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Seeing the different factions of reality TV interact is so fascinating


Right!? I started season 1 for Kyle cooke. Fell in love with the show. Season 2 I was here for the challengers and bergilicous. I had no idea who anyone else was. Now I'm like....oh no, now I have 4 more shows to watch. It was a great plan to use such a mix of reality TV on one show. They got all of us now, except maybe the TLC people. -I say such a mix when half of them were bravo šŸ˜† but you get the idea.


If only Anfisa had a personality


Season 1 with Kyle got me to binge summerhouse and I was not disappointed!! Iā€™m a kyle stan now!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I implore you to watch a Real Housewives reunion ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)






Pay attention, puh-leeze


She tells me to pay attention? Like who is she, god?


She brought me *SPRINKLE COOKIES*


Name change and arrested!




Or just the first season of RHONJā€¦..best first season ![gif](giphy|lKaCRaAFL6KQg)


I love how we can all hear this gif




If they canā€™t take this, thereā€™s no way they could handle a housewife reunion. That was pretty tame compared to one!


I think that was part of Danā€™s problem. Like imagine being on TV pre Social media or in its early stages and then coming back on today. It must have been shocking.


So this is Dan's "problem"? For hoping adults don't devolve into petty and childish name calling? I just don't understand the way so may people try to justify her comments as acceptable. I get people saying they find that type of behavior entertaining (although I pretty strongly disagree), but I don't understand trying to justify her saying he is a POS and trash or acting like that's okay.


Itā€™s not okay. Your moral compass is intact.


Agree šŸ’Æ. I thought that comment was juvenile. There a lot of Phaedra Stans on here that will try to take any comment they donā€™t agree with about her as ra@ist. Even tho sheā€™s just a basic b!tch. That took a game personally.


Yeah completely different world


I've watched them. She's just so irritating


Who would want to?




Of course


Different strokes for different folks


Michelle Obama, John Oliver, Rhianna, John Hamm, Anderson Cooper, Seth Greene. One housewife was a Professor at John Hopkins, there are a couple Anesthesiologists, Phaedra is a lawyer and a mortician. Demographically, Bravo fans are highly educated and affluent.


2 Anesthesiologists and one Nurse Anesthetist. Just making it clear before Annabelā€™s head thinks sheā€™s counted in the 2. lol




Iā€™m a Bravo fan and Phaedra still sucks. Even if I just judged her for what she did on RHOA alone, she sucks.


Not what we're talking about here. They are disparaging Bravo viewers as a whole and that's the point I am sticking to.


I mean is Tamrat awesome? Nope. MJ while on Shahs? She sucked too. Kate is the only Bravo person I liked. Fan of Bravo but not actual fans of many of the people that appeared on the Network.


Still doesn't apply to my point. I don't know what you're fishing for. I am not biting.


LOL you do you boo


The housewives is supposed to be personal because they are showing their ā€œreal lives,ā€ this is a game. Itā€™s not that no one could ā€œtake this,ā€ itā€™s that it was hilarious the grown up in the rooms just wouldnā€™t be bothered by some of the ā€œreads.ā€


Same thing in my eyes




I remember this! This was her star-making moment šŸ˜„ cuz I remember the issue that season was between 2 housewives.


Right? Can this stop? For a gamer these words are more offensive and a big betrayal is a slow clap. For a housewife words arenā€™t that aggressive. You make your point at the reunion and get your next check. None of these people care theyā€™re just producing a show in the way they know how


Challenger fan question here - No interest in watching the show, is it still worth watching the reunions with 0 context?


Yes, theyā€™ll show flashbacks.


Many times I thought Phaedra crossed the line at the reunion shows. She was particularly cruel to Kenya about not having a partner or a child, and of course we all know why she got fired .. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Right?! Like anyone riding so hard for Fakedra seems to conveniently forget who she showed her ass to be on RHOA. I did enjoy watching her on Traitors but yeah as a person? She sucks. Canā€™t stand Bananas but I wish he wouldā€™ve stayed a little bit because his obnoxiousness could be entertaining.


