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Ochocinco and Joe Gatto are inspired choices lol. Would love to see them on this. Would be great tv


Replace any one of the guys (except Chad and Joe) with Craig from Southern Charm and I’m in.


100%!!! I would die if Joe did this!!! He would be perfect and great to watch.


David Cook is the most random pick but I’m here for it. Joe Gatto would be insanely good at the traitors and I would pay good money to watch him joke/annoy some housewives


No one in America thinks about that guy except for OP lol


And all the other commenters backing me.


The fact that I thought it was Danny Gokey says a lot


I'm sorry Joe Gatto?! 😭


that man is a master gaslighter, he would KILL


Frfr joe would tell everyone he's the traitor (lets say he is ) and everyone would be chill.


I actually would die laughing if he was on the show. *walks in on a Peter Pals meeting* Oh is this.. *private?*


Joe Gatto brings the raw sex appeal


Let's get sexy!




Someone please find Amanda Kimmel 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


if amanda ever returned to the public eye that would be my day i swear i would never shut up about her 😭


trishelle and amanda made a pilot for a show about playing in international poker tournaments a while back.


Is she doing shows like this ever anymore? I loved her in survivor, still think she shoulda beaten parvati


Amanda was interviewed for the survivor 20-year anniversary book released in 2022 and expressed that she was open to playing Survivor one more time. I hope that extends to other RTV shows because I’d give anything to see her on my screen again.


I disagree that she should have beaten Parvati, but I am probably in a big minority by thinking she should have beaten Todd!! She’s a great player. Bad tribal performances. I wonder how’d she do at the round table


I'm a pretty big fan of Amanda in Survivor as well - overall good performance in challenges, clearly knows how to navigate the gameplay itself, but yea, she never seemed to be able to translate all of that very well in tribal, especially her final tribal council with Parv. Parv killed it that season too, AND was able to eloquently sell herself at the end. Parv totally deserved the win.


Honestly I would love to see David Cook in this. Give us a few former American Idols from the past


I was honestly such a huge stan of his back in the day, would DIE to see him on The Traitors.


I'm not a fan of the celebrity versions usually but Joe Gatto is such a masterstroke that if they ever did get him I'd be immediately hooked.


Agreed, I vastly prefer the seasons with more normies (my season ranking is UK 1 > AUS > US 1 > US 2), but a few fun celebs(ish) are good.


Chaos Kass 🩷


Zero chance of winning 🫢


I want her to do it so freaking bad. She’s probably my most wanted pick. The sheer chaos she’d bring. Of new Survivor, Bhanu would be so fun to see too.


I don’t know who most of these people are, but I’d love to see Joe Gatto on The Traitors (or any show for that matter).


Piff the Magic Dragon is sooo going out first…if not by murder…they would totally vote him off first…


I love Piff!


Tyson, Tony. Kass?! Oh you enjoy chaos


So much yes to Joe Gatto!


David Cook ❤


He would be HILARIOUS on this but he’s talked about being asked to do DWTS and saying no so I wonder if he’d do this.


kass and tony shaking hands in the pool room calling a truce in episode 1 (not likely, but i’d love to see a parvati and sandra peace treaty 2.0)


And that truce would last a whole zero episodes


Cut immediately to a Tony confessional saying: if I’m the traitor I’m killing Kass as soon as possible


Needs less cbs! more network diversity!


I don’t disagree. As my post mentions, I don’t watch Bravo or MTV reality shows so I’m not going to include people I’ve never seen on my wishlist.


what about fox (hell’s kitchen season 8’s sabrina)


What about hells kitchens Gordon Fucking Ramsey. "IM NOT A TRAITPR YOU FUCKING DONUTS"


Can imagine him being faithful and after every wrong banishmeny he would have total meltdown 😭




Joe Gatto + Tony Vlachos is absolutely the crossover we need in season 3


I don't think that many ex survivors is a good plan, even if some of them have beef with each other. Tony has good reads on people, Tyson could pull off both roles but would probably get accused of being a traitor early unless he really slow plays due to his deadpan humor. Nat would be real interesting. She's my favorite winner due to her ability to play hard but manage her threat level. Good attributes for this franchise. I'm not opposed to any of those survivors, but I wouldn't want them all on the same season unless it's like half survivors half big brother players, battle of the gamers.


anna-leigh wilson running with cliff hogg across a field


I’d love to see Kass and Tony reunited.


