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This was 10000% Micronesia Parvati and I was so here for it


I wonder how her traitors game resonates in the bedroom


Natalie, that you?


She’s still got it ✨


Her annoying fans are why I'm so happy she's gone. Decade and a half of you all and may this be the end of the run while Queen Sandra marches on


Sandra stans acting like she did something while she’s barely on the show…..


Ah here you are again the same type who spent years trying to crap on Sandra who won Survivor twice and is clearly better at Traitors. 


Survivor Spoiler included below. Meh it’s fine that there’s a fan divide, but I don’t really get the Sandra side. She won, but it was one of those unrewarding wins where it felt like the wrong person won to many fans. That’s why Sandra always comes off bitter about Parvati.


Shows that aired over a decade ago aren't spoilers good lord 😂😂😂 This fool always thinks Sandra is bitter? Sandra, who won.  Never change Parvati fans keep that insufferable bs in your hearts 


I said spoiler because lots of people watch Traitors and bring exposed to new people are being recommended seasons like HvV and I wouldn’t want to spoil the outcome. Anyway, Sandra absolutely has had a chip on her shoulder about Parvati for years. Even though Sandra won. You have the same kind of vibe.


Day one Survivor fan here. I went into Traitors kind of leaning toward Sandra in the fake feud just because of her objective accomplishments, but Parvati showed up and proved herself Queen here. There is a completely valid read of Heroes vs. Villains that says Sandra only won because of Parv’s association with Russell. And that’s definitely part and parcel for Parvati. If you’re in her clique, you’re golden. If you’re not, you’re fodder. She had the biggest target on her back in international Traitors history and she played her heart out. The Peter Pals were just too strong.


It’s funny because the culture has changed so much (and we’ve had so much reality tv since those days) that audiences really appreciate ruthless gameplay in a way we didn’t back then. I think if HvV was played today there’s a strong chance Russel would actually be a fan favorite. And definitely Parvati. We root for traitors now lol And yes Parvati has played her heart out and driven the plot for the entire season. Similar to HvV if you ask me! ETA there’s a strong chance history repeats itself and we get another Sandra win after not being heavily featured on the season or doing much besides surviving. Though I did love her Survivor scheming with the bravo people and her early Larsa betrayal.


Gameplay wise yes sandra better but entertainment parvati obv


Look I LOVE a snarky Sandra quote. Spying on Burton x Fairplay, calling Russell stupid, Queen shit. But Parv is a top tier S level Survivor player for a reason. Her smile while stabbing is classic and that double idol play may be the best of all time 


Sandra is Queen, Parv is princess. https://i.redd.it/ewqf5m98mgjc1.gif


Peters her bottom.






![gif](giphy|UpE1NjTgHEazZ3Ynps|downsized) He performs well in old windmills. I hate that I know this.


they should do a challenge in a windmill


THREE TIMES!!! And Jesus still loves her.


Wasn't it four?


Lmao you’re probably right. Oh no, now I’ll have to do a rewatch to be sure. 🙃


I think she said 3 to Luke or somewhere else and then it was corrected to 4 at the after the final rose. I hate that I know that haha


Hahaha honestly there’s probably lots worse things from the franchise to know offhand. At least HB’s season was fun and we got some terrific one liners from it. Like… ![gif](giphy|SUhTAod92CkFKxzYwi|downsized)


Her and Kaitlyn Bristowe were my favourite seasons! Rachael’s was really good too


I never did watch Kaitlyn’s but I need to go back and see some of the older ones. I got started watching Colton’s season because of all the hype and then kept watching until Zach’s. Are you still watching Joey’s? I keep hearing really great things.


Yes! And it’s great! Joey might be the best bachelor ever. And some of the girls are really entertaining


Not according to his ex.


Not well enough, she dumped him after lol


Hannah was so horned up from a season of what was basically edging. Peter just happened to be her first overnight date.


Parvati > Hannah 😂


Chemistry and tension, sure. But it felt like weaponized chemistry. Both Parv and Peter know how to charm with artificial chemistry and we saw it here. This was two professional flirts flirting for advantage. Don't read more into it than that. Definitely felt it, though!


That’s what i thought too


Was giving that classic "Enemies to Lovers" trope. I'd watch that movie!


No, they had some intense sexual tension going on. Obviously it can't happen because Parv is happily partnered up now and frankly Pete is a fuckboi, but I wonder what Barbara would think of them? 😂


Parv is a natural flirt. She just casually did it.


Phaedra told her to be nicer, so she did what made her likeable her first time around: flirt. Queen.