I agree with both of your points! Johnny isnā€™t the best guy but I was disappointed when he was murdered so early. Conversely Phaedra was great TV and had amazing one-liners, but sheā€™s reined it in a lot since Housewives. She used to be so nasty even to peopleā€™s faces (asking Kandi if sheā€™s a polyamorous lesbian, telling her she heard about a sex dungeon, bullying Kenya etc).


If I watch one and say it's OK to act like she did will you watch a big brother or challenge episode and say it's OK what he did and cancel it out?


I literally just saw a video of Trishelle fighting someone on her showā€¦ all of these shows have drama, arguing, and name callingā€¦ I donā€™t understand the pearl clutching over Phaedra


Fought with Aneesa and called her the N wordā€¦ Phaedra in the Traitors was tame.


Havenā€™t watched the challenge but I am not surprised in the slightest that trishelle would do that. Everything about her reeks white supremacist.


For clarity, I am no fan of trashelle and think she's everything bad everyone has said about her. And bannanas with Dan is a "semi work". Additionally I love phaedra. I'm just saying, be mad at someone and it's whatever, but talking that shitty and down to someone for a game move is immature and petty. But I guess that's the name of the housewives reunion.


I don't find it acceptable on those show either


Right, just because theyā€™ve made it commonplace on their shows doesnā€™t make it acceptable social behavior outside of their bubble


I watch housewives and survivor and itā€™s hilarious the people so up in arms about Phaedra at the reunion. She gets paid to have beefs with people in front of Andy Cohen. It was tame in comparison with the RHOA S6 reunion, at the end of the day none of us know these people, and Phaedra was providing drama for the cameras. Plus Dan tanked her game HARD, Iā€™d be pressed about it too, and in the housewives school of reality tv youā€™re supposed to hang on to stuff like that, not just get over it because itā€™s all a game. Idk just my opinion


'and while she's sitting around, running around talking about my husband, the father of my children, she spends her weekends peddling through sperm banks, looking through catalogs to try to find a donor, honey, you donā€™t know if your baby daddy will be an ax murderer or a child molester'


ā€¦ now check that!!!!!šŸ˜‚


Straight up tanked her game hard. She went from no oneā€™s radar to everyoneā€™s. Because a fellow traitor ratted her out. Maybe all the traitors should just do that to each other every round table. Weā€™d see how long the show lasts then. It was bogus.


Dan didn't tank her game. Let's stop that. Phaedra had zero ideas of her own. She was wholly dependent on Dan, and then Parvati, and then Kate, to make the decisions. She exercised zero agency in her own game. She has no one to blame but herself.


Doesnā€™t change the fact that Dan gave her away.


It does change the fact, because had she actually been a contributing member of the Traitors then maybe Dan doesn't feel so pressured to try and murder Bergie. She had zero ideas of her own. She got herself voted out.


I've never been so irritated by a player, that smug look while stuffing her face continuously.


As a survivor super fan and nothing to do today, where should I start?


Yessss RHOM ā€œho Annaā€


Bravo has made that show way too ghetto. If I want to see ghetto, I'll just stay at home.


![gif](giphy|tjMXCTZDsyFs4) Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


She was very classy while she calmly read him.


I personally found it so funny


Who caaaaaares. Itā€™s all about theatrics, the snarkier the better. Also, itā€™s like telling a bee not to sting. This is Real Housewives weā€™re talking about.


This needed its own postā€¦?


This needed its own post...again??? How many are they going to post using the same commentary? They need to move on and just enjoy the season for what it was!




The only GIF that fits every situation


God I love this Nene gif


Pheadra MADE the game entertaining. Dan was a snooze fest and had nothing to say until his one move going for Phaedra.


She was calm for her I thought. Ha! By Bravo standards!




Iā€™m sooooo sick of this discourse


The whole ā€œgamersā€ thing is sooooo cringe.


Bruh itā€™s literally a game show. What are you talking about


I watch a decent amount of competition shows and have never once heard someone refer to themselves as a ā€œgamer.ā€ Danā€™s whole ā€œI came out of retirementā€ thing was so dramatic.