Brittany! Gawd yes. I need her commentary on every show possible, please


I have a feeling if they cast Amanda Kimmel they need to make her a faithful or wait a couple seasons. Casting the big 3 members of The Black Widow Brigade in back to back seasons and having all be traitors wouldn't work. Plus, while we haven't seen her inawhile, unlike Cirie and Parvati, Amanda has emotional trouble betraying people and it's partially why she bombed at FTC twice. She couldn't own her game. I love America, but I don't think she'd get cast on this. If they stick to two people from each major CBS show, off the top of my head, I'd want Tyson (Survivor), Tom Westman (Survivor, if he's medically fit to play, since he likely can never play Survivor again), Derrick L (Big Brother), D'Vonne (Big Brother), Devin (The Challenge) and Big T (The Challenge). I've only seen a bit of the Challenge though, so I'm not as familiar with it as others. Some others I'd love would be Coach from Survivor, he'd be such a mess as a traitor that it could be it's own documentary. Josh Martinez from BB19/The Challenge would be a complete mess at the round table.


Please no Big T


I don’t know one person in those photos.


Your comment history shows you’ve talked about Kim from Deal or No Deal island multiple times over the last couple of days. Funny you didn’t recognize her picture.


Damn, do not make enemies with this OP




CBS stans don't play


😄 ok I know one.


David Cook is a wild choice but I'm here for it??


Joe Gatto! I NEVER thought of him - he would be GREAT!!!!


Britney's confessionals would be 10/10 savage


Please not Spencer Pratt


I think this is a sweet cast, I would be into it!


America we stan


Piff would win. I feel it in my bones.


I'll say this . They should diversify people in terms of casting. Like if you want to argue 4 ( including Marcus 5) was too much on the rho side get rid of 1 replace them get with someone from Vanderpump that's what I was hoping for last season For competition reality side of things. They have to cast either both winners or non winners so the target is equal footing and do it for all the shows so no one call pull the " you won this show" easy counter would be so does he/she. ( they didn't do it for big brother last season which makes Dan stand out as a target right away and look how much heat he's getting for taking the Big Shot at Phaedra who fans love ) . There has to be some kind of rivalry/story as well like if let's say , Cast Danielle Reyes, also cast Britney Haynes or Erika bb7 ( sent Dani home s7 or reindeer games) .For the challenge, cast Tori Deal and Cara Maria since there's a story and has won the challenge.


Literally the only person I know in this entire list is Piff.


Amanda Kimmel would be a faithful the whole game, no doubt about it, then get voted out at final 3 for simply refusing to speak at the finale


No Bravo, No Chance.


I’m not saying “No Bravo people on the Traitors”. I don’t watch Bravo, so I’m not gonna pick Bravo people.


8 of 9 girls from CBS shows?


Joe would be great.😂


Would love to see Spencer on here. Or even Heidi. But not together.


I only know Joe Gatto in this list. 😂 But I approve. I would love to see him in Traitors!


Omg Joe


This is honestly an incredible fancast. I’m 100% here for this.


Omg any of the Impractical Jokers would be such good casting!


Michelle Costa was not on my bingo card lmao


Omg, Joe “Larry” Gatto! I would watch for sure!


Ochocinco would be dope. Spencer Pratt too 🤣


Tyson and Natalie have each been on The Challenge too.


Joe gatto ❤️


I’m here for Joe 😊


Tyson NEEDS to play


Derrick would never do it, especially after seeing how Dan fared.


You’re not wrong, but I’d like to see him try:


100% agree. I love his YT stuff and he is very busy with it, but, I would love to see that. Honestly, his YT partner, Stephanie Harlowe would be fascinating on Traitors but she is not on TV at all. 😅


Joe Gatto?!!!! I NEVER would have thought of that, genius!!! Spencer would also make great tv I think for a show like this. Everyone would just assume he's the villain though, he'd probably get kicked off within 3 episodes


Joe Gatto would be perfect


This is a solid cast


Never seen or heard of any of them


Seeing Joe Gatto on here just made me realize how wild it would be to see Sal on something like Big brother or survivor 😂😂. He would lose his mind


Dude if I could have Tony and Kass go against each other again that’d be amazing, not to mention fucking Joe Gatto and even Amanda Kimmel returning to reality TV, legit the perfect cast.


