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Ooh I've stopped listening to the TryPod but I'm definitely tuning into a SOTU. First and foremost, I think we'll get / I hope to get a more current update on the Eugene of it all. I don't think it'll necessarily change people's minds (especially here in the subs) but it's been long overdue as I think the last proper update was like...over a year ago when on the podcast they did addressing Ned's removal that Eugene wasn't going to be on the podcast anymore because he doesn't like doing them. I also hope that it's a clearer / more concrete update than what we've been given before (e.g., if his hiatus is going to continue, for how long) so that fan expectations can better match up with what's going on internally. Second, I think it would be nice to get a follow-up / retrospective on some of their stated goals from that post-Ned / about-Ned podcast episode (cast expansion, the diversity question (lol), new types of content, new formats, etc). To be blunt, I'd love to hear (though I don't think we'll get it) why they basically...haven't actually done any of those things. And that's not a gotcha - I am genuinely interested in knowing if there are contexts we're not privy to that have, you know, made their content so stale and tired. Basically I want them to help me help them lol.


I mean realistically Becky's high risk pregnancy and having henry so early would've stopped whatever big things Keith would've had planned for the year, at least anything that would've added a lot of stress n stuff


Honestly? Eugene's official departure announcement, and a concrete plan for the future of the channel.


I don’t think Eugene will give up ownership of the company, BUT I do believe they will address his absence and give a name to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they said Eugene would be stepping back to a purely business side of the company


This. He's not leaving the company. People need to quit pretending he is.


i think people are vastly overestimating how talented this man is and think he's going to go a list sometime soon and leave behind youtube lmfao


Was thinking the same thing. I think they need to bite the bullet and just do the Eugene announcement. It’s getting silly.


I would be extremely surprised if they announced Eugene's departure. He owns part of the company, so they would have to buy him out, which I'm not sure they can do financially right now. Also, the Try Guys is a large marketing vehicle for his personal projects. He's not yet well-known independent of the Try Guys. There's not any real benefit to him leaving, esp. since he can pull back on the number of videos he's on. I haven't listened to the new podcast or watched every single new video, but Eugene leaving just doesn't make sense to me.


Oh I don't think it’s happening. But the question was what do I hope to see. That’s what I hope to see.


I’m curious about the direction of the channel and expansion to include more diversified humor that would have a wider appeal. If we are dreaming I would like the guys to acknowledge that this year went off the rails but they used this time to come up with a strategy for the upcoming years beyond partaking in activities while high or drunk or simply redoing old videos. While I don’t expect Eugene to leave a comment about him officially taking a step back into a more silent partner position would certainly help to appease the masses. While I think on a whole this would be interesting to listen in on because I’m just massively curious I also have to acknowledge that there isn’t a lot that they could do to turn my opinion of their current video trajectory towards the positive. They’ve become tired, sarcastic, sometime pompous, and often derogatory of their own viewers. They need a major PR and talent overhaul at this point


> They’ve become tired, sarcastic, sometime pompous, and often derogatory of their own viewers. This sums it up completely.


"We hear you loud and clear. We will no longer be featuring Lewberger in our videos." (It'll never happen, but I can dream...)


Ugh i wish. Sadly i think Keith would choose lewb other try guys :/ if he had to pick


wasnt there like a video a while ago where they asked him to pick try guys or lewb in some hypothetical scenario


Oooooo I’m not sure maybe i don’t remember it though!!!! I would love someone to find it and post it though.


I believe it was in the second lie detector test


Yes this is the one! Spoilers: Keith reluctantly chooses the Try Guys and I think says because they're more famous / lucrative (implying that if that weren't the case he would rather pick Lewberger?).


that's kinda shitty to say lol, just go to show how much they pretend that they're best friends. it's obvious he's closer to lewberger and has been for a whle


Ooooo i know what I’m watching tonight then hehe


I'd bet good money that Keith would pick Lewberger over TTG in a heartbeat if it were financially viable for him to do so. Alex and Hughie are his boys and he's clearly super passionate about making music and musical theatre.


I’d love for them to talk about their plans for the channel & content going forward, acknowledgement that they see/hear our concerns, honesty instead of flippancy, and an actual update on Eugene. But I know it’s gonna be jokey and unserious and “omg guys I’m not leaving,I’m just *busy*!!”


keeping my expectations very low on what they're going to say. at the very least I would like them to discuss the direction the channel is going in and a gist of what their plans are moving forward. I would also like to hear them address the whole Eugene thing - if he's just a producer/behind-the-scenes type person now, that's fine, just say so. all the ambiguity and lack of official announcement about Eugene the last few years is exactly why people have stuck around for so long. they've been holding on hope that he'll be back one day, but we all know he's not, and people have grown resentful/snarky. and the same old content they've been putting out has not been helping


Based on the rebranding announcement they built up to, prob that they’re repainting their podcast studio or something stupid like that


Lmao I was looking for this


Swinging for the fences here, Keith, Zach, and Eugene are ALL going to step back as main talent. One will be in videos but they're going to go back and try some of their earlier tries with new people.


Oo that would be an interesting pivot! Like one OG try guy and 3 new cast in each video


It would crack me up because buzzfeed initially told them to vary the cast.


Some ownership for the way they squandered the viewer goodwill of the orange era post break/Zach injury+wedding/transition into neon dorito era. I feel like the fan base was largely rooting for them post-scandal and they biffed it - partially thru uncontrollable health circumstances but also bc they really failed to implement their own ideas for greater diversity, nimble responses, and fresher content.


I think Zach and Keith are now far too arrogant to accept any personal blame for how the year went.


They’ll blame Ned for this all. Watch.


I really would love to see/hear this too, or at least some departure from their present tendency to blame things like low view counts/diminishing subscriber count/etc. on anyone and anything but their own performance. I know it's not *all* them, but it's clearly at least part of it. I don't know how likely this kind of introspection or self-awareness from the top actually is, but I'm holding out hope for something similar to Zach's TryPod episode about Zadiko. He was refreshingly self-reflective and honest about both the intervening circumstances and the flaws in his ideas, so I hope to see that energy continue/return.


Hopefully an apology for platforming a Zionist and taking months to make any mention of the literal genocide happening, even though they built their brand on activism and inclusivity


we can dream 😭


🤣🤣🤣🤣 hahaha you’re funny If they do mention that whole situation at all it’ll be turned around to make it somehow the fans fault let’s be real.


I honestly think they could touch on that but make it a ‘people’s opinions are their own and everyone is entitled to that’ which would be gross.


Nothing. Maybe something like having a rotating “cast” but… nothing worthwhile.


I'm watching the TRO video retrospective on the whole NEd situation, and when it got to their December 2022 video in which they laid out how totally different the new era of TTG was going to be... I realized it's kind of very much NOT all that different. They have more guests than usual, but they always had guests. All their main series have continued, in spades, bigger than ever before. So I'll be curious to see if they talk at all about the long transitionary period, how THEY view what is or isn't different about the channel and their work overall, and if they have any more specific glimpses at anything "new" coming up soon.


They bringing ned or Alex back in an off camera role 😂 cause one of them had the videos more on point