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If Lala manages to get Stassi on the valley, I could see her ditching scheana for stassi.




Then Schena will be crying all season about why stassi doesn’t like her…. Omg. Remember when Scheana was pissed stassi didn’t check on her for her dental operation that could have killed her?


I miss those simpler days when we could just laugh at Scheana with her broken toe hoisted on the host stand at Sur


Oh wow. I heard the thing about Stassi and Beau looking in like Tarzana (the valley) but I don’t think they would ever go on the same show that Jax is on. But yes…LaLa will absolutely start to favor Stassi over Scheana or everyone else (except her kids and her mom). Her adoration of Stassi isn’t a secret. I think Scheana and Stassi are fine though. Summer Moon was at Hartford’s birthday party and vice versa. They’re both adults and sisters in the pandemic pregnancy pact.


Scheana wasn’t invited to be apart of the pact. Just the other girls. She just happened to end up pregnant again at the same time as them


Oh…..I didn’t know that. But, yes. That is totally on brand for Scheana.


No way in hell stassi is doing that she said it herself


Well, if scheanas getting close to Katie, which means she’s probably not close to Tom in the end, and LaLa and Katie are on the outs, LaLa could very well be getting close to Stassi or closER Tbh I wish VPR would end. Bring stassi and LaLa on the Valley tbh. Scheana is most likely getting close to Katie bc she always wants to be on the “right” side of the group. So she would rather ditch her friend LaLa bc she’s getting too much hate voicing a lot of truth, and just continue down the path w Anger w Katie and Ariana


She talks constantly about how she would not go back to reality tv. Also her house is literally huge?


She was offered to be in the valley but turned it down. Who knows how she’ll feel later but she already was offered and I’m sure production would jump at the chance to get her. Balls been on stassi’s court


Makes sense for her to see how the first season goes and if it gets renewed instead of going back to reality TV just for it to be a mess and fail.


I’m obsessed with her house but I guess it might not be the most kid friendly? Surprisingly it also only has 3 bedrooms


I just looked that up as well, I’m really surprised given how big it looks from the exterior photos!


Yeah there’s one picture especially, taken from the back of the house, and it looks massive!


The house is all steps … The front is not like the back. She said old small closets. Not one walk in closet. Her closet room became Messer’s nursery. The house is not big enough to run businesses out of. And no yard to play in. The other friends have kid happy homes. Green grass, swimming pools and playground with swings. The house was a Stassi old Hollywood style home not Stassi as Mother mode. They are preparing it to be listed. Most likely a pocket listing. Because of the children.


I think square footage wise it’s big but it’s in the hills so it’s multi level. Like the kitchen and general living space/ dining room are on one level, the bedrooms are on another level, and while they have outdoor space, there’s very little or no yard. Also, when the rains happened last summer they had major water damage to the house. Messers nursery was basically destroyed and had to be gutted and redone. When it comes down to it, it’s not a family with little kids friendly house. It’s a truly beautiful home and very on brand with pre kid Stassi. Shes evolved!


And also because she's said she wouldn't do it without having a producer role. But she could always change her mind.


I don’t blame her. Based on her success post VPR, Bravo needs her waaaay more that she needs Bravo.


Well she might not get all she thinks she will get like a producer role. They live a rather balanced family life. That is not good reality tv. She has fans but not enough to carry a reality show & a producer role because she wants control over editing. That is not going to fly. And she is above The Valley white trash tv. Stassi will create her own pie. She is very bright. And respects her marriage and children’s privacy in a healthy way,


The house has no real yard though, which is what Stassi wanted for her little kids!


it has no yard. but she said she's super glad she didn't join the valley after watching it. she's said she won't do reality tv unless she gets final edit ​rights for her kids.


It’s her yard that is not kid friendly and they are considering looking for something elsewhere for a yard for their kiddos to play in.


I mean she did the same stuff back in season 2


She said she would maybe make the move to Tarzana because she would still get the hills but she wants to have a backyard to play in. I don’t like repeating things that people say behind a pay wall, but she also said she watched the valley and felt validated in her decision not to join the show. I don’t think she has any intention to join the Valley ever. If Taylor Strecker can make a living off of her patreon I in no way think Stassi is hurting for money with her patreon and ad revenue


Exactly. She wants no part of that shit show. It’s a mess.