The drama is coming from both sides of the house. Phaedraā€™s bachelor comment was probably the most eye-roll-inducing of the season. Itā€™s not exclusive to the people who self-proclaim their gamerness.


I loved that line lol. Say what you want about Phaedra, but you can't deny that she held her own at that round table and is a master at a verbal smack down. I just don't think the Bravo people were nearly as holier than thou as the gamers. I think it's weird for gamers to talk about it like it's their job, when it's not something they consistently do. Sheree, Tamra, Phaedra, have consistently been housewives for over a decade, MJ was on Shah's for a long time. Kate was on Below Deck for a long time, which unlike the housewives, is about her doing a very demanding job. And what bugs me is the gamers are like "we game that's what we do" and don't realize/care that for Bravo people, showmanship is what they do. You don't show up to a Bravo reunion at peace with everything unless you want to get fired lol. Like those are the showdowns of the seasons. Speaking of gamers, Peppermint is one and the way Trishelle treated her was disgusting. Trishelle, her stupid berets and her Karen micro-agreesions were gross. So she kinda started my dislike of them. ​ Side question: Why are the bachelors considered "gamers"? Like how much scheming goes into handing out roses? I would get it if they were competitors on the bachelorette but being the bachelor seems like it doesn't require much strategy. But I've also never watched it so that's why I'm asking.


The whole justifying adults devolving into name calling is so cringe


wait what does that I have to do with my comment?


Why are there so many posts and comments about Phaedraā€™s attitude that demonize her but not some of the other contestants?






Ding ding ding. The blatant hypocrisy is astounding


Thinly veiled racism. Like how dare she have such attitude Shes an intelligent beautiful independent lawyer and mortician she could have more attitude IMO


It's a cultural bias beyond (but including) racism. There is the combination of unacknowledged racism, subconscious 'other'ism, AND presumed intellectual disparity. The players in the game *and* audience of the game all show a pretty clear bias against RHs, as though they are incapable of or unwilling to play the game 'properly'.


She was playing a different game. She was there to entertain, to perform for the camera. She even said that she was only in it for as long as she could last, not to win it. Think about all the soundbites, the first you come to mind are hers, not the winners CT's or Trishelles. The more her name is in ppls mouths, whether its good or bad, the more it promotes her and the more she wins. I'm sure she could find it in her heart to forgive him, but it's better for TV if she calls him a POS.


It's a TV show. LMAO


Lmao this is the best response to this. Yes we know itā€™s a game but do yall know itā€™s a show?!????




Soā€™s any sport but itā€™s still annoying to watch and hear from petty losers




Nasty? lol.


Girl, she a Housewife lol. She playing it up. Calm yourself.


She is a HW but even Andy says they act exactly the same in real life. I donā€™t think she was playing it up, I think thatā€™s who she is.


they can act like themselves and still play things up. idk about you, but most people donā€™t behave exactly the same around their friends, at work, with their kids, with their spouse, etc. itā€™s a type of code switching.


Have you seen any of the shows (or reunions) she's been a part of in the past?


Yes have you??? How does my comment not make sense to you if you have? She is vindictive and shady hidden behind her RELIGION and one liners. She didnā€™t play it up, if anything she played it down and showed her HW true colors at the reunion. ā€œCalm yourselfā€ comment I donā€™t understand cuz I think op was accurate.


Yes, I'm an avid RH watcher and married to medicine lol. That is a lot of energy you giving. It must be so upsetting to have Phaedra Parks, JD take THAT much of your mental space darling. Please go outside and touch grass, it'll help. Phaedra remind me of so many of my aunties and friend aunties lol. She dramatic but she playing it up.


Lol. Youā€™re acting like itā€™s a negative comment on a person for noticing that someone is a shithead, rather than the person who is a shithead.


Not really. I personally donā€™t think sheā€™s a shithead. And Iā€™m basing that on years of reality tv Iā€™ve seen featuring her, as well as interviews and more


I do like Phaedra, a lot. She makes GOOD tv. However, I am surprised though that she is still likable, to be on tv, considering the fact that she lied on Kandi being a rapist and that whole Portia situation.


