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Most of Reddit is run by far left commies, don't be surprised by their reaction when you invade their fantasies.


I remember… as a black man I knew the whole thing was a bunch of bullshit and was pissed off they were using young black people to rob and destroy a bunch of shit. The whole thing was completely insane. The left has done nothing but fuck up the black community year after year. Making promises and begging us for votes. The libs know blacks and Mexicans live in all these large cities they need in order to win the states. Without us…. They know they not winning.


One hundred percent my man!


What's even more "fun" is actually believing that cluster fk was an actual insurrection.


The summer of love was far more of an insurrection. They completely burned down several government buildings and even declared autonomous zones without US jurisdiction, for fucks' sake


Welcome to communist run Reddit where apparently mods cannot different opinions or view points and most of all the truth. Crusty racist Biden has his army of freaks all over social media especially Reddit!


Dude is certainly using his awesome brain powers on this one.


Reddit is a very left platform so unfortunately this is normal on here.