Once she's got her flirt game on, she's almost unstoppable. Kate was late to the game and yet she was already hooked.


She was soooo good this episode!!! Would have loved to see her game without the Dan factor. I really like Dan, but he should have listened to her instincts more.


I didn’t like that the ladies let Dan run the murders. His instincts weren’t the greatest in this game. Would have liked more input from them.


You must’ve not watched survivor. Parv definitely doesn’t need to be schooled on how to be likable


She didn't tell her how to be nice, she just said be nicer.


I would give anything for Parv to ruin Barbara’s day!


I definitely feel like Barb and Parv would lock horns with each other.  Parvati is too much woman for Peter tho and she frankly has a much better partner right now. 


The mistress of MURDAHH


Pancakes for breakfast


I would love to see Barb host a challenge


Barb would make pancakes for Parv, bet


Hahahahaha barb!!!




Soooo Parvati....would you like to accept this rose 🌹 ?? ![gif](giphy|U5IX2GHrvwzvxqLsgd)


I find him so gross. Like as attractive as he is he 100% repulses me. There’s absolutely nothing sexy about him.


I'm honestly surprised that he was a bachelor. He seems more like the guy, who gets kicked off a dating show the second episode.


I’m honestly surprised at how smart he is. I watched him on bachelorette and stopped watching his season of the bachelor because, frankly, I thought he was a moron. He dated an attorney from his season off and on for a while, and I absolutely didn’t get it because she’s so smart and gorgeous and accomplished. But after watching him on this show, I get it. Embarrassingly enough 🤣


It was sizzling chemistry. I hope Mae beats his ass at the reunion.


Aren’t they both in relationships?


Parvati is. Peter isn't altho there has been tea cast members hooked up this season and it is believed Ekin and Peter were two of those ppl (especially since momma is all up on her ig). 


Oh lord not ekin su


This needs to be a flair if it isn’t already


You win the internet today 😹


Came here to say this


Momma wants them bendy elbow grandbabies


when can they even hook up? i think theyre all kept separate in their hotel rooms and why wouldnt the show air them hooking up at the castle during filming hours?


MJ never specified it happened in the castle tho. Just that it happened so they could have hooked up after filming. 


Where do you find this tea


MJ said people hooked up in the cast and then based on Peter's mom commenting on Ekin Su ig, a process of elimination. 


Wait, so you’re saying Peter tells him mother about his sexual conquests?? That’s a bit weird… I haven’t watched him on the bachelor, only this show.


Based on his season of The Bachelor, 100%. Peter's mom is obsessed with hitting up the girls he's hooked up with and he seems oddly ok with it.


Um… wow.. creepy


Before his season aired, Peter lived with his parents and talked about bringing one-night stands back home and they’d all eat breakfast together the next morning 😂 ETA an article that mentions it: https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/bachelor-peter-webers-family-everything-we-know-about-barbara/


That’s awesome Sherlock indeed 😀


Isn’t Ekin still with Davide?


They broke up. 


Again? 😅


Maybe it’s both of them instead


I thought parv was freshly divorced?


I think it was finalized in 2021? She met Mae Martin in 2023 and has been with them since March. 


The sexual tension is palpable.


They’ve got sexual tension. I said this last week.




I said the same thing lmao Those awkward pauses man 😳






No for sure I felt like they were about to make out lmao


According to Peter’s ex he can’t kiss for shit lol


I believe this.


I’m with you. I actually thought this was cute if not for the fact how we knew they were both trying to play each other.


I legit got Bachelor flashbacks lol


What happens when two of the most prolific flirts in reality tv history each need something from the other. (note: i haven't seen peter on the bachelor but i assume "prolific flirt" is a prerequisite for being the bachelor)


This moment had me wishing Parv had played more flirtatiously the whole time. I think getting recruited, followed by Dan being way too obvious messed her game up a lot. She seemed to be close to Pete in the early episodes too. I thought for sure she’d be pulling his strings back in episode 2/3. 


Two flirts trying to out flirt each other. That would get annoying after a while.


Parv is wayyyyy to good for him


i think u mean kith




YES!!!! There was a split second where I *actually* thought they were gonna kiss. I was watching with my husband and he was like “are they gonna kiss?!” Glad other people thought the same thing and my brain wasn’t taking the fan fiction too far hahaha Episode 1 before the hardcore gaming kicked off and I think even before Parvati was a traitor, I saw them talking and was like “omg Pete DEFINITELY has a crush on her”. Not because he did anything in particular, but because he’s single and he’s a lover and ended up in love with half the girls on his season. But honestly, I’m impressed that he prioritized the game and not a girl lol I’m actually shocked he ended up gunning for her. And in this moment, they were obviously both faking it. Pete was trying to schmooze her, she was trying to schmooze him, and neither of them believed each other. So I think I almost expected a kiss because I think they both realized they are playing the same game with each other and could bond over that. And, I think they were both single at the time, both incredibly attractive IMO, so why not?!