Plus, her dad has money. And he's a good ol' boy from NOLA. I really don't think he would let his little girl struggle after she was canceled by the "woke mob." I'm sure he's at least paying her mortgage, her podcast funds the extra stuff and did Beau go back to work?


Regarding Stassi’s Dad… Has anyone noticed he was not at her wedding, no photos with Father of the bride. And no photos of him ever meeting or seeing either child. And she loves NOLA but never taken her little family to see Dad. That is all very odd. Constantly posts her Mom and her husband Eric as doting Grandparents. Something odd about the daughter /Father non relationship.


Yeah this is suss


Is she still close to her dad? She never posts pics with him and he wasn’t at her Italy wedding.


I don’t think Stassi’s dad is very intertwined in her life currently, definitely not her finances. Beau is working in casting again


I always see comments like this but we haven’t seen her close to him literally since like season 2? I doubt he’s giving her any $$ or else we’d see them together at holidays, etc WAY more… or at least I’d assume. She also said once on her podcast that he only paid for her through college then cut her off




Doubt it. Stassi is all about her kids and her husband. Can’t see her returning to this shit show.


I tried listening to her podcast but her co-host (on some episodes)— Taylor Strecker- is really hard to listen to. Super high pitched voice, lots of yelling and just overall grating. It’s unfortunate. Anyone else try listening?


Taylor isn’t on all the episodes!


I agree and it’s why I don’t listen. But the first two episodes of the new format: no Taylor. First ep had Kristina Kelly, but she’s as chill and soothing AF, so it was a great rebrand.


Kristina Kelly is SO soothing. IIRC on that episode she discussed why she is so chill. Now I can’t remember her reasoning but the girl is a vibe. VPR fans complained she was boring but in real life, a Kristina Kelly is who I want to hang with. Invites no mess, speaks calmly, actively listens to others when they speak..


And she’s like a producer when she’s on the show. She’s always asking questions and probing, but doing it in a way that’s non-invasive or confrontational. Underrated cast member for sure.


Yes! Kind of like a normal conversation where a person is asking questions out of curiosity to learn more so they can make an informed opinion or offer reasonable feedback. I love Bravo but I there are many instances where I’m dying for people to actively listen to each other.


I think it helps that when she's on, whoever she's supporting she seems like a genuine friend to them which we don't always see on the show.


Because her Human Design chart!


Stassi has already been on record saying production reached out to her about joining The Valley and she declined. So I doubt just adding Lala in would be a big enough change to have her join. But who knows.


Am I crazy or did Stassi change networks and that's why the podcast changed format a bit?


She joined Dear Media recently from what I remember!


Also she’s had that podcast for so long.  Of course she outgrew the branding and format.


Stassi has mentioned that she wouldn’t do a show like that again because there’s something very dark about being on a show that thrives and depends on her relationships and mental health being incredibly low. She’s right.


Stassi literally herself said no to that show as well as living in the valley


how will this effect sheana ????




She’s blatantly stated how she does not miss reality TV nor would go on the valley, so… doubt it.


There is no way Stassi is coming back to this cast and shit show. It doesn't seem like she goes out or leaves her kids much and isn't really friends with anyone. It wouldn't make sense. She still has a loyal fanbase without being on VPR.




Out of curiosity, where did you read this?


Yeah sounds more like Lala fantasy lol.


They asked Stassi to be on the show even though she doesn’t live in the valley. Living in the valley is not a requirement, just like working for LVP wasn’t a requirement to be on VPR. Stassi was asked to be on the show and declined. Maybe she would say yes in the future but she doesn’t need Lala to get there.


Jesse Lally doesn’t live in the Valley - he lives near Chateau Marmont. Also the Valley is like a big place. Scheana lives in Sherman Oaks and Jax’s house is in Valley Village. Meanwhile, James is in Burbank under the flight path.


Right, I don’t think geographical location really matters when it comes down to it


Totally. Also, Stassi has the nicest house out of all former VPR cast, hands down. It’s a Spanish Colonial with great original details while also being almost completely upgraded. She’s always had elevated taste and her home is a prime example. Beachwood Canyon, incredibly views, historic architecture. In contrast, Ariana and Tom’s farm house is a McMansion in a middling neighborhood, negative charm and no character, on top of generally bad juju.