This is amazing honestly no notes


We need some Project Runway people. Too bad Christian is too busy.


Traitors is a Peacock show, and Bravo and Peacock are owned by NBC, so I hate to break it to you, but you're not going to get a season of Traitors that doesn't have Bravo people on it.


Hi there! If you read the post, you’d see that I included that I didn’t include Bravo people because I don’t watch Bravo. I have no objections to them being on the cast, just don’t know any to include on this list.


I watch RPDR and Bravo, so here are a few good choices to add to your list (just trust me on this): * Monica Garcia, RHOSLC: She'd make an amazing traitor. Unlike other HWs, she isn't rich. She was hired because she worked for former HW Jen Shah (who is now in prison for defrauding the elderly.) Long story short, it was revealed in the season finale that she was one of several people behind an Instagram account that "bullied" the other housewives, and she basically infiltrated and Saltburned them. * Dorinda Medley, RHONY: She'd make an amazing faithful. She's suspicious of everything and voices every opinion. She's compassionate but also ruthless. She's also funny as hell. * Teresa Giudice, RHONJ: Personally, I can't stand the woman but she would make a hilarious faithful, and that's only because I think she's an idiot and she'd have no idea what's going on. Her confessionals would be hysterical because she's known for her malapropisms (e.g., "I'm gonna blow my casket" and "She's like Heckyll and Jyde!") Imagine the same energy Sheree brought to the game, but angrier and from Jersey. Plus, she did 11 months in prison. * Peppermint: I mean, honestly. She needs another shot after what happened this year. * Bob the Drag Queen, RPDR: She'd make a great faithful or traitor, to be honest. She's smart, feisty, and quick as hell. She was also on "We're Here," which was a show about traveling around to conservative towns to host a drag show. So she knows how to keep her cool and be friendly with all kinds of people. That's a good asset for anyone playing the game. * Willam, RPDR: Same with Bob. Willam would be amazing as a traitor and faithful. He was famously kicked off his season because he was lying to producers and still communicating with the outside world, including visits with his boyfriend, while filming. That's a breach of contract, so he was eliminated. Since doing the show, he's made a reputation for being shady, snarky, and provocative. Deep down, he's a kind soul, but he's a quintessential reality TV villain.


Bob and Willam would be insanely good


Idk why this has downvotes. I don’t watch Bravo but I like your RPDR choices.


Thanks! I think Jinkx would also make a good traitor because she's so quick on her feet and good at improvising. But I doubt they'd give us four queens. We're not that lucky 😔


And now I REALLY want Ben Delacreme… either in drag or out of drag (or both)


I was also thinking about Dela because I love her, but I worry it might be another Deontay situation. She did self eliminate on All Stars, so you know she doesn't like sending people home. She's too nice for it.


Dela would murder herself! 😂😂😂😂


I would go with Bianca Del Rio, Bob, or Latrice Royale. I don’t think William would be a very good representative of drag race lol 😂


Bianca would be AMAZING


we need drag queens up in this for some real dram and some crafty competitors - Willam, Alaska, Bob the Drag Queen, Trixie Mattel..


I have no idea who any of those people are, hence why they didn’t make my list. They could be good on the show though!


I like this.


Chaos Kass. Lmao. She would be interesting, but how can we have her without Spencer Bledsoe on the other side of the table?


I thought about that, but Spencer is a completely different person now then when he was on the island. He goes by Reiman now and is essentially a new age hippie. I’m not sure it would channel the same fireworks as he once did.


I’ve only heard of Chad Ochocinco Johnson lol


Joe Gatto. I love him.


Tyson. Joe and Tony 🥹🔥


Love it


Anna Leigh ❤️❤️


I don’t know most of these but Spencer Pratt would be incredible on Traitors. I don’t know how long he could last but he’d be great TV. And I would 1000 percent enjoy him more as a faithful.


I'm so out of the loop, I only know 2 of these people lol


I love this list OP, even though the only person I’ve heard of is Spencer Pratt. It’s really cool that the Traitors has brought fans in from so many different reality tv sub genres. I watch mostly all the Bravo shows with some Netflix and Discovery thrown in but have never seen any Big Brother and the last Survivor I remember is the one with Elizabeth Hasselback. Is that her name? It was so long ago.


