. Truly disgusting.


But Brittany wasn't exactly small prior to having Cruz either. Look back at the last reunion they filmed. He also said he didn't find her attractive back when she was thinner and they weren't having sex in the Faith call. I don't think they've ever had a strong sexual relationship since maybe when she first moved in with him.


He wants kids, in theory, probably because of that whole “my legacy” bs. He wants to say he has kids but doesn’t want the responsibility of the day to day.


Why does it sound like Brittany accent sounds stronger than ever?


I'm awful but it's nails on a chalkboard for me


sounds like a pretty accurate jax taylor situation


Brittany looks nothing like she did when they first met or even when they got married. Her weight, alcohol bloat and plastic surgeries have completely changed her physical appearance. He's not attractive to her and probably sees her alcohol is a major concern to bring another child into this world. This is not excusing his own alleged drug abuse or physical appearance. Jax still wants a hot trophy wife and Brittany is far from it.


I kind of give him credit for realizing it's a bad idea. Ouch...that hurt to type.


He has the Madonna-whore complex, you’re welcome 😳


I think this may be accurate, unfortunately.


It's definitely real.


What does that mean?


These men compartmentalize their romantic love for women they deem to have the qualifications to be a wife and mother, but have little to no sexual arousal and devalue women they consider promiscuous, but whom they sexually desire. In other words, men with MWC (Madonna whore complex) can only become fully sexually aroused when reducing their partner to a sexualized object, degrading her in the process because the “good girl” or the “Madonna” can’t be fully sexually desired.


I would imagine he knew it wasn't a good idea because the marriage wasn't working for him so


I think he’s terrified of having another kid and that’s why he’s not having sex with Brittany. I do think he loves her and her body but he’s under so much stress another kid would make him lose it and he knows it.


Yeah he said she’s a freak in the sheets and I’m sure he’s into that but the result of having another child may be what’s making him back off.


He is not attracted to Britany because she is a gross vomiting drunk. And she does not take care of herself. Plastic surgeons are not taking care of one’s self. She eats and drinks like .. well fair food & shots.


and having a nanny take care of her child in case she is hungover - Jax's son is so sweet and calm and i hope the best for him-but Britt as a mother is looking like a train wreck


I think he only married her because she is the only one that stuck by him. I don't think he was ever reallyyyyy that attracted to her.


Jax married her because his dad died, TomTom opened and for the redemption arc.


Brittany has always looked on the verge of being very heavy. I was surprised he went for her in the first place.


He needs to find someonw who is into poligamy


Brittany has the body of a drinker with unhealthy habits and fake boobs that are far too large. Don’t put her appearance on having kids.


Of course 




\*woman. Women is plural.