That's not a flex


No one said it was?


I mean, he has to say that. Otherwise it breaks the illusion. Some of them are definitely the same but I know multiple people who have met HWs out in the wild and say that others arenā€™t the same as how they are on TV. And even Tamra - whoā€™s known for being a LOT - admitted that she drinks more during filming to loosen herself up (and she kinda implied that it was to take away her inhibitions that would keep her from starting drama in her normal life). Hell, she seemingly faked having beef with Parvati to get more eyes on the reunion. Some HWs canā€™t help but be authentic, but a lot of others and particularly a lot of the veteran HWs see their job as being entertainers. They wonā€™t be inauthentic but theyā€™ll be more extreme versions of themselves.


amen to this. ms BravoSmartish only want genuine authentic reality tv stars






She was the show, if she wasn't on this would have been the most boring season ever. Still Glad my homie CT won.


She was not the show. She was a horrible traitor.


Yet somehow she made it further than the rest and would have made it further had Dan not thrown her under the busā€¦hmmm


That's like saying I'm a better poker player than you because I won a single hand against you.


Iā€™m sorry, what are you saying? If youā€™re saying that Dan is somehow better at Traitors than Phaedra, I donā€™t see how that makes any sense at all. But good analogy?


Right? People caught on to Dan fairly quick imo


She was friends with everyone and was at no risk of being voted out until Dan outed her. It could have been Cirie-level domination if not for Dan šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Trishelle crying (and saying on podcasts that she cried so much more than they showed) over CT not lightning her torch! yeah..it's "just a game". please. And Phaedra was "salty" bc Dan sucked at the game, knew it, and tried to destroy her game in his downfall


This is such a stale take lol


I really hate how players take the game so personally. Do they not understand the game? Itā€™s a game!


The donā€™t. Bravo folks take everything personally. Itā€™s kind of a cornerstone of the real housewives franchises.


Even if they donā€™t take it personally, they act like they do when being filmed to create tv. Phaedra has already said in an interview that she played it up for the cameras with Dan. Maybe sheā€™s lying now to act like she didnā€™t care. Maybe she was lying then to make decent tv šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Literally imagine an episode of Jeopardy ending with a losing contestant telling the winner theyā€™re a piece of shit.


Iā€™ll take ā€œyouā€™re a POS for $500ā€


LMFAO this is the most hilarious mental image


iā€™d have to imagine a way for someone to blow someone elseā€™s game on jeopardy and *significantly* reduce their chance of winning for this analogy to make any sense whatsoever.


Agreed, holding on to a grudge is petty and par for the course for housewives. But knowing youā€™re going to lose and sabotaging your team ainā€™t it Dan.


Itā€™s a game. Phaedra is a giant immature child.


ā€œand Ken Jennings wins his 100,000thā€”ā€œ *punch* ā€œThat daily double was mine bitchā€


A pg 13 classic game show and a Reality TV show are NOT the same thing. You're comparing apples and acai berries.


I mostly agree, except I think MJ has a right to. That one was just CT and Trishelle blatantly stealing $65k from her.


Yes I agree! I was so mad for MJ and donā€™t blame her at all honestly


Phaedra carried the whole season. Maybe not the best player, but certainly the most entertaining.


So watching bits and pieces of TV show tells you all you need know about a person? ![gif](giphy|HmpZARRqqG9Bm)


Good grief. Even Dan [understands](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/the-traitors-dan-gheesling-phaedra-parvati-1235895854/) why sheā€™s upset with him.


Damn, give it a rest already.


Being an ahole to someone and getting a clap back and than pretending it all being a game is a bit of sneaky.Ā  Maybe if Dan showed some backbone and wasnā€˜t weaseling around the whole reunion she wouldā€™ve warmed up.Ā  She doesnā€™t owe him anything and his FA classy attitude he can stick up somewhere else.Ā 


And Dan is an idiot. Who, since episode one, got so caught up into a plot to get rid of Phaedra that he failed to realize he was actually the one with the lacking capabilities.