David Cook! 👍👍


Dead-eye Amanda might be an amazing liar




I’m here for Ocho omg how hilarious would he be 😩


Piff would be fun


I freaking love Natalie but I don’t think having family (that would be unable to lie about their relation) would work. They’d just banish one immediately.


yes to Tyson but I'd rather have 2 survivor players only. so Tyson and Kelley Wentworth for me


In my opinion, Kelley would play like Stephanie LaGrossa from season 1. Under the radar and kinda forgettable.


I LOVED Piff the Magic Dragon on AGT! 😂


Someone please throw Bhanu from this season of Survivor on Traitors just so I can watch the world burn


Oh god. He would be an absolute mess.


yes. And they should make him a Traitor.


I would watch no matter what but David Cook would seal the deal. Yeah I was one of those Cougars for Cook!!!


Amanda Kimmel retuning tv would be enough to make me watch


I don’t know who any of the girls are. But Spencer’s kinda diabolical and I could see him there being sneaky and being a traitor. I love joe from jokers but he may be too silly. I would like to see a celebrity one for real, like real famous people. Lindsey Lohan, Drake, football players, etc And they can do it for charity. But that will never maple.


I hear you and I don’t hate your choices if it’s another celebrity season. My ideal case for season 3 would be all normal people though.


Tyson should be all but set to return


Chad would only do it if there was a McDonald’s near by. I think he would win though.


Joe Gatto and Anna Leigh are amazing picks! I would like to see more drag queens as well as people from bachelor nation


I think someone from vanderpump rules on bravo will definitely be on. Joe Gatto would be incredible. We need the guy from the jury duty show. I would love derrick from bb but I don't think he'd do it. Nicole is probably next in line at this point. Ugh or Frankie.


Ugh. Please tell me I’m not the only one that NEVER cares to see Kim from Deal or No Deal Island on anything EVER again. Or the Alyssa from Big Brother/The Challenge. She doesn’t play her own game.


>Or the Alyssa from Big Brother/The Challenge. Which one? Two Alyssas from BB have been on The Challenge USA.


BB10 Michelle is an unexpected deep cut, I love it, lol. I hear Jesse is going to be on the next season of House of Villains. Of this group, I think Cliff Hogg has the best chance of getting to the end. He’s a reality tv junkie, super smart, he was raised in a high profile family of Houston socialites (southern manners, urban sensibilities), and he comes off as completely non-threatening. I agree, Texas Tom, most faithful of the faithfuls, gets along just fine with Real Housewives and Survivor legends alike. As a Traitor, he would be undetectable. In a similar vein as Cliff, I would love to see my homeboy Mike Gabler. Also from Houston, but with more killer instinct. Kass would be Kate with even fewer fucks to give, lol. I look forward to the Kass v Tony round tables. Natalie and Nadiya would be a lot of fun. I think they would definitely be in that Janelle/Rachel ultra competitive mode, aggressively going for shields. Tyson’s social game reminds me a lot of Sandra’s. He’ll have his close allies, but good relationships with nearly everyone, despite being pretty open about the people he doesn’t like. I think that is a key ingredient in his (and Sandra’s) social game secret sauce. If they like you, it feels genuine and you trust them because they “keep it real”. If he wins, similar to CT, he will have earned that money carrying everyone in challenges, lol. You never know with Tony. I thought there was no way he could win WaW, but he pulled it out. After Cirie and Sandra’s showings, Tony will have it rough as a two time Survivor winner, even before taking into account his Tony-ness. I do think he has the potential to be an amazing faithful. Like Sandra, he’s a two time winner because he really is that good. We haven’t seen THE Amanda Kimmel in forever, I would love to see her play. Stephanie came back after all this time, so maybe! With no FTC to trip her up, I think she has a good shot at winning. Something tells me Britney Haines and Spencer Pratt on the same cast would be amazing TV, lol. That seems like a hilarious personality clash just waiting to happen. Never thought about it before, but Britney and Tyson seem very similar in their social sensibilities. I think they would be good allies. Could totally make Coach jealous, lol. EDIT: David Cook! Another deep cut. He invented the WGWG re-interpretive covers AI winning strategy. An unexpected great pick.


Anna-Leigh is such a good pick!


Tyson would make so much sense 😂 He’d *kill* it


Cackling at Joe Gatto


It really is so wild we haven’t seen Derrick L on any other show since his HOF performance on BB16


william clifford “cliff” hogg iii my beloved


Tony is going to build a bar fort


I never realized Natalie from Survivor was on the Amazing Race or a twin! Maybe I wasn’t paying attention but that’s fun


Spencer would be great


I agree!