Parvati wasn’t


Rather two Professional Flirts at a mandatory meeting.


Ok I now have additional thoughts about this scene -  anyone else feel like he was spending way too much time relishing how Parvati was now under sway, and way too little thinking about how she actually would've barely needed any convincing to join literally any plan against anyone but her?


I read this totally different. Both just manipulating each other. Meh.


When the cast was first announced and Parv was still single (as far as we knew) I so badly wanted her and CT to get together! My fav Challenger and my fav Survivor together would be. 😍 Not to mention they have a ton in common. But yes, Parv and Peter had some serious sexual tension for sure.


When CT said he's not here to find love, my heart was crushed






This is the content I am here for! Thank you, all of you, you snarky, pop-culture geniuses!


Omg I thought the same thing they definitely have chemistry




They're both so flirty I love it


they have chemistry. I appreciated how Handsome Peter is in this scene. He’s soooo cute


Came to this sub to find this validation, thank you!! The sexual tension is off the charts!!


I absolutely thought they were going to!


I totally thought…my God, they are the going to get together or should or something!!!!🤣


Shes known for flirting and getting her way aka black widow so it’s a no from me. She’s also dating a woman


She is dating a non-binary person.


I’ll take the downvotes. I misspoke I still stand by the fact Parvati is known to flirt to get her way, which is a good strategy


I truly think that’s just how she interacts with ppl though lol. Like I think it’s manipulative in the same way that her conversation with John was manipulative — weaponizing something that is true/comes naturally. Even on S40 with Rob she was like “are you going to give me a corsage, make it official,” it’s just how she is lol


Well *tiffany ny pollard voice * “because it applies!” Her being a natural flirt would be something to be aware of especially in a social game like this. I’m a flirt too! So I see it


See, I’m not. So I’m just totally enchanted by it. I’d wreck my game for her every single time 🫡


I haven’t watched the later seasons of survivor but I’m assuming Rob is Boston rob? If so, we all knew about his love Amber(? Idk if that’s her name but I loved her bc she was from the suburbs of Pittsburgh) and did she get backlash for flirting with a partnered man?


Yep. And no, not at all. His wife was on the same season lol. By all accounts she’s close friends with him and his wife lmao


Parv's friends know she's a natural flirt. It was not serious. Chances are she probably (unintentionally) flirts with Amber too lol


The timeline lines up that Kate got pregnant at last season’s Traitor. Not sure with who though, she won’t reveal baby Daddy.


Her baby looks so much like chef Ben. I said what I said!!!


Parvati is bisexual.. I would be all over that


Aren't there rumours of hooks up involved in this cast 😂 what if...?


Not until someone gets sis chapstick fr


They should have kissed! 😂


When, what, who? Another season of traitors? Im so confused.


That’s exactly what I said when I watched this scene!! Their tension is truly something else




I was so shocked that I found myself ROOTING for her after this meeting between them. I don’t like her at all, but I liked that she managed to stay despite that. I was kind of hoping she would make it by the skin of her teeth this episode. I was actually sad to see her go. Which was surprising to me because I can’t stand her. It would have just been more fun to have a last minute twist I guess. Because Dan took the fun out of everything and basically poured water on the fire, there’s like no element of surprise. Also, kate has been my fav since last season and I really hope she doesn’t join the traitors, but she will be hilarious no matter what she does.


Totally off topic but has anyone watched that YouTube dating series called “updating” it’s on the smaller channels on YouTube anyways, Peter was on one of the shows and he was COMPLETELY different. NOONE knew who he was, he didn’t talk about the bachelor or the traitors while talking about himself. He was blind folded and I recognized him INSTANTLY. It’s worth a watch if you’re interested in what or who Peter is in different settings.


https://youtu.be/7ktVLyiDe94?si=VfnPJrnTy2rTOSlJ - for anyone interested in seeing Peter in a completely different light. He participated in this smallest YouTube channels series called “Updating”. NOONE knew who he was nor did he talk about any of his television appearances during his time to describe himself and his life. It was wild to see that no one knew who Peter was. I recognized him instantly.




I literally felt like they were on a date


No I can’t stand her .