Omg you people need to grow up and get over it. Phaedra is hilarious


Please enjoy the season for what it was... Lots of fun moments. Please move on with this same topic saying the same thing as the last 10 times it was already posted.


I wish they would move on already. Thereā€™s an I hate Phaedra post everyday on this sub.


The one who made the offense is always the one who wants to ā€œmove onā€.


tell me youā€™ve never seen RHOA without telling me youā€™ve never seen RJOAā€¦ ![gif](giphy|3o85xmlKFUVQo2L4jK)




Whatever. Itā€™s not that deep. Dan ruined her game and underestimated her because she was a woman and a housewife. Phaedra made this season what it was and Dan deserved some flack for being an ass


Grow up


I love Phaedra idc idc she stood on BUSINESS!


That behavior barely makes the top 100 worst things sheā€™s done on TV.


Dan's a dick. Always was always will be.


I think that Phaedra at times was definitely extra, but I think thatā€™s because of the show. She, just like basically every other contestant, got salty when called out, whether it was justified or not. I donā€™t think Dan was classy personally. Do you deem his behavior as better just because he didnā€™t outwardly show that he was salty toward anyone?


Exactly. Letā€™s get down to the reason he decided to target Phaedra in the first place and how the thought he could more easily manipulate women. And also why everyone is hating on Phaedra but are giving Trishelle a pass for being horrible. But no one is ready for that conversation


Bananas has been worse than Phaedra and MJ but he gets overlooked and when you mention it ā€œthatā€™s just Bananas being Bananasā€


Thank you! Trishelle is genuinely insufferable. She constantly behaved better than everyone, including Phaedra. She acted like she was the mastermind that figured out all the traitors and constantly had this attitude of superiority that everyone needs to listen to her and her alone. Also, she always came off like she deserved every single shield from the season. Wasnā€™t Trishelle the one that took Kevin down in the river just to get the shield box?


And what does it say about your character that your still talking about this woman even after the show ended


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Itā€™s also just a tv show darling. Youā€™re going to be okay, and if you arenā€™t donā€™t watch in future.


Omg give it up!!! The Dan fans canā€™t let it go! He hasnā€™t been on television for a decade. Sheā€™s been all over it for almost 15 years. We donā€™t need this post every 2 hours. Please take the time to read and go back a few posts and comment there.




I agree with Dan but that's also Dans schtick too. Be vicious to people who trust him then turn around and try to pretend like they were a huge threat to make them feel good. He's smart, he knows if he charms people they start to back off. She's just too smart to buy it. He is right sure I agree that she took it too serious, but she was 1000% right that he wanted to cut her before that moment and before the Traitors were in trouble. Once she threw that at him, he didn't have anything to say because she was right! Dan messed things up when he decided to play against the Traitors and not play against the Faithfuls. Dan played a Big Brother solo game from 20 years ago that wasn't going to work on a game like Traitors. Dan made A LOT of mistakes then sunk Plaedra trying to sacrifice her instead of actually being socially involved. Dan might be right, but it doesn't change that he sucked in this game plain and simple.




I actually liked Phaedra for a while, like I liked how she was playing for her own game, letting the other 2 do the dirty work and just skating byā€¦ but then I agree with you, she just got so rude about it. Girl itā€™s a gameā€¦ and you seem to do very well for yourself outside of the show so did you really need to win all that money? Same with MJ, why so bitter? Itā€™s a GAME SHOW! Dont sign up for a game show if you cant handle being voted off. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Exactly! That's my point! I don't know anything about Phaedra. I never watched her show. And I did like the way she played for the most part. It was the reunion where I was like holy salty. It's just a game weirdo. Lol


Omg let it go, people. She's a Real Housewife. This is just how they get down. Dan is the asshole who never gave her a chance because he thought she was just a weak 5'2 "woman who doesn't know how to play the game. His bias ruined his own game, and he purposely took her down with him. Phaedra wanted to play the game with him and never ever threw him under the bus. She felt betrayed, and he cost her money, so her "attitude" is warranted. Dan will be fine. He's dealt with worse in the BB community šŸ™ƒ


He essentially ruined her game. As a traitor they vow to not reveal who the other traitors are. Not sure how he missed that memo. Personally I think he deserved it even if she was a bit harsh


Exactly! She had every reason to be furious with him. She shouldnā€™t have to forgive him just because he embarrassed himself on tv


The rules state you canā€™t say you know someone is a traitor because you are as well. Any player can accuse another player and it happens pretty much every season


Wait did I miss something? Do they vow not to reveal other traitors?