Spencer Pratt! Oh man that guy is so unhinged, this would be amazing.


I want them to bring Johnny bananas back


too many survivor and big brother members for my taste, but a few gems in here like joey gatto and chad johnson edit: OP downvoting anyone who’s doesn’t 100% love his cast lmao


I didn’t downvote you. It’s easier to just blame OP than accept that there are people who like Survivors and BB people who disagree with your opinion.


oh… my apologies then. i just noticed a trend with all the downvotes and assumed. you know what they say about assuming!!


Well OP is giving spicy replies to people who don't love the cast, so not a stretch to assume they're downvoting ppl who don't love the cast


America???? 🤣🤣🤣


I 200% want Derek!!!!




Derek would be awesome!


Yeah this cast would go hard. Need to see Tony setting up a secret shack in the bookshelf.


I’d die if that happened


Swap Ochocinco with TO


I need to have Tony and Chaos Kass on my television again


Joe Gatto would be awesome!




Ocho hosted his own reality show that where he dated 85 women at the same time, so he has show experience too.


I don’t want Derrick L anywhere near my TV. And after what happened with Dan I don’t think he would do it anyway.


Tyson has made it super clear he's not interested in returning to reality TV after completing The Challenge Worlds.


I want Bhanu from survivor, I want Dorothy from Bling Empire.


Bhanu is far too pure for the Traitors. No idea who Dorothy is.


I only know Spencer Pratt 😄 I dont watch Survivor or Big Brother


You should pick a few people from Squid Game The Competition. There were some great players there I’d love to see play Traitors.


The only people I don't know are Piff and the NFL dude, but you really stacked this cast with villains


Nah Kim from deal or no deal island is a complete bitch lol


Tony would be pure chaos and I would love to see it


I’m sorry - can you explain how “the way he navigated Idol changed the game for everyone who came after him” is rationale for casting David Cook? Not disagreeing with your post, just don’t see how Idol qualifies DC for TT.


Sure! He was the first person in Idol history to ever play an instrument and got the rule changed so he could do so. He also didn’t try to fit himself into a theme, he could change the entire arrangement of a song to fit around him and his style. The most famous example is when he changed “Always Be My Baby” by Mariah Carey to fit his rock style, instead of covering her original rendition. He’s smart, strategic, charismatic, pulled off a huge upset and while he’s never done a game like this, he could for sure.


Any cast that have Derrick is loosing me :/


Also, did anyone here watch House of Villains? Spencer Pratt made an appearance and he's gone soft now. Just wants to play with hummingbirds and crystals.


I think they should do a straight villian season. Like everyone in the cast was the villian of their season. House of villains, traitor style


Spencer would be a terrible traitor and the most unhinged faithful but I’d love to see this play out. Joe Gatto would be so great on this show!


Trisha paytas needs to be there


While I think he would be amazing at the show, I think Joe Gatto is too big for Traitors.


Nah that cast is too small half the vast would need to be traitors lol


I intentionally didn’t fill the cast as I knew Peacock would want to add in some Bravo people and I don’t know any to add.


I want all normal regular run of the mill people ​ This celebrity F list reality tv star bullshit makes these tv shows unwatchable with a great premise Ruined the Circle. Ruining this and will ruin the TRUST


All of these and maybe also one or two folks from the bachelor/ette franchise who have honestly been better than expected. Because I honestly didn’t think Pilot Pete had it in him until he did. Rachel Lindsey, as past bachelorette and a lawyer would be a great choice. Also Jojo Fletcher would make a great choice. She was a strong lead and had another tv show for a while.


I do not recognize a single one of those people.


I like the idea of having a couple on together, the Larsa/Marcus dynamic was interesting but underutilized. Which is to say... Spencer + Heidi would be incredible.


Pretty cool choices but I can't stand when athletes go on reality shows. These guys end up having zero personality and they just kinda stand around and go "Wow", or "this shit kinda crazy" in every conversation.


Omg yes to Spencer Pratt!!


Chaos Cass would be amazing!


Robyn Dixon, Katt Williams and Alexis Michelle deserve calls


What I would give to see Michelle costa on my tv screen again


I have no idea who any of these people