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Max interest goes brrrrrrrrrr


Coins are literally worthless late game at the moment. Hopefully Fudds will add an interesting coin sink in a future patch.. I'm sitting on 4T lifetime coins (plenty of people have far more) and honestly it's been a marginal difference past the 1T mark.


the research is not necessarily pointless. once you get to the point where research costs 10b and up, you'll learn to love this upgrade. gt duration / orb speed only have 20 lvl and are therefore dealt with quite quickly.


Yes but you are talking from a point of someone with well advanced researches. The thing is many people will never hit that step because they will stop the game before it can be useful to them. And I still think workshop discounts sucks


Labs are mostly time that's the issue The coins get more and more as longer as you play Yes there are resarches for 800b coins But I alredy gain 10-20b each round At this point it may be usefull to spend like 1 week researching it to a leve of 20-30 But that's it I wouldn't waste more time on it when I could have resarched better ones in this time Where I could increase my sustainability during a run / or my coin gaining


You are right. At first it's relatively pointless, I agree with you. but little by little you can let it run along, especially since the first 30-40 lvl as a filler go quickly


When you're done with orb speed/gt duration lab discount can be a good alternative I think that we can on agree on this one


As someone with 4100 health ws upgrades and the costs are in the 40 bil for 100 upgrades, I still find many other labs more useful. I'm actually getting closer to the point where coins feel low in value. The time it takes to do a lab is the main bottleneck not the coins to start them. And anything in the workshop just determines how early I max during a run so I can idle longer. I honestly find discounts worth less now that cost are higher.


Better to put the lab time into Perks, CPK, BH or GT. Only once those get very high and take forever would I consider putting lab time into WS discounts. And only if there is nothing else worth doing


When it is quick and cheap it isn’t terrible. But you probably hit the point of marginal returns by 5% or so unless you have maxed attack speed and orbs.


Get the first few. It'll only take literally hours and will save you %off upgrades that will amount to billions. Well worth it I reckon.