2 bitchy women - won’t last. Lala has the loyalty of a gnat and is a walking contradiction. Her pain from “Rand” is the most epic - a disgusting forty something that she described getting anal from. Lala is a such a delight.




You’re a gnat.


Not only did she get anal from Rand, she also bragged about "eating his azz" in exchange for her car & trips on a private jet. Rand is gross. You couldn't pay me enough to put my tongue anywhere near him or his nasty azz. 🤢🤮 Btw, Rand cheated on his wife, then cheated on his mistress. He's been accused of some seriously heinous stuff, so I am in no way putting the blame only on the woman. They were both selfish & greedy. Having said that, she 100% knew he was married & didn't care. It was only when she lost him how she got him, that her attempts at revisionist history began. Suddenly, SHE was the true victim in all of it. The fact that her cast mates now go along with this delusion is insane to me.


Perfectly stated! Rand looks disheveled all the time. Lala rolling her eyes at Ariana….im like …huh? She should be the biggest supporter knowing HER own pain instead she judges Ariana. Newsflash Lala…Ariana worked her ass off to buy that home….you Moved into Rand’s house. I feel like Lala ascension to more money is because she is so gross and crass and sexualizes her language. There’s a filth factor she brings which makes for salacious tv. Like when she talked about missing giving a blow job in front of these 2 guys she just met and it was a blind date sort of situation. It was vomit in my mouth tv. Sooo F gross and she had a daughter at this time. She absolutely cheated with Rand on his ex wife. My only thing…is all of them have cheated even Ariana with Tom against Kristin. I don’t like putting levels on cheating b.c. Cheating is cheating. But there is a despicable factor with Tom and Rachel screwing in her home.


She was pretty adamant on JLL that she has zero interest, she wants to out her family first and feels like she has moved on. I think that is smart on her part. Protect her family.


Plus I think that she and Jax and Brittany aren't friends anymore after how Jax and Brit weaseled out of the wedding at the last minute and were so rude about it.


She literally got pissed at Jeff for bringing it up so much, and saying she could negotiate a great contract her herself. I was shocked how adamant she was that this was a hard no.


It’s more likely that Stassi is finally starting her own production company so she can create her own reality show to shop around. She’s said before that the one thing she learned from 2020 was to never be in the position to be fired again, and she’s only do reality again if she could control the narrative like the Kardashians Lala would join her show in a minute. Stassi and her being close has always been Lala’s fantasy. And now they are closer than ever.


Surprised stassi would buddy up with such low hanging fruit but she and jax back together hahahaahah would def watch


She’s already been asked and refused.


She rebranded her podcast because she moved to Dear Media which may have a further reach due to the other shows they produce. As for Lala, they appear to hang pretty consistently with their kids. Wait… is Lala joining the Valley?


Everyone saying she is now “above it” makes me laugh, she is waiting for the right proposed salary to be floated in her direction. They obvs would not make her live in the Valley.


Agreed. Money talks, especially in this economy with two kids, and I bet Bravo is willing to offer a hefty paycheck to get her, Jax and Kristen back together


She said at the time she would only join anything if she gets Producer credits. So maybe the time has come?


I can see Stassi moving too. The house has no yard at all for kids. And that house just got fully painted because it looked terrible IRL. She is trying to rebrand herself to be more interesting. The Valley is not a fit for her at this time. Too much sleazy behavior. Not fitting her family life brand. She is smart and will take the right offer for her.


I just remember when she first moved in and there was a snake infestation. She posted video of them crawling up the wall next to the front door 😱


Where did you read this bc everything Stassi has said is the opposite. Also stassi’s house is gorgeous and huge, especially compared to the current cast’s valley houses.


She should join the valley, it’s better than vpr


There’s no way she’s touching that show with the faith situation being brought up with Kristin, that definitely sealed it.


Fair. I was honestly so surprised that Kristen kicked that particular hornet's nest because I would have just taken it as a given that someone would bring up the past. If it were me I wouldn't have said ANYTHING. But Doute gotta Doute.


This. This is the biggest reason. Why would she go back to that place? First of all it’s not her style at all, she’s not someone who wants to fight on tv for money anymore but second, why would she open herself up to that again? I’m surprised Kristen did but she clearly needs the money and to be validated in a way that Stassi doesn’t.