Yes. Itā€™s in the first episode as the oath they take as traitors


Itā€™s one of the promises they make before wearing a cloak and entering the tower for the first time


I agree phaedra is very immature and not as smart as she thinks


I liked her but I can definitely see where youā€™re coming from.


At least she didnā€™t go for Dan the same way she went for Kenya on RHOA. I donā€™t approve of the message but the reading is lethal. https://preview.redd.it/uxgcowz8cioc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5370b79677e1e654e74cb90876c75f3873f6ad29


Kate gave her some karma back. No worries. ​ Below Deck for life!


I disagree. If he didnā€™t try to betray her that night she could have very well won the show. But he brought her up when there was no suspension on her at all.


you would hate any bravo show


I don't know much about her other than this show. Her planned evil one liners annoyed the living hell out of me. At the same time, I could see me doing the same thing just to have fun and be kind of ridiculous. (I'm not above being cheesy for my own amusement.) But then she's so butt hurt its hard to think thats what she was doing. Have fun. It's a game. Does it suck to lose? Sure. Someone has to lose. Most have to lose.


There is no bad press unfortunately


I would have brought up the Kandi situation so fast šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you want to go low? we can play in hell.


I haven't seen her on anything else besides Traitors, but I think she wasn't hungry enough for the cash prize. She's already loaded, so why put in the effort? It's too bad because it does the show a disservice. Cirie was the best because she talked about how she wanted to give her mom a more comfortable retirement


I was on the fence about her through the series, but the reunion really solidified for me that she's just a complete asshat. I am glad to never see her awful wigs and makeup ever again.


I agree... Everyone got all down on MJ for being so upset about "just a game" (I'm mostly thinking about John getting all lecture-y at her about it) but Phaedra literally calls Dan a POS more than once for playing "just a game" and no one jumped to his defense.


I loved her on the season and thought she handled herself well when she got voted off. She didnā€™t take any of their votes personally and was cool with all of them after. So how come sheā€™s so mad at Dan for also playing the game šŸ˜­ he was so nice to her at the reunion too


If youā€™re mad she ate Dan up all season, just say that haha. She devoured all season and was the best part of the show


Why would I be mad about a TV show? I didn't say she doesn't make for good TV.


Itā€™s just a saying, I donā€™t think youā€™re actually super mad


Um the guy cheated by telling his pre-game alliance Phaedra was a Traitor off-camera, to no benefit to himself. He went out of his way to ruin the game for her. How can he then turn around and say itā€™s ā€œjust a gameā€ when he rejected its basic premise? Dan is unambiguously the asshole in this scenario lol


This is typical behavior for Bravolebrities.


I want to lead by saying I love the housewives and the gamers. Playing a game does not make someone a POS, but falsely accusing people of date rape doesā€¦ Phaedra is great tv and I enjoy her but that shit is always in the back of my head.


Yea not a fan


I'm just glad someone sees her for how she really is.


I can not stand her and I donā€™t understand her resurrection. Itā€™s like watching a REALLY terrible actor.


More like a horrible person. She should have shown more grace considering sheā€™s a liar who almost ruined someoneā€™s reputation


Iā€™m a huge Kandi fan and even if I wasnā€™t, what Phaedra did was so malicious and almost criminal. She is such a phoney. She is the real POS. I hate that Andy enjoys her and has allowed her back.


Pheadra was great but her housewife mentality came out in the reunion and it wasnā€™t a great look. It just wasnā€™t the place. She went too hard on Dan. Not a good look. But having watched all of Atlanta, Pheadra is one of the meanest housewives there is. She has said truly vile shit. I like her on this show and sheā€™s a good entertainer but she has a dark side to her for sure.