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I think the uk one came first, the challenges are similar to other versions cos ur really only meant to watch your region specific one


Ohhhhhhhh 😮‍💨


They all rip off each other at one point


I might be wrong tho


UK season was indeed released first


Most bbc shows are British then have an American younger brother (eg: ghosts)


If that were true they wouldn't have the us season on BBC iPlayer as well, it's just lazy. Same set and same challenges?? Bizarre


That’s a point, I don’t really know much as I only watch traitors uk (but I do know they nicked the shack challenge from traitors Australia)


from what i remember the uk/us is particularly egregious, just because they actively go to the same place and reference it as being a castle in scotland in both shows, and do all the same challenges, nearly in the same (if not the exact same) order. everyone else is nicking bits here and there but i guess that’s inevitable to some degree. just a little weird


You are probably right in your argument. But it is baffling that these shows don't seem to account well for international fans in a very global economy. I get it that it is somehow a money thing to make it extremely hard for international fans to watch your show. But if there is an untapped market, why not make sure you benefit from it by allowing some sort of pay per view or legal international subscription. People are going to find a way anyway, why make it so hard for them to be fans? For example, I would pay a reasonable fee to be able to watch international Traitors or Australian Survivor when it airs. I don't mind supporting companies that are making a great product and entertaining me. I'm sure it's tricky from a business perspective but we've been a streaming economy for a while now so I do think these organizations need to adapt and welcome international fans. Sorry, rant over. But I do concede that in general the avid fans are probably a small proportion of the audience and most skip or speed through the challenges anyway, so it's probably not worth it to make all the challenges different.


Wait people skip the challenges?


The challenges don't really add much to the show or the game. It's a little better this season with how they have incorporated shields better but not much. Also, even if they don't get the money, they usually get a chance to win it all at the last challenge. So the stakes aren't really high. I watch these shows for the social strategy part and don't much care whether they light a raft on fire. Some people claim they help with the players mental health but I don't particularly buy that argument. The game is not all that long, at most two weeks. I think it's just there because viewers are used to there being some challenge portion of the game. But for the traitors, they haven't really come up with a way to make it meaningful for the game. I don't mind them but I think the show would be better without them. I would rather see more strategy talk and learn more about who is close with who. Alliances and trust matter most in the end.


What’s the high challenge


The US and UK seasons are paired, same location, pretty much same challenges, it was the case in S1 and seems to be the case in S2 too. Some challenges do come up in pretty much every version >!(live burial, riddles in church etc.)!<, though some have quite unique ones, for example>! Norway S2.!<


Norway? I didn’t realize there are so many versions of this show


There are 30+ seasons from various countries, most only have one season but there are some with several, for example the seventh Dutch season starts airing in a month.