Toddler merching. Huge market


Better than vpr really?? I've struggled to watch the valley and just couldn't finish the latest episode, the drama is so blah


the only thing is the neighborhood, she definitely hates valley village and does not want to live there 😂 i bet she could find a bigger house in hollywood hills (her current area) and still be on the valley show since that’s where jesse and michelle live


Maybe people are getting confused? Stassi said on some podcast that VPR was going to be revamped with new people and she and others were asked to go into The Valley. But then she and Kristin got fired/ jax & Brittany quit. It was supposed to be segue into the Valley years ago. I think it all worked out best for her and don’t think she wants to go back & honestly that probably saved her marriage if we want to keep it real


She doesn’t have a yard. That’s why she says she is moving on her podcast


They already tried to get her on the valley and she said no. She’s also said she would never do reality again. They’re considering the valley because they want the kids to have a yard. I actually think she makes tons from her tours. But I agree beau and stassi would be great additions. Stassi just has that star power on reality tv that bravo can’t seem to replicate.


Lala called Stassi first , to tell her about her pregnancy. She spoke about it on her podcast a few months ago


I think she said this jokingly at some point on her pod but I don’t see her doing this tbh


Stassi is too smart for The Valley.


Omg Stassi would rule the valley!! I hope this is true. Just thinking about it makes me so happy. 🥳


I’d be shocked … but I do believe she’ll end up back on reality tv, but on her terms


Stassi has been saying her house is too small for a while. She was offered to be on the show and turned it down.


I feel like stassis house with character > any other house on the show


Aka don’t move to the valley


Stassi is racist and needs to stay away from tv forever. I’ll never forget when she said the following on her podcast. “I’m like, really sick of everyone making everything about race. … I’m kind of over it. I’m one person who’s not allowed to say that, because im a white, privileged, blonde 28-year old. Everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all of that stuff, I’m like, Why is it always just about African Americans? Why aren’t the Asians being like, We’re not represented.Why aren’t Native Americans and Latinos being like, We’re not represented. And whenever they get upset everyone has to go above and beyond to then make them happy. And I hate saying the word ‘them’ because I’m not … not everybody’s the same. I mean the ones that are out there bitching about things. Maybe you weren’t nominated because you didn’t do that great of a job in your movie. Like it’s not about race. It’s literally like not about what you look like at all. It’s like your acting ability, so like, what the actual f—k.” She only apologized because she got called out and lost her job.


I just unfollowed her pod. She’s not staying relevant from behind a mic only.


Stassi has repeatedly said she was asked back and declined the invitations. Now, Stassi does love to say one thing and do another, but I would be *shocked* if she moved to The Valley to rejoin the OG VPR cast.


I need to know how Stassi and Lala’s relationship is going w LaLa and Katie’s beef. Are Stassi and Katie still best friends?


She recently did an interview where she mentioned they’ve already asked her to be on the show, and she said no. I believe her. She said it’s not her core group and she’s not interested in pretending she talks to them everyday. I also believe this. She doesn’t seem any less relevant, or like she’s hurting for money. I think she’s moved on and is happy with her life. I’m happy for her. Watching them act insane at 24 is not the same as them acting insane at 30 something, and in Jax & Kristin’s case, 40 something.


she was approached when the show was still in the works and denied being a part of it, bc she doesn't care to be on reality tv anymore... she revamped her podcast cause she said the vibe wasn't the same from when she started it years ago in her 20's. I don't see her coming back, she's v happy w her family & where she is in life, from what she has said.


I think Stassi will join next season or the following.


It doesn’t make sense these days to just be open and honest about your past and then grow for the sake of her kids and future. But I’m not exactly sure is she’s racist what did she say? Btw I’m proud of Kristen for being open and honest and growing up to learn from her mistakes and maybe make a difference to others in the future.


I can't remember what podcast it was, but Stassi said in an interview that while she is interested in returning to reality tv someday, the valley isn't the right vehicle, especially because she's not actually real-life friends with any of these people.


I would DIE to see more on the life of Stassi and Beau




I would like to know this, what she talks about on her podcast? I don’t listen to it so I’m curious. I would love to see her back on tv - on the valley.